Tag Archives: davepoobond

Jesus Loves Disco

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – Jesus Loves Disco”. ***

Holmes: what the hell is this crap?

Mikey: it was?

Skittle: wha

Holmes: jesus loves disco?

Skittle: crap?

Skittle: yeah?

Holmes: yeah crap, another word for SHIT, FECES

Skittle: then…leave

Holmes: i came here to find out what it was

Skittle: its a room

Holmes: wow, THANK YOU Mr. Obvious

Skittle: dont mention it

Holmes: i want to know why it’s called Jesus Loves Disco

Skittle: because we are looking for others who have seen him do it

Holmes: might as well be waiting for Eminem to come to your door and sign an autograph

Skittle: huh

Holmes: because None of them are going to happen

Mikey: jesus loves disco

Skittle: damn straight

Mikey: he told me

Holmes: why doesn’t he like rap

Holmes: or country

Mikey: because rap is stupid

Mikey: country is gay

Skittle: because he likes disco

Holmes: i want to see jesus breakdance

Mikey: i’ve seen it

Holmes: can he shake that booty?

Mikey: oh yeah

Skittle: then go to www.dancingjesus.com

Holmes: i’ve been there

Holmes: i’ve been to every sight that has dancing things on it

Holmes: www.fishydance.com

Holmes: www.stickdance.com

Skittle: have you been to www.chewbaccadance.com?

Holmes: no

davepoobond: ::rolls into the room::

davepoobond: hi

Holmes: were discussing how jesus likes disco

davepoobond: really

Holmes: or should i say *loves*

davepoobond: well, the afros are nice

davepoobond: and if anybody wonders why he’s so tall

davepoobond: ::whispering:: the shoes

Holmes: shhh don’t let out his secret

davepoobond: whoops! sorry

Holmes: i think jesus fits the rap image

Holmes: i can see him rapin the bible

davepoobond: heh

Holmes: ticka ticka yo there once was a dude named noah, he was kinda needed a showa, so it rained

Holmes: for 40 days and nights while he was on his arc, sleepin tight…

Holmes: so will the real jesus please stand up

Holmes: …hmm i’m not a good rapper…

Holmes: i should leave it to Eminem…

davepoobond: heh

poop / poop shoes

OnlineHost: *** You are in “poop”. ***

OnlineHost: IAMAWIZBOY has entered the room.

davepoobond: poop

davepoobond: hahahahaha

davepoobond: hello?

OnlineHost: SweetSunshine has entered the room.

davepoobond: hey

SweetSunshine: Hello

OnlineHost: POLO98088809 has entered the room.

davepoobond: wat made you come to poop

OnlineHost: POLO98088809 has left the room.

SweetSunshine: ??

davepoobond: ok

SweetSunshine: i dunno

davepoobond: y’like poop?

SweetSunshine: lol

SweetSunshine: no

davepoobond: do you like to poop poop?

SweetSunshine: IAMAWIZBOY sent me here

davepoobond: oh.

SweetSunshine: yepp

davepoobond: i can make fart noises

SweetSunshine: oh.

davepoobond: with my hands

SweetSunshine: (cool)

davepoobond: yepppppp

SweetSunshine: can u see IAMAWIZBOY’s writing?

davepoobond: he’s not typing anything.

SweetSunshine: i know

davepoobond: blah

davepoobond: wanna see my site?

SweetSunshine: lalalalalalalalala

SweetSunshine: sure

davepoobond: www.squackle.cjb.net

OnlineHost: IAMAWIZBOY has left the room.

SweetSunshine: ?

SweetSunshine: is it safe?

davepoobond: yeh…

davepoobond: heh

SweetSunshine: really?

davepoobond: its got stories and jokes and pictures and stuff

davepoobond: they’re funny

davepoobond: yeah, it is..

SweetSunshine: oh.

OnlineHost: *** You are in “poop shoes”. ***

OnlineHost: SweetSunshine has entered the room.

davepoobond: blah

SweetSunshine: blah?

davepoobond: didja go?

SweetSunshine: nope whats it again

davepoobond: www.squackle.cjb.net

SweetSunshine: it loads alot

davepoobond: you can submit stuff too if you want

davepoobond: yeah, well……what am i gonna do?

SweetSunshine: what?

davepoobond: i cant really do anything until people click the top banner

davepoobond: what what?

Darkblade Tavern

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series The Shoe Salesman

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – Darkblade Tavern”. ***

OnlineHost: Irishfighter has entered the room.

davepoobond: ::a briefcase full of shoes is thrown into the Tavern::

Damon Darkblade: ::smiles,carrying the small child in and sitting down in his large leather chair::

Nightstar12560: :: yawns and falls asleap in his arms ::

Damon Darkblade: ::kicks the shoes out::

Damon Darkblade: ::sighs softly, rubbing her back with his gentle touch::

Irishfighter: ::picsk a shoe up and throws it at davepoobonds head::

OnlineHost: Baby darkblade has entered the room.

OnlineHost: Irishfighter has left the room.

davepoobond: boo

Nightstar12560: :: sleaps silently ::

Damon Darkblade: (::click does the dumb salesman::)

Baby darkblade: [o.o?]

davepoobond: ((lol. i said 2 things))

Damon Darkblade: (::points to davepoobond:: Him)

davepoobond: ((i said 2 things)

davepoobond: ((boo was one of them))

Baby darkblade: [interesting]

davepoobond: ((i dont understand))

davepoobond: ((but oh well. ::scores one more:: yeeeeehaw!))

Baby darkblade: [::shrugs:: me either… ::confuzzled::]

Damon Darkblade: (O.o)

Baby darkblade: [anyway!]

davepoobond: ((confuzzled. heh))

OnlineHost: Dragonchic2002 has entered the room.

Damon Darkblade: ::smiles, rubbing the childs back::

Baby darkblade: [my hands smell like… nappy shit..]

Baby darkblade: […. its pissin me off… damn plum crap.. its evil i swear]

OnlineHost: Dragonchic2002 has left the room.

Baby darkblade: ::she pushed open the door slowly and slipped in, a slight look of boredom on her face::

OnlineHost: Immortal Pyroman has entered the room.

davepoobond: ::sits on his briefcase of shoes, pouting::

davepoobond: no one wants to buy my shoes!

davepoobond: no one!

Nightstar12560: :: she wakes looking up at him ::

OnlineHost: Immortal Pyroman has left the room.

Damon Darkblade: ::looks to the child, smiling slightly:: Hello there…

Nightstar12560: :: smiles ::

Baby darkblade: ::she looked around the tavern, and walked over to where damon sat with a… child… in his lap::

Damon Darkblade: ::looks to Justin:: It seems i made a new friend…

Baby darkblade: ::smiles:: so it has..

davepoobond: ………………………………………………………………………………..

davepoobond: the briefcase i carry is a 200 megaton bomb. better run!

Baby darkblade: so i heard about what happened with you and vivia

davepoobond: ::swings it around the tavern, crashing it against walls and such:: don’t you think its

davepoobond: pretty lethal to be doing this with a 200 megaton bomb?

Damon Darkblade: Yea

davepoobond: i might set it off

Baby darkblade: [well looks like someones in for a little clickin..]

Damon Darkblade: But i would prefer not talk about that, if you dont mind…

davepoobond: ((oh no please dont. you cant click me……………….))

Baby darkblade: [and why not?]

Nightstar12560: :: she kisses Damons cheak ::

Baby darkblade: right.. sorry

davepoobond: ((cuz…………………………………we need to get married?))

Damon Darkblade: ::blinks::

Damon Darkblade: ::smiles::

Baby darkblade: [im not gettin married to a shoes salesman.. who cant sell shoes!]

davepoobond: ((newsflash))

davepoobond: ((he’s not really a shoesalesman))

Baby darkblade: [dont talk to me]

Damon Darkblade: (Click him)

davepoobond: ((why not?))

davepoobond: ((noooo. dont click me))

Baby darkblade: [….its what he wants.]

davepoobond: ((i have a bajillion dollars!))

davepoobond: ((i can lay eggs!))

Damon Darkblade: (::hands the ignore mallet to ellyn:: Hit him with it)

davepoobond: ((and i can make scrambled eggs!))

Nightstar12560: :: smiles up at him ::

Baby darkblade: [….id rather use jojo’s bombs.. ::pulls out a couple ignore bombs::]

davepoobond: ((noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo))

Damon Darkblade: Would you like somthing to drink?

Baby darkblade: me?.. a coke is fine… ::smiles::

Nightstar12560: :: looks at the other person ::

davepoobond: ((::crawls into a fetal position::))

Baby darkblade: [O.O]

Baby darkblade: [..dammit.. ::kills caps key::]

Damon Darkblade: ::looks at the child…::

Damon Darkblade: Thats my daughter…

OnlineHost: Keldan Battlecry has entered the room.

davepoobond: ((keldan. watch out))

Baby darkblade: ::she smiled down at the… child in damon’s lap, wondering how it got there and why::

Nightstar12560: hewo

Baby darkblade: hi..

davepoobond: ((he kidnapped it!))

davepoobond: ((i saw it myself))

Baby darkblade: ::she returned her gaze to damon::…. um… what about suhala?

Keldan Battlecry: ::the holow sound of armored boots hiting the wooden floor and the cold deathly sound of blu

Baby darkblade: [excuse me while i retrive my devil duckys..]

davepoobond: doesnt anyone care that i have a 200 megaton bomb in a briefcase and i’m swinging it around

davepoobond: everywhere?!?!

Keldan Battlecry: (O.o Rhydiners…)

davepoobond: ((who’re you callin a RhyDiner?))

OnlineHost: Miserys Star has entered the room.

OnlineHost: CoolKat015 has entered the room.

Keldan Battlecry: (::smirx an leaves::sorry horrible rp’ers)

OnlineHost: Keldan Battlecry has left the room.

Damon Darkblade: ::he snaps, and a coke appears for Justin::

Baby darkblade: [dammit… damon.mun.. can i borrow ur mallet?]

Damon Darkblade: (LMAO!)

Miserys Star: ::she steps into the tavern quietly, light footsteps could be heard as she walked in::

Damon Darkblade: (ASS)

davepoobond: ((what an idiot)

Nightstar12560: :: cudles with Damon yawning softly ::

Damon Darkblade: (::hands her the mallet::)

Baby darkblade: [thank you.. ::takes the mallet, devilish grin::]

CoolKat015: ::walks in silently and unoticed sticking to the shadows::

davepoobond: ‘ey baby ::walks up next to Miserys:: how’s it goin’? want a shoe?

Damon Darkblade: ::looks at Cool:: FOUND YA!

davepoobond: or two?

Damon Darkblade: ::snickers::

Miserys Star: ::blinks and looks at davepoobond::good..and nah..it’s alright

Baby darkblade: ::smiles a bit and picks up the coke::

davepoobond: comon. its a good deal.

davepoobond: new shoes….

CoolKat015: ::steps out of the shadow and walks up to davepoobond::

davepoobond: are nice…

davepoobond: aren’t they…..

CoolKat015: ::taps him on the shoulder::what did the lady say

Damon Darkblade: ::motions Mary to him, patting the seat next to him::

davepoobond: i’m selling shoes.

davepoobond: i’m trying to make a living.

davepoobond: y’mind leavin’ me be and let me do my business?

Baby darkblade: [dum de dum de dum ::swings up the ignore mallet and slams it down upon [davepoobond]:: hehe ]

davepoobond: or i’ll sue you for killin’ my business!

Miserys Star: ::she walks over to Damon and sits next to him, crossing her legs revealing the slit to her hip::

davepoobond: ((why’d you ignore me……….?))

Damon Darkblade: Hey hun

davepoobond: ((yer a bafoon))

Damon Darkblade: How have you been

CoolKat015: ::can’t be sued::

Miserys Star: Hey…I’ve been good..and you?

Damon Darkblade: Just fine

davepoobond: ::a big fat lady named Sue sits on CoolKat::

OnlineHost: StarFire8402 has entered the room.

Damon Darkblade: I think i found a new friend

Nightstar12560: :: the lil girl looks at Misery ::

davepoobond: HA! I SUED YOU!

Baby darkblade: ::she poped open the coke and turned towards misery::

Damon Darkblade: ::looks at Night::

Miserys Star: Really?

OnlineHost: StarFire8402 has left the room.

Miserys Star: ::she looks at Night and smiles softly::

CoolKat015: ::walks out looking for something to do::

Damon Darkblade: Yep

Damon Darkblade: Havent gotten her name yet though…

Miserys Star: ::looks towards baby::

Nightstar12560: :: lays her head on Damons sholder ::

Miserys Star: ::then back to Damon:: ah

Damon Darkblade: ::looks to the small girl:: Whats your name?

OnlineHost: CoolKat015 has left the room.

OnlineHost: MBailie has entered the room.

davepoobond: ((MBailie! watch out! they’ll ignore you for saying one word!!!))

Baby darkblade: and why is she there?

Nightstar12560: :: yawns ::

Baby darkblade: ::sighs a bit:: i never got to sit on your lap.. and im your daughter!

MBailie: ::A young woman w/ a cape and hood covering most of her face walks in::

OnlineHost: Coyotes Rage has entered the room.

Damon Darkblade: You never tried eather

OnlineHost: Coyotes Rage has left the room.

Baby darkblade: on right.. ::smiles::

MBailie: ::Walks over to the bar::

MBailie: There a tender

MBailie: tendress???

MBailie: either will do

davepoobond: ::jumps up next to the person that came in:: i’m a shoe salesman. wanna buy some shoes?

Miserys Star: ::her enchanting silver eyes look around curiously::

MBailie: I’ll take that as a no

davepoobond: i got pairs of single shoes.

Damon Darkblade: ::stands, the child in his arms::

davepoobond: pairs of pairs of shoes

Damon Darkblade: ::walks to the bar::

Damon Darkblade: What would you like

davepoobond: and pairs of shoes.

MBailie: vodka please

davepoobond: i got an assortment of colors, shapes, sizes

Baby darkblade: ::watches damon and then plops down in the seat he just stood up from::

davepoobond: fits any foot. even the really smelly old wrinkled ones!

Damon Darkblade: ::nods, kneeling down and picks up the bottle, setting it on the bar, along with the glass::

Damon Darkblade: 5 gps

MBailie: ty

Nightstar12560: :: looks at the lady at the bar ::

davepoobond: you could buy 90 pairs of single shoes with 5 gps! what’re ya wasting that much money to get

davepoobond: wasted on vodka

MBailie: ::takes a sip::

Nightstar12560: :: in damons arms ::

Baby darkblade: [how old is this child in damons arms?]

Damon Darkblade: (5)

Damon Darkblade: (lol)

Damon Darkblade: ::nods::

Baby darkblade: [u serious?]

OnlineHost: HeeroYuy71121 has entered the room.

Damon Darkblade: ::then walks to his chair, sitting in Justin’s lap::

Baby darkblade: [yet when in his lap.. shes tall enough to lay her head on his shoulder.. odd]

Baby darkblade: gah!

MBailie: I’m not gettin’ wasted I just come from a long journey and still got a long way to go

Miserys Star: ::she watches Damon with a soft smile on her lips::

HeeroYuy71121: =a guy in a black as night cloak walks in=

Baby darkblade: ::pokes his back:: dad…

Damon Darkblade: (She is heald high)

davepoobond: ooh. sounds interesting.

Baby darkblade: […uh huh]

Damon Darkblade: get outa my chair then

Damon Darkblade: ::stands::

davepoobond: ::holds his hand out:: Dave Bond, Shapeshifter Extraordiaire. Need some help on yer

davepoobond: journey?

Baby darkblade: …::glares and then pulls her knees up with her feet in the chair so he cant sit back down

Baby darkblade: :: no

Damon Darkblade: -_-

Miserys Star: ::she stands:: you may sit here M’lord

Damon Darkblade: ::sits on the floor next to Mary:: Fine then

MBailie: ::smiles:: not really a journey I just a wanderer

HeeroYuy71121: =walks to Dave=

davepoobond: oh…

Baby darkblade: ::grins evily::

davepoobond: pretty much me too……..i’m really bored lately.

Damon Darkblade: sit down Mary

davepoobond: no one likes to buy shoes when i try to make some money..

HeeroYuy71121: =his hodd covering his eyes=

Miserys Star: ::nods and sits down again, crossing her legs::

Nightstar12560: :: gigles smileing up at the one in Damons chair ::

HeeroYuy71121: hello

davepoobond: its like people would rather walk around shoeless.

davepoobond: ::looks over to Heero:: hi…

MBailie: ::laughs::

davepoobond: whaddya want.

davepoobond: ya want some shoes?

HeeroYuy71121: i heard u guys are wonders

davepoobond: i’m a Wonder…..yes

HeeroYuy71121: heh heh sorry no shoes

davepoobond: but, are you referring to the band?

OnlineHost: Miserys Star has left the room.

MBailie: What is a wonder??? ::confused::

HeeroYuy71121: and u?=turns to MBailie=

davepoobond: they made a movie, called That Thing You Do

Baby darkblade: ::she sighed a bit and looked around the tavern again::

davepoobond: ::nudges Bailie in the ribs:: Tom Hanks was their manager.

OnlineHost: DkQueenDemon has entered the room.

HeeroYuy71121: wonderer sorry

MBailie: ::Smiles at Heero:: and y do u care???

MBailie: ::smiles at dave::

HeeroYuy71121: well because im looking for some fun

OnlineHost: McaneJr has entered the room.

HeeroYuy71121: =grins under his dark cloak=

OnlineHost: McaneJr has left the room.

Damon Darkblade: ::moves up into the chair::

OnlineHost: McaneJr has entered the room.

Damon Darkblade: ::still holding the child::

MBailie: ::Looks at Heero in a suspicious way:: What makes u think my life is fun???

Nightstar12560: :: she looks around ::

davepoobond: and what makes you think my life is fun for anyone else?

Damon Darkblade: ::tickles the girl::

HeeroYuy71121: ha!

OnlineHost: GryFynn Mage90 has entered the room.

HeeroYuy71121: i mean an adventure

Nightstar12560: :: gigles ::

davepoobond: ::burp::

davepoobond: an adventure where?

HeeroYuy71121: three wanderers

HeeroYuy71121: hmmmmmmm

GryFynn Mage90: ::a mage walks in::

davepoobond: i dont wander, i actually know where i go.

DkQueenDemon: ::in she entered, this angel of the night, cladded in a tight leather dress as deep blue

davepoobond: but i have no specific place i go to.

HeeroYuy71121: to find something

DkQueenDemon: eyse parttake the scene around her::

McaneJr: ::a young girl, wearing a very short, very lowcut dress walks in, her brown hair hangs

davepoobond: no.

davepoobond: i dont look for anything.

MBailie: I have just recently met Dave

GryFynn Mage90: ::he sits down::

McaneJr: freely over her sholders, and in one hand is a well used closed book, the other

OnlineHost: Level of Mind has entered the room.

DkQueenDemon: ::she stood by the door still well out of the way of others getting in::

McaneJr: holds nothing more than air::

GryFynn Mage90: and orders abeer

HeeroYuy71121: well

davepoobond: and orders a water

Damon Darkblade: ::smiles to the small girl::

OnlineHost: GryFynn Mage90 has left the room.

MBailie: ::Looks in a bit of an intrigued way at Heero::

MBailie: And what praytell are u searching 4???

Baby darkblade: ::her attention was then directed toward erica a smile appered on her lips::

HeeroYuy71121: ((m ua guy or girl?))

McaneJr: ::she looks around a bit nervously, having never been in here::

HeeroYuy71121: secret

davepoobond: ((she’s a girl))

MBailie: girl

HeeroYuy71121: ((kick ass!))

Baby darkblade: [o.o]

davepoobond: ((-ooo>.))

Damon Darkblade: ::looks to Erica:: Hey hun, over here..

davepoobond: ((tell them to unblock me.))

MBailie: ((really and y is that???))

davepoobond: ((i try to sell shoes to them, and they ignore me))

DkQueenDemon: ::She took out her sketch book and a delicate hand raced across the paper as she drew the

DkQueenDemon: images before her::

davepoobond: WHAT THE!

MBailie: how can we search 4 something that we do not know what we r searching 4???

McaneJr: ::she smiles seeing Damon, and quickly moves over to him, looking to the child in his arms,

Damon Darkblade: ::smiles::

davepoobond: ::looks around to Queen Demon:: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!?!!?

McaneJr: while meneuvering to hug him:: Something you need to tell me daddy?

HeeroYuy71121: well

HeeroYuy71121: ino

Level of Mind: ~Enters quietly, the hood of her cloak pulled forward to cover her face.~


HeeroYuy71121: itsa legened

Nightstar12560: :: looks at Mcane ::

Damon Darkblade: ::hugs her back::

DkQueenDemon: ::she looks up:: Do you mind if I draw…I will not draw you then

Damon Darkblade: Nothing besides finding a new friend…

Baby darkblade: [hey level.mun.. who u rpin?]

Damon Darkblade: ::smiles::

davepoobond: ok, then

Level of Mind: ~Walks to a seat in the corner, and sits arranging her heavy skirts.~

MBailie: hmmmmmm that may be interesting what is the legend???

McaneJr: ::looks to the child:: are you sure?

HeeroYuy71121: well

davepoobond: a legend?

Level of Mind: (Um.. I guess Suhala, so disregard the profile.)

HeeroYuy71121: =pulls out a wooden stake=

Baby darkblade: [::nods:: wil do!]

davepoobond: >.> vampires…

HeeroYuy71121: =stabs it in the table=

Level of Mind: (Thanks)

DkQueenDemon: ::she shakes her head and continues to draw::

Nightstar12560: :: tilts her head ::

HeeroYuy71121: of vampires

davepoobond: BORING

davepoobond: can’t you think of anything better to do?

McaneJr: ((brb))

MBailie: ::Hushes Dave::

Baby darkblade: [kk]

davepoobond: vampires are people too, y’know.

