Tag Archives: davepoobond

UPDATE 11-16-03

Pick of November 16, 2003

davepoobond: sorry for the late update. Between college applications, a research essay, and a parent who gets more pissed off at you every single second you’re on the computer, its sort of hard putting things together for an update. When Thanksgiving rolls around, I’ll have more time to update hopefully.

On a side note, one of my favorite web sites, MP3.com, was bought out by CNet. Hopefully the new CNet music service will keep the same services that MP3.com has. If they don’t, this will severely damage the supply of free music. Dec. 2 is the last day that MP3.com will be up, basically.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3250 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Squackle ArcadeCrappy Blackjack

SongsLet There Be Crocks, parody of “Let There Be Rock” by AC/DC

The Screwed Up Games – Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA) (Rating: 6/10)

Questionable Content / QC CharactersFantomaster

StoriesGodzilla on a Rampage in Fredburg, Wisconsin – basically a sequel to the first Godzilla on a Rampage

Stupid IMsAKASummers2 IM, Automatic Man IM 5, The Peaman That Is Not a Man IM 2, Blind Bubba IM 14

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 124, Bad Submission 125, Bad Submission 126

UPDATE 10-31-03

Pick of October 31, 2003

davepoobond: YESSSS ITS HALLOWWEEEENNN…and I STILL trick or treat.  yummy candy that’s free…probably not this Halloween though, because its freaking RAINING!  GARRRRRR!!!

Yesterday, I was driving on a freeway back from KFC, with a large (the really big one) box of Popcorn Chicken (mmh mmh do I love Popcorn Chicken) when all of a sudden something brown flew through the air and then smashed into my windwhield and made two huge holes in it.  Glass flew everywhere, and I don’t know what the hell it was or whether someone threw it or if it got thrown up by another car’s tires.  If it was someone throwing it, I want to kill them, because now I have to replace the windshield of the Turbo Diesel Ground Force (the name of my car).

Moral of the story is, if you throw shit out of your car when you’re on the freeway, make sure it weighs less than a pound.  Cause when someone is going 70 mph on the freeway, it’ll do some damage if they hit it.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3150 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Squackle Broadcasting Company (SBC)Short Film: Trash Can Betty, Short Film: Cranky oll men (that rob little babies!), Short Film: Conan – The Epic

The Screwed Up Games – Snack Invasion (PC) (Rating: 2/10)

Stupid IMsBlind Bubba IM 12, Blind Bubba IM 13, elmoisfurry IM 34

SongsMoo Moo Moo Moo, parody of “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” by the Crash Test Dummies

Squackle GuidesHow to make Dalek juice, How to make Dalek stew

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 118, Bad Submission 119, Bad Submission 120

UPDATE 10-25-03

Pick of October 25, 2003

davepoobond: Okay…I finally updated…you should notice that a lot of Squackle is running a bit faster at least, and takes less time to load as you go through the site, because of the thing I did last week (the reason there wasn’t much updated).  I’m still not done doing the same thing to some sections of the site.

stimpyismyname: hooray for boogers

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3100 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Stupid IMsPhoenix IM 2, davepoobond IM 20, Draxus IM 2, davepoobond IM 21, Automatic Man IM 4, davepoobond IM 22, davepoobond IM 23, davepoobond IM 24, davepoobond IM 25, YoursTruly IM 2, fartsinajar IM 4, T Bomb IM, Fajita Bum IM 5, MESS IM, ForeverURZ IM

PicturesDacky’s Birthday, KLUG, I hate bees!, D&D, Sponge Bob

Squackle Broadcasting Company (SBC)Documentary: Why Ale?, PSA: Animal Rights, PSA: What Goes Around Comes Around

SongsI’m Too Yobbo, parody of “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred, He Likes To Wank It, parody of “I Like To Move It Move It” by Technotronic

UPDATE 10-18-03

Pick of October 18, 2003

davepoobond: WWOOOOHOOO its Squackle’s BIRTHDAY PARTAAAAAAYYYY. It is now a healthy 4 years old. ISN’T THAT SPECTACCULLLLARRRRRRRRR. We’ll be having the party on your computer whenever the next time you have your friends over to celebrate today. So put your rave music on and take some X, cause we’re going for another 2000 years baby!


stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3050 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

davepoobond: There isn’t anything else updated because I have to go through the site to change a little thing. So I’ll put some more stuff up either later today or (probably) tomorrow.

