Tag Archives: davepoobond

WoW Chat #22364: Edwarto -> davepoobond

In trade chat I say:

davepoobond: WTS [Tremendous Tankard O’ Terror] pst offer

davepoobond: WTS [Flintrock Shoulders] – xmog gear 100g

And in whispers I get….

Edwarto: il buy it

Edwarto: il buy it

davepoobond: which one

Edwarto: the thing your selling

davepoobond: [Flintrock Shoulders]?

Edwarto: the thing u had on trade chat

davepoobond: [Tremendous Tankard O’ Terror]?

Edwarto: u know the one u had on trade chat u were advertising

davepoobond: yeah i put two items

davepoobond: those two

Edwarto: ya il take the one

davepoobond: you sure? the one that you want might not be the one that you want

davepoobond: it might be even two things in one

Edwarto: how much for it

davepoobond: depending on what the one thing is

davepoobond: well, depends on what one thing you want

davepoobond: do you want the thing that is one thing or the one thing that is two things

davepoobond: do you want the shoulders or the mace

Squacklecast Episode 4 – “DJ Honey, Drop It!”

This entry is part 4 of 38 in the series The Squacklecast


Now onto what we actually talk about.

This week we talk about The Lucky One, starring Zac Efron, and how dumb the premise sounds without actually watching the movie!

Zac Efron’s bra trick apparently makes him a super hero.

Dear John is a little more sensible than The Lucky One, wouldn’t you say?

Don’t you get it?  I FORGOT what THE VOW was which was ABOUT AMNESIA?!??!

Rachel McAdams is apparently in movies.

Channing Tatum wasn’t the standout figure in the first GI Joe.

GI Joe Retaliation can’t be worse than the first one… right?


Rachel Nichols is so beautiful…

She was in P2

With Wes Bentley

Jonathan Pryce as “U.S. President” in GI Joe 2?  NOT BELIEVABLE

Zac Efron and Channing Tatum in a gay romance movie?  It’s gonna happen.  DAT BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN MARKET.

Charlie St. Cloud is a movie about Zac Efron getting dating tips from his dead younger brother’s ghost.  And something about sailing?

Pretty In Pink, I like that shit.

Theres about 100 more GI Joe characters to kill off before they reboot the franchise.

Everything you need to know about the ThunderCats.

I hate musicals.  And just because its a gay-themed one doesn’t mean I’m going to be guilted into liking it!

And this BearCity movie looks pretty gross.  Lots of hair.  I get enough of that in the mirror.

The Sound of Music is gay in the happy way.

“Video Team” is an amazing name for a company.

Edward Penishands???

Thanks for listening this week.  Maybe next week we’ll talk about more porn.

Squacklecast Episode 3 – “Live at Roscoe’s!!!”

This entry is part 3 of 38 in the series The Squacklecast

Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles is the host of the Squacklecast this week!  Well, not really, but we did just eat there before we recorded the podcast.  We would have went to MoLAA (Museum of Los Angeles Assholes) but we had a podcast to record!

I hate Instagr.am — it does NUTH HING.  Our shitty phones have all the shitty effects Instagram applies to your shitty pictures already.

I want to see Houseguest re-released in theaters.

Sinbad was in Good Burger…

and First Kid.

Brock Pierce?  He’s gotta be a porn actor now…

The shitty trailer for LOL:

Are We There Canceled Yet?

James Spader was in a couple of space movies, like Supernova, Stargate, and Speaking of Sex.

The Ice Pirates is one of my favorite movies of all time.

The Strange Saga of Hiroshi the Freeloading Sex Machine is a “pink erotica” film from Japan full of medium-core sex, cucumbers shoved in asses, public nudity, lesbian sex in a graveyard, and people jerking it on top of fire escape ladders.

Saving Silverman > Jersey Girl

American Reunion – another tragedy loosely based off the actual actor’s lives?

Bad Taste is one of Peter Jackson’s movies that he made before Lord of the Rings.

Boiler Room is Ben Affleck’s best movie, because he wasn’t the main character.

It was much better than Daredevil, obviously.


See you guys next week.

Squacklecast Episode 2 – “We Planned This Out”

This entry is part 2 of 38 in the series The Squacklecast

Hello again, faithful Squacklers!  This week we talk about more random movies with the second episode of the Squacklecast — “We Planned This Out.”  Davepoobond and Solid Billy take on the pressing questions of our times, like “Why does Jean Claude Van Damme play the same character in Kickboxer and Bloodsport?” and realizing that Sean Bean is actually a lazy actor because he dies in practically all his movies so he doesn’t have to act anymore!