MBailie: go on

Damon Darkblade: Well

Level of Mind: ~Removes a banana from her pocket, and peels it.~

HeeroYuy71121: oh?

Damon Darkblade: Besides Suhala is here

HeeroYuy71121: u a vamp?

Damon Darkblade: thats all

davepoobond: ::sees someone remove a banana from her pocket::

davepoobond: wow. i thought only i could do that.

HeeroYuy71121: =pulls out a silver handgun from the right inside of his cloak=

MBailie: ::softly touches the stake::

Baby darkblade: ::she smiled a bit, her attention then averted to suhala with a smile she stood up from the

Baby darkblade: chair and walked over to her::

davepoobond: me? i’m not a vampire………….teeheeheeheeee

HeeroYuy71121: arg!

davepoobond: i’m a Shapeshifter.

HeeroYuy71121: he

MBailie: ::Quickly pulls out blade and puts it to Heero’s throat::

HeeroYuy71121: i can do that to

HeeroYuy71121: =puts gun away=

davepoobond: ::lays back against the bar::

davepoobond: you wouldnt have been able to kill me anyway

MBailie: ::Puts dagger away::

HeeroYuy71121: =turns into MBailie=

davepoobond: i sell shoes, y’know.

Level of Mind: ~Glances up at Justin, and smiles.~ How’d you know it was me?

Baby darkblade: hi

MBailie: Dave don’t push it

DkQueenDemon: ::she rolled her eyes as she looked around her picture almost done::

davepoobond: i’m not pushing anything…

Baby darkblade: ::shrugs:: i have a sixth sense ::she smirked:: how are you?

Nightstar: :: she looks up at Damon ::

davepoobond: this stupid weirdo over here is being an idiot.

MBailie: Daaaaaaaaaave

davepoobond: not as much of an idiot that I am…..

davepoobond: what?

HeeroYuy71121: aw ur right

MBailie: hush

Damon Darkblade: Whats wrong?

HeeroYuy71121: actully

Level of Mind: Oh? ~Pushes the hood back.~ Sit please.

Damon Darkblade: ::looks to the nameless girl::

HeeroYuy71121: im nota hunter

davepoobond: what the heck are you then?

Baby darkblade: ::she pulled up a chair and sat in it::

MBailie: ::Looks deeply at Heero:: What r u???

davepoobond: are you with a Travelling Circus!!?

HeeroYuy71121: =grins=

davepoobond: i swear, if you are, i’m gonna kill you.

Nightstar: :: tickles him playfully ::

DkQueenDemon: ::She sighed, the picture was done as she turned around and left the place, more to draw and more to see::

OnlineHost: DkQueenDemon has left the room.

HeeroYuy71121: =revials fangs in his grin=

HeeroYuy71121: guess

Damon Darkblade: ::laughs::

Level of Mind: I’m good I suppose. ~Takes a bite of her banana.~ It’s just strange being back.

davepoobond: ..

davepoobond: a vampire?

davepoobond: wait.

MBailie: ::Jumps back in shock::

davepoobond: a Vampire in a Travelling Circus?

HeeroYuy71121: hahahaha!

MBailie: ::Kicks Dave::

Nightstar: :: gigles ::

McaneJr: ((gtg, be back later))

davepoobond: OW.

Baby darkblade: ::nods::

HeeroYuy71121: no sorry no circus

OnlineHost: McaneJr has left the room.

Baby darkblade: […]

Damon Darkblade: ::stands, walking to Suhala and kisses her cheek::

davepoobond: all right, so whaddya want

MBailie: Pull your hood back I want to see your face

HeeroYuy71121: i wanna fid a castle

Level of Mind: ~Blinks, and smiles.~ Evening.

HeeroYuy71121: why?

Damon Darkblade: Evening

davepoobond: i want a billion dollars

HeeroYuy71121: ok

davepoobond: you cant get everything you want.

Damon Darkblade: ::pills up a chair, sitting neext to her::

HeeroYuy71121: thats no problem

Damon Darkblade: ::looks to the child:: Do you have a name?

MBailie: If you won’t even let me see u how do I know I can even trust u

HeeroYuy71121: fine

Nightstar: Sienna

HeeroYuy71121: =fangs disappear=

HeeroYuy71121: =pulls back his hood=

davepoobond: ::Gasp, but it really turns out to be a yawn::

OnlineHost: Nightstar has left the room.

HeeroYuy71121: =revials he is Heero Yuy but looks alittle older=

Damon Darkblade: ::blinks::

HeeroYuy71121: =has Brown eyes now instead of his old persian blue=

MBailie: ::hot::

Baby darkblade: [the child distapears!]

Damon Darkblade: ::lays his head on Suhala’s shoulder::

Level of Mind: (ack!)

davepoobond: ::cold?::

HeeroYuy71121: ((huh?”hot”?))

MBailie: i like brown and blue eyes

HeeroYuy71121: thank you

Level of Mind: ~Pokes Damon.~ What have I missed. Has anything important happened while I was gone?

HeeroYuy71121: =smiles=

davepoobond: ham

davepoobond: i like ham

davepoobond: do you like ham?

davepoobond: how about we get some ham?

OnlineHost: Baby darkblade has left the room.

Damon Darkblade: (ACK!)

MBailie: ::a little nervous reaches out hand to touch his face to see if he is real or in some kind o

Damon Darkblade: (they left)

MBailie: f fading action::

davepoobond: ((lol. the loser is all alone))

Damon Darkblade: Besides me

OnlineHost: Baby darkblade has entered the room.

Damon Darkblade: And me starting my own guild

OnlineHost: Coyotes Rage has entered the room.

HeeroYuy71121: =looks at her=

Baby darkblade: [::glares:: ………. i was punted.. i know it..]

HeeroYuy71121: =very puzzled=

davepoobond: ((HAAHAHAHAHA)))

Level of Mind: (Aww.)

MBailie: ::Back of her hand touches his face confirming he is real::

davepoobond: ((stupid confuzzled))

Baby darkblade: ::never left!!::

Level of Mind: (wb)

davepoobond: …

davepoobond: ok…

Baby darkblade: [GOD DAMMIT! ::kills davepoobond with damon’s mallet:: DIE!]

davepoobond: ((LOL))

Damon Darkblade: (O.o)

OnlineHost: Coyotes Rage has left the room.

MBailie: ((lol))

OnlineHost: Level of Mind has left the room.

Baby darkblade: [::sigh:: quietness….]

Damon Darkblade: (NO!)

davepoobond: ((cuz yer a loser))

Damon Darkblade: (-_-)

davepoobond: ((AHAHAHAH))

Baby darkblade: [she be back]

davepoobond: ((the loser’s girlfriend left))

MBailie: ::Beckons to chair::sit down Heero

HeeroYuy71121: uh

HeeroYuy71121: ok

Baby darkblade: [her sister thinks its funny to kick her offline]

Damon Darkblade: ::stands and walks out::

HeeroYuy71121: =dits down=

OnlineHost: Shadows Of HeIl has entered the room.

OnlineHost: Damon Darkblade has left the room.

davepoobond: so…………………

Baby darkblade: dad..

MBailie: Now explain what this legend is……

Baby darkblade: ::watches him walk::

davepoobond: ((haha))

davepoobond: ((stupid little girl is alone))

OnlineHost: Shadows Of HeIl has left the room.

davepoobond: ((wah wah))

Baby darkblade: ::she sighed again:: so alone.. ::and with that she stood up from the chair and walked out

MBailie: ::Smiles at Dave:: Calm down u r gonna get killed

HeeroYuy71121: uh

davepoobond: thats funny.

OnlineHost: Psycho Mantis 55 has entered the room.

HeeroYuy71121: ok

OnlineHost: Psycho Mantis 55 has left the room.

HeeroYuy71121: brb

davepoobond: its not in my genes to die.

OnlineHost: McaneJr has entered the room.

davepoobond: i dont die.

Baby darkblade: the door, deciding she was going to follow damon::

McaneJr: ((Okay, back now))

Baby darkblade: [erica.mun.. damon left]

MBailie: what about ::Laughs::

OnlineHost: Baby darkblade has left the room.

McaneJr: ((where he go?))

MBailie: pain???

OnlineHost: McaneJr has left the room.

MBailie: Can u feel pain???

davepoobond: yep.

MBailie: hee hee hee allalone

OnlineHost: Nightstar has entered the room.

davepoobond: ((haha. they all left))

MBailie: u freaked em’ off Dave ::smils::

OnlineHost: Nightstar has left the room.

MBailie: Smiles*

davepoobond: yep…i guess so

davepoobond: ::stabs a flag into the ground::

MBailie: Dave…….

MBailie: ((lol))

davepoobond: This tavern has been claimed Dave’s

davepoobond: number 14!

davepoobond: or something….

MBailie: quick which do u like better the North or the south???

davepoobond: south

MBailie: eeeeerrrrrrr

davepoobond: what?

MBailie: wrong answert

MBailie: the correct answer is purple elephants

davepoobond: why..?

davepoobond: oh, is it?

davepoobond: i shoulda guessed that…..

MBailie: yes, it is.

davepoobond: hmm……………………….OPEN BAR!

davepoobond: GET WASTED!

MBailie: woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: ::jumps over the bar thingy, and grabs all the drinks he can get::

MBailie: ::Pops open the first one she can reach and starts to chug!!!!!!!::

MBailie: chug

MBailie: chug

MBailie: chug

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – Darkblade Tavern”. ***

davepoobond: ((whoops))

MBailie: ((what))

davepoobond: ((nothing))

MBailie: ((k))

davepoobond: ((this is getting stupid. where is that turdy boy?))

MBailie: ((I don’t know I hope he gets back soon))

MBailie: HEERO WHERE R U???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: ((that stupid bean bag makin’ us wait. I can be goin’ around and getting more chat rooms destroyed))

MBailie: ((lol))

MBailie: ((I understand))

HeeroYuy71121: ((back))

davepoobond: ((finally))

davepoobond: ((::boots him IC::))

HeeroYuy71121: ((sorry))

HeeroYuy71121: ((ow))

HeeroYuy71121: =looks over the girls features=

davepoobond: ::raises a brow::

davepoobond: uh………………are you gettin’ sidetracked?

davepoobond: are you a loser?

HeeroYuy71121: =shakes his head=

davepoobond: not gettin’ any in the sack?

HeeroYuy71121: =glares at him=

davepoobond: dont have a good sack?

davepoobond: ey ey ey. just askin’ man. dont have to get mad

OnlineHost: Outlawgirl has entered the room.

HeeroYuy71121: actully i probly get more then u but thats not wat i was tryin to acheave

Outlawgirl: {}o.0{}

davepoobond: ((achieve, ya turd))

MBailie: ::smiles and takes another sip of drink::

HeeroYuy71121: ((i cant spell!))

davepoobond: ((i know that.))

MBailie: Now about this quest u wanna go on?!

HeeroYuy71121: tell me how old are u?im 17!=to M=

davepoobond: ::laughs::

HeeroYuy71121: well

davepoobond: stupid 17 year old.

davepoobond: i’m 4000 plus years old.

HeeroYuy71121: fuck u!

davepoobond: but, i’m biologically frozen in a state of 20 years old.

HeeroYuy71121: =fangs appear and he hisses at David=

davepoobond: ::raises a brow:: dont give me that poop. i can do that too

Outlawgirl: {}0.o{}

HeeroYuy71121: poop?

davepoobond: ::looks from left to right::

davepoobond: you’re immature.

HeeroYuy71121: =fangs return to normal=

MBailie: Gentlemen lets get back to business

davepoobond: what business? this guy takes half an hour to say whatever he wants to say

HeeroYuy71121: im not going to talk to u about immature

davepoobond: ok good.

MBailie: and u Dave won’t shut up ::Laughs::

davepoobond: at least i say what i’m thinking!

MBailie: now…….continue

Outlawgirl: {} Gentle…they ain’t gentle…if there gentle then that makes me a fast typer….{}

davepoobond: unlike this guy…

HeeroYuy71121: ((lol))

HeeroYuy71121: ((hi Loner!))

davepoobond: y’gonna tell us or what?

Outlawgirl: {}hi{}

HeeroYuy71121: ok

HeeroYuy71121: thre is a castle

davepoobond: ((Aquafina))

HeeroYuy71121: with a vamp

MBailie: DAVE!

HeeroYuy71121: aw screw it!

davepoobond: what?

HeeroYuy71121: its pretty much a dracula story

davepoobond: ok.

HeeroYuy71121: i wanna take the castle over

MBailie: Heero just ignore him I want to know ::Smiles at Heero::

HeeroYuy71121: =smiles back=

Outlawgirl: {}::ish is tired::{} ::Loner walks in to the unknown place looking around with her icy blue

HeeroYuy71121: this vamp will be deystroyed

Outlawgirl: eyes….she stands at the height of 5’6 and has long midnight blue hair::

HeeroYuy71121: hi Loner!

Outlawgirl: 0.0

Outlawgirl: hi…::sounds scared::

MBailie: Why do u want this particular castle???

davepoobond: who you callin’ a loner?

davepoobond: ::raises a brow::

HeeroYuy71121: come sit down

HeeroYuy71121: =pionts to the chair nexta him=

Outlawgirl: ::Looks tae (Bond):: I’m Loner….

Outlawgirl: me name is Loner…

davepoobond: oh.

Outlawgirl: um…what’s yers?

davepoobond: well, my name is Dave Bond, Shapeshifter Extraordinaire.

HeeroYuy71121: hesa asshole Loner

davepoobond: nice to meet ya. i’d tip my hat if i had a hat.

Outlawgirl: shapeshifter…cool that’s what I am….

davepoobond: really?

HeeroYuy71121: =smiles politley at David=

davepoobond: that’s cool.

Outlawgirl: ::looks tae Heero:: he seems fine tae me…

davepoobond: yeah. i seem fine tae her

HeeroYuy71121: u werent here a minute ago

MBailie: ::Smiles to herself::

HeeroYuy71121: -_-

davepoobond: only you were here a minute ago.

HeeroYuy71121: ak!i cant take it anymore

HeeroYuy71121: =ki gathers in his right hand=

davepoobond: OOOH!

HeeroYuy71121: =stands and faces David=

MBailie: STOP


Outlawgirl: ::hides in a coner…tring to get away from any type of fights::

HeeroYuy71121: =throws his cloak of=

davepoobond: kitty….!

HeeroYuy71121: =it disappears before it hits the ground=

davepoobond: ahahahah!

davepoobond: this is great.

davepoobond: ::another image of Dave appears behind Heero::

davepoobond: which one of us

davepoobond: Dave 2: is the real Dave?

HeeroYuy71121: =grins=

HeeroYuy71121: i love mind games

davepoobond: this isn’t a mind game

davepoobond: WE’RE

davepoobond: DAVE 2: BOTH DAVE!

HeeroYuy71121: =copys Dave’s move=

HeeroYuy71121: ecept

davepoobond: ::both of the Dave’s jump into the air, gathering Distortion Ki into their palms::

HeeroYuy71121: both Heeros: were real!

HeeroYuy71121: =they disappear=

davepoobond: aha. thats funny.

davepoobond: Dave 2: yes very.

davepoobond: makes me laugh

davepoobond: Dave 2: hahahahaah

Outlawgirl: ::walks out side::

MBailie: Stop it ::she yells::

davepoobond: ok.

davepoobond: but this guy started

HeeroYuy71121: =Dave2 expoldes=

davepoobond: NOOO! Dave 2!

HeeroYuy71121: =reappears just one Heero=

HeeroYuy71121: ok

davepoobond: Dave 2: i’m sorry Dave. I’m dying……..

HeeroYuy71121: ill stop

davepoobond: ::holds Dave 2 in his arms::

Outlawgirl: {}0.o{}

davepoobond: Dave 2: ::coughs up blood:: he got me good

HeeroYuy71121: =heals dave two=

HeeroYuy71121: there

HeeroYuy71121: now leave me alone

davepoobond: Dave 2: ::riverdances:: i’m healed!

Outlawgirl: {}::laughs::{}

davepoobond: yay! ::riverdances::

MBailie: ::sighs:: thank you

HeeroYuy71121: =cloak appears on him=

HeeroYuy71121: im not wanted here

davepoobond: who said that

davepoobond: you’re the one who doesnt want yourself

HeeroYuy71121: =throws hood up upon his head=

davepoobond: <vs> and your mom

HeeroYuy71121: =grabs Dave by his collor=

MBailie: Heero don’t go stay

HeeroYuy71121: ((brb))

davepoobond: ((Collar))

davepoobond: ((not collor))

OnlineHost: MBailie has left the room.

OnlineHost: MBailie has entered the room.

MBailie: Heero please don’t go

davepoobond: hey. wanna see my pet?

HeeroYuy71121: =throws him across the room=

davepoobond: ::gets thrown across the room::

Outlawgirl: {}0.o??? {}

HeeroYuy71121: ((back! and stop crecting my spelling u grammer geek!))

davepoobond: ((correcting))

Outlawgirl: {}-.-{}

HeeroYuy71121: ((-_-))

Outlawgirl: {}::sighs::{}

davepoobond: ((i’m not a grammer geek. i’m just smarter than you))

HeeroYuy71121: ((yea!thats funny!))

Outlawgirl: ::walks back in and slaps Heero on the back of his head::

davepoobond: ((it is))

Outlawgirl: stop that!!!

HeeroYuy71121: ((hahahahaha!))

HeeroYuy71121: none insults my family

HeeroYuy71121: noone*

davepoobond: ((geez you took so long, i forgot why you threw me across the room))

davepoobond: ((no one))

davepoobond: ((2 words))

HeeroYuy71121: ((thanx))

HeeroYuy71121: ((<^> ^_^ <^>)))

davepoobond: (( >; | ))

HeeroYuy71121: ((<^> -_- <^>))

davepoobond: (( ?= ) ))

MBailie: *<:0)~

HeeroYuy71121: ((lol))

Outlawgirl: {}um….its not Dave that is an Ahole…it’s his mun…no offence…um…did I spell that

Outlawgirl: right…offence?{}

davepoobond: ((i am?))

davepoobond: ((i’m not an ahole……))

HeeroYuy71121: ((told u))

davepoobond: ((just because i try and help improve the intelligence of this individual right here…..))

Outlawgirl: {}no…your char told me…not you..{}

davepoobond: ((::points “politely” to heero::))

davepoobond: ((oh))

HeeroYuy71121: ((Dave u just get annoying))

HeeroYuy71121: ((lol))

davepoobond: ((exactly))

davepoobond: ((thats what my character is))

davepoobond: ((he’s annoying.))

davepoobond: ((i can rp seriously tho))

HeeroYuy71121: ((not ur char))

davepoobond: ((o))

HeeroYuy71121: ((u and ur char))

Outlawgirl: {}lol{}


This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series The Shoe Salesman

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – QuietForestClearing”. ***

Nightstar: (( oy ))

Taeshira Baku: No I don’t

davepoobond: HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLOOOOOO! ::screams across the quiet forest clearing::

Beeezubaby: ok

OnlineHost: srvaughan has left the room.

Beeezubaby: ::dissapointed::

Nightstar: :: the lil girl looks at the screaming man ::

davepoobond: ::jumps around:: i’m a shoe salesman! buy my shoes!

davepoobond: …………or die!!!!!!

Nightstar: …….

Nightstar: stwang man

davepoobond: ::stops near Beeezu:: hey! why do you look disappointed?

davepoobond: if you buy my shoes, you wont be disappointed.

davepoobond: its 100% “real” Shoe Material!

Nightstar: ……..

Nightstar: wealy stwange man

davepoobond: hmm? ::glares at Nightstar:: what’re you lookin’ at kid? you wanna buy some kiddy shoes?

Damon Darkblade: ::picks up the small girl:: Well hello there…

davepoobond: or maybe some shoes for your husband?

davepoobond: hmm? ::looks up a little:: hi.

Nightstar: :: looks at Damon ::

Beeezubaby: ::smiles::

Damon Darkblade: ::tickles her a bit::

davepoobond: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

davepoobond: anyone gonna buy my shoes or not

Damon Darkblade: Nope

Nightstar: :: laughs ::

davepoobond: well….

davepoobond: i dont know what to say.

OnlineHost: Irishfighter has entered the room.

Damon Darkblade: Ummm goodbye?

Damon Darkblade: ::laughs::

davepoobond: ((leave irishfigter. its not good to stay here! leave! there’s mucho violence!))

davepoobond: ((SHIELD YOUR EYES AS YOU RUN AWAY!!!))

Beeezubaby: ::wonders why he is so quiet::

Irishfighter: ::apperes in a crouch in the middle of the clearing::

davepoobond: whats so funny?

davepoobond: why were you laughing?


davepoobond: BUCKOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Damon Darkblade: You want to do something about it?

davepoobond: hmm

Damon Darkblade: ::smirks::

davepoobond: sure.

davepoobond: BRING IT ON, KITTY!

Nightstar: :: looks at Bond ::

Damon Darkblade: ::laughs::

Irishfighter: ::looks at damon::

davepoobond: ::loosens his tie, and puts the briefcase full of shoes down on the floor::

Beeezubaby: [] lol []

davepoobond: ((ah…..whats so funny?))

Nightstar: :: yawns and lays her head on Damons sholder ::

Beeezubaby: [] nothin []

Damon Darkblade: (LMAO)

Nightstar: :: closes her eyes ::

Damon Darkblade: ::carrys the small child off::

OnlineHost: Damon Darkblade has left the room.

davepoobond: what a wuss!

OnlineHost: Nightstar has left the room.

davepoobond: ::runs off after him::

See what happens afterwards at Darkblade Tavern.

Elfhome Tavern

OnlineHost: Silent Enemy has left the room.

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – Elfhome Tavern”. ***

Antarlas: ((thank you))

davepoobond: ((your welcome))

OnlineHost: Tsenn has entered the room.

Antarlas: Ah, a fellow dark elf.


