Tag Archives: davepoobond

#6499: davepoobond -> Evil Hell Cow

Note: This happened BEFORE 9/11. Its pretty creepy. You’ll just have to take our word for it that it did happen before.


davepoobond: do you think anything is gonna happen on sept 11?

Evil Hell Cow: it’s possible

davepoobond: well its always possible

davepoobond: 91101, 91102

davepoobond: or maybe 91202

davepoobond: like beverly hills

Evil Hell Cow: nah thats 90210

davepoobond: oh.

davepoobond: >.>

davepoobond: i knew that

Evil Hell Cow: Mmm hmm

davepoobond: i always get those two mixed up

Evil Hell Cow: Lol

#6498: davepoobond -> Solidussnake

In a chat room, Solidussnake was telling people to press alt+F4 on their keyboard.


davepoobond: hey, when i pressed alt and f4 it didnt do anything cool!

Solidussnake: do it at the same time

Solidussnake: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: nope

davepoobond: nothing happened

davepoobond: i dont know why you’re laughing

davepoobond: its not really that cool

Solidussnake: press the alt button and the f4 button at the same time

davepoobond: ok….the alt…….f4…..

Solidussnake: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: nope nothing happened

Solidussnake: ::cries

davepoobond: does it matter if i’m on a mac or something?

Solidussnake: yes

davepoobond: maybe this only works on a mac

Solidussnake: no

Solidussnake: windows

davepoobond: i have windows

Solidussnake: hmm……..

Solidussnake: it kicks you off

davepoobond: really!

davepoobond: i didnt know that!

davepoobond: ah!

davepoobond: alt f4!

Solidussnake: yep……kicked 30 people offline today…….32

davepoobond: lol

Solidussnake: XD

davepoobond: that’s pretty good there pal

Solidussnake: really?

davepoobond: i was really just messin with ya that whole time

davepoobond: so i guess the jokes on YOU

davepoobond: mwah

davepoobond: mwahahahah

Solidussnake: uh……

davepoobond: hi

Solidussnake: uhhhh…..

davepoobond: anyway. wanna go to my web site?

Solidussnake: ………why???

davepoobond: cuz its a funny web site

davepoobond: u might like it

Solidussnake: …….

davepoobond: so how about it?

davepoobond: you seem to be someone that would enjoy it though, cuz you seem to like to annoy people by making them press alt f4

Solidussnake: 🙂

davepoobond: we’ve got a whole section of stupid IMs and chat rooms

Solidussnake: ………uh………….ok…..

davepoobond: www.squackle.com

Solidussnake: ?

davepoobond: thats the URL

#6497: davepoobond -> FutureTrunkxx

davepoobond: Did you sign up for the Squackle Newsletter?

FutureTrunkxx: uh i dont think so

davepoobond: did you even get it?

FutureTrunkxx: i dont think so

davepoobond: hrmm

davepoobond: do you have yer email blocked or somethin

davepoobond: like only people u allow can email

FutureTrunkxx: nope

davepoobond: heh i left out the k

davepoobond: k i’m gonna get it right this time…if you get an email dont respond to it u’ll get unsubscribed

FutureTrunkxx: yeah i got the mail jus now

davepoobond: k

davepoobond: i’ll fwd u todays

FutureTrunkxx: ok

FutureTrunkxx: *kisses u on the lips hard and long sliding muh tounge in ur mouth play with urs with muh own as i firmly grab ur ass pulling ur hips onto muh as i take muh other hand and pulls ur head closer as i put muh other hand in ur pants and stroke ur cock*thanks

davepoobond: oh baby give me some more

FutureTrunkxx: u r BI

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: arent you a girl

FutureTrunkxx: Uh no

davepoobond: =O

FutureTrunkxx: what made u think that

davepoobond: nothin.

davepoobond: i was j/k around

FutureTrunkxx: *kisses him again longer grasping his cock more firmly and pulling his head into the kiss*ok

davepoobond: ok..

FutureTrunkxx: *kisses down his neck and begans to take off his shirt*

davepoobond: ok thats enough of this. ::knees him in the groin then runs away::

FutureTrunkxx: *chases after him*u lil fucker ill kill u for that*says playfully*

davepoobond: AIYEEEEE!! ::jumps up a tree::

FutureTrunkxx: *in mid running transform into a huge white tiger anthro and pounces into the tree and onto him sending falling to the ground on top of him*

davepoobond: what the! get off me ya horny tiger

davepoobond: ::grabs at the ground trying to get away::

FutureTrunkxx: *grasps his cock again and then goes down and sucks onto it hard and fast*

FutureTrunkxx: *holds his arms down so he cant stop him*

davepoobond: … ok this is goin too far

FutureTrunkxx: *uses his tail to tie his legs together*

FutureTrunkxx: *sucks on his cock licking it up and down then taking the full length of it in his mouth*

