Tag Archives: Screwed Up Chronicles

UPDATE 03-24-06

Pick of March 24, 2005

davepoobond:  so, like, its been a while since I last updated…and um…this just so happens to be the first update of the new year, incidentally.  So Happy New Year, Happy Valentine’s Day, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, Happy Lent, Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Happy My Birthday, Happy Birthday to Everyone Who Had a Birthday Between Last Update and This Update, and all those other crappy holidays people celebrate.  But eff those holidays aliens celebrate.

March 19, 2005

Dictionary – 4900 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Stupid IMsLumpy IM 6, Holmes IM 21, Evil Hell Cow IM 17, MyLeftTesticle IM 5, Phoenix IM 6, Phoenix IM 7, Coldxs666 IM, Evil Hell Cow IM 18, Fire IM 4, Fire IM 5, I love poisons IM, SexyLakerGurly IM, davepoobond IM 50, SN Chopsui IM, DrumsPlayMike IM

JokesGood Bad Worse Jokes

The Screwed Up GamesRevolution Controller Theory

UPDATE 1-16-05

Pick of January 16, 2005

davepoobond: well, finally a new year….and if you’re expecting any resolutions from me, you can just blow it out your rear. Why should I change according to popular opinion saying you need to change something you do at the beginning of the year and end up not having done anything about it in the end anyway? I turned 19 on the 5th of January. Hooray for me…19 is the worst age, you don’t get any more rights than you were when you were 18…same as 20, except 20 is one year away from being 21.

Soup Nazi: Poo water.

Nose: i’m afraid you lost me with the r

January 16, 2005

Dictionary – 4300 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

The Screwed Up Peopledavepoobond: What Should I Write About?, davepoobond: 3 Things That Make Me Feel Proud, Special, or Unique

Stupid IMsLilAngelGurl IM 9, Holmes IM 10, Evil Hell Cow IM 3, wangerspanker IM 6, Holmes IM 11, Evil IM, davepoobond IM 33, davepoobond IM 34, The Peaman That Is Not a Man IM 3, The Peaman That Is Not a Man IM 4, Holmes IM 12

The Screwed Up TVI Hate Degrassi, by Return of the Dragon with an addition by davepoobond

UPDATE 12-14-04

Pick of December 14, 2004

davepoobond: you know a movie is bad when the info for the movie criticizes it.  This is TV Guide’s description for League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Seven literary characters search for a coherent plot in this extremely ordinary adventure based on the comic book series.  There are so many wrong things with this description.  For one thing, seven literary characters looking for a coherent plot would be something that, I would make, and this isn’t the actual movie’s plot for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, at all.  BOO TV Guide.

I’m going to change the way I do updates on Squackle now.  Since it takes forever to make big updates, I’m going to just put stuff up in small spurts.  It’ll go by the particular day I update, and I’ll make a new update quote thing every month…let’s just see how it goes.

Soup Nazi: Is everyone still watching? Can I stop, yet? WHEN WILL YOU FUCKIN’ LOVE ME?!

December 14, 2004

Dictionary – 4200 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

The Screwed Up CountryUSA: American History – an elaborate exposure to the truth, by Soup Nazi

Stupid IMstexansfan IM, Blind Bubba IM 23, wangerspanker IM 4, wangerspanker IM 5, Blind Bubba IM 24, Automatic Man IM 6

Squackle Broadcasting Company (SBC)Movie: The Gaytrix: Regayed

UPDATE 9-10-04

Pick of September 10, 2004

davepoobond: HLLO EVRONE HO R U TDY?@?! Anyhow, here’s some stuff that you might find enjoyable for the next long while…We finally have 4000 words in our dictionary now.  YAY.

Also, a special shout out to all those myspace, xanga, and livejournal users who seem to like to link to the midis in our midis section to be played on their journals.  Your daily use of our bandwidth makes me happy (Translation: If I ever find out who you are in real life, I’ll cut your throat).  Enjoy the midis anyway! (Translation: Die.)

f roy132 loves you though…as well as everyone.  In case you don’t know who she is, she’s the Mistress of the Bulletin Board, and has more posts than even I do.

Speaking of the bulletin board, it and all its parts (like downloads) will be up as soon as possible.