Star of Valinor: Nae, sir…

Star of Valinor: Your tounge is but a mockery of the Sindar tounge that I speak.

Antarlas: I was just talking with Alkea here about a dreadful attack.

davepoobond: ….

davepoobond: eh?

Tsenn: ::jumps in witha basket:: get ya hot tamales!

davepoobond: ::waves a briefcase in the air:: SHOES! who wants SHOES

Star of Valinor: ::she lowered her hood…her skin was an unmarred golden white, her face ovaline, her high,

Tsenn: i want shoes! because igot socks to go with the SHOES!!

davepoobond: GREAT!

OnlineHost: BlizzardWolf has entered the room.

davepoobond: i’ll give you a shoe, for a tamale!

Tsenn: YOUR ON!

davepoobond: ::hands him a shoe::

OnlineHost: NeoNet has entered the room.

Antarlas: ((If you going to be pests please leave))

Star of Valinor: aristocratic cheekbones denoting the careful bloodline of one of the Eldar::

davepoobond: ((we’re only here to RP))

Tsenn: ::hands him a tamale and puts the shoein the box::

davepoobond: ::puts the tamale in the briefcase::

davepoobond: i’ll trade you a penny for a penny

OnlineHost: JIS has entered the room.

OnlineHost: Vampireangel has left the room.

OnlineHost: RissArrow has entered the room.

Antarlas: Ah, I see the tavern is filling up now.

Tsenn: uh sure

davepoobond: ok!

NeoNet: :: a man in a black and silver cloke enteres::

davepoobond: ::hands him a penny::

JIS: ::walks in with his eyes glowing green::

Tsenn: how about you give mea penny to trade you a penny witha penny for a penny?

Antarlas: Alkae, who is serving?

JIS: ::looks around::

davepoobond: ok

OnlineHost: Vampireangel has entered the room.

NeoNet: :: his emerald eyes are the only think visible under the hood::

davepoobond: even better

Tsenn: yeah

Star of Valinor: ::glowing blue eyes shone brightly, as she stepped forward:: Never the less, I will forgive

OnlineHost: Zack o Lantern has entered the room.

JIS: ::yawns a little showing a bit of his fangs::

Vampireangel: ::She reappears:: Aye what happened?

Star of Valinor: you your transgression against my nobility…I am Valith Amandil of LothLorien, Priestess of

Star of Valinor: Yavanna Tanquetil.

Tsenn: ((see we attract the attention))

davepoobond: ((hehe))

davepoobond: ((we’re more interesting))

Tsenn: ((this room woulda sucked without our presence lol))

davepoobond: hey, miss. want a shoe or 2?


davepoobond: ::points at Vampireangel::

Vampireangel: ::Looks around, dark brown orbs gazing at everyone:: aah, the room is getting quite full

Vampireangel: ::Looks at davepoobond:: What?

RissArrow: ::A young man walks in and sits down next to the man in the black cloak::

Tsenn: shoes lady shoes

davepoobond: want. a. shoe. or. 2?

NeoNet: :: removes the hood revealing a young elven man with jet black hair going down to his neck::

Tsenn: hes givin shoes dont miss out!

davepoobond: i’m a travelling shoe salesman

Vampireangel: No thank you

Antarlas: :walks to Riss: What can I get you kind sir?

Vampireangel: I am quite ok with my sandals

davepoobond: you’ve got outdated shoes.

davepoobond: sandals are nasty

davepoobond: no one wants to see your toes

JIS: ::walks up to Antarlas::

davepoobond: why cant they understand that!

Vampireangel: My toes are quite fine

Zack o Lantern: :: Walks in casually with his long black trench coat and hair dangling down over his eyes::

Tsenn: here

Tsenn: replace your toes with tamales

OnlineHost: AngelicWinds has entered the room.

JIS: do i know you?

Antarlas: :Looks a JIS: Can I help you?

Vampireangel: ::She moves her feet up, revealing slender toes, her nails painted red::

Antarlas: No, I don’t belive so.

davepoobond: wow.

RissArrow: Aiden-::Looks at Antar:: no, thanks

OnlineHost: BlizzardWolf has left the room.

Zack o Lantern: ::glances around at the crowd::

RissArrow: Aiden-Not now anyway

OnlineHost: AngelicWinds has left the room.

OnlineHost: Willow Isp has entered the room.

OnlineHost: BlizzardWolf has entered the room.

Tsenn: ::he admires the toes then:: see now those feet need a good shoe to keep nice

JIS: could you give me your name?

NeoNet: :: pops his neck sitting on a chair next to him::

davepoobond: not sandals

davepoobond: sandals expose them to bacteria

davepoobond: and bacteria is bad

Antarlas: My name is Antarlas Draxel.

Tsenn: and dirt and other stuff

davepoobond: because they like to eat toes

JIS: ok thank you

JIS: ::walks away::

Antarlas: Yours?

Vampireangel: :She smiles::

OnlineHost: Willow Isp has left the room.

RissArrow: Aiden-::Looks at Tallon:: How are you?

davepoobond: why are you smiling?

NeoNet: good, for now :: looks around the room::

JIS: i do not tell my name to elves

Tsenn: because she sees the light man

Vampireangel: ::Stands up to fix her knee long loose pants::

davepoobond: hmm! i think you’re right.

RissArrow: Aiden-::Looks around in parinoia::

Vampireangel: damn things keep falling to ma hips

JIS: ::looks to Vampireangel::

Zack o Lantern: ::walks over to Antarlas:: Hello, I am new here could you show me around?

davepoobond: no one knows the spectacular uses of shoes.

Tsenn: takeem off then and replace them with a piece of Lingerie! tjhat we came across!

NeoNet: :: looks at JIS:: huh!

Antarlas: very well, what can I get you Zack?

davepoobond: yeah!

Vampireangel: ::Looks at Antarlas:: Hey Antarlas Did they take off my belt thing when they healed me?

Zack o Lantern: ::looks up at Antarlas:: How ’bout some names?

RissArrow: Aiden-good, pretty quiet in here

Antarlas: :looks to Alkae: No, I don’t belive so.

Antarlas: My dear.

Vampireangel: Ok them thieves must have broken it

Antarlas: : to Zack: I am Antarlas.

davepoobond: ::jumps on antarlas’ head, and bites his hair:: I’M HUNGRY FEED ME!!!!!!!!!!

Tsenn: missin out on a good deal

Zack o Lantern: ::glances briefly at the crowd again::

Vampireangel: ((LOL davepoobond))

davepoobond: (( = D ))

Tsenn: ::he jumped on zack:: MOMMY!!!

Star of Valinor: ::she sighed, and merely slipped away::

OnlineHost: Star of Valinor has left the room.

Antarlas: You’ll have to ask for other’s names. I’m not at libirty to say.

Tsenn: store!! come on!!

JIS: ::wears shorts no shoes and no shirt and wearing sunglasses::

RissArrow: Dang, I’ve gotta go

davepoobond: ::jumps from antarlas’ head to the bar counter, throwing glasses at Antarlas’ face::

RissArrow: bye

OnlineHost: BlizzardWolf has left the room.

OnlineHost: BlizzardWolf has entered the room.

NeoNet: bye

davepoobond: die! die die!

Tsenn: ::pokes him a lot:: die!

Zack o Lantern: ::looks up at his new found friend and shakes his head causing tsenn to fall off::

davepoobond: ::kicks Antarlas in the shins::

Tsenn: ::and he fell just to cling to zacks leg::

Antarlas: Well, I must be going. Alkae, will you take over for me? I was just showing Zack around.

Zack o Lantern: ::chuckles at him::

OnlineHost: RissArrow has left the room.

Vampireangel: ::her hands fall at her sides as she yawns::

davepoobond: ::eats Antarlas’ pants::

Vampireangel: Sure

davepoobond: ew! nasty

Tsenn: ::pokes his shins::

Vampireangel: ::Walks toward Zack::

davepoobond: ::trips Antarlas::

davepoobond: ::stomps on his shoes::

davepoobond: ::eats his hand::

OnlineHost: NeoNet has left the room.

Antarlas: Fair the well Alkae. :gently grabs Alkea’s hand a lightly kisses it.” Fair the well.

OnlineHost: Antarlas has left the room.

Vampireangel: ::lends her hand out in welcome, the other holding onto her pants::


davepoobond: I’M EATING YOU

Vampireangel: Bye Bye Antarlas

Tsenn: people have no respect these days!

davepoobond: nooooooooo! he left..

JIS: ::draws his sword::

davepoobond: ::jumps on the bar counter::

Tsenn: honestly at elast let you finish

davepoobond: ::gets an apple, biting pieces of it and spits it out onto JIS::


Zack o Lantern: ::looks at alkea:: Hello there.

Vampireangel: ::Looks at Zack:: What do you need?

JIS: ::shock the hell out of davepoobond with lightning::

Vampireangel: ::Dark brown eyes gazing at him (?) ::

davepoobond: aaahhh! ::shocked:: yay. only heaven is in me now

Tsenn: ::cold clocks jis witha french fry:: bwajajaja!!

davepoobond: thank you!

Zack o Lantern: ::smiles:: I am new here could you introduce me to your friends?

JIS: ::runs up to him/her and slices its head off::

Tsenn: hey dave

davepoobond: ::hugs his legs::

Tsenn: your head fell off again

davepoobond: oh no.

davepoobond: ::his head rolls around on the ground::

davepoobond: head: nyehhhh

Tsenn: that happens a lot man

Vampireangel: ::Smiles:: These are not my friends

Vampireangel: Just customers

Vampireangel: U have to introduce yourself to them

davepoobond: ::his head shoots up into the air, and attaches to his body again::

JIS: ::slices his body in half::

davepoobond: my body

davepoobond: ow

Tsenn: ((hey dave only one person isnt ignorin us i guessin lol))

Zack o Lantern: Oh haha, it just seems so friendly around here.

davepoobond: ::his body seals up and its back to normal:: WHY ARE YOU HURTING ME

Tsenn: hes hurting you?

Tsenn: eat him!

davepoobond: ::slaps JIS in the face::

Zack o Lantern: ::shrugs and bows to alkea:: Alrighty, thanks.

JIS: this is an acid based diamond sword

davepoobond: so what.

Tsenn: ::grabs a spatula and pokes JIS::

JIS: ::turns his face to the side::

Vampireangel: ::She smiles as he bows:: You r welcome

JIS: ::bites davepoobond::

Tsenn: suck cooking utensils!

davepoobond: ::bites back::

JIS: ::sucks all his blood out of him/her::

davepoobond: ::claws at JIS::

davepoobond: ::sucks back all his blood::

Tsenn: ((LMAO))

davepoobond: i’m a vampire, too

Vampireangel: ::She laughs at davepoobond, glossy red lips part to show fangs::

JIS: ::throws him on to the floor::

davepoobond: as well as a many other things

davepoobond: ::tackles JIS, getting off the floor:: DIE

Tsenn: ::well least davepoobond wasnt ignored by all as he thwapped jis with some frying pan::

JIS: ::creates a sheild of magic around so nothing can get in::

davepoobond: ::punches him repeatedly::

Zack o Lantern: ::turns and walks to JIS:: May I be of assistance?

Tsenn: err whered that come from

Vampireangel: ::Whistles to davepoobond:: Stop!!

JIS: ::falls back::

davepoobond: wha? why?

Tsenn: ::pelts him with tamales::

JIS: ::puts his hand on the ground::

Vampireangel: No killing those that have done nothing!!

Zack o Lantern: ::pulls jis pack up::

Tsenn: but he did something

davepoobond: he was looking at me weird

Tsenn: he cut his head off

JIS: ::thinks of all the things he want revenge on::

Zack o Lantern: ::back*::

davepoobond: ::takes a shoe and jams a high heel into JIS’s mouth::

OnlineHost: GingerTiger has entered the room.

Vampireangel: davepoobond that is no reason!

davepoobond: sure it is!

Tsenn: he cut his head off!

davepoobond: and he sucked my blood, and i had to suck it all back

OnlineHost: GingerTiger has left the room.

davepoobond: do you know how disgusting that is?

JIS: ::a purple beam surrounds him::

Vampireangel: ::Walks to davepoobond and kicks him in the shins:: No it isn’t!!!!

davepoobond: owww

Tsenn: dude why do you get all the attention

JIS: ::stands::

davepoobond: fine fine. whaddya want me to do? he’s gonna try and kill me now.

davepoobond: which is pretty funny, since i cant die.

JIS: ::his eyes turn white and start to glow::

davepoobond: wow. i’m scared, JIS.

davepoobond: whatcha gonna do?

davepoobond: slice me a bunch of times

JIS: you touch me again i will destroy this place

Tsenn: ::touches him::

davepoobond: OOOH!

Tsenn: that a threat?

JIS: ::puts his sword away::

Vampireangel: ::Rolls her eyes at JIS, and smacks him:: Calm down!!!

davepoobond: oh no he’s gonna destroy the place ::yawns::

Tsenn: oh no i touched him!

Zack o Lantern: ::is rolling on the floor laughing at JIS::


Tsenn: ::touches jis again lol::

davepoobond: ::sits down::

Vampireangel: ::Cracks up at what JIS has said::

JIS: ::thinks to himself should he do it or not::

Zack o Lantern: ::would love to see it::

JIS: ::was talking about davepoobond::

Zack o Lantern: ((lol everyones laughing at him))

Vampireangel: It does not matter with a single chant I can fix the place back up

Tsenn: ::touch touch touch:: ooh come on big guy

davepoobond: yeah

Zack o Lantern: ::cheers at alkea::

davepoobond: and with a single shake, i can re-attach my blown up pieces

davepoobond: salt shaker shake that is

davepoobond: ahahah

Vampireangel: ::looks at Zack, and falls to the floor laughing::

Tsenn: ::touch:: yeah look ::touch:: see that ::touch:: i knopw ya feel it ::touch::

Zack o Lantern: wow thats pretty good davepoobond what are you some kind of god?

Zack o Lantern: ::giggles at davepoobond::

JIS: ::gets pissed and unleashes his power on davepoobond::

davepoobond: well, yeah…i guess you could say that

JIS: ::killing him::

Tsenn: oooh

davepoobond: i’m a Shapeshifter

JIS: ::sends him to hell::

Vampireangel: ((JIS is a MODER!!!!!!!!!!!))

Tsenn: dave have a nice ride heh

davepoobond: ::modes, and goes to heaven::

davepoobond: hahaha

Zack o Lantern: ((true true))

Tsenn: ((least dave and i are just havin fun :/))

OnlineHost: JIS has left the room.

davepoobond: ::jumps back down to earth::

davepoobond: hahaha

Vampireangel: ((MODER davepoobond))

Zack o Lantern: ((i have a feeling that anyone that can somehow reattach any part of his body and destroy th

Tsenn: ((yeah and he cares? lol))

davepoobond: ((heh. only after he moded))

Zack o Lantern: ((the world at his command is a moder))

Vampireangel: ((WB blizzard))

davepoobond: ((he’s a Shapeshifter, its a good reason that he can))

Zack o Lantern: ((::cheer:: he left))

davepoobond: ((yes))

Tsenn: ((thx to us))

Tsenn: ((the incredible ones o.o;;))

davepoobond: ((yep))

Vampireangel: ::is still laughing histerically on the floor::

davepoobond: so. how about them Dodgers?

Tsenn: ((who hasnt ignored me yet besides dave lol))

Zack o Lantern: ::pokes davepoobond:: haha turn into that chair over there ::points over to a turned-over chair::

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: ::turns into a chair::

davepoobond: wow

Vampireangel: ::Stands up::

Zack o Lantern: ::cheers::

davepoobond: i’m a chair

Vampireangel: Turn into me

Zack o Lantern: hahaha

davepoobond: hmm

Tsenn: ::sits on dave mistaken him for a chair::

davepoobond: ::turns into vampireangel, so tsenn is sitting on her then::

Vampireangel: eww, there’s a stinky butt on dave!!!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: wow!

Tsenn: whoa

davepoobond: no, there’s a stinky butt on YOU

Tsenn: yer hot!!

Vampireangel: I know, but your me, ummm, shapeshifter!!!

davepoobond: ok

Vampireangel: Hehe, Thanx

Tsenn: call him dave -.-

davepoobond: yeah, my name is Dave Bond

Zack o Lantern: ::yawns::

Vampireangel: Okies

davepoobond: Shapeshifter Extraordinaire.

Zack o Lantern: ::is getting bored with this shapeshifter thingy::

Vampireangel: Umm, can u stop being me now, plz?!!

davepoobond: ::turns into a magic wand::

davepoobond: ::flies around, spraying magic dust all around::

Vampireangel: ::Grabs the wand::

Tsenn: ::magic dusted::

Vampireangel: Ooooh, pretty

davepoobond: agh!

Vampireangel: ::waves the wand around::

davepoobond: wuhhhhhh ::waved around::

Zack o Lantern: ::reaches into his jacket::

Vampireangel: OOhhh. pretty sparkles

Zack o Lantern: ::pulls out a larger wand and mumbles something::

davepoobond: ::extends all the way, and whacks Zack in the face, as

vampireangel waves him around::

Tsenn: ::wonders if he puleld that from his pants O.o::

Zack o Lantern: ::quickly lashes out at the wand in her hand::

Tsenn: erm….

Vampireangel: ::Stops waving Dave::

OnlineHost: MidWinterDragon has entered the room.

davepoobond: ok….let go of me

Zack o Lantern: ::watches as the wand turns into a wooden dall::

Zack o Lantern: hahaha

Vampireangel: ::Shrieks:::EEWWWWWW, if he did then I am walking away from him

Vampireangel: !!!!!!!!!

Zack o Lantern: ::rolls on the floor laughing::

davepoobond: ok?

MidWinterDragon: ::enters the tavern and looks around::

davepoobond: ::turns into his reg. form::

Vampireangel: I was talking to Tsenn

davepoobond: leggo my arm.

Zack o Lantern: ::pats dave on the back:: you make a nice play toy eh?

Vampireangel: I did let go of u

davepoobond: i guess.

davepoobond: ok

Zack o Lantern: ::chuckles gleefully at him::

Tsenn: wow i was tlked to

davepoobond: ::looks around::

Tsenn: scary

davepoobond: yes, it is.

Vampireangel: ::laughs at tsenn’s remark::

Vampireangel: ::Yawns:

Vampireangel: ((U people r slow typers))!!!!!!

davepoobond: ((ok?))

Zack o Lantern: ((haha i agree))

davepoobond: ((there’s nothing to say))

Zack o Lantern: ((hmm))

Tsenn: ((well type fast with a nearly dislocated arm))

Vampireangel: ::Kicks all the boys in the shins::

davepoobond: oww

davepoobond: my shins ::rubs his shins::

Vampireangel: ((oh ok, sorry Tsenn))

Vampireangel: ::laughs::

Tsenn: hey my legs are jellowy enough already ::flobbling around from that::

davepoobond: ::puts vampireangel into a headlock:: laugh now!

Vampireangel: Eww, don’t do that infront of me Dave

Zack o Lantern: ::sits down cautiously on the nearest chair, afraid it maybe someone hes met before::

Vampireangel: Waaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: dont do….what….

Vampireangel: ::is headlocked::

BlizzardWolf: Alkae…why did you kick me?

Tsenn: he said laugh not cry…

Vampireangel: rub your shins

davepoobond: ok.

MidWinterDragon: ::looks at Tsenn::

Vampireangel: ::Looks at wolf while in a headlock:: U don’t count Wolf

Tsenn: ::looked at err:: what?

davepoobond: a counting wolf?

Vampireangel: I didn’t kick u

davepoobond: what?

MidWinterDragon: ::glances at vampire::

Tsenn: ::looks at midnight hah can do that too::

BlizzardWolf: i am not a WOLF….my name is Blizz

Tsenn: stare down whoo

davepoobond: blizz

Vampireangel: ((Sorry))

davepoobond: sounds like wiz

Vampireangel: ((LMAO))

Tsenn: blizz took a jizz

davepoobond: with a fizz

Tsenn: what a pizz

davepoobond: blizz took a jizz with a fizz

Tsenn: and sounded like wiz!

davepoobond: we should leave him to his biz…

Vampireangel: ::tugs on Daves face:: let me go!!!!!!!!!

Vampireangel: ((I’m going to get kicked off))

MidWinterDragon: ::looks around at all the weird messed up people and walks out of the room::

davepoobond: ow my face. only if you say the magic word

Vampireangel: ((My computers lagging))

OnlineHost: L0RD5PH1NX has entered the room.

OnlineHost: MidWinterDragon has left the room.

BlizzardWolf: ::hits Dave on the forhead::LET GO ASSHOLE

davepoobond: ((ok))

OnlineHost: Zack o Lantern has left the room.

Tsenn: hey he caleld you asshole!

davepoobond: ::lets go:: ok, thats the magic word

Tsenn: haha wassup asshole

davepoobond: ::puts blizz in a sleeper hold:: AHAHAHA

Vampireangel: ::cracks her neck:: Thanx Blizz

Vampireangel: ::Smacks dave, and kicks him in the shins again::

L0RD5PH1NX: ::The short man walks in slowly, his twin braids flail side to side.:

davepoobond: owwwww ow ow ow ow ow

OnlineHost: DrgnPrincessKaci has entered the room.

Vampireangel: Don’t hurt blizz

Tsenn: ::pokes vampire:: ey be nice

BlizzardWolf: ::kicks him in the nutz::mind letting me go

davepoobond: ::falls on the ground, going into a fetal position::

DrgnPrincessKaci: u people are floopy))

L0RD5PH1NX: ::Looks around::

davepoobond: ((so what))

OnlineHost: DrgnPrincessKaci has left the room.

OnlineHost: L0RD5PH1NX has left the room.

Vampireangel: ::falls on the floor laughing at dave::

Tsenn: ((::bows::))

BlizzardWolf: dont mess with a shapeshifting vampire…::kicks him in the ribs::

davepoobond: dont mess with a shapeshifter!