Never mind…I don’t have enough time to update this weekend.

UPDATE 10-12-03

Pick of October 12, 2003

davepoobond: post on the bulletin board.  There’s finally 3000 words in the dictionary (hooray)

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 3000 words, 150 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Stupid IMsdavepoobond IM 19, fartsinajar IM 3, elmoisfurry IM 33, Automatic Man IM 3, Berrybud IM 9, justthe2ofus1994 IM

Chat Room Stuffcat brian

StoriesThe Outrageous Shark – a story about a shark…made in 1998, in 6th grade, The Case of the Missing Coat of Arms – a stupid mystery solved in 3 paragraphs.  Made in 1997, in 6th grade, Time Warp – Ed from “Good Burger” goes through time or something…made in 6th grade.

Pictures – I’m your numma one fan, I live next door, Rawr

Squackle Broadcasting Company (SBC)Movie: Special Discount

The Screwed Up CountryUSA: The California Recall

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 112, Bad Submission 113, Bad Submission 114, Bad Submission 115, Bad Submission 116, Bad Submission 117

UPDATE 10-03-03

Pick of October 3, 2003

davepoobond: Squackle.com – the only place that actually supports Gallagher (the “comedian” that smashes watermelons) for California governer.

stimpyismyname: hooray for squackle. join the squackle army

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 2850 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

The Screwed Up TVChalk Zone: For the Stoner Kid, Real World? More Like Real CRAP

The Screwed Up CountryUSA: Bush spends 87 billion dollars, saying its necessary, USA: The Columbia – NASA’s ticket to Re-recognization, USA: The Power In Schools, USA: Why Teachers Are Paid So Little, USA: The Drug “Education” Theory

The Screwed Up MusicAlbum: Rock On 1992

Stupid IMsStupid Andy IM, Stupid Andy IM 2, megangirl1221 IM

StoriesSniper Problems… (a picture added…hooray)

Squackle! Advertisement GallerySquackle! Advertisement 6, Squackle! Banner 3, Squackle! Advertisement 7

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 106, Bad Submission 107, Bad Submission 108, Bad Submission 109, Bad Submission 110, Bad Submission 111

UPDATE 9-24-03

Pick of September 24, 2003

davepoobond: Tell your friends about Squackle! We’re back up. Hooray…the Bulletin Board seems to be at 100% now.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 2750 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

The Screwed Up Games – Cliff Gunner (PC) (Rating: 7/10), Collapse Deluxe (PC) (Rating: 2/10), Dark Caves 2 (PC) (Rating: 8/10), The Duck Hunter (PC) (Rating: 1/10), Gloom (PC) (Rating: 8/10), Johnny (PC) (Rating: 1/10), Link’s Haunted House (PC) (Rating: 1/10), Mark (PC) (Rating: 1/10), Radial Pong (PC) (Rating: 7/10), Space Attacks (PC) (Rating: 2/10), Space Attacks II (PC) (Rating: 3/10), Super Carrot (PC) (Rating: 8/10)

The Screwed Up WorldAOL SUCKS

Squackle Broadcasting Company (SBC)PSA: Keep Your City Clean, Movie: Pie-der Man, PSA: Recycle Now or Die, Movie: Gullah Gullah LA, Commercial: Chuck E. Cheese Law Firm, Commercial: The We Like the 6th Amendment and So Should You Federation of Non-Republican Peoples: Without the 6th Amendment, Commercial: Nutri-Grain Rehab, Commerical: Meriman Butlers, Commercial: Salt Water Slushy Co., Commercial: Bathroom Sniff, Commercial: Umbrella Armory, Commercial: Forever Flower, Commercial: Hot-Aid, Commercial: Whore Paint Supplies, Commercial: Cheerleader Outlet, Commercial: Gary’s Tux n’ Shit

Stupid IMsminimouse IM, YeslekW10 IM, cdub IM

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 100, Bad Submission 101, Bad Submission 102, Bad Submission 103, Bad Submission 104, Bad Submission 105

UPDATE 9-18-03

Pick of May 27, 2003

davepoobond: we were down for a while.  Sorry for that, we were moving to a new server, so tell all your friends that we’re back up!  The main problem was because of Name Bargain, those stupid fucks.  It took them 4 god damn months to get their shit straight, and transfer the URL to the new server. And i was wrong about the Squackle! Shop thing…yeah…but some good came out of it, i guess.  It made me make a separate page for the squackle shop so you can see all the things that you can waste your money on.  And if you care or remember, i was running for that position in the school ASB, i lost…it was rigged i bet.  Everyone said they voted for me, too.