Elias: No, seriously, I didn’t kill a cheap, cyphalis-infected hooker, and bury her below five trashbags filled with German Shepherd shit in a dark, muggy alley. Seriously, dude, I didn’t do it.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 4000 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

About Us – NEW SQUACKLE MEMBER, HOORAY.  His name is Elias.

Stupid IMsLilAngelGurl IM 8, Marie 8973 IM, Blind Bubba IM 22, AngelBabi IM, FoozBlondeSista IM, cajungirl18386 IM, beachbaby84283 IM, bethb IM, bethb IM 2

Squackle Broadcasting Company (SBC)Movie: Hot Wax Vol. 2, PSA: I Don’t Want It

The Screwed Up World Is Hell Exothermic or Endothermic?

The Screwed Up InternetCreative Spam? You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me…

SongsOde to Me

THE NEW CHAT ROOM – Chat with us hereeeeee and tell others to come tooooo

UPDATE 6-23-04

Pick of June 23, 2004

davepoobond: Well, its been a month since I updated…hmm…I graduated from High School on the 17th of June, hooray for me…

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3900 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Stupid IMsHolmes IM 7, Evil Hell Cow IM 2, TJ the Almighty IM, Holmes IM 8, Holmes IM 9, wangerspanker IM 3, Katerina Asigiri IM, BB Organization  IMs

Questionable Content / QC ComicsBlam Guy Vs. The Terminator, Sewer Boy At His Finest, If My Dog Were President

Questionable Content / MoviesLittle Jonny, Stoopid Komiks 1, Stoopid Komiks 2

The Screwed Up World 10-10-Dead, Trash Cans – The Portal to Another World, The Melon Gripe, The PS3 Theory

UPDATE 4-14-04

Pick of April 14, 2004

davepoobond: Ok, 2 things. If anyone is willing to help me out and build a php-mysql system for Squackle for free, contact me.

and the 2nd thing is: I found out I got nominated for Prom Court today. You may think now that I’m one of those guys that are elected to all the things that there is a popularity contest for, but I’m actually the opposite. So this is actually sort of funny. I can probably have a chance at becoming Prom King, too.

I’ll do a sub-update to tell you guys if I actually got into Prom Court, and then later if I was King or not. If you care.

stimpyismyname: I don’t know much about computers other than.. other than the one we got at my house my mom put a couple games on there and I play em.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3800 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Stupid IMsSerori IM, MalibuMooN IM, Holic1299 and StageDive3k IMs, Stupid IMs Parody IM, MyLeftTesticle IM 2, davepoobond IM 32, Tetsuya IM, Fire IM 3, Lumpy IM 3

The Screwed Up CountryRose gardens

The Screwed Up Games – Blood of War 3: Operation Snow (PC) (Rating: 1/10), Stranded In Space (PC) (Rating: 8/10)

Questionable Content / QC ComicsEvolution of the Stickman, Surprise Balloon, Construction Worker, The Bormanator, Squackle! Comics: Espanol para Beginners

PicturesSaddam Suzy, Lime Cat, The Japanese are Amazing, Money Finger, Money Shot, Beware of Monkies, OMG Cheese, Scared Freak, Pirate Ship

StoriesApplications In Space – a suspenseful story. OooOh.

Other JunkFun Stuff to Do

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 148, Bad Submission 149, Bad Submission 150

UPDATE 3-12-04

Pick of March 12, 2004

davepoobond: Woweee…its been a month since I last updated. Time flies when you’re slacking off, I guess. Sorry for such a late update.

Ok…so, if you’re actually interested, I’ve been making my own songs with a song making program…thing…and I’ll put them up eventually, one day.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3700 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Stupid IMsBlind Bubba IM 20, Raini Majora IM, Blind Bubba IM 21, Tnnisdude IM

The Screwed Up Games – War Against U.S. Terror (PC) (Rating: 9/10), Sauen’s Christmas Game (PC) (Rating: 2/10), Gunman Chronicles (PC) (Rating: 5/10)

PicturesCrack Junkie, BizMan, Kick Aliens In the Face, California Storm, Dorothy Joe, Great Pumpkin, Gulf Wars Episode II, Jack and Scooby

Questionable Content / QC ComicsSpace Demon, fft, Blam Man

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 145, Bad Submission 146, Bad Submission 147

Other JunkFind Your Armenian Name, Find Your Retard Name, Find Your Star Wars Name, Find Your Porn-Star Name