Tsenn: umm

Tsenn: yeah

Tsenn: what he said

BlizzardWolf: ::turns and sits at a table,starts reading his book::

Vampireangel: ::Stands up and stands next to Tsenn::

davepoobond: ::gets up, and stands nose to nose with Blizz:: i’m a shapeshifter extraordinaire!

Tsenn: dont mess with err the power of gooze

davepoobond: yeah, my blood is pure MELTED FRUIT ROLL UP JUICE

Vampireangel: Gooze?

Vampireangel: Ewwww

Vampireangel: Fruit Roll Up Gooo?!!!!!!

davepoobond: it tastes quite good actually

Tsenn: see thats why you dont mess with it

davepoobond: i got sugar running through my veins 24/7

Vampireangel: ::walks to Blizz’s table and sits on the table::

Tsenn: ::stood next to he tried to stand in a thoughtful position::

davepoobond: ::breaks into song::

davepoobond: our house. in the middle of our street. our house. in the middle of our

Vampireangel: ::looks at Tsenn looking almost thoughtful::

BlizzardWolf: Alkae its been a pleasure ::kisses her hand and stands up::but i am leaving ::walks out::

OnlineHost: BlizzardWolf has left the room.

davepoobond: what a wussy.

Vampireangel: Everybody has to kiss ma hand

Vampireangel: Damnit

davepoobond: he just wants to get into your pants. you shouldn’t fall for it, Alkae

Tsenn: ::err paid attention to here he blinked and kisses her cheek? :: better?

Vampireangel: ::laughs::

davepoobond: he does too.

davepoobond: the perv.

Tsenn: your a pervier perv

davepoobond: yer gonna change this tavern into a Pervopub

Vampireangel: ::laughs:: No need to kiss me

Vampireangel: Why me?!!!!

Tsenn: the pervinator?

davepoobond: i was talking to Tsenn

Tsenn: ok fine!

Tsenn: ::kisses dave:: happy!

davepoobond: EWW

Vampireangel: Ewww

davepoobond: ::smacks him in the face::

Vampireangel: Gay Lords

davepoobond: bisexual.

Tsenn: no no

davepoobond: ::punches him in the face::

Tsenn: theres a dude named gaylord fakker

davepoobond: shut up!

Vampireangel: ((LMAO))

Tsenn: and he marrie hue jass

davepoobond: did he listen to 80s pop?

davepoobond: i think i heard of him

Tsenn: and had a secret affair with ben dover

Vampireangel: ::laughs histerically:: stop!!

Vampireangel: it’s too sad it’s actually funny

davepoobond: i know him.

davepoobond: i ate him.

Tsenn: yeah interesting people

davepoobond: i’ve eaten a lot of people.

OnlineHost: BlizzardWolf has entered the room.

davepoobond: old lady: no you havent!

davepoobond: ::eats the old lady::

Tsenn: hear that dave

Tsenn: were funny

davepoobond: old lady: ::squeal::

davepoobond: we are?

Tsenn: yep

davepoobond: whooooooo! ::raises his hands in the air::

Tsenn: should we feel flattered now?

davepoobond: i dont know.

Tsenn: YEAH!! ::strut::

Tsenn: we are some funnay peeple! ::strut strut::

davepoobond: …..yeah

BlizzardWolf: ::sits in a chair in the corner and puts feet on table::are you two still acting dumb?

Vampireangel: ::Looks at davepoobond::

Vampireangel: Eaten a lot?!!

Vampireangel: Blizzard your back

Vampireangel: Yay

OnlineHost: Vampireangel has left the room.

davepoobond: ((WTF))

Tsenn: hey its jizz!!

Tsenn: i mean blizz

davepoobond: ((that was weird. the chat room jumped…))

Tsenn: ((i saw that too))

Tsenn: ((maybe im delirious though))

davepoobond: blizz that made a jizz with a fizz

Tsenn: and called it wiz

davepoobond: how ya doin’

davepoobond: back for more?

Tsenn: im swell and you?

davepoobond: tickle attack!

Tsenn: he cant get enough man

davepoobond: ::charges at blizz and tickles him::

OnlineHost: Vampireangel has entered the room.

BlizzardWolf: ::kicks dave in the nuts again::

Vampireangel: ((Damn computer, I got disconnected))

davepoobond: owwww

Tsenn: ::charges at jiz…err blizz and tickles him also::

davepoobond: ::falls on the floor, into a fetal position::

Tsenn: ::jumpos away before hes kicked::

OnlineHost: Patty one more has entered the room.

Tsenn: ((patty one more…))

davepoobond: ::gets a saxophone and chucks it at Blizz::

davepoobond: there’s a mirror in the bathroom!

Tsenn: sexapone*

BlizzardWolf: ::points finger at sax and it zooms back at dave::

Vampireangel: ::Re-enters::

davepoobond: blizz is wearing red tight pants! ewwww

Tsenn: sex*

Tsenn: jizz*

Tsenn: err blizz*

OnlineHost: Patty one more has left the room.

Vampireangel: You’re all weirdoes

davepoobond: ::catches the sax, and starts playing it::

Vampireangel: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: ::goes into a long solo::

Tsenn: ::hes playin the sex with a dildo? O.o::

Tsenn: err

Tsenn: dave

davepoobond: what

Tsenn: your playin the asex with the dildo?

OnlineHost: MIDNIGHTWOLFCUB has entered the room.

davepoobond: shut up ::whacks the saxaphone across tsenn’s head::

MIDNIGHTWOLFCUB: :: a young wolfcub trots in::

Vampireangel: ::Walks toward Blizz:: these two scare me!!!

davepoobond: ::stuffs the wolfcub into the saxaphone::

davepoobond: stupid wolfcub

Tsenn: ::err hit and the saxaphone blares a high note also e.e::

Tsenn: oww

Vampireangel: Aww now that was just pure mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: ::starts playing the saxaphone::

davepoobond: i know it is. i’m evil.

BlizzardWolf: ::grabs the wolf cub form the sax and takes him over to his table and sits him on the table:

MIDNIGHTWOLFCUB: ::growles and bites da bond::

BlizzardWolf: from*

davepoobond: thanks. it was muffling my sax.

Vampireangel: ::Tackles davepoobond, and kicks him in the shins::

davepoobond: ::bit, and his arm falls off with the wolf bite:: OW

Tsenn: ::stuffs the vampire angel into the front cabinet:: be nice!

OnlineHost: Mallrat 56353 has entered the room.

davepoobond: ::and gets tackled, and kicked in the shin::

davepoobond: AHHHH! GANG BEAT DOWN~

davepoobond: HEELLLPP

Vampireangel: ::gets out of the cabinet and tackles Tsenn::

Vampireangel: ::Kicks him in the shins::

davepoobond: ::grabs Alkae, and drags her to the middle of the room, and puts her into a leg lock::

Tsenn: ::tackled:: hey look glad you finally came out the clos…cabinet

Vampireangel: ::And again::

BlizzardWolf: ::snaps fingers and dave and Tsenn catch on fire::

davepoobond: AHHHHHHHH

davepoobond: i’m on FIRE

Tsenn: ::kicked twice and on fire not feeling it::

davepoobond: ::BLOWS UP::

Tsenn: err im the sunwalker….

Vampireangel: ::Runs away from Tsenn::

MIDNIGHTWOLFCUB: ::looks at the man who picked the cub up and lickes his hand as a thank you::

davepoobond: i’m gonna go………………bye

BlizzardWolf: ::pats the wolfcubs head::what is your name?

davepoobond: ::jumps out the tavern::

davepoobond: ((gtg bye))

Vampireangel: Now davepoobond is the chicken

Tsenn: ((peace))

Tsenn: no

scramblah / Lesbian Answers / My Room

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Friends – scramblah”. ***

Mesocyclone: dr dre

life does go on: · •÷[ Yeah, Mesocyclone, yeah! – 1.49 secs! [311+2pts][1/2]{81wpm}

GirlWitABigBooty: jessica simpson

Ixl nik IxI: 4days left idLe: chillin w/tiana – 4 hr, 15 min

Qt AnGeL 4 LiFe: ×÷|• Question: [ jessica simpson ] •|÷×

Qt AnGeL 4 LiFe: ×÷|• 11 characters and 1 spaces •|÷×

GirlWitABigBooty: dr. dre

SammyGurl: dr dre

life does go on: · •÷[ Good Job SammyGurl – 5.33 secs! [10+1pts][2/2]{23wpm}

life does go on: · •÷[ SS – Subject: artists/bands (46 left)

life does go on: · •÷[ SS – Unscramble: [eJo]

Mesocyclone: joe

life does go on: · •÷[ Bingo Mesocyclone!!! – 1.21 secs! [313+2pts][1/2]{50wpm}

GirlWitABigBooty: joe

davepoobond: scramblah?!

life does go on: · •÷[ 132+1pts for GirlWitABigBooty – 2.2 secs! [2/2]{27wpm}

Qt AnGeL 4 LiFe: ×÷|• Vortex II Unloaded •|÷×

SammyGurl: joe

life does go on: · •÷[ SS – Subject: artists/bands (45 left)

life does go on: · •÷[ SS – Unscramble: [diaKn]

Mesocyclone: kanid

davepoobond: who made this room

Mesocyclone: kandi

life does go on: · •÷[ Good Job Mesocyclone – 3.02 secs! [315+2pts][1/2]{20wpm}

Qt AnGeL 4 LiFe: ×÷|• < a href=”www.kwizatz.com/scrambler”>Vortex II by Kwizatz •|÷×

Qt AnGeL 4 LiFe: ×÷|• Loaded by: Qt AnGeL 4 LiFe •|÷×

SammyGurl: kanid

GirlWitABigBooty: kandi

life does go on: · •÷[ Keep it up GirlWitABigBooty – 5.98 secs! [133+1pts][2/2]{10wpm}

life does go on: · •÷[ SS – Subject: artists/bands (44 left)

life does go on: · •÷[ SS – Unscramble: [yzBo II nMe]

I AM A PIMP: boyz II men

Mesocyclone: boyz ll men

life does go on: · •÷[ Bingo I AM A PIMP!!! – 4.12 secs! [10+2pts][1/2]{44wpm}

GirlWitABigBooty: boyz ii men

life does go on: · •÷[ Good Job GirlWitABigBooty – 5 secs! [134+1pts][2/2]{36wpm}

davepoobond: okkkkkkkkk

life does go on: · •÷[ SS – Subject: artists/bands (43 left)

life does go on: · •÷[ SS – Unscramble: [Eltvears]

Qt AnGeL 4 LiFe: ×÷|• Loading log •|÷×

Mesocyclone: everlast

I AM A PIMP: everlastr

life does go on: · •÷[ Good Job Mesocyclone – 2.59 secs!

MCKYGAL: alian ant farm

I AM A PIMP: everlast

life does go on: · •÷[ Chaaaching!! I AM A PIMP – 4.18 secs! [12+1pts][2/2]{14wpm}

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Friends – Lesbian Answers”. ***

davepoobond: i’ve got some answers

OnlineHost: XxSoCiEtYpUnKxX has left the room.

Do it for jimmy: a few years ago

davepoobond: no……now….

Do it for jimmy: no i fell in love a few years ago

Do it for jimmy: hah

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: with what?

Do it for jimmy: a woman

davepoobond: right

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Friends – My Room”. ***

davepoobond: ::Farrtttt:

davepoobond: sorry

davepoobond: i farted in your room

davepoobond: hahaha

davepoobond: now it smells

davepoobond: smell that?

davepoobond: yep

OnlineHost: Cgarcia has entered the room.

Fly: ur stupid

OnlineHost: Mercruiser898 has left the room.

Cgarcia: hi guys

Fly: hey

Fly: a/s/l?

Cgarcia: 16/f/ca

Cgarcia: urs?

Fly: gotta pic?

davepoobond: i’m not stupid……

davepoobond: 15/m/ca

Cgarcia: no.

Fly: 13/m/tn

Cgarcia: where in cali?

davepoobond: near LA

davepoobond: u

Cgarcia: me too, well, 45 mins away

davepoobond: i’m about 5 minutes away

Cgarcia: u got a pic?

davepoobond: nope

Cgarcia: oh well, do you like blink?

davepoobond: yeah

Fly: moopie aint said nuttin in hours

Fly: moonpei*

davepoobond: i like their older stuff better, but their new stuff is good too

Cgarcia: hey moopei

Cgarcia: i love the new songs too

Cgarcia: theyre cool

davepoobond: MnMs is a good song

OnlineHost: Sleepwalkerdalat has entered the room.

Cgarcia: haven’t heard it

davepoobond: you should download it

Cgarcia: but will soon. imgonna buy the new cd

Sleepwalkerdalat: hi ppl

davepoobond: ummmm

davepoobond: its not on their new cd

davepoobond: its before Dude Ranch

Cgarcia: very first cd

Cgarcia: ?

Sleepwalkerdalat: any body like peddi parblo raise up

davepoobond: i dont know

davepoobond: i think its their 3rd

davepoobond: well, whatever the Chershire Cat one is

davepoobond: i’m pretty sure its on that

davepoobond: or Buddha

Cgarcia: damn.

Cgarcia: have you ever seen them live?

davepoobond: never been to a concert

OnlineHost: Fly has left the room.

OnlineHost: Sleepwalkerdalat has left the room.

Cgarcia: me neither, but i really want to . i just started liking them a few months ago.

davepoobond: heh

davepoobond: i liked them for a few years

Cgarcia: r u into punk?

davepoobond: about 4 or 5

OnlineHost: REDNECK has entered the room.

davepoobond: yeah, i like punk

OnlineHost: REDNECK has left the room.

Cgarcia: cool.

Rhydin Formal Wear / RhyDins Hospital

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – Rhydin Formal Wear”. ***

First: :slow nod, nervous habit..hair was continuous tucked away behind that ear..even though it ha

davepoobond: ::walks in, holding momma’s hand::

YoursTruly: ::walks in::

Holmes: ::walks in with his son by his side::

Holmes: now son, sit your loserish butt down while i get a suit

First: d yet to stray..gaze shifted back to that dressing room..ever so often, yeah..we were always

YoursTruly: ::looks at her boy::

davepoobond: ok momma

davepoobond: ::looks at papa:: hi papa

Holmes: ::slaps him:: don’t talk back

YoursTruly: no mama let son come with me

First: listening, and no..silence was not good, with a lil’ rub of her cheek..those dulling hues ro

Holmes: fine

Holmes: take him

Holmes: ::throws his son at papa::

davepoobond: ::thrown::

YoursTruly: ::takes her sons hand:: come on lets find some undies for my son!

First: se to meet his once more..:

YoursTruly: ::looks at mama:: be nice to son!

Holmes: shut up, when we get home your cookin me dinner

OnlineHost: Mugens Angel has entered the room.

YoursTruly: ::sighs::

YoursTruly: ::walks to the underwear with her son::

OnlineHost: gom909 has entered the room.

OnlineHost: gom909 has left the room.

DeadlyReaIity: || damnit.. i have to go.. ||

Holmes: ::looks at all the suits::

First: [ okies doke ]

First: [ be good :poke!: ]

DeadlyReaIity: || ::nod:: I’ll try.. ||

Holmes: ::grabs one and looks at it::

DeadlyReaIity: || Buh Byes. ||

OnlineHost: DeadlyReaIity has left the room.

First: [ Heh.. ]

Holmes: nah ::drops it on the floor::

OnlineHost: Mugens Angel has left the room.

First: [ Heh.. ]

Holmes: nah ::drops it on the floor::

OnlineHost: Mugens Angel has left the room.

YoursTruly: ::looks at son:: come on

davepoobond: ok papa

davepoobond: may i spit in the underwears to prove they are not allergic to me?

davepoobond: momma said i should

Holmes: ::yells to his son:: What’d i tell ya about allergic undies?

YoursTruly: yeh son


YoursTruly: ::looks at mama:: dont yell!

Holmes: ::smiles and sighs:: sometimes i wonder why i hit that boy…

Holmes: then i see his stupid face and want to hit him

davepoobond: i was in a carpet commercial yesterday, papa

YoursTruly: ::looks at son::

YoursTruly: what did you do there?

Holmes: what’d i tell ya about actors and that television….

davepoobond: i juizzed on the carpets

davepoobond: jizzed*

davepoobond: actors aren’t real people, they’re puppets on a box that gives you cancer

Holmes: ::nods:: yup…

YoursTruly: really?

Holmes: shut up papa! go get me dinner

YoursTruly: ::looks around for the owner::

YoursTruly: no mama not yet i got to find son undies!

First: :time ticked by, and dammit..she waited..for a sound..for a movement..only five minutes had

Holmes: he can wear the undies for another 2 months

First: passed and yet..so up she rose, with a curious blink..quiet steps carried her back toward th

OnlineHost: AgentHunt007 has entered the room.

AgentHunt007: ::walks through the entrance,dressed in a pair of khaki pants,grey polo shirts,brown leather

First: ose dressing rooms..snatching that bracelet of keys from her wrist..she unlocked that one..and peered in..:

AgentHunt007: shoes, and a pair of wayfarer sunglasses””

AgentHunt007: ::*

Holmes: ::walks over to papa and son::

YoursTruly: no he need undies mama!

Holmes: ::slaps son:: your silence makes me suspicious

AgentHunt007: ::looks about the store for a nice suit,hopefully will get some help::

OnlineHost: Just A Blur has left the room.

Holmes: shut up papa

AgentHunt007: ::looks at the father and song arguing::

OnlineHost: Leila has left the room.

AgentHunt007: ::sighs,still sifting through suits,waiting for some assistance::

Holmes: ::slaps his son:: what’d i tell you about bein silent

YoursTruly: (i got to go be make sometime tonight)

Holmes: ((ok bye))

davepoobond: ::rubs his face::

davepoobond: you told me silent people are usually holding something back

YoursTruly: ::slaps mama:: dont tell me to shut up mama i am the papa of the house

davepoobond: like not coming out saying they’re gay

OnlineHost: YoursTruly has left the room.

Holmes: ow papa that hurts

AgentHunt007: ::look at the family fighting::

Holmes: ::picks up his son and throws em into the suit section::

Holmes: that’ll teach ya

davepoobond: ::gets caught in a box of buttons::

AgentHunt007: ::walks to Holmes::

AgentHunt007: hey stop that….

Holmes: stop what

AgentHunt007: hurting your son

Holmes: i’m not hurting him…

Holmes: i’m just playing violently

AgentHunt007: well save it for home, not a store…

Holmes: he’s my son, he needs special treatment

Holmes: ::walks over to his son and yanks him out of the box::

AgentHunt007: special treeatment…..ha

AgentHunt007: you need it

AgentHunt007: not him

Holmes: ::throws him against the wall:: thats what you get for making weird people talk to me

AgentHunt007: ::sighs,takes out his old colt 1911 .45::

davepoobond: ::yanked out of the box, and thrown against the wall::

AgentHunt007: ::raises it aiming at Holmes::hands up

AgentHunt007: RPD

AgentHunt007: hands on your head!

Holmes: ::blinks:: what’d i do!

AgentHunt007: you are under arrest for child abuse

AgentHunt007: hands on your head….now sir::gun still aimed at him::

Holmes: child abuse! ::laughs::

AgentHunt007: ::has his badge clipped to his belt::

Holmes: son, what;’d i say about guns?

AgentHunt007: i said put your hands on your head!

AgentHunt007: now sir!

davepoobond: momma said old guns are for wusses! and you need a big wanker like one of these! ::drops his pants::

davepoobond: to do any damage!

Holmes: what a son…

AgentHunt007: ::decides not to say anything::

Holmes: ::tear falls down his cheek::

davepoobond: ::looks around, then pulls his pants up again::

AgentHunt007: hands on your head now!!!!!!!!!

Holmes: see? he’s smart

Holmes: ::sighs and raises his hands:: son what’d i say about coops

Holmes: cops

AgentHunt007: place your hands on you head.

AgentHunt007: same for you little boy

AgentHunt007: do as your dad does.

davepoobond: when they say “put your hands on your head” they really want to

frisk you, and they want to

davepoobond: lick your balls

davepoobond: thats what momma said

AgentHunt007: ahh another thing to book you for…harrasement of officers

AgentHunt007: resisting arrest….

Holmes: ::blinks::

Holmes: wait…if i prove my son is smart and not abused can i go?

AgentHunt007: no

AgentHunt007: down on your knees,hands on your head…the both of you….

Holmes: son, what’d momma tell ya about harrasement

AgentHunt007: exuse me sir

davepoobond: momma said if you cant take it, you cant do it…all-night-long! ::spanks an imaginary ass::

AgentHunt007: stop worrying about your son!

Holmes: he’s my son…

Holmes: it’s my duty to worry about him

AgentHunt007: yes…and you are both insane….

AgentHunt007: now both of you down on your knees,hands on you head!

Holmes: hmm

davepoobond: momma said i should never do that for strangers, they might pork me through my behind

davepoobond: isn’t that right momma?

Holmes: yup ::nods::

AgentHunt007: ::sighs,walking toward the dad::

AgentHunt007: ::kicks his legs out from under him::

OnlineHost: AgentHunt007 rolled 4 64-sided dice: 64 11 17 42

Holmes: AHH ::falls::

davepoobond: nooooooo! DONT TOUCH MY MOMMA!

AgentHunt007: ::holds him to the ground,gun to his head::

davepoobond: ::tackles AgentHunt007::

Holmes: son…tell papa she was a cheap whore and i never liked her…

AgentHunt007: ((dice please))

davepoobond: ((i dont have a set of dice))

AgentHunt007: ::takes out the cuffs, cuffing him::

AgentHunt007: ::walks to his son,cuffing him as well::

Holmes: tell her the crack i stole from her was under her pillow all night long

Holmes: son what;d i tell you about handcuffs

davepoobond: i should never be handcuffed, unless i’m alone with a very big-boobed woman

AgentHunt007: ::pushes the kid to the ground as well::

davepoobond: wahhhh! ::pounds the ground:: MOMMA! HE HURT MEEEEE


AgentHunt007: ::holsters gun::

AgentHunt007: i wont….dont worry

davepoobond: ::goes into a fetal position, shivering::

AgentHunt007: ::takes out a cell phone…calling in backup::

OnlineHost: YoursTruly has entered the room.

