davepoobond: there was this really stupid fundraiser thing yesterday
davepoobond: i came in when they had 2 minutes to donate stuff
davepoobond: to send some kids to camp
davepoobond: “comon these kids need to get sent to camp” “1 week of their LIVES” (they ended up sending 11, out of who knows how many)
davepoobond: and they raised like 7000 dollars
Holmes: hah
davepoobond: it was messed up
davepoobond: and the 7-11 franchisees corporation and franchisees gave them half a million dollars
Holmes: wow
davepoobond: and all they said “thanks, thanks so much” and then he turned to the camera
davepoobond: and then he said something, i dont know what it was cuz i was laughing too hard
Holmes: 7-11…screwing people 7 hours a day, 11 days of the week
davepoobond: and then this pregnant black jewish woman does some stand-up
Holmes: LMAO
davepoobond: she’s a “convert”
Holmes: pregnant black jewish woman?
davepoobond: LOL ya
davepoobond: she was ok, but she was really dumb
davepoobond: and most of her jokes werent even laughed at
davepoobond: as soon as she comes up, shes like “oh, i give a new meaning to labor day, dont i”
davepoobond: and all she did was talk about her in-laws and her husband
Holmes: it’s like “say what you are” and she says “I’m a pregnant black jewish woman” and the whole audience laughs
Holmes: then she makes jokes and no one laughs
davepoobond: i mean, she’s like 9 months pregnant, she could’ve broke water AS she was doing it
Holmes: yeah
davepoobond: that woulda been great to see
davepoobond: “you know, Jewish people can’t whisper -” SPRAYYYYYYYYYY
davepoobond: do u know what MDA is
davepoobond: lolll
Holmes: mda?
davepoobond: besides a drug
Holmes: nop
davepoobond: yeah that was the foundation
davepoobond: that was hosting it or whatever
davepoobond: i think ed macmahon was there
Holmes: oh
davepoobond: it was such crap
davepoobond: it was like 4 hours long
davepoobond: and they raised 10 million half-way
Holmes: wow
davepoobond: (i bet it was just inflated though)
davepoobond: they just add 9.9 million here and there
davepoobond: to get people to call
davepoobond: cuz “others are”
Holmes: hehe
Holmes: lmao
Fun fact: Later on, the bookstore davepoobond works at during college did a fundraiser for the same association to send kids to camp. The association is called the Muscular Dystrophy Association 😛