Tag Archives: elmoisfurry

UPDATE 8-9-00

davepoobond: ok, everybody! put on your cottage cheese dresses and whip cream hats! we’re goin to the super market!

donkmaster: i feel like a million fire ants are biting at my skin! is that a bad sign?

Elmoisfurry: doodee kaka fart splat poop!!

Stuff Put up/updated today:

Stupid IMs: gashek IM

Jokes: Suprise Package

Stories: The “Poyfect” Storm

UPDATE 8-7-00

davepoobond:  hhhhhaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Elmoisfurry:  i’m a donkey!  moo moo moo.  i make donkey potty heads, that come out of my nose…POOPIES!!!!!

Stuff Put up/updated today:

Songs: Blue Balls, by violentj-osh, sung to the song Blue, by Eiffel 65, and FART!, by davepoobond, sung to a song in the club in Ace Ventura

Jokes: Fool’s Paradise

Poems: Deliver! , by G-Man and Green Peanuts and Ham, by davepoobond

Other JunkSquackle Quotes

Stupid IMsAyanna IM, foofoo IM, and cats IM

UPDATE 7-14-00

dAvE bOnD: yay! we have our first affiliate! Almasy.Org. The link will always be in the Links section too check it out sometime…and remember to keep coming back to Squackle! hmm…in case your wondering why none of the others are really saying anything is because:

elmoisfurry: he’s in scotland (whoopee)

nose: he’s on a road trip, probably around the whole United States

donkmaster: he never says anything anyway

stimpyismyname: he’s here, but he never tells me anything…but he did say something, but i accidently deleted it…sorry, stimp..

fajita bum: he never says anything, and he’s also in New York

UPDATE June 19, 2000

dAvE bOnD:  heh…there is now about 50 new words on the dictionary.  new pictures in the pictures section submitted from a site dissing squackle that we made…and…some more games in the arcade…a story…2 songs…jokes…and a whole bunch of other stuff..

elmoisfurry:  hi

UPDATE March 28, 2000

dAvE bOnD: There hasnt been an update for a while…there’s a lot going up in the Other Junk section today……..oh well…also, can you please tell your friends about squackle and tell them to tell their friends about it? we arent very popular right now and would like to be more popular….i mean, we made you laugh…a little bit at least, right?

stimpyismyname: the skit is almost finished….i think

elmoisfurry: send me the names of cds that you think are good

nose: take the quiz! please!

UPDATE January 25, 2000

elmoisfurry:  i put up some games on the squackle sports arena.  they are really cool games.  you should try them out

stimpyismyname:  i got this story from my brother… he had to do this for a report . he did it in seventh grade!!!! :: tee hee! sniker, sniker ::  its in the stories section.  Also, some others.

UPDATE January 24, 2000

elmoisfurry: im making a list of all the best cd’s so if u want, u can email me at elmoisfurry@hotmail.com and give me a cd u think is great and worthy to be on squackles greatest hits. if i put a cd up that u gave me, ill give u credit for it by putting ur email or some weird name u want us to call u. also there are 2 new words in the dictionary.


Stimpyismyname: my new favorite word is donkelizer

UPDATE January 19, 2000

dAvE bOnD:  I finally made the reformed dictionary!  Click on the dictionary link in the table to get to it.

elmoisfurry:  there is a poll now, vote on it.  it tastes yummy, sometimes it smells like rhino poo, really, i’m not kidding, it smells exactly like rhino poo, and i should know.  I own a rhino, boy does he poop a lot.  That’s why i call him PoopMonkey.

UPDATE January 14, 2000

dAvE bOnD:  i put some new pics up in the pics section…

elmoisfurry:  we startin a band for da site and also for ourselves so when we get a wav file thingy u can hear us only on this site. wouldnt that just be great. im also goin to mess up a picture of pikachu, that stupid yellow pokemon thingy, and totally screw it up, and put it on the site.

UPDATE December 16, 1999

dAvE bOnD:  I put up some more links on stimpyismyname’s links, and i added to the boy bands article i wrote for the screwed up chronicles.  There isnt really anything else going on….

elmoisfurry:  im gonna be putting up some pics for tha screwed up chroncles and for another thing in about a week or two. im almost finished with them. all i have to say is……………………POO PIES

Squackle Guestbook #20416

elmoisfurry 06/Dec/1999:04:06:38
i love to squeak. squeaking is good for the body and mind. or is that
some herbal crap thingy. oh well. im just signing the book cause im
bored outta my frigging mind. ok. so. bye.you can go now. read someone
elses message. come on. i gotta go do somethin out of nothin. LEAVE.
fine ill leave first. but u have to promise not to squeak in my
presence. unless you are holding a squirrel-butt sandwhich, of course.

UPDATE November 7, 1999

dAvE bOnD: i fixed the About Us up a little bit, put Elmoisfurry’s story up. Its pretty funny. Also, i put up elmoisfurry’s Poopin’ In Stall Four song. That’s the only song we have right now. I put the duck background on the other pages that needed a background. There are more links in the Links section.