Holmes: ::hums a song::


AgentHunt007: ::unholsters the gun once again::

YoursTruly: ::papa walks back in:: son mama!

AgentHunt007: ::looks at the kid::

davepoobond: ::crawls to AgentHunt007, and bites his shoes::

AgentHunt007: ((no dice no attack))

davepoobond: ((WTF))

davepoobond: ((you SUCK))

YoursTruly: ::runs to son and picks him up::

Holmes: ((bootleg))

davepoobond: ((i told you i dont have any dice))

AgentHunt007: ((then u need to get some))

Holmes: papa! Do you have bail money you cheap skank?

AgentHunt007: ::looks to yours truely::

davepoobond: ((well, i dont have any right now, now do i?))

AgentHunt007: exuse me they are under arrest

YoursTruly: ::kisses him on the cheek:: are you ok!

AgentHunt007: unless you can post bail….

davepoobond: no, that man is being a jerk

davepoobond: and momma said jerks are dorks

YoursTruly: ::puts him donw and looks at <AgentHunt007> with anger in herb eyes:: you put my son in jail!

AgentHunt007: no

davepoobond: yes

AgentHunt007: hes under arrest….unless you can post bail

YoursTruly: hes a little son!

davepoobond: ::calls upon his hidden stregth, and breaks the handcuffs::

Holmes: I’m an insecure man who has to feel power by beating his son! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT!

davepoobond: AHHH!!

AgentHunt007: ((umm no dice no breaking there buddy)))

Holmes: ((this is lame))

davepoobond: ((shut it))

YoursTruly: you have to to put a son in jail!

AgentHunt007: ((learn to play and get some dice))

davepoobond: ((you learn how))

davepoobond: ((if no one else but you have dice, then you should drop your dice))

davepoobond: ((buddy))

YoursTruly: (drop the dice! buddy!)

AgentHunt007: ::sighs,holsters gun,walks out::

OnlineHost: AgentHunt007 has left the room.

Holmes: …

davepoobond: ((YESS…we won))

YoursTruly: ::waves her hand and they are out:

Holmes: yay!

YoursTruly: ::runs to her son and picks him up:: thats my son!

YoursTruly: ::looks at mama and nods her head:: you are making food this time mama

Holmes: shut up women!

YoursTruly: ::puts him down:: i am the papa of the house!

YoursTruly: ::gives him the look:: make us food mama!

davepoobond: yeah, mama

Holmes: argh

YoursTruly: ::smiles::

Holmes: hmm

davepoobond: make us some fishsticks

YoursTruly: yeh!

Holmes: ::grabs some fish::

Holmes: ::puts em on a stick::

Holmes: here

davepoobond: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

davepoobond: momma said fish on a stick is not fishsticks

Holmes: the middle part is red

davepoobond: you said so yourself momma

Holmes: yeah

Holmes: i know

Holmes: but

Holmes: since were poor

Holmes: EAT IT ::slaps him::

YoursTruly: so make us some!

YoursTruly: ::slaps papa:: you eat it!

Holmes: NO I slave day in and day out in this kitchen!

Holmes: ::cries:: I feel so abandoned!

YoursTruly: ::gives him the look:: real fishsticks or you eat it!

Holmes: ::sighs and makes fishsticks::

Holmes: ::from scratch::

Holmes: ((wanna go to rhydin hospital))

YoursTruly: (ok)

OnlineHost: Holmes has left the room.

OnlineHost: YoursTruly has left the room.

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – RhyDins Hospital”. ***

davepoobond: ::walks in, in papa’s arms::

Holmes: ::walks in with his son::

YoursTruly: ::walks in with son::

davepoobond: ((WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG))

davepoobond: ((::smack…x2::))

Holmes: ((ow))

davepoobond: ((hehe))

OnlineHost: Panda61115 has left the room.

davepoobond: ((heheeeeee))

davepoobond: ((heeeeeeh))

Sigma Seigi: []o.o;[]

Holmes: ::picks up his son from papas arms and throws em at the front desk::

Sigma Seigi: []::smack::[]

Sigma Seigi: []Take that![]

Holmes: ::walks to the front desk::

davepoobond: ((::kicks in the balls:: take that))

YoursTruly: ::looks around:: here is a good place to see stuff

Holmes: yeah i’m here to have a check up for my son

davepoobond: ::slams onto the front desk::

Sigma Seigi: []Bish…[]

Holmes: he keeps gettin hurt

Holmes: ::kicks him:: i don’t know why

Sigma Seigi: Nobody works here.

YoursTruly: ::walks to mama and son:: yes and one for mama ::slaps mama::

Holmes: hmm

Holmes: ow!

Holmes: ::slapped::

Holmes: no one works here, eh?

YoursTruly: ::picks up son and puts him down::

Sigma Seigi: No.

Holmes: you sure

Sigma Seigi: It’s a ghost hospital.

Holmes: ?

Holmes: well then ghosts got to work here

Sigma Seigi: They all got buried in the basement.

davepoobond: . . .

OnlineHost: Nytemare Godess has entered the room.

Sigma Seigi: You can go dig ’em up if you want.

Holmes: well i’ll sell my son into slavery

YoursTruly: ::her eyes light up:: lets go dig them up!

Holmes: to work here

Sigma Seigi: I’m sure their bodies are still intact.

YoursTruly: no!

Zoran Assmodeus: ::Walks back in fellowing Alley holding her hand::

Holmes: come on! he’s just a eatin machine!

Sigma Seigi: Except for the one guy I cut up on every joint.

Nytemare Godess: ::she has stoped crying::

Nytemare Godess: ::she walks in with Zoran:

Sigma Seigi: Zoran.

Holmes: ::immitates son:: “fishsticks this, fishsticks that”

Zoran Assmodeus: ::looks to sigma:: what?

YoursTruly: ::looks at mama and son:: lets go dig up the bodys and sell them for slave we can act like

Holmes: lets just sell him for cryin out loud

Sigma Seigi: []brb[]

Zoran Assmodeus: ::he looks to them::

Holmes: he’s a LOSER, he’ll never amount to anything

YoursTruly: they are real and then get the money and run!

Holmes: ok

YoursTruly: ::slaps mama:: stop talking about your self!

Holmes: ::slaps his son:: don’t talk back

davepoobond: this is gonna be fun

Zoran Assmodeus: You gunna sell you son!

Holmes: ::slapped::

Holmes: ow

davepoobond: ::slap::

Holmes: yup ::feels proud::

Zoran Assmodeus: are you a fucking dum ass!

Holmes: no

Holmes: but he is

YoursTruly: ::looks at mama and scream::NO WE AE NOT!

Holmes: ::slaps his son::

Holmes: thats for being born dum::

YoursTruly: ::slaps mama:: no he is not!

Zoran Assmodeus: wherres the kid!

Holmes: ::slapped::

Holmes: ow

Holmes: son what’d i tell you about questions

YoursTruly: ::slaps mama agian:: go on son slap mama

Zoran Assmodeus: ::waits ready to kill::

davepoobond: dont answer them unless money is involved

Holmes: see? he’s smart

Zoran Assmodeus: ((who is the kid..))

Nytemare Godess: ::she looks at Zoran::

Holmes: but stupid

Ari Assmodeus: ::She moved toward the exit and left::

OnlineHost: Ari Assmodeus has left the room.

Holmes: ::slaps him::

Holmes: ((davepoobond))

YoursTruly: ::slaps mama:: stop!

davepoobond: ((wut))

Holmes: ow

Zoran Assmodeus: ::he looks tot he kid:: you wanna be sold?

YoursTruly: now lets go dig up the dead bodys!

Holmes: ::slapped::

YoursTruly: ::looks at <zoran>:: no he doesnt!

Holmes: yeah he does

Zoran Assmodeus: then he wont be sold!

davepoobond: momma said i dont wanna be sold unless there is money for me involved

Holmes: sometimes i wonder why i hit him

YoursTruly: yes but papa says no!

OnlineHost: Ayanna Snowstorm has entered the room.

Holmes: but who cares? it doesn’t hurt me

Holmes: ::slaps him::

Holmes: momma knows best

YoursTruly: ::slaps mama:: dont make me make you make fishsticks again!

Zoran Assmodeus: ::he walks to the kid grabbing him bye the collor of his shirt and pulling him from his pare

Ayanna Snowstorm: ::a young teenager enters quietly, holding a small child::

Holmes: ::sighs::

Nytemare Godess: ::she shakes her head and will stay out of this::

YoursTruly: ::runs to her son and picks him up:: leave him alone!

Holmes: ::looks to the child and the teen:: Kids suck lady, sell him/her while you can


You have just entered room “chat.”

zk: my intel one was kickass

SupaQT has entered the room.

Radio Havanah: ddue!

zk: imma order another one offline

zk: after i return this one

playboy bunnies: shit

SupaQT: hi!!

Radio Havanah: is that the one with the squirral?

playboy bunnies: i cant take this anymore

elmoisfurry has entered the room.

playboy bunnies: brb gotta restart


playboy bunnies has left the room.

elmoisfurry: just tell me everythings gonna be alright


zk: i did

zk: n*gger

zk: you dont like it

Radio Havanah: yo angel

zk: gtfo

lets rape nat has entered the room.

davepoobond: GTFO YOU

SupaQT has left the room.

zk: stupid kike

lets rape nat: me?

Corkyr has entered the room.

virgin: lol

zk: no one wants your homo ass here

davepoobond: OLAYYAAD

lets rape nat: me?

davepoobond: THAT MEANS

virgin: newbies=comedy

elmoisfurry: no ur a kitew

elmoisfurry: kite*

SleepyAli288 has entered the room.

zk: kike*

tro: =newbie


tro: :-[

zk: not a kite you moron

minr: kite?

minr: lmao

elmoisfurry: kite*

SleepyAli288 has left the room.

elmoisfurry: yea!

elmoisfurry: woooooooooooooo

zk: kike you stupid fucker

elmoisfurry: kite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lets rape nat has left the room.

tro: you are a kite!

minr: lmao

elmoisfurry: nonononononono

minr: it’s kike

virgin: lol!!!

elmoisfurry: i am?!?!?!?!?!

tro: kike you dum shit

ToxicSwirlz has left the room.

Safety Bot has entered the room.

virgin: you big “kite” lol

elmoisfurry: kite!

Safety Bot: virgin, use of the word “b” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

minr: kite = fliesi in the air

Safety Bot: minr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

zk: i got some new posters for my room ;]

minr: bot = [x]ed

elmoisfurry: i fly kites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Safety Bot: elmoisfurry, use of the word “e” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: safety bot??

tro: fuckin kike dum ass

Safety Bot: tro, use of the word “fuck” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Corkyr: e

davepoobond: AHAHAHA

Safety Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “e” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

tro: u

Angel: corky!

Safety Bot: Angel, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: are u cory??

elmoisfurry: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooodontcare

Censoring Bot has entered the room.

Safety Bot: Censoring Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censoring Bot: Safety Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

elmoisfurry: no

Safety Bot: elmoisfurry, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: elmoisfurry, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: safety bot stfu!

Corkyr: oh gee ! i didnt’ mean to say e !

Angel: Xed

elmoisfurry: die

minr: bot [x]ed

Corkyr: I’m not Cortney

Censoring Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Corkyr: YI mean

Corkyr: I’m not Cory

Corkyr: I’m Cortney

tro: whuts your obsession wit cory Angel?

emily has entered the room.

Censoring Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: emily, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Safety Bot: emily, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

virgin: this is gay man

elmoisfurry: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg

minr: man we don’t have enough bots in here

Safety Bot: elmoisfurry, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: elmoisfurry, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

davepoobond: WAT THE HELL

minr: we need more

Censorer Bot has entered the room.

Safety Bot: Censorer Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censoring Bot: Censorer Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

elmoisfurry: no b gay

Corkyr: Yeah I think that I’m gonna x the bots now too

Censorer Bot: Safety Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

minr: there we go

Safety Bot: minr, use of the word “e” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: minr, use of the word “e” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Safety Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

minr: we need more bots

Legal Bot has entered the room.

Safety Bot: Legal Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censoring Bot: Legal Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censorer Bot: Legal Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

tro: more bots!

Legal Bot: Safety Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

emily: oh wow

bOyCrAzEd has entered the room.

Censorer Bot: bOyCrAzEd, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Legal Bot: bOyCrAzEd, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censoring Bot: bOyCrAzEd, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Safety Bot: bOyCrAzEd, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Diablo 2 has left the room.

minr: more bots

Wordscreen Bot has entered the room.

Censoring Bot: Wordscreen Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Safety Bot: Wordscreen Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censorer Bot: Wordscreen Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Legal Bot: Wordscreen Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Wordscreen Bot: Censoring Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

tro: c’mon bots

Legal Bot: Censoring Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: Legal Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Legal Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: Legal Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: Legal Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: omg whos making these stupid bots!?

minr: we don’t have enough bots

Censorer Bot: minr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: minr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: minr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: minr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: minr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

davepoobond: the bots are funny

tro: more bots!!!

elmoisfurry: X

minr: we need more

bOyCrAzEd: what the fuck?

legitamite Bot has entered the room.

Censoring Bot: legitamite Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censorer Bot: legitamite Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Safety Bot: legitamite Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Legal Bot: legitamite Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Wordscreen Bot: legitamite Bot, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

bOyCrAzEd: um okay

legitamite Bot: Censoring Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

bOyCrAzEd: A

Censorer Bot: bOyCrAzEd, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: bOyCrAzEd, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: bOyCrAzEd, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: bOyCrAzEd, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: bOyCrAzEd, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: bOyCrAzEd, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: bots stfu!!!

emily: poo poo

Petarius has entered the room.

Censoring Bot: Petarius, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Safety Bot: Petarius, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censorer Bot: Petarius, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Legal Bot: Petarius, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Wordscreen Bot: Petarius, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

legitamite Bot: Petarius, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

bOyCrAzEd: seriously

Radio Havanah: angel

virgin: all xed

tro: more bots!!!!

Corkyr: god i hate these bots

Safety Bot: Corkyr, the use of religious references is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: Corkyr, the use of religious references is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Corkyr, the use of religious references is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: Corkyr, the use of religious references is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: Corkyr, the use of religious references is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: Corkyr, the use of religious references is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: Radio

Corkyr: i xed them all

Censoring Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

elmoisfurry: Xy

Petarius has left the room.

Wordscreen Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

bOyCrAzEd: God Damn

Corkyr: all 5 of them

Angel: elmoisfurry

Censoring Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Corkyr, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

bOyCrAzEd: seriously i’ve Xed them all also

Nekobo has entered the room.

Safety Bot: Nekobo, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censoring Bot: Nekobo, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Legal Bot: Nekobo, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Wordscreen Bot: Nekobo, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censorer Bot: Nekobo, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

legitamite Bot: Nekobo, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Radio Havanah: that weee.swf, was that the one with the squirral?

Angel: check out this site it was the word weee alot

Angel: http://www.orosian.demon.co.uk/Weeee.swf

Nekobo has left the room.

Angel: its the most stupidest site tho

Censoring Bot: http://aol.com American Online!!! So easy to use, no wonder its Number 1!

Safety Bot: http://aol.com American Online!!! So easy to use, no wonder its Number 1!

Censorer Bot: http://aol.com American Online!!! So easy to use, no wonder its Number 1!

Wordscreen Bot: http://aol.com American Online!!! So easy to use, no wonder its Number 1!

Legal Bot: http://aol.com American Online!!! So easy to use, no wonder its Number 1!

legitamite Bot: http://aol.com American Online!!! So easy to use, no wonder its Number 1!

KrystinM has entered the room.

Legal Bot: KrystinM, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Wordscreen Bot: KrystinM, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

legitamite Bot: KrystinM, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censorer Bot: KrystinM, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Censoring Bot: KrystinM, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

Safety Bot: KrystinM, chat is a designated Silent Room! Please, refrain from talking.

KrystinM: no

Censoring Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

davepoobond: blahhhhhhhhh

Censorer Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: stop~

Safety Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

elmoisfurry: who here needs camel spit

Angel: stupid bots!!!

elmoisfurry: ?????????

Angel: stfu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Censoring Bot: Angel, use of the word “stfu” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: Angel, use of the word “stfu” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: Angel, use of the word “stfu” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: Angel, use of the word “stfu” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: Angel, use of the word “stfu” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Angel, use of the word “stfu” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: >:o

KrystinM: l

KrystinM: n

Censorer Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

KrystinM: n

davepoobond: oh yeah, open wide

KrystinM: n

emily: thats alot of bots

KrystinM: n

Censorer Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

KrystinM: n

KrystinM: n

KrystinM: m

Censorer Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “m” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “m” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “m” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “m” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

davepoobond: :-*

Safety Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “m” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “m” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

KrystinM: n

KrystinM: n

Safety Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censoring Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “n” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: lol

KrystinM: u suck

Censoring Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legitamite Bot: KrystinM, use of the word “c” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: poor krystin

Angel: haha

Angel: stupid bots

Censoring Bot: Angel, use of the word “b” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: Angel, use of the word “b” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Wordscreen Bot: Angel, use of the word “b” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Angel, use of the word “b” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: Angel, use of the word “b” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

minr: krystin stfu

Angel: hey!

KrystinM has left the room.

Corkyr: how do you get these bots out ?

Angel: stop

Censoring Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Safety Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Censorer Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Legal Bot: Angel, use of the word “o” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Angel: stop!

bOyCrAzEd: a/s/l everyone!!

Safety Bot: bOyCrAzEd, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

Corkyr: you dont do you ?

emily: whos bots are those?

Angel: do someone else

emily: 17.f.tx

playboy bunnies has entered the room.

Angel: idiots

Corkyr: not mine

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: that was funny

Corkyr: what was funny ?

emily: what was?

davepoobond: the bots

Angel: davepoobond

Angel: lol

Angel: haha

Corkyr has left the room.

Angel: L

Angel: LLLL

elmoisfurry: 96/e/outside on your porch yelling random obcenities

legit bot has entered the room.


legit bot: Angel, use of the word “l” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

legit bot: Legal Bot, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

bOyCrAzEd: a/s/l

minr has left the room.

bOyCrAzEd: everyone

legit bot: bOyCrAzEd, use of the word “a” is a violation of AOL’s Terms of Service (ToS).

zk: diana, if you prefer, so you dont freeze your computer up again, ill send you the pics over im

emily: 17 f tx

playboy bunnies: lol new ones?

playboy bunnies: or the same

Diablo 2 has entered the room.

zk: na, the same ones

Angel: bots

zk: i dont have a webcam

Angel: are

elmoisfurry: 96/e/outside on your porch yelling random obcenities

Angel: i didn’t even use B!!!

Angel: o wait

playboy bunnies: oh, well i saw the pics on that site already lol

Angel: ya i did

Angel: oops

playboy bunnies: but

zk: diana masturbates to my pics

virgin: emily do you wear a cowboy hat

zk: ;x

playboy bunnies: you can send me…the muscle one again:-*

zk: lol

playboy bunnies: oh AND

Diablo 2: i masturbate to dianas playboy bunnies your ass.

virgin: i masturbate to nats pics

Diablo 2: ;x

Radio Havanah: this is stupid


bOyCrAzEd: virgin

bOyCrAzEd: a/s/l

zk: diana

elmoisfurry: i would wear a cowboy hat, but i dont have one, and they r gay

zk: look at my profile

virgin: and i fantasize about sucking erins toes

virgin: 17-m-cali

playboy bunnies: :-[

playboy bunnies: how embarassing.

zk: :-X

bOyCrAzEd: abc

playboy bunnies: lol

davepoobond: well, your breath is smelly after sucking on toes, you idiot

zk: connect with me

Radio Havanah: diana is hot:-D

bOyCrAzEd: cool

virgin: dave do you think i give a fuck

Angel: lol

bOyCrAzEd: 18/f/ca

davepoobond: maybe

Angel: lol

bOyCrAzEd: c

Angel: L!

Angel: L!!!!!!!!!!

Angel: ha

Angel: stupid bots

bOyCrAzEd: lol

Diablo 2: vrigin

Angel: A

davepoobond: because it seems like you suck on lots of athletes foot toes

bOyCrAzEd: i know


Diablo 2: were utalking too me?

Diablo 2: ;x

elmoisfurry: Scots wha ha’e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bOyCrAzEd: ooo diablo

bOyCrAzEd: a/s/l

Diablo 2: shut up

davepoobond: you’ll get athletes foots in the mouth

virgin: diablo no

bOyCrAzEd: lol

Diablo 2: k

virgin: i was talkin to dave

davepoobond: which mean, it’ll be athletes mouth

Angel: hi diablo!

Diablo 2: thats my name

zk: ill make this next one a little smaller diana

Diablo 2: …

bOyCrAzEd: wtf

emily: bye you guys

zk: so it doesnt take forever to send

virgin: he thinks he knows me so hes acting like hes conversing with me

playboy bunnies: okay yeah cuz its taking forever lol

Angel: lol

Angel: lol

davepoobond: yes, thats it

tro: a

Angel: a

drawn: z

Angel: b

Angel: b

tro: c

drawn: q

tro: jh

tro: h

drawn: q

virgin: x

drawn: q

Angel: l

drawn: q

drawn: q

Angel: x

virgin: n4t

Angel: x

elmoisfurry: mtpiosudhriusetYRIUYSDFNXCVB

drawn: 😛

tro: fu

drawn: im doin hw cya

Angel: stfu!

tro: fux you

davepoobond: pennywise! SUPRISE

bOyCrAzEd: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Angel: woo!

