All posts by davepoobond

I own this site.

Classic Chris Pirillo

I used to watch TechTV back in the early 00s before it was made into that god awful G4 channel that has somehow kept limping around and not getting shut down.

One of the more peculiar personalities was this guy who ran the Call for Help show where rednecks from the south would call in and ask how to reboot their computers, or in this case, about spam… on the internet.  Oh, is that Morgan Webb coming in to save the producer’s ass?  I think so.

A “Liberbal” and Her Constituency / Fun Links Section

Hello whoever is reading this.  I got an idea for a section and its called Fun Links.  In Fun Links I will post a link to something and why I think its funny or worthwhile for posting.

This Fun Link comes from A.J. Bray who is a “liberbal” disability blogger, writer, and fashionphile in a wheelchair.  Recently she got some hate mail from someone trying to add her as a friend on Facebook, and so she decided to post her response to her admirer on her blog.

Sometimes I’m glad that we have people who don’t know how to type.  They make up such wonderful words.

Having a Child Is Child Abuse

This has been stirring in my head for the past month or so.  There’s this recent uptake in the health community that having a child that is obese or overweight is considered child abuse.

Now, let’s take a step back here.

Why would you consider having a child as being overweight the ONLY form of… let’s call it “contemporary child abuse.”

Couldn’t you say that having a child at all would constitute as child abuse?  As soon as they pop out of the womb, they are subjected to torture day in and day out.  They must breathe polluted air.  They have to deal with getting sick.  They have to deal with everything that kids have to deal with.  Why not call all of the problems that children have to deal with child abuse because their parents could’ve done something more to prevent anything from happening to them?  They could have made them wash their hands after every contact with something that has germs on it.  What if a child has a fever that goes to 103 and they are forced to take medicine that tastes bad?

I would even go so far as to say that if you allowed a child to be born with a birth defect, whether or not it was your fault, this would also constitute as child abuse, since you are now forcing your child to live with a defect.  The “right thing” to do in this case would have been to abort the baby and save them years of “torture.”

Where does it end?

If people are considering having children that are overweight in any capacity as an allegation of child abuse, then why aren’t we looking at everything?  Why don’t we just remove every single child under every single parent have them raised by the government?

It would certainly solve a lot of problems society has with children.

For example, the state will never pay to have their employees bring annoying little kids to Rated R movies.  They will never be seen at the mall making loud crying noises or running around on the escalator at my job without someone getting angry at them.

They’ll be stuck in what is essentially a jail, and we’ll all be better for it.

First Day of Working Out

Well, I started working out this week on Thursday.  It was sort of fun being able to do the exercises with someone else.  I’ve never really done exercises with anyone else and its good to have a friend there cause he can tell me what I’m doing wrong or tell me how to exercise more efficiently than I would otherwise.

I’m not a health guru or even that knowledgeable about things you can do in the gym so its nice to be able to have someone there.

Recently my mom has been drilling into me that I am almost thirty years old (I’m only 25), and practically telling me that I’m fat and unsuccessful.  She’s told me that she regretted sending me to college because my major has done nothing for me.  I think its terribly unfair that she says these things because she’s making it seem like my life is already over.  She says I have no ambition and that may be true, but ambition isn’t for everyone.  I don’t see how doing random things that she envisions me doing that I have no interest in doing dictates whether or not I have ambition or not.  The things I am ambitious about are all with the internet, with my web site and my ability to create, and that’s good enough for me.

In either case, it wasn’t so much of a wake-up call as it was just making myself better, and having enough of living the way I have been.  Yes, I want to make my mom stop telling me to lose weight and to stop poking and prodding me to getting a job, but if its not those things it’d be another.  That’s always how it’s been with her.  In high school when I wasn’t “dangerously” overweight (I was still overweight, I’ve always felt that way) it was me being on the computer too much or me spending too much time playing games, or whatever.  If it’s not one thing, it’s another.  Those things haven’t directly affected anything in my life, and blaming anything but my own attitude and complacency would be a scapegoat.

National Make Out Day

National Make Out Day – n. a holiday that is on May 11th.  You have to send the following to 15 people on that day or you will have bad luck for a year:

“may 11th is national make out day….send this to 15 people in the next 1/2 hour and you will make out with your chrush …if you dont send it to 15 people then you will have bad luck for one year—don’t break the chain -dont send back”