Category Archives: Site Updates

Updates from the past and future.

Sub-update, 1-18-02

davepoobond: we’ve put up Button Man Games – the Button Man game site. And it has all the games that were made by the Button Man Gaming team that stimpyismyname wanted to be put up.  So go there and download the games.  Its sort of incomplete right now.  I’m also putting up “ratings” for downloads, just because i can.  See it in action!

UPDATE, week of 1-13-02

davepoobond: yay, we moved to another server, again…no popup ads or big frame at the bottom anymore, i’m sure you’re happy about that.

elmoisfurry: And surely ye’ll be your pint stowp!

And surely I’ll be mine!

And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.

stuff updated/put up:

Stupid IMscoolgirll IM, SeniorFriend IM, davepoobond IM 7, davepoobond IM 8, davepoobond IM 2, Lilwill IM, THEvPROPHET IM, DoLLBaby IM, Phoenix IM, blowthetoad IM, Lumpy IM 2, Escalade IM, chocotaco IM, AngelKisses IM, Blind Bubba IM, Blind Bubba IM 2, GreenLantern IM

UPDATE, week of 1-6-02

davepoobond: Yay. I’m 16 years old.

elmoisfurry: hold on a sec and ill get ya a good one

stimpyismyname: three cheers for squackle because it sucks. hahahaha.

stuff updated/put up:

The Screwed Up CountryUSA: Death and Dying in the American Civil War, USA: Thoughts on George W. Bush, USA: What a Pissy Girl

Squackle Sports ArenaCatapault…Stupid Style! Rules

Squackle Quoteselmoisfurry, davepoobond, stimpyismyname, The Internet, TV, Around School, Mrs. Stickums, Radio

Dictionary – 940 words in the dictionary, 5 new words

UPDATE, week of 12-30-01

davepoobond: I was jammin’ to Rockapella’s Folgers song all New Years

DL: Girls are so god damn complicated

SoyBeans: hi

stuff updated/put up:

JokesCat On a Hot Tin Roof, Squirrle Joke, We Don’t Serve Snails…, Groundhog Day, Steven Wright Stand Up, Holy Collections

DictionaryHuman Resource Dictionary, oh yeah there’s 929 words in the dictionary too

UPDATE, week of 12-23-01

davepoobond: Merry Christmas. Yay. Do something on the Bulletin Board, please

elmoisfurry: dave be dumb! haw haw!! he wus a bad boy and he got spanked by he’s momma and she sayd “dave u bad! no comp fo u!” and grandma bacon sayd “yea! and no bacon!!! oh yea, and mah pahnties be’s on fiyah!!!!!!!!!!!

stuff updated/put up:

PicturesYumzers, Hammock Sisters, bow201, Happiness Angel, Frosty’s Car, Ink Baby!

AnimationsBar O’ Butterflies n’ Hearts, Gift: Fruit Cake, Gift: Stockings, Gift: Sweater

Squackle ArcadeLucky Gopfer

Squackle! Advertisement GallerySquackle! Advertisement 3

UPDATE, week of 12-16-01

davepoobond: grr…I’m not going to be able to update that much anymore, due to personal problems with school, so I just decided that I’ll put up stuff that people send in mostly. So email stuff to me at Go ahead and give me suggestions about what to do with the site too…

stuff updated/put up:

SongsPopeye Songs, Mary Had a Little Lamb Songs

UPDATE, week of 12-02-01

davepoobond: check out the site search engine below the poll…its new. yeahh buddy

BALTAUR SAMA: the lead singer of T.M. Revolution looks like a gay leopard

stuff updated/put up:

Other JunkSquackle! Site Search

SBCCommercial: Fat Remover, Commercial: Jimiscokfick Mycomnisory Arm Pit Hair Straightner, Short Film: A Tale of Two Sukas, Little Puppy Rosy, the Substance Abuse Puppy and Pals Episode 1 – LSD, Jeoparty Episode 1, Scluckle Episode 2, Short Film: What To Do About Mrs. Larkin: Operation Dump the Chump, Squackle Dating Tape #1, Movie: High Ho Diggity