Angel: i got my stfu thinggy on there

Angel: 😉

virgin: “She wont let me fuck ohhh i reallyu wana bust a nut ohhhhhh ohhh ohhh” -afro man

davepoobond: abcdefjhijklmnopqrstuvwxyzghwx

bOyCrAzEd: a

bOyCrAzEd: b

bOyCrAzEd: c

davepoobond: x is the last letter

Angel: x

Angel: x

Angel: x

virgin: blah

Angel: TOS

Angel: wow

Angel: TOS

Angel: wow

davepoobond: ok…………………just ignore them angel

elmoisfurry: “i dont wanna fuck you, i dont wanna fuck you. i dont wanna fuck you, SO FUCK YOU!!!!!”

virgin: haha

virgin: eoihsd

virgin: h

virgin: h

Angel: crap

bOyCrAzEd: that’s fucken stupid

virgin: lol

tro: bitch go fuck yourself,you piece of dog shit

Angel: crap

virgin: omg

virgin: m

davepoobond: i’m a can of dog foot

virgin: g

virgin: m

virgin: g

virgin: m

Angel: shit=poo

Angel: poo

Angel: lol

virgin: thats tight

virgin: t

Radio Havanah has left the room.

davepoobond: poopoo!

Mariru has entered the room.

elmoisfurry: PARC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

elmoisfurry: CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bOyCrAzEd: lol

virgin: haha

Mariru: a

virgin: roflllllllllll

virgin: r

davepoobond: rolls on floor laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

virgin: o

virgin: f

virgin: l

Mariru: bots suk

davepoobond: that doesn’t make any sense

tro has left the room.

Angel: stfu

davepoobond: gtfo

elmoisfurry: NO

elmoisfurry: STUFF YOU

elmoisfurry: !!!!!!!!!!!

Angel: {s drop

Angel: d

Mariru: wuts next, screw bot?

elmoisfurry: GOT FOOD?????????

Angel: d

virgin: l

virgin: m

virgin: a

virgin: o

virgin: o

virgin: k

bOyCrAzEd: A

bOyCrAzEd: B

bOyCrAzEd: C

virgin: l

virgin: o

minr has entered the room.

Mariru: A

Mariru: B

bOyCrAzEd: l

bOyCrAzEd: o

minr: god damn

bOyCrAzEd: l

minr: die.

Mariru: C

virgin: l

davepoobond: lamaooklo

Mariru: D

Mariru: E

Mariru: F

davepoobond: s

davepoobond: t

davepoobond: f

davepoobond: u

elmoisfurry: G

minr: eddie

elmoisfurry: A

elmoisfurry: Y

davepoobond: b

davepoobond: a

davepoobond: ss

elmoisfurry: S

elmoisfurry: H

elmoisfurry: U

davepoobond: turds

elmoisfurry: T

elmoisfurry: T

minr: i ignored your invite

davepoobond: good

minr: dave [x]ed

davepoobond: YES!

Mariru: stfu bots

bOyCrAzEd: stfu?

playboy bunnies: god damn

playboy bunnies: stfu

playboy bunnies: oiwejowaijeoiawje

virgin: lolmao

virgin: !

virgin: ahaha

Mariru: stfu- shut the fuck up

davepoobond: laughing out loud my ass off?

virgin: o

virgin: m

virgin: g

Angel: virging

minr: man i am fucking lagginggggggg

bOyCrAzEd: what the heck?

Angel: stop stupid bot

virgin: angel

Angel: ur sooooo annoying

elmoisfurry: STFU=STUFF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!111

Angel: jack

Angel: ass

virgin: rofl /\

davepoobond: (o o o o)

virgin: 1

bOyCrAzEd: 1

bOyCrAzEd: 2

virgin: 2

davepoobond: ass with four holes

bOyCrAzEd: 3

minr: when people say ‘stfu’ they really are just misspelling ‘stuff’

bOyCrAzEd: 4

bOyCrAzEd: 5

virgin: 3

bOyCrAzEd: 6

minr: easy mistake

bOyCrAzEd: 7

bOyCrAzEd: 8

playboy bunnies: uh matt

playboy bunnies: wtf

virgin: stuff

virgin: stfu

minr: shhh

playboy bunnies: lol

davepoobond: stuff u

virgin: lmfd

virgin: lmfd=lick my fuckin dick

playboy bunnies: laughing my fucking dick

playboy bunnies: hahah

minr: staind – fade good song

minr: eddie

Angel: diana has a dick?

davepoobond: lmfd – lick my fucking donkey

virgin: lick my fuckin dick

playboy bunnies: yup

minr: it’s smfd

Angel: <~ amazed

virgin: lmfd

playboy bunnies: LMFC

Angel: =-O

playboy bunnies: lick my fucking clit

minr: it’s SMFD

playboy bunnies: =[

Angel: no its ok

zk: i seen her do that before

davepoobond: KABITR

playboy bunnies: lol

zk: its amazing how far diana can bend over

Angel: i don’t want ur crusty ish


playboy bunnies: i feel so alive

Angel: tos

playboy bunnies: for the very first time

davepoobond: your ass is grass!

virgin: matt

virgin: i changed it

virgin: now its lmfd

minr: no

minr: you change shit

playboy bunnies: like a virgin

playboy bunnies: touched for the very first time

minr: hheee


virgin: omg my room just went super duper fast

emily: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

zk: diana, can i touch you for the first time? :-X


OnlineHost: *** You are in “Alexyia68”. ***

davepoobond: what the hell

OnlineHost: DarkMatter has entered the room.

OnlineHost: GohanLOTS has entered the room.

davepoobond: who’re you

GohanLOTS: Sexy

The Silent Mole: (( o.o? ))

DarkMatter: -( ….? )-

OnlineHost: Brolli has entered the room.

GohanLOTS: I want to lick your cunt..

Bloodless: ??

Ninja Kinshu: …

OnlineHost: Cloustadio has entered the room.

Bloodless: aaaahhh.

Ninja Kinshu: ok what the hell is this?

davepoobond: what the hell!

OnlineHost: DarkMatter has left the room.

Cloustadio: nancyyyy

Bloodless: topango.

davepoobond: i dont know

OnlineHost: The Silent Mole has left the room.

GohanLOTS: an Orgy..

Bloodless: dubadingdoowaadai.

davepoobond: ok…….

davepoobond: someone wanna tell us why we’re here?

OnlineHost: Nanakiseto has entered the room.

Cloustadio: yay

OnlineHost: InsanityDragon has entered the room.

davepoobond: i have better things to do, like making people’s lives miserable

InsanityDragon: okay?

InsanityDragon: why am i here

Nanakiseto: ya why am I here?

Bloodless: you’ve been chosen

davepoobond: been chosen to do what?

InsanityDragon: as?

Bloodless: for the plan

Bloodless: shush

Bloodless: listen

InsanityDragon: what plan

InsanityDragon: k

davepoobond: ok

Bloodless: ok sit down


OnlineHost: AlacardValentine has entered the room.

Ninja Kinshu: ……

Bloodless: we are to assassinate ninja kinshu

OnlineHost: AlacardValentine has left the room.

davepoobond: BORING

Bloodless: shut up!!!

InsanityDragon: how?

Bloodless: um

davepoobond: why

Bloodless: shoot him

GohanLOTS: I want to assisnate Nikki’s virginity

InsanityDragon: with?

Ninja Kinshu: …..

Nanakiseto: lol


GohanLOTS: haha

davepoobond: dont worry kinshu guy thingy

InsanityDragon: lol

GohanLOTS: Way to make plans

GohanLOTS: with the guy in the room

GohanLOTS: ROFL!!!!

Bloodless: lol

Alexyia: wtf?

Ninja Kinshu: …..

Alexyia: rich.

Alexyia: rich.

davepoobond: seriously, wtf?

Alexyia: rich.

Ninja Kinshu: oooookay

GohanLOTS: Nikki.

Ninja Kinshu: gone

GohanLOTS: I wanna suck your cock

OnlineHost: Ninja Kinshu has left the room.

davepoobond: who the hell are you people

Bloodless: LOL

davepoobond: and how the hell did you get my fuckin’ sn

InsanityDragon: seriously why am i here

InsanityDragon: yeah same questin

GohanLOTS: Nikki has the biggest pecker..

Nanakiseto: lol

Alexyia: yeah

Alexyia: i shove my cock in your face

Alexyia: suck it faggot

GohanLOTS: I love it.


GohanLOTS: You have big tits.

InsanityDragon: wtf

GohanLOTS: I want to grease ym head in oil and rub my face all over them


GohanLOTS: Then grease my cock up and shove it in your tight ass.

davepoobond: i want some answers, i dont want a perverted wacko saying what he wants

Alexyia: ok.

Alexyia: that’s nasty.

Alexyia: k.

InsanityDragon: you know this is a nasty chat

dedoKAT: hello.

GohanLOTS: Hey KAT

GohanLOTS: wanna fuck?

InsanityDragon: for an 11 year old <<<

OnlineHost: Cloud has entered the room.

dedoKAT: sup sweetie.

dedoKAT: remember me?

davepoobond: no

InsanityDragon: bye

OnlineHost: InsanityDragon has left the room.

Cloud: i dont know who invited me and why

davepoobond: tell me why i was invited here

Cloustadio: fg

GohanLOTS: Shut up babies.

GohanLOTS: Its an orgy.

davepoobond: lord distxrbed guy


davepoobond: invited me here

GohanLOTS: Because

GohanLOTS: its an orgy.

Cloud: gohan DBZ fan huh?


GohanLOTS: Not really..

Cloud: then why is it your sn

GohanLOTS: Because

GohanLOTS: CEnturies old.

GohanLOTS: I hardly watch it anymore….

OnlineHost: Madame Mortician has entered the room.

dedoKAT: hello.

GohanLOTS: too busy masturbating.

Madame Mortician: hi.

Cloud: you missed all new episodes

davepoobond: what does LOTS mean?

GohanLOTS: and having sex with all sorts of women..

GohanLOTS: Lots of sex

Madame Mortician: Who invited me here.

davepoobond: …………..okkkkk

Cloud: well im out

GohanLOTS: no, i’ve seen them.

OnlineHost: Cloud has left the room.

OnlineHost: Alexyia has left the room.



GohanLOTS: shes my girlfriend

Nanakiseto: Well, this is real fucking entertaining…………….

GohanLOTS: Hey DedoKAT

davepoobond: she’s gonna break up with you

GohanLOTS: wanna fuck??

dedoKAT: shut up bitch!!!

OnlineHost: Ninja Kinshu has entered the room.

GohanLOTS: Lick me

Madame Mortician: Someone explain to me why I’m here..


davepoobond: ME TOO

GohanLOTS: Now..bend over..

dedoKAT: madame.

Ninja Kinshu: ….

GohanLOTS: ::unbuttons and unzips his jeans..:

dedoKAT: how are you?


Madame Mortician: I see now..

davepoobond: I HATE YOU

GohanLOTS: Ready to get down to the nitty gritty?

Madame Mortician: Hey, hey..Lay off..

Ninja Kinshu: ….

Madame Mortician: Gawd, what am I doing here?

GohanLOTS: Jake cheated

davepoobond: i dont know why i’m here either

GohanLOTS: on Nikki

OnlineHost: LAprincess419 has entered the room.

GohanLOTS: He always does….

Ninja Kinshu: ::doesnt say anything::

OnlineHost: LAprincess419 has left the room.

GohanLOTS: Now shes going to confront him…….


GohanLOTS: non stop….

GohanLOTS: With me..

davepoobond: thats nifty

GohanLOTS: and thousands of other guys.


GohanLOTS: ??

davepoobond: no, you typed it you dumbass

Madame Mortician: Who cheats on who?

Ninja Kinshu: evil……

GohanLOTS: They both do..

davepoobond: they belong to each other then

GohanLOTS: she fucks several guys

GohanLOTS: at a time

GohanLOTS: Like, 15 a day..

GohanLOTS: all together.

Madame Mortician: Good for her..Ta-ta

OnlineHost: Madame Mortician has left the room.

davepoobond: thats nasty…

OnlineHost: Brolli has left the room.

GohanLOTS: No

GohanLOTS: its alright.

GohanLOTS: ya see..

GohanLOTS: jake doesn’t give her enough

GohanLOTS: Hes too busy cheating on her

GohanLOTS: with guys.

GohanLOTS: twice his age.

davepoobond: thats…um……great…….

GohanLOTS: hey

GohanLOTS: I know its wrong.

GohanLOTS: He doesn’t.

Nanakiseto: BYE!!!!! and trust me this hasn’t been fun

OnlineHost: Nanakiseto has left the room.

davepoobond: haha

Ninja Kinshu: …….

GohanLOTS: he loves the attention

GohanLOTS: That those older males give him

davepoobond: thats super…..who’re we talking about again?

GohanLOTS: some are even his own age..

GohanLOTS: Jake

davepoobond: which is…..

GohanLOTS: Lord Distxrbed

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: that ASS HOLE

GohanLOTS: Hes a jerk.

OnlineHost: Alexyia has entered the room.

Ninja Kinshu: …..

GohanLOTS: he fucks all sorts of guys

Alexyia: gohan.

GohanLOTS: behind nikki’s back..

Alexyia: i know you’re mad.

Alexyia: because you can’t get jake.

GohanLOTS: Yes baby?

Cloustadio: wttttttttttttttttf.

GohanLOTS: mm

GohanLOTS: I’m mad

Alexyia: but you don’t need to take your anger out on him.

GohanLOTS: because I cant get you baby.

Ninja Kinshu: ooooooookaaaay

GohanLOTS: I love you Nikki.

GohanLOTS: I want you……

GohanLOTS: I need you..

Alexyia: i love rich.

Ninja Kinshu: uh….can i leaev now?

Cloustadio: YEAH.

Cloustadio: SHE LOVES ME, NANCY.

Cloustadio: NOW GTFO.

GohanLOTS: I need to shove my cock inside of you..mmm

Alexyia: hahahaaa.



GohanLOTS: RIght

Cloustadio: yeah.

davepoobond: yeah

GohanLOTS: I’ll destroy you…

GohanLOTS: Where do you live”

GohanLOTS: ??

davepoobond: yeah he will

GohanLOTS: Address.

Alexyia: fight!!!!!

Cloustadio: i forgot.

GohanLOTS: I’ll come over..

GohanLOTS: Fucking kill you.

Alexyia: ROFL.

GohanLOTS: thats what I thought, N*gger.

Ninja Kinshu: …….

Cloustadio: but

Alexyia: n*gger HAHAHAHAHA

Cloustadio: but

Cloustadio: i’m not black

GohanLOTS: Shut up.

OnlineHost: dedoKAT has left the room.

OnlineHost: Ninja Kinshu has left the room.

GohanLOTS: Faggot.

Cloustadio: i live

GohanLOTS: You are now.

Alexyia: ROFL he’s calling you a faggot but he likes to fuck men

Cloustadio: pittsburgh, pa

GohanLOTS: I do not Nikki.

Cloustadio: and the rest i can’t tell you because i’m scared.

Alexyia: ok.

Alexyia: sure.


Alexyia: faggot.

GohanLOTS: my God..

GohanLOTS: rofl

Alexyia: faggot.

Alexyia: uh-huh.

Alexyia: faggot.

GohanLOTS: jake is the faggot.

GohanLOTS: I’m not

Alexyia: yeah.

Alexyia: faggot.

GohanLOTS: He tried to fuck me

GohanLOTS: I said no

Alexyia: ok.

Alexyia: faggot.

GohanLOTS: Ok.

Bloodless: lol

Alexyia: ok.

Alexyia: faggot.

GohanLOTS: Dirty goth.

GohanLOTS: take a shower?

GohanLOTS: hear that one before?

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: 🙂

GohanLOTS: Fucking scumbag.

GohanLOTS: wash your hair?

Alexyia: thx.

Alexyia: no.

GohanLOTS: Brush your teeth?

Alexyia: it’s greasey.

Alexyia: no.

GohanLOTS: shave your pubes?

Alexyia: nope.

GohanLOTS: God.

GohanLOTS: Sick.

Alexyia: bushmonster.

GohanLOTS: GOd..

GohanLOTS: Don’t give me mental pictures.

Alexyia: wanna sniff it?

GohanLOTS: Yeah.

Alexyia: faggot.

GohanLOTS: I do

GohanLOTS: Then i’ll shave it

GohanLOTS: You a virgin IRL?

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: because.

Alexyia: you’re a faggot.

Alexyia: faggots don’t muff dive.

GohanLOTS: Who would fuck a bush monster.

GohanLOTS: Probably jake

GohanLOTS: tHe little twelve year old.

GohanLOTS: Hes like elian gonzales.

Alexyia: you = the little 9 year old.

GohanLOTS: ANd you rape him..

GohanLOTS: Everyday..

Alexyia: wtf.

GohanLOTS: Its not fair.

Alexyia: you fucking poser.

Alexyia: that’s from ff9.

GohanLOTS: Poser/

Alexyia: fm99*

GohanLOTS: No…

GohanLOTS: fm99??

GohanLOTS: The fuck is that…

Alexyia: tommy and rumble.

Alexyia: dumb bitch.

GohanLOTS: ……..

GohanLOTS: Uhh

GohanLOTS: No?

Alexyia: ok.

GohanLOTS: Sorry..

Alexyia: elian water.

Alexyia: sure.

GohanLOTS: Dont watch queer goth shit…..

Alexyia: poser.

Alexyia: ROFL.

GohanLOTS: Rather watch porno.

GohanLOTS: With some good lookin’ broads.

Alexyia: i’m not goth, sorry.

Alexyia: rofl.

GohanLOTS: Yeah.


GohanLOTS: You’re a fucking bio freak.

Alexyia: he’s trying to be straight.

GohanLOTS: You n*gger.

Alexyia: dude, that’s sick.

Alexyia: n*gger, k.

GohanLOTS: You’re black

GohanLOTS: Thats sick.

GohanLOTS: Slave

Alexyia: you just called me goth.

GohanLOTS: make me sandwich


Alexyia: then n*gger.

Alexyia: no.


GohanLOTS: Fucker

GohanLOTS: yes

GohanLOTS: Now

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: no.

GohanLOTS: Suck my cock

GohanLOTS: SLut

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: no.

GohanLOTS: you love it

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: rich



Alexyia: rofl

GohanLOTS: I’m too gay

davepoobond: uhh yeah

GohanLOTS: to have comebacks

davepoobond: thats right



GohanLOTS: you fucking pussy.

GohanLOTS: You break up with Jake??

Alexyia: how am i a pussy over a screen?

Alexyia: no.

Alexyia: i never was with jake.

Alexyia: dumbfuck.

GohanLOTS: I’d kick your ass IRL

GohanLOTS: N*gger.

Alexyia: rofl.

GohanLOTS: LEts meet

Alexyia: cuz you’re a bigbad man.

GohanLOTS: I’ll shwo you a thing or two

GohanLOTS: then i’d fucking rape you

GohanLOTS: throw you in the river

Alexyia: ahahaa.

GohanLOTS: shoot you with my glock.

Alexyia: like you own one.

GohanLOTS: While your already dead

GohanLOTS: in the River.

GohanLOTS: right

GohanLOTS: I Own two

GohanLOTS: Sorry

Alexyia: lol.

Alexyia: sure you do.

GohanLOTS: Yeah

GohanLOTS: Want pics?

Alexyia: sure.

GohanLOTS: Rofl

Alexyia: you stole them off of the internet.

GohanLOTS: You’re a fag.

Alexyia: i know.

GohanLOTS: No.

Alexyia: rofl.

GohanLOTS: Pics with me

Alexyia: atleast i don’t fuck them.

GohanLOTS: and dead bodies

GohanLOTS: WIth me holding my glock

Alexyia: ROFL.

Alexyia: ROFLMAO.


Alexyia: omfg

Alexyia: what a dumbasss

Alexyia: ahahaaaaa

GohanLOTS: You’re my next victim

Alexyia: logslogs

GohanLOTS: Nah Im joking

Alexyia: sure am

GohanLOTS: I never killed anyone

GohanLOTS: ROfl

GohanLOTS: You’ll be the first person

GohanLOTS: I drive over

GohanLOTS: and kick someones ass


GohanLOTS: You’re a loser.

GohanLOTS: Gotth

GohanLOTS: Smelly

GohanLOTS: Dork…..

GohanLOTS: N*gger Child


Alexyia: since you don’t know me you can assume i’m all those things

davepoobond: a dork is a whale’s dick

GohanLOTS: Yeah.

GohanLOTS: I know what you are.

Alexyia: k

GohanLOTS: jake described you

GohanLOTS: he said your armpits are all hairy

Alexyia: jake is a dumbfuck

Alexyia: rofl

GohanLOTS: because you don’t shave them.

Alexyia: sure he did

GohanLOTS: And you smell….

Alexyia: jake doesnt even know me

GohanLOTS: But that turns him on


Alexyia: not as bad as your dick

GohanLOTS: .

GohanLOTS: I wash my cock

GohanLOTS: daily.

GohanLOTS: after I jerk off..

Alexyia: no

GohanLOTS: usually about 5 times

Alexyia: after you buttfuck

OnlineHost: Cloustadio has left the room.

GohanLOTS: a day

GohanLOTS: after I buttfuck you.

GohanLOTS: Slut

Alexyia: ya

GohanLOTS: YEah

GohanLOTS: Fucking whore..

Alexyia: ya

GohanLOTS: Dont make me bring the big guns in

Alexyia: roflmao

OnlineHost: Ant BIade has entered the room.

davepoobond: ……………………….am i a big gun?



Ant BIade: What do you want?

Alexyia: rofl

GohanLOTS: You..

Alexyia: faggot

Ant BIade: Fuck you.

OnlineHost: Ant BIade has left the room.


davepoobond: lol

Alexyia: dude wtf

GohanLOTS: Whats wrong with Ant

GohanLOTS: Hes my best friend..

Alexyia: he hates you cuz youre gay

Alexyia: queer

GohanLOTS: No.

