Tag Archives: davepoobond

UPDATE June 20, 2000

dAvE bOnD:  ok…yesterday i didnt do half of what i said…i actually did do more than 50 words in the dictionary, 3 poems, 1 song.  thats it.  today i put 2 words in the dictionary, a story a screwed up town article in “screwed up chronicles” and some more games in the arcade place.  Me and stimpyismyname are making a Trading Card Game called “Questionable Content Cards”  QC Cards for short.  QC cards can help put a stop to Pokemon Cards.  QC Cards will save the world from those devils.

UPDATE June 19, 2000

dAvE bOnD:  heh…there is now about 50 new words on the dictionary.  new pictures in the pictures section submitted from a site dissing squackle that we made…and…some more games in the arcade…a story…2 songs…jokes…and a whole bunch of other stuff..

elmoisfurry:  hi

UPDATE June 9, 2000

dAvE bOnD:  fart………

donkmaster:  i finally gave something to put up on the site!  its a song called “Pretty Sun.”  There are also new quotes from squackle on Squackle Quotes, a bunch of new words in the dictionary, and 2 new stories and also a link to a Sanity Test in the Links section.