UPDATE 2-03-04

Pick of February 3, 2004

davepoobond: hooray, I only updated once last month.  Aren’t you proud of me?  It was a busy month, with finals and all.  I’ll try and update again next week.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3550 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

The Screwed Up GamesSticktra 2 (PC) (Rating: 4/10), Battle Bees (PC) (Rating: 8/10)

The Screwed Up MoviesAmerican History X in 30 Seconds, Dawn of the Dead (Rating: 0/10)

Stupid IMsSeXiELeXi2FiNe4u IM, Soup Nazi IM 7, LilAngelGurl IM 7, Squall IM

The Fan Mail ArchiveFan Mail 11, Fan Mail 12

The Hate Mail ArchiveHate Mail 5, Hate Mail 6, Hate Mail 7, Hate Mail 8

SongsAnti-Barney the Dinosaur Songs

Squackle QuotesMisc. Quotes, Movies, The Internet

UPDATE 1-20-04

Pick of January 20, 2004

davepoobond: whoopee. An update.  I missed American Idol today so that I could do this update.  I hope you’re happy.  They better rerun today’s episode soon.  I turned 18 on the 5th, I’m sorry I didn’t have a special little “birthday” update kind of thing.

stimpyismyname: I like to live in my own self-denial that Squackle is the greatest web site in the world.  (he didn’t actually say that, he wanted to say this: “i dont know… fuck everyone”)

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3500 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Screwed Up ChroniclesThe Screwed Up Internet, The Screwed Up Computers

Squackle QuotesMrs. Stickums, Radio, TV, Mr. P-yooson, Misc. Quotes, Movies, davepoobond, Around School, stimpyismyname

Stupid IMsJeRzIe GaL12 IM, elmoisfurry IM 35, davepoobond IM 31, Blind Bubba IM 17, Blind Bubba IM 18

The Screwed Up Country – Australia: Beware of the Dingos (picture added)

The Screwed Up GamesZelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) (Rating: 10/10), Battlefield 1942 (PC) (Rating: 10/10), 5 Finger Fillet (PC) (Rating: 2/10), Sticktra (PC) (Rating: 2/10), Max Payne (PC) (Rating: 10/10)

UPDATE 11-08-03

Pick of November 8, 2003

davepoobond: I don’t have any snappy comments today.  If you care, I’m working on the next 4 Gaytrix movie parodies, so there’s something to look forward to, when I put them up which will probably 2 years from now since that’s just how things go.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3200 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

SongsPortaloo, sung to “Waterloo” by ABBA

The Screwed Up PeopleThe stereotypical female Volvo driver

The Screwed Up World File Sharing and the RIAA Theory

Stupid IMsAnonymous IM, Anonymous IM 2, urgirl3582 IM, davepoobond IM 26, davepoobond IM 27, davepoobond IM 28

Squackle GuidesHow to Preread a Textbook Chapter, How to Make a DVD, How to Get Orvillized, How To Make a Squackle Gang (New elements added!  HOORRAYYY)

Squackle Sports ArenaChicken Soup Bowling Rules, Extreme Baseball Rules, Annoy the Teacher Rules

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 121, Bad Submission 122, Bad Submission 123

UPDATE 10-03-03

Pick of October 3, 2003

davepoobond: Squackle.com – the only place that actually supports Gallagher (the “comedian” that smashes watermelons) for California governer.

stimpyismyname: hooray for squackle. join the squackle army

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 2850 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

The Screwed Up TVChalk Zone: For the Stoner Kid, Real World? More Like Real CRAP

The Screwed Up CountryUSA: Bush spends 87 billion dollars, saying its necessary, USA: The Columbia – NASA’s ticket to Re-recognization, USA: The Power In Schools, USA: Why Teachers Are Paid So Little, USA: The Drug “Education” Theory

The Screwed Up MusicAlbum: Rock On 1992

Stupid IMsStupid Andy IM, Stupid Andy IM 2, megangirl1221 IM

StoriesSniper Problems… (a picture added…hooray)

Squackle! Advertisement GallerySquackle! Advertisement 6, Squackle! Banner 3, Squackle! Advertisement 7

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 106, Bad Submission 107, Bad Submission 108, Bad Submission 109, Bad Submission 110, Bad Submission 111