GohanLOTS: You’re gay

GohanLOTS: queer.

davepoobond: you have no friends, maybe?

GohanLOTS: Fucking scumbag

GohanLOTS: take a shower.


Alexyia: k

GohanLOTS: K

GohanLOTS: Goo

Alexyia: no

GohanLOTS: you’re scum

Alexyia: ya

GohanLOTS: you should be gassed.

Alexyia: k

GohanLOTS: k

davepoobond: i bet that ant guy masturbates on gak

GohanLOTS: Good

GohanLOTS: agree with that?

Alexyia: no

Alexyia: 🙂

GohanLOTS: I do.

Alexyia: sorry

GohanLOTS: You’re going down

GohanLOTS: Bitch

Alexyia: no one else does

GohanLOTS: Im driving over

Alexyia: rofl

GohanLOTS: Kicking your ass

Alexyia: k sure

GohanLOTS: showing you who’s the boss.

GohanLOTS: Where do you live.

Alexyia: a little 13 year old walks up to my door

Alexyia: with a watergun

GohanLOTS: 15.

GohanLOTS: N*gger.

Alexyia: hahahaaaa

Alexyia: 15

davepoobond: aint that amazing

GohanLOTS: With my fists

davepoobond: only 15

GohanLOTS: Comes over

Alexyia: fists

GohanLOTS: Kicks your ass

Alexyia: wow

Alexyia: you can beat on women

Alexyia: machoman

GohanLOTS: I’m jacked up on steroids

Alexyia: rofl

Alexyia: rofl

GohanLOTS: and creatine

Alexyia: rofl

Alexyia: omgh

Alexyia: sfjsf;sf

Alexyia: hahahahahaa

GohanLOTS: Haha

Alexyia: this guy

Alexyia: he talks shit

GohanLOTS: I’m gonna fuck you up.

Alexyia: he aint got none of this shit

GohanLOTS: rofl


Alexyia: yeah i do

GohanLOTS: i do creatine anyway

Alexyia: sure you do

GohanLOTS: Not steroids

GohanLOTS: Yeah


Alexyia: fuckin wannabe

GohanLOTS: want a pic of it?

Alexyia: sure

GohanLOTS: me holding my bottle


Alexyia: you steal that off the internet too?

GohanLOTS: NO.

Alexyia: why you laughin?

GohanLOTS: I bet

Alexyia: im serious

Alexyia: bitch

GohanLOTS: you dont know

GohanLOTS: what creatine is

GohanLOTS: You fucking jew.

Alexyia: i bet

Alexyia: you dont

GohanLOTS: its legal shit.

Alexyia: know

Alexyia: what creatine is

Alexyia: because

GohanLOTS: Yeah it is….

Alexyia: you’ve never had it

GohanLOTS: because i use it

Alexyia: stupid fucker

GohanLOTS: Everyday

GohanLOTS: after I work out

GohanLOTS: Jew.

Alexyia: sure you do

GohanLOTS: rofl

Alexyia: i’m a goth, a n*gger, and a jew

Alexyia: ok

davepoobond: lol

GohanLOTS: It only stuffs your muscle

Alexyia: makes sense

GohanLOTS: with water

GohanLOTS: So it looks bigger…..

GohanLOTS: Pretyt much

GohanLOTS: in gay man words

Alexyia: because you’re a skinny bitch

GohanLOTS: So you’d understand

GohanLOTS: Rofl

GohanLOTS: Right

Alexyia: right

Alexyia: i know

GohanLOTS: atleast I’m not overweight

GohanLOTS: ::Cough::

Alexyia: me neither

Alexyia: 🙂

GohanLOTS: sure

Alexyia: sure

Alexyia: sure

GohanLOTS: fatass

Alexyia: me neither

GohanLOTS: slimfast

Alexyia: 😉

GohanLOTS: yeah,

GohanLOTS: You are.

Alexyia: slimfast is nasty


GohanLOTS: tried it?

GohanLOTS: Figures

Alexyia: just as much as you’re straight

GohanLOTS: You’re not worth my time.

Alexyia: took you awhile

Alexyia: bye

GohanLOTS: What does Jake see in youre fat ass?

Alexyia: looks like you lost

Alexyia: ROFL

Alexyia: hes jealous

Alexyia: he wants jake

Alexyia: ewewewew faggot

GohanLOTS: No.

GohanLOTS: rofl

GohanLOTS: I’m not gay

Alexyia: sure you arent

GohanLOTS: Why do you keep saying that.

GohanLOTS: You jew.

Alexyia: thats why you want jake so much

GohanLOTS: Jewish N*gger.

GohanLOTS: No.

GohanLOTS: I dont

GohanLOTS: I’m just saying

GohanLOTS: Why does he like you?

Alexyia: k

Alexyia: cause he does

GohanLOTS: Why does ANY guy like you?

Alexyia: and he doesnt like you

Alexyia: because

Alexyia: youre a faggot

GohanLOTS: I dont care if he likes me

Alexyia: and hes not

Alexyia: k

Alexyia: kthx

GohanLOTS: Jake is a little boy.

OnlineHost: lord distxrbed has entered the room.

Alexyia: so?


davepoobond: thats…..odd……..


davepoobond: 2 lord distxrbed


lord distxrbed: actually instead of stuffing my face I talked my grandpa into buying d2

Alexyia: REALLY


Alexyia: do you have it

lord distxrbed: yes

lord distxrbed: no

Alexyia: bow

Alexyia: sdlkjlgjss

lord distxrbed: tommorrow

Alexyia: ok

GohanLOTS: Jake

GohanLOTS: she was bad mouthing you.

GohanLOTS: She said you were gay

lord distxrbed: xpac 2 weeks from now

Alexyia: bullshit

GohanLOTS: and that you

Alexyia: i said you were gay

GohanLOTS: were a fucking loser

GohanLOTS: and she hated you

GohanLOTS: and that she has a boyfriend

Alexyia: lol

GohanLOTS: named Rich

Alexyia: ok?

GohanLOTS: Who she rides

GohanLOTS: Daily.

lord distxrbed: stop trying to recruit me to the fag side ok?

Alexyia: rofl

GohanLOTS: …

davepoobond: 15 times

GohanLOTS: Fag?

GohanLOTS: Im not gay.

GohanLOTS: You loser.

Alexyia: sure you arent

lord distxrbed: <^>-.-<^>

Alexyia: thats why you want jake against me so much

GohanLOTS: you’re a little 12 year old……

Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: always will be.

lord distxrbed: Uh huh

GohanLOTS: No.

GohanLOTS: I’m just opening his eyes.

GohanLOTS: To your bitchyness

Alexyia: wow

GohanLOTS: And how much better he can have

lord distxrbed: I like her bitchyness ok!?!?!

GohanLOTS: I can find him a real girl.

Alexyia: hahaa

GohanLOTS: Who’s Nice.

GohanLOTS: and alot more attractive.

Alexyia: nice = pussy whore.

davepoobond: so what…as long as they can have a crack baby through the ass

davepoobond: i’m sure he’d be happy

lord distxrbed: No such thing as more attractive than talia

lord distxrbed: 😛


GohanLOTS: OMg

GohanLOTS: she is black

lord distxrbed: ..No

Alexyia: talia is an itallian name

GohanLOTS: …yes

GohanLOTS: Sure

Alexyia: k


Alexyia: just like

Alexyia: youre a faggot

GohanLOTS: Haha

lord distxrbed: Shes not black…shes really pale o.o

GohanLOTS: Yaeh

GohanLOTS: figures..

GohanLOTS: pale ass goth

GohanLOTS: Whos fat.

GohanLOTS: smells

lord distxrbed: Fuck you

lord distxrbed: Asshole

GohanLOTS: monsterbush

davepoobond: makes pizza

lord distxrbed: She is not fat

GohanLOTS: Fuck you jake.

GohanLOTS: I’ll kill you.

lord distxrbed: No thanks ill pass

Alexyia: rofl

Alexyia: kill

lord distxrbed: You’ll kill me?

GohanLOTS: I’ll kill both you.

GohanLOTS: I’d beat your asses.

Alexyia: hahahaa

GohanLOTS: With my fists.

Alexyia: you wish

lord distxrbed: Oooooh Im afraid!

GohanLOTS: better be

lord distxrbed: Beating up a girl?

GohanLOTS: I know where you live.

Alexyia: i pissed my pants man

lord distxrbed: arent u strong

GohanLOTS: I’m a hulk hogan

GohanLOTS: of our time

Alexyia: rofl

davepoobond: LOL

Alexyia: lmfao

davepoobond: hulk hogan has sagging muscles

davepoobond: in this time

Alexyia: ahahaha

GohanLOTS: Because

GohanLOTS: hes fucking 90

lord distxrbed: brb

GohanLOTS: and took steroids since he was 8

Alexyia: hulk hogan is a faggot

Alexyia: just like

Alexyia: you

GohanLOTS: Just like

davepoobond: y’might as well be a Michael Jackson of this time

GohanLOTS: your dad

Alexyia: yep

Alexyia: i know

GohanLOTS: I bet your mom fucked a black guy

Alexyia: my dad is a faggot

GohanLOTS: And then you came out

Alexyia: even though i’m a gothic jew i’m still a n*gger

davepoobond: me?

Alexyia: right?

Alexyia: yeah

davepoobond: are you talking to me?

GohanLOTS: No.

GohanLOTS: Her

GohanLOTS: .

GohanLOTS: her scummy ass..

GohanLOTS: SO wait..

Alexyia: he keeps saying the same shit over and over

davepoobond: ok

GohanLOTS: You aren’t a goth?

Alexyia: it wasnt even good the first time

davepoobond: how about them Dodgers?

GohanLOTS: Fucking people

GohanLOTS: downloading me

GohanLOTS: off win MX

GohanLOTS: so damna nnoying

Alexyia: wow


Alexyia: who cares

davepoobond: haha


Alexyia: ummm

Alexyia: no one

davepoobond: yer a porn star

GohanLOTS: Your mom cares.

Alexyia: i know

GohanLOTS: Shes sucking me off now.

GohanLOTS: m

Alexyia: i know!!!

Alexyia: what a whore

GohanLOTS: Yeah

GohanLOTS: wha ta sexy whore

Alexyia: just like you

Alexyia: faggot

Alexyia: my moms fat

Alexyia: she has cellulite

GohanLOTS: Yeah

GohanLOTS: mm


GohanLOTS: I grab onto it

GohanLOTS: handfills

GohanLOTS: handfulls

Alexyia: ok

OnlineHost: lord distxrbed has left the room.

GohanLOTS: Ok

davepoobond: ok

GohanLOTS: You little porky

Alexyia: k

GohanLOTS: Rofl

GohanLOTS: you’re gay

GohanLOTS: Crying yet?

Alexyia: not really

GohanLOTS: I certainly am

davepoobond: you make me cry

Alexyia: i don’t know why you’re calling me gay when you sit around and cyber-fuck that gokou bitch

davepoobond: such harsh words, i’ve never seen before

Alexyia: up the ass all day long

GohanLOTS: No

GohanLOTS: I dont

davepoobond: handfulls, and porky, geez……..so many

Alexyia: sure

Alexyia: you do

GohanLOTS: Jake does that….

GohanLOTS: he use to

GohanLOTS: All the time

GohanLOTS: Right big tuff jake

GohanLOTS: ??

davepoobond: i dont think he’s here anymore

GohanLOTS: mmmm

GohanLOTS: I want you

davepoobond: no you dont

davepoobond: you dont know what you want

lord distxrbed: back wtf?

lord distxrbed: I dont need to hear your fantasies fag

GohanLOTS: …

GohanLOTS: You’re fired.

lord distxrbed: ….I never worked for you

GohanLOTS: your mom did

GohanLOTS: Lastnight.

lord distxrbed: ouch

GohanLOTS: Slut.


GohanLOTS: Burnt.

GohanLOTS: What are you?

lord distxrbed: not really


lord distxrbed: I fucking hate my mom


Alexyia: it must be degrading to be caught in the act of sucking off someone’s ao-dick, chris.

GohanLOTS: No.

Alexyia: yeah.

GohanLOTS: You answer taht one.

GohanLOTS: Slut.

Alexyia: nice one.

Alexyia: i’m a slut.

Alexyia: hurt.

Alexyia: omg.

Alexyia: i’m gonna cry.

GohanLOTS: yeah

GohanLOTS: the truth hurts………

Alexyia: when it’s actually the truth.

Alexyia: and not some half-baked fucking insult.


Alexyia: k

GohanLOTS: What a goth answer.

Alexyia: lol

Alexyia: what a faggot comeback

davepoobond: who’s seen Jay and Silent Bob strike back?

GohanLOTS: Dirty

Alexyia: | -stats: Single |

Alexyia: i wonder why


GohanLOTS: funny

GohanLOTS: Because my Gf dumped me

GohanLOTS: for a black guy.

GohanLOTS: ::sobs::

Alexyia: b/f***

GohanLOTS: No,

GohanLOTS: Girl friend.

lord distxrbed: n*ggers…urgh

Alexyia: yes

Alexyia: faggot

Alexyia: faggot

Alexyia: faggot

Alexyia: faggot

Alexyia: faggot


Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: God.

Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: nikki

Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: You talking to me?

Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: Or davepoobond?

Alexyia: faggot

davepoobond: i think you

GohanLOTS: didnt think it was me.

Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: Jake

Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: if your going to fuck a bitch

Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: fuck one that has good comebacks

Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: and can insult good

Alexyia: oh yeah

Alexyia: ‘slut’

Alexyia: ‘scummy’

Alexyia: ‘scumbag’

Alexyia: ‘whore’

Alexyia: that’s about it

Alexyia: oh

Alexyia: and we can’t forget the momma jokes

GohanLOTS: Shutup.

Alexyia: those were a big hit too

GohanLOTS: You’re a loser.

GohanLOTS: Enough said

GohanLOTS: Dont have to Impress you

Alexyia: you’re a faggot

Alexyia: enough said

GohanLOTS: No

GohanLOTS: Sure

Alexyia: yep

Alexyia: oh

GohanLOTS: Im a faggot

GohanLOTS: right

Alexyia: you finally admit

GohanLOTS: Omg

Alexyia: thanks

GohanLOTS: hurt

GohanLOTS: hurt


Alexyia: ok

GohanLOTS: Ok

GohanLOTS: Done

GohanLOTS: JAke


Alexyia: dont take too long shoving them up your ass

GohanLOTS: Jake.

GohanLOTS: Jake….


Alexyia: dude


lord distxrbed: ..

Alexyia: he dont want you


Alexyia: shut the fuck up


Alexyia: faggot

GohanLOTS: Shut up

GohanLOTS: Jake likes black guys….

Alexyia: lol

GohanLOTS: He told me

GohanLOTS: in school

Alexyia: sure he does

GohanLOTS: he felt one up

GohanLOTS: By “accident’

lord distxrbed: in school?

Alexyia: sure he did

GohanLOTS: Yeag……

lord distxrbed: wtf?

GohanLOTS: ..

GohanLOTS: You said you did

GohanLOTS: and that you stare at black guys

GohanLOTS: in the shower

lord distxrbed: No i didnt

davepoobond: thats sorta sad

GohanLOTS: at school…..

davepoobond: why would you do that

GohanLOTS: ….Yes you did…..

lord distxrbed: I dont have a shower at school


GohanLOTS: ….

lord distxrbed: no




lord distxrbed: Middleschools dont have showers

lord distxrbed: you fucking idiot

GohanLOTS: Your the idiot.

GohanLOTS: you said you had them

GohanLOTS: Fag.

davepoobond: hahaha


lord distxrbed: ….ok?

davepoobond: ok

lord distxrbed: why are you calling me a fag

Alexyia: i know

lord distxrbed: goddamn hypocrite

GohanLOTS: —–virus uploading—–

Alexyia: he’s the one that sucks cyber gokou cock

GohanLOTS: —-10%—–

Alexyia: rofl

GohanLOTS: ——20%——

lord distxrbed: maybe I should tell your boyfriend

GohanLOTS: —-30%—

lord distxrbed: he would be mad

Alexyia: rofrloflrrof

GohanLOTS: —-60%—–

GohanLOTS: —-80%—-

lord distxrbed: my computer isnt that fast

GohanLOTS: ——90%—-

GohanLOTS: —–100%—–

Alexyia: you’re ieeto now

GohanLOTS: —-deleting C: drive files—–

GohanLOTS: ————

Alexyia: roflmao

GohanLOTS: ——————-

GohanLOTS: ROflmao

GohanLOTS: I did that

davepoobond: oh nooooooooo

GohanLOTS: in this chat

GohanLOTS: “Hi”

GohanLOTS: and everyone left…..

lord distxrbed: we care because?

GohanLOTS: im too 1337 for you

davepoobond: who said we care

GohanLOTS: Looooosa

Alexyia: k

lord distxrbed: …that wasnt clever….at all.

GohanLOTS: Yeah


GohanLOTS: You’re a loser.

GohanLOTS: All your friend think you are cheating on her

lord distxrbed: thats original

GohanLOTS: with a guy

GohanLOTS: Now.

GohanLOTS: that I told them that.

GohanLOTS: ha

GohanLOTS: goodluck explaining to them

GohanLOTS: Bye

OnlineHost: GohanLOTS has left the room.

Alexyia: ?

lord distxrbed: ….

lord distxrbed: huh?

Alexyia: i didnt get it

Alexyia: lol

davepoobond: he left..

lord distxrbed: all my friend…

Alexyia: lol

davepoobond: why’d you invite me “jake”

Alexyia: my tampon looks like a sperm

lord distxrbed: cool

Alexyia: why is brooke so quiet

Alexyia: BROOKE

davepoobond: i’ve never seen u b4

Alexyia: you stupid SLUT


Alexyia: you just sit there

Alexyia: cuz u sux

davepoobond: k

lord distxrbed: ..

davepoobond: lord, wanna tell me?

lord distxrbed: why did u rape that chick anyway?

Alexyia: ????????

lord distxrbed: that chick

lord distxrbed: kept saying I raped her

Alexyia: lol

Alexyia: i dunno i was bored

davepoobond: nyeh

Alexyia: the d2 servers

Alexyia: are down

Alexyia: for fucking

Alexyia: 6 hours

davepoobond: lord! tell me why you invited me!

lord distxrbed: I didnt

davepoobond: and how the hell you got my sn!

davepoobond: yes you did

lord distxrbed: no

lord distxrbed: I FUCKING DIDNT

davepoobond: it said “lord distxrbed invites you to this chat: Alexyia68”

davepoobond: the hell you didnt, then why did it say you did?

lord distxrbed: it was another person posing me

davepoobond: wtf, thats gay

davepoobond: you guys wanna see my site?

lord distxrbed: no

lord distxrbed: that toreador is online

davepoobond: y not

lord distxrbed: tired

davepoobond: ok…..

OnlineHost: lord distxrbed has left the room.

davepoobond: alexyia how ’bout you

OnlineHost: Alexyia has left the room.

davepoobond: uh……..huh…..

crzy4hrses Chat77

You have just entered room “crzy4hrses Chat77.”

crzy4hrses: :-)Hamster Chat!!

davepoobond: yayayayayay

ImGonnaFlySumDay: bye

ImGonnaFlySumDay has left the room.

crzy4hrses: just u and me i guesss

davepoobond: yep

crzy4hrses: see if we can get some more ppls

davepoobond: so

crzy4hrses: 🙂

davepoobond: wats up

crzy4hrses: whats ur hammys name??

davepoobond: my hammys name is Mr. Snuggles

crzy4hrses: My hamsters name is Zoey

davepoobond: what do you feed him?

crzy4hrses: AWWWWWWW thats so cute

crzy4hrses: her, Hartz hmaster food mix u??

crzy4hrses: *Hamster

davepoobond: i feed mine Kibbles n’ Bits.

crzy4hrses: AWWW he likes it??

davepoobond: yeah

crzy4hrses: what breed/ color is your hammy??

crzy4hrses: mine is a banded syrian

davepoobond: ok………

crzy4hrses: she is like ..brown w/ a white band across her back

crzy4hrses: shes cute

davepoobond: thats nice

davepoobond: mine is all gray

crzy4hrses: cute

davepoobond: yes

davepoobond: he’s 10 years old

crzy4hrses: O MY GOD ARE U SERIOUS!!!!!!!


crzy4hrses: Mines only 7 months

crzy4hrses: come on he cant be 10!!

crzy4hrses: i g2g

crzy4hrses: bye

crzy4hrses: 🙂

crzy4hrses has left the room.


You have just entered room “private.”

aaliyah crashed: what about

davepoobond: WOW

davepoobond: WOW

aaliyah crashed: “i wanna fuck a dog”

davepoobond: WOW

edumakacion has entered the room.

aaliyah crashed: thas a good one

elmoisfurry has entered the room.

aaliyah crashed: woohoo

davepoobond: THIS IS PRIVATE

aaliyah crashed: people

davepoobond: WOW

davepoobond: WOW

edumakacion has left the room.

elmoisfurry: OW

elmoisfurry: MY PRIVATES

bitch acrylic: nah i haven’t heard that

davepoobond: i’ve got a private

aaliyah crashed: it rocks =\

davepoobond: ahahaaaaaaa

davepoobond: aaliyah died

aaliyah crashed: we know…

davepoobond: yesterday was a glorious day

aaliyah crashed: mmhmmm

davepoobond: too bad the backstreet boys or nsync werent on the fun fun airplane that went boom

bitch acrylic: LMAO NO SHIT

bitch acrylic: ….

aaliyah crashed: nsync rocks!!!

aaliyah crashed: =X

bitch acrylic has left the room.

davepoobond: ::smack::

aaliyah crashed: lol

aaliyah crashed has left the room.

davepoobond: nyargh

The AtoMic GoaT has entered the room.