The bulletin board is 90% functional.

Please tell your friends about Squackle!

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 2700 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Questionable Content / Moviesnvfd, What NOT To Do, Fun Facts and Stuff, Mind Fuck, Thunderkiss ’65 Music Video, The Journey Home, Yorkshire

Stupid IMselmoisfurry IM 29, elmoisfurry IM 30, elmoisfurry IM 31, elmoisfurry IM 32, davepoobond IM 18, XeeD The CaT IM, chaterbabe13 IM, Lew IM, cheese skater IM, SnuggleMePink IM, willowslim IM, Rufus_is_Rich IM

Squackle Broadcasting Company (SBC)Commercial: Bad Vacation Agency, Commercial: I-Rental, Commercial: Crusty French Bread, Movie: Fur-Assic Park (NEW SCENES ADDED!!!!!!@)

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 94, Bad Submission 95, Bad Submission 96, Bad Submission 97, Bad Submission 98, Bad Submission 99

The Fan Mail ArchiveFan Mail 9, Fan Mail 10

Other JunkFind Your Armenian Name, Find Your Retard Name, Find Your Star Wars Name, Find Your Porn-Star Name

Screwed Up ChroniclesThe Screwed Up Movies, The Screwed Up Music, The Screwed Up TV

StoriesThe Autobiography of Arby, the Crappy Fast Food Restaurant Owner – a true story…?, The Janitor’s Great Adventure – a pregnant lady changes Burger King’s life, Battle – the battle of the ducks, Smrat anal sex – yeah..

SongsIt’s Raining Beer, sung to the song “It’s Raining Men” by Weather Girls, The Hoapoate Shuffle, sung to the song “The Curly Shuffle,” by Dr. Demento

Chat Room StuffWang rape, Anotha one, Funked up Yahoo chat

Sub-Update, May 29, 2003

davepoobond: I had to close down the Squackle! Shop today, because we hadn’t gotten enough money ($25), so cafepress was going to start charging me 25 bucks a month till I got 25 bucks.  So, instead of paying a ridiculous amount of money, i closed the shop.  Oh well.  I may reopen it one day in the long future if someone will actually buy something. So if you see a link to the Squackle! Shop, its dead.

UPDATE 5-27-03

Pick of May 27, 2003

davepoobond: i was screwed by the system today.  I am going for a spot in the student government, trying to be one of the guys in the assemblies with the microphone, because i thought it’d be funny.  You have to get your posters approved before you put them up, and i did that, but come today (after taking an hour out of my day on a holiday, yesterday, and spending about 30 bucks total on the whole thing, for copies and tape), the bastard guy that is supposed to approve the shit said he didn’t approve it.  What did the poster say, you ask?  “Vote Dave for Assemblies Commissioner…or he’ll EAT you!! …or he’ll hire a homeless man to eat you, and take pictures of it and send it to your parents.”  And it had a drawing of my face that stimpyismyname did. Funny right? they didn’t think so.  I talked to the bastard and he said that it he said it was “inappropriate” when he was looking at it to approve it, which he didn’t and he’s only telling that lie to keep his job.  The only thing he said was “or he’ll EAT you…nice.” he didn’t read the stuff under it.  They even took down the ones that weren’t offensive!  Just because it had my name on it!  ITS COMPLETE BULL CRAP!!!!!!!!  Now i’m not going to win because my posters are all gone.  They sucked all the fun out of it, now its about principle.  At first he probably thought that i took the stamp from another one and put it on there and copied it over and over, but i said to him i know that is illegal, and he would know that i did that, and i told him i knew i’d get in trouble if i did that.  So i stuck it to him with that.  He said that it was a “miscommunication.”  And I hope that he got in trouble with the principal.  And the thing that kills me, is that it didn’t even stay up for a whole day.  Those faggots.  And the sad thing is, is that they’ll believe him over me.