FutureTrunkxx: do u like this

FutureTrunkxx: *keeps sucking on his cock*

davepoobond: no shut up already. this isnt funny its just disgusting

FutureTrunkxx: *lets him go after he cums into his mouth*

FutureTrunkxx: *wipes his mouth and turns back into a reguralar human*

FutureTrunkxx: Had to much Xtacy i am so horny

davepoobond: y’know that stuff isnt good for you

FutureTrunkxx: yeah

FutureTrunkxx: do u want me to quit

davepoobond: yeah, that’d be good

davepoobond: quit it with the nasty stuff at least. i dont care if you mess up your mind

FutureTrunkxx: illl stop taking X

davepoobond: i mean, seriously, think about it. you turned into a tiger and gave me a bj

FutureTrunkxx: ill just stick to weed

davepoobond: ok good

FutureTrunkxx: yeah but uh i like giving u the bj

FutureTrunkxx: hello dont i get a response

davepoobond: no not while ur high

FutureTrunkxx: i am not high

FutureTrunkxx: well anymore

davepoobond: right

FutureTrunkxx: no for real it wore off

FutureTrunkxx: i am jus bisexual thats all

FutureTrunkxx: not high

davepoobond: ok..

davepoobond: but dont be trying to hit on me or anything k?

FutureTrunkxx: k but why *kisses u on ur lips*

davepoobond: cuz i’m not like that.

FutureTrunkxx: ok

FutureTrunkxx: but one for the road *grabs ur cock*

#6496: Evil Hell Cow -> davepoobond

Evil Hell Cow: u |2 2 u/\/-1337 4 /\/\y /\/\347

Evil Hell Cow: =P

davepoobond: i dont know what u said

Evil Hell Cow: you are too un-leet for my meat

davepoobond: k

Evil Hell Cow: =P

davepoobond: heh

Evil Hell Cow: did you know technically heh means yes

davepoobond: …no..

Evil Hell Cow: thats what it’s original meaning was anyway

Evil Hell Cow: yep!

Evil Hell Cow: We did some slang study in school the other day

davepoobond: ebonics or something

Evil Hell Cow: Heh meant yes

davepoobond: well thats pretty dumb

Evil Hell Cow: but true

#6495: davepoobond -> Phoenix

davepoobond: man i have a headache…….i’m goin back to school tomrrow, that’s why

Phoenix: heh, I’m on thursday

davepoobond: =P

davepoobond: whats it matter, y’got 2 more days, who cares

davepoobond: ::bangs his head on the table::

Phoenix: lol

Phoenix: Where there ::slides a nail on the table when his head should land::

davepoobond: @.@

#6493: davepoobond -> Holmes

davepoobond: there was this really stupid fundraiser thing yesterday

davepoobond: i came in when they had 2 minutes to donate stuff

davepoobond: to send some kids to camp

davepoobond: “comon these kids need to get sent to camp” “1 week of their LIVES” (they ended up sending 11, out of who knows how many)

davepoobond: and they raised like 7000 dollars

Holmes: hah

davepoobond: it was messed up

davepoobond: and the 7-11 franchisees corporation and franchisees gave them half a million dollars

Holmes: wow

davepoobond: and all they said “thanks, thanks so much” and then he turned to the camera

davepoobond: and then he said something, i dont know what it was cuz i was laughing too hard

Holmes: 7-11…screwing people 7 hours a day, 11 days of the week

davepoobond: and then this pregnant black jewish woman does some stand-up

Holmes: LMAO

davepoobond: she’s a “convert”

Holmes: pregnant black jewish woman?

davepoobond: LOL ya


davepoobond: she was ok, but she was really dumb

davepoobond: and most of her jokes werent even laughed at

davepoobond: as soon as she comes up, shes like “oh, i give a new meaning to labor day, dont i”

davepoobond: and all she did was talk about her in-laws and her husband

Holmes: it’s like “say what you are” and she says “I’m a pregnant black jewish woman” and the whole audience laughs

Holmes: then she makes jokes and no one laughs

davepoobond: i mean, she’s like 9 months pregnant, she could’ve broke water AS she was doing it

Holmes: yeah

davepoobond: that woulda been great to see

davepoobond: “you know, Jewish people can’t whisper -” SPRAYYYYYYYYYY





davepoobond: do u know what MDA is

davepoobond: lolll

Holmes: mda?

davepoobond: besides a drug

Holmes: nop

davepoobond: yeah that was the foundation

davepoobond: that was hosting it or whatever

davepoobond: i think ed macmahon was there

Holmes: oh

davepoobond: it was such crap

davepoobond: it was like 4 hours long

davepoobond: and they raised 10 million half-way

Holmes: wow

davepoobond: (i bet it was just inflated though)

davepoobond: they just add 9.9 million here and there

davepoobond: to get people to call

davepoobond: cuz “others are”

Holmes: hehe

Holmes: lmao


Fun fact: Later on, the bookstore davepoobond works at during college did a fundraiser for the same association to send kids to camp. The association is called the Muscular Dystrophy Association 😛

