Tag Archives: Other Junk

UPDATE 2-2-01


davepoobond: sorry for the late update…i’m just not getting much inspiration to update squackle anymore…but sometimes i do, and this is the type of stuff i actually get on. By the way, i took down our “chat” thingy, since no one is actually using it, and seperated the Chat Room Stuff from the IMs, and made it into its own directory, so check out the new home page for Chat Room Stuff.

Elmoisfurry: boogly boogly boo!!!!!!!!!!

stuff updated/put up:

Squackle’s Chat Room Stuff

Squackle Quotes: Misc. quotes, Ms. E quotes, Ms. Signs quotes, Mrs. Stickums

The Screwed Up World: Global Population, What is culture?, Reflection on the 1st Quarter of Regional Studies, Globalearn.com, Stuff at the Zoo I Was Scared of, The George Carlin Theory

Stupid IMs: “Are You Potty Trained?” IMs, SuperKim IM

Other Junk: Holmes’ Sayings for a Converstion

UPDATE 12-16-00

davepoobond: hello…sorry for the late update…i took down the quiz, i’m having some problems…

stuff updated/put up:

Win Our Award!

Squackle Songs: The Appliance Song, just lyrics to a “potential” song

Other JunkSquackle Quotes, Mrs. DYKE Conversation: Puppies

Squackle Poems: poo poo, They Mold,  Table Chairs

The Screwed Up Town: Ms. E The Math Teacher Is Boring

The Screwed Up Country: Notes on China

The Screwed Up World: Literacy Rates, What Teachers Think About Those “Stupid Clicky Eraser Thingys!”, It Would Be Really Strange If Cameras Flew

Squackle Stories: Municipal Poopoo – a story about a piece of poop that is a detective in a sespool

UPDATE 12-03-00

davepoobond:  well, we have some stuff, but i would really like it if anyone sent anything in.  you don’t even have to make it, and i’ll give you credit for it.  its not that hard!

stuff updated/put up:


Squackle Poems:  The Plastic Gore Head Said, My Chin is on the Wall

Squackle Songs:   Popeye Songs – submitted by davepoobond, but we don’t know who originally made them up.

Other Junk:  Squackle Quotes, Not Really Called Anything…

Squackle Stories:  The Manicle – a story about a super hero

The Screwed Up Country:  Version 1 of the President of Brazil’s Inaugural Speech – by davepoobond and elmoisfurry

UPDATE 11-19-00

davepoobond:  well, sorry for the late update, but there is almost nothing at all to put up!  please send us stuff, here: davebond_cashmm@hotmail.com

stuff updated/put up:

Squackle Metaphors

Other Junk:  Squackle Quotes

Squackle Pictures

check out the Dictionary:  42 more words added!  440 words now in the dictionary!

UPDATE 11-10-00

Stimpyismyname:  i have a 3 day weekend!  yayyy!  big update!  whoo whoo!

davepoobond: we’re trying to look for new sponsors to put up on the site, if you have any in mind and feel like telling us, please email it to davebond_cashmm@hotmail.com

stuff updated/put up:

Squackle Metaphors

Other Junk:  Squackle Quotes, Funny Sentences, Kurt Kobain’s Magic Talking 8-Ball, Kirby Dance!, Questions

Holiday Stuff:  Cheap Halloween Costumes, Squackle Holidays You Can Celebrate

Squackle Stories:  Little Red Riding Tax Collector – by Holmes

Squackle Poems:  AUHH!!, BLAH BLAH POOOOOOOOOOPIES!!!!!!!!!!!, hello

Squackle Jokes:  Blonde Jokes – submitted by ChibiChan33, Brothel Parrot, The Final Exam, Retiring Rabbi

Stupid IMs:  Rhydin CheapNSave

Squackle Pictures

UPDATE 11-04-00

davepoobond:  moo…….sorry for the late update, my mouse ball was taken away and i couldnt get on for a week…

Stimpyismyname:  look!  i’m an elephant man!

stuff updated/put up:

SBC (potty mouth version):  Tyson and Friends 2nd Episode

SBC (censored version):  Tyson and Friends 2nd Episode

Other Junk:  Squackle Quotes

UPDATE 10-21-00

davepoobond:   wow!  almost 350 words in the dictionary!  keep using these words, and they may actually get into a REAL dictionary!

stuff updated/put up:

Squackle Links

Stupid IMs:  Eating Out Mya IM, babykisses IM

Other Junk:  Squackle Quotes

Squackle Stories:  (Mini Story) Court Room Files – a short little skit type thingy

UPDATE 10-5-00

davepoobond:  moo….there is no longer going to be downloads of the week, just a section for downloads, which will be added to everytime we find a thing to put as a download

Stimpyismyname:  QC cards are in production!!

Elmoisfurry:  Ich Bin Eine Esel!

stuff updated/put up:

Squackle Pictures

Squackle Links

Stupid IMs:  kittycat IM, Tips Of Deepness IM, L00K AT MY JUGGz IM, Santa IM, Squall IM, spoom!, Rhydin Private School

The Screwed Up World:  The Ship-Bottle Theory, Microwave Popcorn Theory, Lean Pockets vs Hot Pockets

Other Junk:  The Missing Dollar!

UPDATE 9-01-00

davepoobond:   wow, i just noticed Squackle is almost a year old….heh..well, here’s a big update…

stuff put up/UPDATED today:

Squackle Sports Arena:  High School Chair Twist Thingy

Squackle Stories:  Billy Gets a Job

Other Junk:  You Know Your Sick When…

Squackle’z Dictionary:  E, B

Stupid IMs:  redef IM, zav IM, damien IM, Awesomeguy IM, davepoobond IM, Breakdancin Jesus, Who wants to get raped?, my pic

UPDATE 8-7-00

davepoobond:  hhhhhaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Elmoisfurry:  i’m a donkey!  moo moo moo.  i make donkey potty heads, that come out of my nose…POOPIES!!!!!

Stuff Put up/updated today:

Songs: Blue Balls, by violentj-osh, sung to the song Blue, by Eiffel 65, and FART!, by davepoobond, sung to a song in the club in Ace Ventura

Jokes: Fool’s Paradise

Poems: Deliver! , by G-Man and Green Peanuts and Ham, by davepoobond

Other JunkSquackle Quotes

Stupid IMsAyanna IM, foofoo IM, and cats IM

UPDATE April 6, 2000

dAvE bOnD:  there’s a new thingy in video games…ah….some new sentences on the funny sentences in Other Junk…some new story stuff, and a poem made by this person named Redrothenson, he’ll be giving us a lot of stuff…a new thing that stimpyismyname made in screwed up chronicles about that stupid Free DSL thingy…well, i guess that’s it…

stimpyismyname:  Kauna melanzana an eltuna bofo