dAvE bOnD: yay! i’m back from my vacation, and i’m putting a bunch of words in the dictionary…theres also a new song by Phyber…
Tag Archives: Squackle Songs
UPDATE June 20, 2000
dAvE bOnD: ok…yesterday i didnt do half of what i said…i actually did do more than 50 words in the dictionary, 3 poems, 1 song. thats it. today i put 2 words in the dictionary, a story a screwed up town article in “screwed up chronicles” and some more games in the arcade place. Me and stimpyismyname are making a Trading Card Game called “Questionable Content Cards” QC Cards for short. QC cards can help put a stop to Pokemon Cards. QC Cards will save the world from those devils.
UPDATE June 19, 2000
dAvE bOnD: heh…there is now about 50 new words on the dictionary. new pictures in the pictures section submitted from a site dissing squackle that we made…and…some more games in the arcade…a story…2 songs…jokes…and a whole bunch of other stuff..
elmoisfurry: hi
UPDATE June 9, 2000
dAvE bOnD: fart………
donkmaster: i finally gave something to put up on the site! its a song called “Pretty Sun.” There are also new quotes from squackle on Squackle Quotes, a bunch of new words in the dictionary, and 2 new stories and also a link to a Sanity Test in the Links section.
UPDATE January 29, 2000
dAvE bOnD: I put up 2 songs by Ice Monkey. Super Bowl is tomarrow…um…yeah. Vote on the poll. Sign the guestbook. Click on the sponsors. Tell elmoisfurry what your favorite CDs are so that we can make Squackle’z Greatest Hits. Ok, that’s all right now…
UPDATE January 20, 2000
dAvE bOnD: i put up a song, telletubbie turd changed his name to Fajita Bum…and took down the Point of not returning page
stimpyismyname: squirrel monkeys are cool. you should buy a squirrel monkey and a moose. i’m going to put up some of my favorite emulatur page links, as soon as SOMEONE E-MAILS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UPDATE January 3, 2000
dAvE bOnD: hey, its the year 2000….yay….ok…well, if you didnt know what the last update was talking about, Enter Peaman is up in the Songs….thingy…yeah…i took the old counter off too….it was stupid looking anyway….
UPDATE December 27, 1999
elmoisfurry: i make enter peaman. it smell good. it has big blue monkeys wearing yellow underwear on the background….soon
Nose: I’m going to put up a song soon. SNORK SNARF
UPDATE December 23, 1999
dAvE bOnD: I put up the censored version of DBC, and i also put up a warning before you get into the original DBC. I put up America’s Least Wanted a while ago and didnt say it in the update, so….i did. Its at DBC. Go look at it if you like. I also put up some song that is dissing britney spears that has been going around in emails. So, i put it up. If the person that made the song doesn’t want it up, here’s my reply: TOUGH!
UPDATE December 18, 1999
dAvE bOnD: I put up DBC. If your lucky visitor number 400, email me, and i’ll give you something cool.
elmoisfurry: I’m still making the song “Enter Peaman” going to the song by Metallica “Enter Sandman.” I’m still taking pictures
UPDATE December 5, 1999
dAvE bOnD: I put up my song, The Yogurt Song. Its stupid, and doesn’t go to any song at all. It may be made again by me or someone else, but most likely longer and to a real song. Oh well. I put up what i have of Stussy4220’s story. I still dont know the title. And i uploaded a picture of the main character. Take a look at it if you want.
UPDATE November 7, 1999
dAvE bOnD: i fixed the About Us up a little bit, put Elmoisfurry’s story up. Its pretty funny. Also, i put up elmoisfurry’s Poopin’ In Stall Four song. That’s the only song we have right now. I put the duck background on the other pages that needed a background. There are more links in the Links section.
UPDATE November 6, 1999
dAvE bOnD: Well, this isn’t much of an update. I put up a link to Squacktastic! Story Productions. There isn’t anything there yet. There will be though. Also, I put up a Site History thing, after every month I’ll take out all the last month’s updates and put them in there. If you want to see them, you can go there. I put up a Song Index page. There is a song that’s going to go up, hopefully pretty soon.