#6491: gUnsNRoses4321 -> davepoobond

Note: davepoobond was on a screen name that…wasn’t indicative of any particular name


gUnsNRoses4321: try to find wats wrong with this picture Put ur volume up, cuz the sounds r gonna help u figure it out… its tricky

davepoobond: …

davepoobond: whats it supposed to be even

gUnsNRoses4321: something is wrong with the picture, put ur volume like all the way up and try to find it out

davepoobond: uh k

gUnsNRoses4321: do it

davepoobond: i’m goin…

davepoobond: dont pee your pants ok

davepoobond: wtf is with the plugin

davepoobond: i didnt see anything

gUnsNRoses4321: forget it

davepoobond: k..

gUnsNRoses4321: dave

davepoobond: ?

gUnsNRoses4321: how do u spell ur name

davepoobond: mack

davepoobond: your a long way off there pal

davepoobond: you have the a right

davepoobond: well anyway, gotta go bye

davepoobond: o wait, did you see guns n roses return

gUnsNRoses4321: me 2

gUnsNRoses4321: yea, they sucked

gUnsNRoses4321: or at least axl did

davepoobond: haha

davepoobond: they sounded alright, just axl is kinda weird

gUnsNRoses4321: wait ur the freshmen right

davepoobond: ….uh no…

davepoobond: i’m 21 dude

gUnsNRoses4321: oh how did u get this sn

davepoobond: my sn or ur sn

gUnsNRoses4321: my

davepoobond: …wait

davepoobond: my meaning mine or my meaning yours

gUnsNRoses4321: mine

davepoobond: so its me?

gUnsNRoses4321: gUnsNRoses4321

davepoobond: oh. someone told me it

davepoobond: someone was goin through chat rooms saying “IM gUnsNRoses4321”

davepoobond: i dont recall who it was

davepoobond: anyway, gtg bye

davepoobond: :-!


Oatmeal is really pointless. When you eat oatmeal, you don’t actually EAT it. You just move around your teeth, pretending like you’re actually doing something with the oats, when you’re not, and just pretty much swallow it the way you put it in your mouth. There’s no point in chewing, had it not been for the way oatmeal sticks together. Oatmeal is dumb. You put sugar on it, but it really doesn’t do much good even then. Ooh, wow. A sugary taste. Wheee!

UPDATE 12-24-06

davepoobond:  Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays (don’t want to leave any of you lesser important religions out) everyone.  Squackle’s back from being down for about three days, there were some problems at the host.  But this is a nice early Christmas present for me to have it back up.  Not like anyone is gonna be visiting on Christmas anyway…don’t forget to OD on versions of the Jingle Bells song here: Jingle Bells Songs

And have a Happy New Year.  I’ll be 21 in January whoohoo!

UPDATE 08-01-06

Pick of August 1, 2006

davepoobond:  The dictionary has finally hit a landmark.  5000 words!  It is quite amazing, in my professional opinion that so many words have been added manually, with no automatic alphabetizer except for my brain, spending two hours on each 100 words that are added to get all the words I’ve made up over the years or picked up into it.  Anyway…there’s also some other stuff…

August 1, 2006

Dictionary – 5000 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Stupid IMsDeadOrAlive60 IM, Lieb IM, MrFredRogers IM, Astro IM, MajinGogetaGT IM, bratgurl62936 IM, SLIPKNOTSIC IM, Laospryderx IM, Staindxx IM, DeadOrAlive60 IM 2, davepoobond IM 51, davepoobond IM 52, Phoenix IM 8, Phoenix IM 9, Jen 7909 IM, wangerspanker IM 10, Coldxs666 IM 2, BrigitR205 IM

JokesBlonde Jokes, Quicky Jokes

Pictures3 Guys, 10 Dolla, Bean Plus Heart, Burn Penguins, Cannon, Comet, No Beans, OnlineHost, Banana, Baby In a Bag, Bill Gates Was Hot, Dave Is My Hero, Giglis No Good, Happy Bday Tom, Jesusland, Panda Birthday, PandaKart, PandaSlide, PandaTrumpet, Penis Storm, Print This, Snowman Funeral, Space Warrior, Squirtle, Twin Tower 20, Weird Thing, What a Crappy Truck

UPDATE 03-24-06

Pick of March 24, 2005

davepoobond:  so, like, its been a while since I last updated…and um…this just so happens to be the first update of the new year, incidentally.  So Happy New Year, Happy Valentine’s Day, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, Happy Lent, Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Happy My Birthday, Happy Birthday to Everyone Who Had a Birthday Between Last Update and This Update, and all those other crappy holidays people celebrate.  But eff those holidays aliens celebrate.

March 19, 2005

Dictionary – 4900 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD

Stupid IMsLumpy IM 6, Holmes IM 21, Evil Hell Cow IM 17, MyLeftTesticle IM 5, Phoenix IM 6, Phoenix IM 7, Coldxs666 IM, Evil Hell Cow IM 18, Fire IM 4, Fire IM 5, I love poisons IM, SexyLakerGurly IM, davepoobond IM 50, SN Chopsui IM, DrumsPlayMike IM

JokesGood Bad Worse Jokes

The Screwed Up GamesRevolution Controller Theory