UPDATE, week of 11-25-01

DL: Eat Mor Chikin

SoyBeans: i wouldnt know what to say…..:-P

davepoobond: check out the site search engine below the poll…its new.

stuff updated/put up:

Squackle Quotesdavepoobond,The Internet, Movies

Other JunkThings to Ponder, Interesting Facts

JokesFast Food, A Priest’s Dinner, Not So Lucky, The Third Baby, Car Problems, Slacker, Blonde Jokes

Squackle QuizQuestions 31 – 45

UPDATE, weeks of 11-11-01 and 11-18-01

davepoobond: i made a newsletter thing, so that you can subscribe to it, and it’ll serve as a thing to inform you about Squackle and what’s happening. To subscribe, email or use the box below that says “enter email address”

stuff updated/put up:

Other JunkSquackle’s Free Million Dollars, Tell Me Something About Yourself…, Stinky One

Squackle QuotesThe Internet

PoemsWhat’s The Deal, A City Boy

Stupid IMsWynken IM, Lumpy IM, BALTAUR SAMA IM 3, PowerDJ IM

DownloadsPower Point Presentations, Games and Fun Thingys

UPDATE, week of 10-28-01

davepoobond: Happy Halloween. Please visit the sponsors at the top of the page pleasseee, so we can get rid of the stupid frame at the bottom of the page and the pop ups. PLEEAASSE

blowthetoad: I wan’t chicken, I wan’t liver, meow mix, meow mix, please deliver!

stuff updated/put up:

The Screwed Up WorldWhy They Leave Pistachios In The Shells, The Mystery of Shakespere, Obesity, What Happens When Grandmas Die

The Screwed Up PeopleAdman’s Hangover, How I Feel, Adman’s Killer Instinct, Dustbusting My Keyboard, davepoobond’s Trip to Alcatraz

UPDATE, week of 10-21-01

davepoobond: Click on the sponsors at the top of the page pleasseee, so we can get rid of the stupid frame at the bottom of the page and the pop ups

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: i do not have a weiner. and i am proud.

DL: Dont mess with the cows man

SoyBeans: I’m dumb

stuff updated/put up:

StoriesOicok, Scary Baby Retard, The Crowded Quad…, Children’s Story

Other JunkFunny Bumper Stickers, Bad Pick Up Lines, 15 Things You Don’t Want To Hear in Surgery, Funny Names, Books Never Written, Kirby Dance 2, Find Your Armenian Name

Squackle Quotesdavepoobond, Misc. Quotes, The Internet, TV, Movies, Radio, Around School

UPDATE, week of 10-14-01

davepoobond: Click on the sponsors at the top of the page pleasseee, so we can get rid of the stupid frame at the bottom of the page and the pop ups

stimpyismyname: make the stupid guys like adman and that other guy stop updating


stuff updated/put up:

PoemsPuff The Magic Dragon, Just-for-poop, Ponderous Poop…, Hi Dacky!, My Life, FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE!, Learn More

SongsLaughing Out Loud

JokesQuicky Jokes, Knock Knock Jokes

Video GamesFF7: W-Item Cheat

Stupid IMsBlackOneHunter IM 2

The Screwed Up Peopleblowthetoad: A Note From Tim

UPDATE, week of 10-7-01

davepoobond: Click on the sponsors at the top of the page pleasseee, so we can get rid of the stupid frame at the bottom of the page and the pop ups

elmoisfurry: Kako, The Colombian Drug Lord has moved back to Colombia to regain his drug-lordmanship and has not been heard from for about a year by any of the Squackle members. He is now not a Squackle member anymore.


Adman: i found a whole pack of those sticky velcro pads, weeeeeeeeee!

stuff updated/put up:

PoemsMy Uncle The Turd Chaser

JokesBlonde Jokes

About Us – no more Kako, the Colombian Drug Lord


Other JunkFind Your Porn-Star Name, What’s Your Star Wars Name?, Find Your Retard Name

DownloadsOther Thingys