eapa – n. a creepy person who stands really close to you while you are at a soda fountain trying to fill your drink. They are waiting for you to fill your drink so they can fill their drink.
Tag Archives: soda
Fat Guy Coca-Cola
lavistima – v. to act like you’re amazing cause you just bought a soda
Mary Had a Little Lamb Song #21780
Mary had a little lamb.
I want a soda.
The 7up Song
It’s 7up,
yea it’s the up thing.
It’s 7up,
does it everytime.
It’s 7up,
yea it’s the up thing
cuz it’s cool
and it’s wonderful
and it’s lemon and lime
The Coca Cola Classic Song
The sun will always shine,
the birds’ll always sing.
As long as there is this there’s always the real thing.
Coca Cola Classic…
always the one.
When ever there is this
there’s always the real thing.
Dodododo always Coca Cola
Am I Confident?
Are you confident? Answer the next 5 questions, and tally up your results at the end to see your fate.





If you scored 12-15, fuck you. No one likes a liar.
A score between 8-11 means you’re probably normal, but who are you really fooling?
If you score between 5-7, you’re low on the confidence scale. Don’t worry, it’ll only get worse from here on out. I could tell you all this sanctimonious bullshit about how it could get better, but really, you’re probably depressed and the only thing that will make you better are drugs. And lots of them.
If you scored less than 5, you’re probably already doing drugs.
Joke #18718
A man asked his wife what she’d like for her birthday.
“I’d love to be six again,” she replied.
On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and off they went to a local theme park. What a day!
He put her on every ride in the park: the Death Slide, the Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear — everything there was!
Five hours later she staggered out of the theme park, her head reeling and her stomach upside down. Right to a McDonald’s they went, where her husband ordered her a Big Mac along with extra fries and a chocolate shake.
Then it was off to a movie – and hotdogs, popcorn, soda pop, and candy. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed.
He leaned over and lovingly asked, “Well, dear, what was it like being six again?”
She half opened one eye. “You idiot, I meant my dress size.”
Joke #17810
Q: Which drink do fast food customers cheer for the most?
A: Root beer!
Quote #16464
“The person who lives in the green house drinks cola”
– from somewhere around davepoobond’s high school
Quote #16345
“I had a lot of sodas and a fatty, fatty cake…”
– from somewhere around davepoobond’s high school
Quote #14772
“Hello honey. Can you pick up a box of cereal and 2 liter bottle of pepsi on the way home? Thanks..”
– from the Internet
Quote #13937
“Those aluminum soda cans are no match for me!”
– G-Man
You Have Bad Luck If…
How can you tell if you’re one of life’s losers? …You don’t have any luck at all if:
– When you put a coin in the soda machine, you get your soda before the cup drops into place.
– You find a ten-dollar bill and get arrested when you try to spend it because it’s counterfeit.
– You get your big break and make the football team only to trip over the bench and break your leg.
– You start to go bald at the same time you reach puberty.
– The guarantee on your used car expires two hours before the car’s engine does.
Joke #11520
Q: Why couldn’t they sell soda pop at the doubleheader?
A: The home team lost the opener.