The Schticky Commercial:

Vince Offer was arrested for an altercation with a prostitute.

And here’s his mugshot!

Vince Offer should just get a lavalier mic.  But he insists on using his stupid headset.

The Shamwow Spanish commercial:

The SlapChop!

The Better Marriage Blanket

American Reunion is coming out.

American Pie: The Naked Mile was pretty dumb.

Shannon Elizabeth could carry a movie by herself as a stereotypical foreigner.

End of Days is probably better than Collateral Damage.

John Leguizamo’s List of Victims

There was a lot of innuendo in Home Alone 2.

Training Day is a lot more like Home Alone 2 than you might care to realize…

Home Alone 3 was also a travesty.

There were only two black guys in Glory, a movie about a black-american regiment in the Civil War.

Dr. Who should reunite all the James Bonds in a “reunion” movie.

Little Man should be re-released in 3D.

Song of the South should be released in 3D, too.  But its in the Disney Vault’s Secret Chamber, never to be seen again.

Bloodsport vs. Kickboxer – more like red haired guy vs. black guy with a machine gun!

Sean Bean dies in all the movies he’s in:

Someone getting hurt or killed during a robbery should be a given, shouldn’t it?

Ca$h is the movie where Sean Bean dies twice.

Thanks for tuning in!  Next time we’ll be live at Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles.

Squacklecast Episode 1 – “Episode 468”

This entry is part 1 of 38 in the series The Squacklecast

Hello everyone!  This is the first episode of the Squacklecast, named “Episode 468,” with your hosts davepoobond and Solid Billy.  If you aren’t aware, you can click the “play” button above to start the podcast.  You can also play it in a popup window or even download it.

This post is meant to supplement the Squacklecast so that you can easily refer to all the things that we are talking about.

Katy Perry – Part of Me music video

Taxi Driver is a movie with Robert De Niro and Cybill Shepherd.

That Justin Bieber magazine cover I was talking about:

He looks like a girl.
He looks like a girl.

Lesbians That Look Like Justin Bieber on Tumblr.com

Sarah Jessica Parker Looks Like a Horse.com

This movie that I hate called The Blind Side.

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Sandra Bullock is good in Crash because she’s good at being a racist.

But her best movie is really Demolition Man.

The necessarily annoying foil to Keanu Reeves in Speed.

That He-man recut of that LMFAO song.

Bridesmaids was bad.

Ninja Vixens on Google Image Search

Surf Nazis Must Die

And here’s a Youtube trailer.

Netflix doesn’t have Hard to Kill

But they have Ernest Goes to Camp.

Ernest Goes to Camp is 4.99 at Best Buy but you have to get 2 other movies too…

Solid Billy is still waiting for Steel, the blacksmith empowerment film, on Netflix!  Get on it, Reed Hastings!

Fresyes?  More like Fresno, since they rolled it out everywhere recently – Doritos Tacos Locos at Taco Bell.

A tribute to 3D chips.

Samuel L. Jackson dies in Deep Blue Sea.  Or was it the Abyss?  I don’t even fuckin know what movie I’m watching.

The Abyss is about aliens in the water.

I swear I saw Avatar.

Avatar is a total rip off of the following movies:

Fantastic Planet

ThumbelinaThe Love Story in Avatar is pretty much this movie.

Fern Gully: The Last RainforestI swear this is pretty much the trailer for Avatar.


I might have talked to her once on the phone…

So hawt.
Davepoobond talked to her on the phone once, maybe.

How to Make a Better Podcast

Until next time, folks!

Quote #22191

::davepoobond is sitting at a desk at work, using the computer::

::Armando picks up the phone::

Armando:  Dave, Megutron wants to talk to you.

davepoobond: To me?  About what?

Armando: I’ll transfer her to that phone.

::davepoobond picks up the phone::

::Megutron explains that the camera she is using is not recording audio.  davepoobond tells her he doesn’t know what it could be, since he never used the school’s cameras, and suggests it could be the heads not recording sound::

::Later… about 1.5 hours later::

::davepoobond goes out to where Megutron is filing and tells her to go to the menu settings and eventually he fixes the audio problem in like 2 minutes.  It wasn’t set to Audio In::

Megutron:  Agggh!  Fuck!  Oh my God!

– at davepoobond’s job, 6/26/07