dAvE bOnD: ok…yesterday i didnt do half of what i said…i actually did do more than 50 words in the dictionary, 3 poems, 1 song. thats it. today i put 2 words in the dictionary, a story a screwed up town article in “screwed up chronicles” and some more games in the arcade place. Me and stimpyismyname are making a Trading Card Game called “Questionable Content Cards” QC Cards for short. QC cards can help put a stop to Pokemon Cards. QC Cards will save the world from those devils.
Tag Archives: davepoobond
UPDATE June 19, 2000
dAvE bOnD: heh…there is now about 50 new words on the dictionary. new pictures in the pictures section submitted from a site dissing squackle that we made…and…some more games in the arcade…a story…2 songs…jokes…and a whole bunch of other stuff..
elmoisfurry: hi
UPDATE June 14, 2000
dAvE bOnD: i added like 3 words on the dictionary, so now all the letters have at least one word there. i added a quote to the squackle quotes. the Squackle Arcade is up. one game is on today…there might be more today…
UPDATE June 12, 2000
dAvE bOnD: i wrote a guide on how to make a Squackle Gang. Its in a new section called “Guides”
UPDATE June 10, 2000
dAvE bOnD: whee….ok….i put some new words up in the dictionary…and….some other stuff…there is going to be a Squackle Arcade that’ll be up fairly soon. It’ll have a bunch of games on it that you can actually play, if you’ve read everything on the site, or whatever.
UPDATE June 9, 2000
dAvE bOnD: fart………
donkmaster: i finally gave something to put up on the site! its a song called “Pretty Sun.” There are also new quotes from squackle on Squackle Quotes, a bunch of new words in the dictionary, and 2 new stories and also a link to a Sanity Test in the Links section.
UPDATE June 8, 2000
dAvE bOnD: hello, you usual 5 visitors. Not that you would care too much, but i did put something up in the Screwed Up country section for USA. Check it out if you like.
UPDATE June 5, 2000
dAvE bOnD: haha….there actually wasnt an update at all on June 1….heh….well….i’m gonna put like 2 things up today, so…yeah….the Jokes from the Stories section is now in its own section…called jokes…you can find the link in the table.
UPDATE June 1, 2000
dAvE bOnD: theres a big update today…a lot of sections will be getting new stuff put up today.
stimpyismyname: hi. whee
UPDATE May 26, 2000
dAvE bOnD: i’m taking down all the sponsors cause they arent really working so dont click on them anymore…also, i’m thinking about uploading some StarCraft maps onto the site to download, if i figure out how…
Squackle Guestbook #20436
UPDATE May 19, 2000
dAvE bOnD: hello….i put a new joke up…thats all for right now…SINCE NO ONE IS GIVING ME ANYTHING TO PUT UP!! HINT HINT!!!
UPDATE May 12, 2000
dAvE bOnD: hi, there is this really cool thing called myecamp, which is explained in the paragraph above. you should sign up on it and put davepoobond or stimpster as the referral. its really cool….so do it….yeah….
UPDATE May 9, 2000
dAvE bOnD: well, i took down that counter thingy….stimpyismyname said it was stupid….it was pretty stupid….yeah…
stimpyismyname: hello. i made a poem, it’ll go up soon
UPDATE April 28, 2000
dAvE bOnD: hi….i put up a new counter so that it’ll be easier to keep track of how many hits to put some stuff up….so…yeah…ok, so…that thing is gonna start today..