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 2600 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Squackle QuotesMs. Boms, Mr. P-yooson, Mrs. Biology Bitch, Mrs. Price Check, Around School, davepoobond, Books, Mrs. Dolt, Misc. Quotes, Radio, TV, Movies, The Internet, Dr. OldNBald

The Screwed Up PeopleThe stereotypical Australian yobbo, ashlielala: Top 25 things I hate…, John Hopoate: brown fingers

SongsBloke, sung to “Bitch” by Meredith Brooks, Yobbo’s Paradise, sung to “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio, The Sound of a Breaking Fart, sung to “The Sound Of Breaking Up” by Maccrane Paul, Ridin’ Faster, Pushin’ Harder, On Our Scooters, sung to “Faster Harder Scooter” by Scooter, Cragula, sung to “Dragula” by Rob Zombie, Dracula, sung to “Dragula” by Rob Zombie

Stupid IMsOrianDragon IM, Rainy IM, Onesicjuggernaut IM

Questionable Content / Moviescursed sk8 board 2, Goodbye Says the Cop!, What is Flash 5?, Mr. Rogers’ Dance Party, Goten and Trunks Having a Little Fun, Krillin Pleasures Himself

Sub-update 5-18-03

davepoobond: it was brought to my attention that this update sucked.  So I put up some more crap for you to waste your time with. Have fun.

Questionable Content / MoviesClick the Ball, poop, Rick Dees’ Most Gayest Pictures, War Movie, Dandruff, Grenade, Flash Movies by J2K, Beat blowthetoad, Elmo is Evil, Young and Proud Music Video, What…the…fuck

UPDATE 5-16-03

Pick of May 16, 2003

davepoobond: i’m lazy. so sue me.

Nose: tell them I like it fast and sexy

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 2550 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

The Screwed Up Games – Master of the Six Magics PC) (Rating: 7/10), Urisoft Monopoly (PC) (Rating: 5/10), Dark Caves (PC) (Rating: 6/10), The Sexiest Hand II (PC) (Rating: 7/10), Spoon Page (PC) (Rating: 10/10)

Stupid IMsCertified wanabe IM 2, Ghost5050 IM, elmoisfurry IM 28, ZoeOnAOL IM, RvltnSccr IM, Celo IM

SongsAnti-Barney the Dinasour Songs, The Real Saddam Hussein, sung to “The Real Slim Shady” by Eminem

The Screwed Up World Squirrels From Hell

UPDATE 5-06-03

Pick of April 22, 2003

davepoobond: sorry for not updating for so long and then doing this small update. there was testing all last week for the stupid stupid CAT6s and the not-as-stupid-because-its-more-useful-in-your-life-by-the-time-you-die SAT test. I still hate it though.

Nose: let it be

stuff updated/put up:

Dictionary – 2500 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD

The Screwed Up Games – Save The Bug (PC) (Rating: 1/10), LEGO Island (PC) (Rating: 1/10), Speed Cookie 2 (PC) (Rating: 4/10), Red Faction II (PS2) (Rating: 4/10)

Stupid IMsAmbro IM, Popboy IM, Adman IM 3, dinsageofpower IM, Mousehunter IM, Para IM, ddwebdev IM, DAUGHTE IM, IceyBurn IM, EmoKid IM

Squackle Broadcasting Company (SBC)Daves of Our Lives Episode 7

JokesQuicky Jokes, Blonde Jokes, Knock Knock Jokes

SongsPopeye Songs, Jingle Bells Songs, Mary Had a Little Lamb Songs, London Bridge Is Falling Down Songs

Other JunkFind Your Armenian Name, Find Your Retard Name, Find Your Star Wars Name, Find Your Porn-Star Name

UPDATE 4-22-03

Pick of April 22, 2003

davepoobond: wow…its the first time I didn’t update the dictionary for a longgg time….I don’t know if that’s a good thing…

stimpyismyname: re-re

stuff updated/put up:

Questionable Content / MoviesDancing blowthetoad 2, Dancing blowthetoad 3

The Screwed Up Games – Chao (PC) (Rating: 5/10), The Hobbit (PC) (Rating: 2/10)

The Screwed Up Worldproof all girls are evil (it’s mathmatical)

Stupid IMsscary fairy elf IM, Blind Bubba IM 11, Soup Nazi IM 4, allymd IM, SoccerGirl IM

Squackle! Advertisement GallerySquackle! Advertisement 5

JokesKnock Knock Jokes, Quicky Jokes, Blonde Jokes

PoemsHa ha

Serious Poemsbmx

SongsHorse Locker Junk Room, Popeye Songs, Jingle Bells Songs, Mary Had a Little Lamb Songs

The Bad Submission ArchiveBad Submission 91, Bad Submission 92, Bad Submission 93