The AtoMic GoaT: :-*

Outlaw Bar Hideout

Waddledoo: mwa ha ha!


davepoobond: great

davepoobond: i like it more

Waddledoo: NO U DONT

davepoobond: yes i do

Waddledoo: I HAV 75 VIDS

davepoobond: i have 76

Waddledoo: BEAT THAT!

davepoobond: i did

Waddledoo: SURE U DO

davepoobond: yes, i do

Waddledoo: NO U DONT

davepoobond: its just convenient that i have 1 more than you

Waddledoo: SURE.. SURE..

davepoobond: yep,i am sure

BabyRini: How do we know that waddle isn’t lieing?

BabyRini: mayeb actually only has 5

BabyRini: and just added the tenth place


Melfina AS: we dont thats the beauty of it all

BabyRini: to make her look good

BabyRini: hhmmmm?

Melfina AS: yes

Melfina AS: ^.^

Waddledoo: JOB I HAVE A JOB!

Waddledoo: :::SIGHS::

davepoobond: haha, you have a cruddy job

OnlineHost: Whitetigergrl has entered the room.


Waddledoo: YEH SOOOO

OnlineHost: Whitetigergrl has left the room.

Waddledoo: BE NICE..

Waddledoo: ^_~

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: NEVER!

Waddledoo: YES

Melfina AS: thats nice dear…

Waddledoo: REALLY…

Waddledoo: ~_~

Waddledoo: ……….. HOW OLD R U GUYS?

davepoobond: 15

Waddledoo: IM 14F

BabyRini: 29

Melfina AS: im 17 dont have a job and i go to downtown manhattan all the time…O.o LoL

BabyRini: XD!

BabyRini: j/k


BabyRini: I’m 14

BabyRini: no

Waddledoo: HUM??

Waddledoo: NO?

Waddledoo: OK..

OnlineHost: PrincessHotaru36 has entered the room.


davepoobond: Ohio is a boring place

Waddledoo: SLAYEERS?

davepoobond: you suck

Phoenix Dragon Inn

Max Code: hahahhhahah i am xena

davepoobond: no you’re not

davepoobond: you’re an imposter

JadeX: ::rolls eyes:: here we go again

Elvere: ::flicks a peanut at Phoenix::YOu didn’t warn me..

davepoobond: ::kicks max in the nuts:: hmm….xena has nuts….yeah, i believe you now

OnlineHost: Lord G LaMer has left the room.

OnlineHost: Whitetigergrl has entered the room.

Para: Hmm…

Elvere: Let me go..

Max Code: i am a chik you ass shit

OnlineHost: Whitetigergrl has left the room.

Elvere: ::squirms free::

Max Code: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

davepoobond: hahaha ::laughs anyway:: and?

Elvere: ::walks towards the guy hovering::

Elvere: Why you double crossing no good two bit having plastic potato with big ears..


JadeX: lalalalalala…….

Phoenix: about?

JadeX: z

JadeX: zz

JadeX: zzz

JadeX: zzzz

JadeX: zzzzz

JadeX: zzzzzz

JadeX: zzzzzzz

Max Code: zzzzzzzzzzz

JadeX: zzzzzzzz

Max Code: zzzzzzzz

Max Code: z

JadeX: NO

Max Code: zzzzzzzz

JadeX: z

Max Code: zzzzzzzz

JadeX: zz

OnlineHost: Phoenix has left the room.

Elvere: You locked the door.

Max Code: zzz

Para: hmm….

JadeX: &%$%*^(^$%^$#@#%!@#$%*&(^^(*(

Max Code: zzzz

Elvere: Oh he’s gone..

JadeX: NO!

davepoobond: ………………..

JadeX: Ã…

Para: ((He got lagged off))

JadeX: aa

davepoobond: stop snoring

davepoobond: ((no….hes still on))

Para: ((I just noticed))

JadeX: ::breathes fire at dabond::

Max Code: urghf urghf urghf

JadeX: z!

davepoobond: ahh! ::gets on fire, but it doesnt matter::

JadeX: aruf arur aruf

JadeX: aruf*

davepoobond: ::releases an electric shockwave onto Jade, trapping her in an electricity net::

Elvere: ::grabs the bowl of peanuts and throws some at Jade::Here dragon…

JadeX: ((arur?lol))

Max Code: do the retard do do do dodododo do do do od dod dodododo do do

Max Code: urghf

Max Code: urghf

Max Code: urghf

Max Code: ueghf

JadeX: everyone has a little dumbness to em

JadeX: everyone has a little jerk

Max Code: everyone has a little little fart a yabedi dart

JadeX: everyone has a little little little little little FART

JadeX: and a yabedy dart

JadeX: lol

Max Code: and thats a fart

davepoobond: yeah!

davepoobond: FARTTTTTTTT


Max Code: fart

davepoobond: you’re talkin my language..!

Elvere: ::yawns and eats some peanuts::

JadeX: what is w/ you and peanuts? ::burns all the peanuts::

davepoobond: roated peanuts

davepoobond: mmh

davepoobond: ::eats the peanuts::

JadeX: grrrrrrrrrrrr

Max Code: grrrrrrr


Max Code: what are you nutless and trying to make up for it

Max Code: once you’re nutered you can’;t get em back

JadeX: rockin around the christmas tree have a happy holiday!

JadeX: ::is drunk::

JadeX: everybody, lets be jolly!

JadeX: deck the halls w/ boughs of holly!

davepoobond: ::tangos with jade:: TANGO!

JadeX: ::hiccup::


Elvere: ::looks around and takes the chance to get out of the place opening the door:: Ha-ha!

davepoobond: yay

JadeX: itsa small wrld after all!

davepoobond: ::twits jade around::


Elvere: You’re from Lupe’?

JadeX: you nasty man! let go of me!::whacks dabond w/ her tail::


Max Code: SHEEP

Elvere: ::closes the door behind him::

JadeX: london bridge is falling down…..


OnlineHost: Elvere has left the room.

JadeX: brooklyn bridge is burning down….tralalalala!



OnlineHost: Para has left the room.


davepoobond: yes…

JadeX: deck the ahlls w/ boughs of holly!

JadeX: tra la la la la la LA LA LA!

JadeX: ::hiccup:: how does that song go again?::aruf::

davepoobond: ::steals away jade, and runs away::


davepoobond: no

JadeX: i know leave me alone!


davepoobond: you guys are mean

davepoobond: ::kicks them both in the shin and jumps on their head::


JadeX: dont fuck w/ dragons

davepoobond: thats not nice though

davepoobond: ::leaves::

ToAT Recruiting Hall / DPOD -> davepoobond

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – ToAT Recruiting Hall”. ***

davepoobond: ((well well, who do we have here))

davepoobond: ((lets leave the stuff behind us….lets be friends))

davepoobond: ((or are you still ignoring me))

DPOD: (( you guys come in and ruin our RP room))

DPOD: ((we do not follow the Rhydin Rules))

davepoobond: ((::shrugs::))

DPOD: ((that’s why we only take certain types…most like Rhydin’s ways))

davepoobond: ((i dont like rhydin’s ways))

DPOD: ((i know you are young..but will you allow me to explain why we have the rules like we do?))

davepoobond: ((sure, why not))

(in IMs)

DPOD: ok a few years ago..we had this guild by another name..and a sister guild that took Vamps and darks and such.

DPOD: wel we had a great member..she was a great MS champ and love to spar in our skrimishes and such….Turns out the Mun had cancer..we didn’t know until right before she died…anyway

DPOD: she gets in a MS with some jerk vamp types..blows them away and they begin to AA her..constantly..we used to set traps for them and fight fire with fire..but , as you know..most people like that never follow the rules anyway….so she had to spend mosr of her time in PRs.

DPOD: she died 2 xmas’s ago..in the hospital..they had to have xmas a week early for her kids in the hospital.

(in the chat)

OnlineHost: Maron has entered the room.

Maron: ::runs in and slives DPOD::

OnlineHost: Maron rolled 4 98-sided dice: 40 96 40 62

OnlineHost: Valin has entered the room.

Maron: -DPOD is guild killed and will be banned from the ToAT-

Valin: Hello

Maron: ((LMAO!))

OnlineHost: Valin has left the room.

(in IMs)

DPOD: she asked us to have a guild were normal people can RP and such without the idiots.

DPOD: ::shrugs:: and we did.

DPOD: our rules only pertain to us…Guild death only counts for the members and in out rooms.

DPOD: we do not accept anything from outside our realms…our dice…which everyone starts at 2d20 ,must be earned

DPOD: i started at 2d20 3 years ago.

(in chat)

davepoobond: ::in::

Maron: ::looks around and spots Dave with a grin…::I so hungry… Got any Toat?

davepoobond: uhh, sorry

davepoobond: the toater is broken

Maron: Maybe there a Toater about…? ::looks around raving the place…::Hmmm?

Maron: Damnit!

Maron: ::growls and walks over to DPODS “Slived” body and pissed on it..::punk

(in IMs) davepoobond is thinking “he’s still talking?”

DPOD: we give no free dice for vamps..we don’t even accept them…no one gets nothing unless they earn it…in active members are cut .

DPOD: ::shakes head;:: then you look at the types who come in here some times.

(in chat)

OnlineHost: Tsenn has entered the room.

Maron: ::still stands swaying his penis pissing on DPOD’S forehead::

davepoobond: gain control of that toothpick

Maron: What toothpick? ::spins around and it whips Dave it the eye::

OnlineHost: Xithril Baegorn has entered the room.

Tsenn: ((so wheres the sliver?))

davepoobond: ::grips his eyes:: AH! MY EYE!

OnlineHost: miss lovable hyper lil mandy! has entered the room.

Xithril Baegorn: ::quick steps carry him into the Inn, with a quick twist of the handle and a push from

Xithril Baegorn: his staff, the door swings open as the man strolls in, grinning like some madman…

davepoobond: whoa! a madman!

davepoobond: ::tackles the “madman”::

Xithril Baegorn: he comes to a rest, his gaze sweeping about the Inn as he sets down his staff with a

Xithril Baegorn: gentle tap upon the floor..::

Xithril Baegorn: ::although, he grinned like a madman, didn’t mean he was one::

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ::a young ctarl ctarl lady strides into the bar her hips sway softly side to side

davepoobond: ::didnt matter! tackled him anywayyyyys::

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: with each step. Her white hair swings lightly from her movements along with her cape

Xithril Baegorn: ::gets tackled, and looks up to him, that grin still upon his face… the staff rolls away

Xithril Baegorn: :: Greetings!!

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: flailing lightly at the bottom. Her hair braided with a gold ring at the bottom

Tsenn: ((::waiting to be slived or be called manure or something::))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: she has a blue triangle apon her right cheek. Her tail sways in

davepoobond: ((marron’s been killed already))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: a flicking motion at the tip. Her blue orbs have a serious look within

Tsenn: ((heh i havent been touched))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: Her white brows furrowed showing the facial expression.

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: Wearing a collar with a gold bell hooked on the collar

Maron: ((o.o;; When did Marron die?))

davepoobond: ((whoops….never mind heh))

Tsenn: ((when the jackapple slived him?))

Xithril Baegorn: Why did you tackle me! ::he tilts his head slightly…::

davepoobond: ((that was you))

Maron: ((Hmmm? ::wanks Marron out…::BRB DINNAH!))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: Her face looking young possibly looking the age 18. Along with wearing a tight

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: body suit.:: ((yada yada and all that junk))

OnlineHost: Brightfire has entered the room.

davepoobond: ::he peered up from his place on the floor, on top of Xithril:: hey aisha…

Brightfire: ((Could I get a look at the application…?))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((need that damn BOT! ))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ::looks toward dave:: oh…….you again

Xithril Baegorn: ::his gaze shifts, falling upon -Aisha- a chuckle..:: Can you pick up my staff!

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ::looks toward the stranger that dave has tacklized::

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: sure

davepoobond: ::he raises a brow:: nu! dont

OnlineHost: Brightfire has left the room.

Tsenn: ::umm well he got some letter about a new location so he decided to check it out sliding on

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ::she walked toward the staff bending down she grasps the staff

Tsenn: into the room slowly letting silent footfalls carry him to lean against the wall right next

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: before handing it over toward xithril::

Tsenn: to the door he tilted his head down and skimmed the floor::

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((making me wanna go on my cher sn lol))

Tsenn: ((who? O.o))

Xithril Baegorn: ::-DaBond- is ontop of him…. he reaches up, trying to grab it, but can’t quite get it..::

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((u lol))

Tsenn: ((eh why?))

OnlineHost: DPOD has left the room.

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((i dunno))

Tsenn: hey uhh dave get off the man already…..

davepoobond: eh….all right then

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ::she reachs more so the man can grab it::

davepoobond: ::stands up on top of him, and hops off::

OnlineHost: Raditz has entered the room.

Xithril Baegorn: ::wiggles his fingers finally getting the staff, he grins, and stands::

Xithril Baegorn: Greetings all!

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ::blinks lightly as she raises a white brow::

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: hello to u too

OnlineHost: Raditz has left the room.

Tsenn: greetings? eh is that food?

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: (( ::pounces rick:: hiz!! ::misses:: T.T))

davepoobond: yesssssss……..

Xithril Baegorn: ::a nod is given:: Well then, I wish you all well! ::with that he wonders right on out of

Xithril Baegorn: the bar.::

OnlineHost: Xithril Baegorn has left the room.

Tsenn: ((rick?))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: rich*

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: (( doh ))

Tsenn: ((who the hell?))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: (( raditz!))

Tsenn: ((oh that was him?))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((yesh! ::grummbles and ims him:: ))

Tsenn: ((::not as old as her in LotS::))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: (( ::ish old in lots lol:: ))

davepoobond: ((::heard stuff about raditz::))

Tsenn: ((i know))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((uncle raditz ^.^))

Tsenn: ((since 98 i think))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((::nods nods:: ))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((while i was in school still and uhh a jr? i think lol))

davepoobond: ((how is it uncle…?))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: ((damn shit im old))

miss lovable hyper lil mandy!: (( cuz thats what cher calls him))

ToAT Recruiting Hall

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – ToAT Recruiting Hall”.**

davepoobond: ::tap dances back in::

davepoobond: ::tap dances out::

CloudDancer: :;Clicks a claw on the floor as he drifts quietly::

davepoobond: ::WAIT! tap dances back in::

davepoobond: ::tackles cloud::

davepoobond: ::stomps on his face 1 million times::

CloudDancer: :;The dragon screeches and leaps up knocking the table over hissing loudly::

DPOD: just ignore the jerk , he’s dead in our lands.

CloudDancer: Ok

davepoobond: your lands

davepoobond: haha

davepoobond: my lands are bigger than your lands

davepoobond: ::takes off his pants:: SEE

CloudDancer: :;Flops back to sleep and pushes the dream away::

davepoobond: ::shows him a map::

davepoobond: my land ::points to a big chunk::

davepoobond: your land

davepoobond: ::takes tweezers and tosses it at him::

DPOD: its sad..the losers have no where else to go..no oneelse wants them either.

DPOD: :chuckles:: and you could see why.

davepoobond: yeah, thats why losers like us go to loser places like yours

Daiou: ::Through reality his power was fealt, an image burned into time and space at the same time, his body transended across the flowing rivers of etched space that came to a stop before Dave, a portal of near liquid that formed infront of him, before seeping back into it’s original place as he stood before him and arched a brow.:: What are you doing…

Kethryn: ::she tip toed over to Brandon and took the feather from her hat and tickled his snout::

CloudDancer: :;he sniffled and sneezed on her::

Kethryn: ::she closed her eyes and shuddered:: ewww.. Brandon!

davepoobond: ::in an italian accent:: ey ey…i’m workin ‘ere, ah?

CloudDancer: :;he gives Kethy a sloppy dragon kiss::

Daiou: ::He merely slapped him across the face with a back hand.:: Talk normal english…

Kethryn: ::she laughed softly and staggered back:: now I am sneezed and slobbered on ::she hugged his large dragon neck, partially wiping herself off:: thank you

davepoobond: i dont know, that chair talked me into it! ::points accusingly at the chair next to him::

Daiou: I’m sure….go back to the HQ, before I feed you to the monster that hides under your bed..

CloudDancer: :;he nuzzled her lightly and smiled::

davepoobond: chair: it wasnt mee

davepoobond: hmm….you mean Jean?

Daiou: No, I mean Norma.

davepoobond: ::blink::

davepoobond: norma….

Daiou: Now GO!

davepoobond: aaah! ::runs out::

Kethryn: ::she smiled:: nice dragon ::she petted the top of his head::

davepoobond: ((::leaves character out::))

CloudDancer: Now I know how the family dog feels ::Gives her a cross eyed look::

DPOD: ::nods::

Kethryn: ::laughs softly::

Kethryn: I much rather have a dragon than a dog

Kethryn: ::giggles:: it’ll go well with my unicorn…::smirks::

CloudDancer: And your dog will never get the great hang time that I get

Kethryn: hang time?::blinks::

CloudDancer: Yeah

CloudDancer: You know flying?

CloudDancer: Unless you have a dog with wings

CloudDancer: And in that case I will pay you gold to see that

Kethryn: do such things even exist?

CloudDancer: Not really

CloudDancer: But I will pay if you do

CloudDancer: ::Gives a dragon yawn::

Kethryn: ::grins:: I’ll check in Aran’s books…he’s a great mage

::3 minutes later::

CloudDancer: Ok

OnlineHost: Shadoe has entered the room.

Shadoe: ::walks back in::i was wondering…

Shadoe: if your still ignoring me then don`t answer but i now have a question

Daiou: (LOL! They ignored you to?!)

Shadoe: ((yeah))

Daiou: (::Snickers:: They ignored Dave to….truely desperate and stupid rpers that inhabit this room.)

davepoobond: ((he knows…))

Shadoe: ((they “sliced” me as guild kill))

davepoobond: ((lol))

davepoobond: ((they “slived” me))

Daiou: (LOL! Now that’s comedy.)

davepoobond: ((and then threw us both in a sewer))

Shadoe: ((but i don`t know how,you can`t just kill a vampire so i don`t know))

CloudDancer: :;Coughs up a hair ball::

davepoobond: ((thats stupid, a dragon coughing up a hair ball))

davepoobond: ((dragons dont have any skin, idiot))

Daiou: (I do…but I’m guessing none of the kids here have been able to do research on the subject yet)

CloudDancer: (9hey something he ate could have had hair))

CloudDancer: ((Cows horses your mother))

Daiou: (That would have to be something, very…big.)

davepoobond: ((probably that chick’s armpit hair))

CloudDancer: ((he is a very big dragon))

davepoobond: ((so what if he is, makes it even bigger))

Kethryn: (Hun ignore the three stooges)

davepoobond: ((and dragons usually are big))

Shadoe: ((FRUIT LOOP!!))

Daiou: (LOL! THree stooges…it finally talked! Took you this long to think of that?)

CloudDancer: :;Runs out quickly::

Shadoe: ((lol))

davepoobond: ((sure it does))

OnlineHost: CloudDancer has left the room.

Kethryn: ::smiles:: byee Brandon!

DPOD: ::smiles at Cloud:: its nicer to just get rid of the jerks…that’s why they are dead.

Daiou: (Run?….Ok, so which city or near by village just go trampled by this VERy big dragon?)

Shadoe: ((i was a jerk because i didn`t ask a question right away))

davepoobond: ((how’d he get in in the first place?))

Daiou: (I don’t recall anyone doing anything to me…which reminds me ::Takes Veg out of the room IC wise.:: Now then…try your cheap tricks against someone that is not even there in the first place you small minded absent dicked ass.)

DPOD: ::slices Vegeta::

OnlineHost: DPOD rolled 4 92-sided dice: 26 59 67 41

Daiou: (LMFAO!!!)

Daiou: (ROTFLMFAO!!!!!)

Shadoe: ((LMAO))


DPOD: Vegeta is now Guild killed..to be ignored in all TOAT lands.

davepoobond: ((LOLL))

Shadoe: ((WTF MAN?!))

Kethryn: ::smiles:: thank you Kree… his stench was getting rather foul

Daiou: (Vegeta isint even there ROTFLMAO!!!)

DPOD: ::sweeps it into the sewer trap::

davepoobond: ((LOL))

Shadoe: ((ROTFLMAO))

Daiou: (Try deciphering what is character and what is not, you small child, before you take on someone more influential in Rhydin than you will hope to ever be.)

DPOD: its a shame to stink up that sewer that way.

DPOD: but manure is manure.

Kethryn: ::nods:: yeah…..poor rats down there…

OnlineHost: Videl has entered the room.

Daiou: (LOL! Must be insulting the person he is talking to, since the character isint even there LOL!)

Shadoe: ((um,are we supposed to get mad at you?))

Daiou: (I think so….not sure.)

OnlineHost: RikkiOh has entered the room.

Shadoe: ((this is good entertainment))

Daiou: (Cai, bring in LotS….show them what Roleplayers really are.)

Shadoe: ((::pulls over some popcorn::))

Daiou: Cait*

Videl: (Ok ^.^)

RikkiOh: (Hey Damen…can i use Ricky ::grin::)

Daiou: (::Snickers:: Tried to kill Veg when he’s not even there.)

Videl: (LOL!)

Videl: (That…is classic)

Shadoe: ((oh,but don`t ask him about it))

Daiou: (Action of DPOD: “::slices Vegeta”::)

RikkiOh: (Prolly ole Sim)

DPOD: sorryVidel your life scroll doesn’t meet our standards.

Shadoe: ((he`ll TOS you))

Daiou: (LMAO!!)

Daiou: (So what?!)

RikkiOh: (hehe)

RikkiOh: (hehe)

Daiou: (ToS is backed up for over a year!)

Shadoe: ((but you`ll get TOS`d))

davepoobond: ((lol))

Videl: (::dies laughing::)

RikkiOh: (Newbie Moders! e.e)

RikkiOh: (XD)

Daiou: (Think….will they even care what happened a year ago? Nope!)

Shadoe: ((you know what happens when you get TOS`d,don`t you?))

Daiou: (I know perfectly well….nothing…I have several people that work for these people.)

davepoobond: ((yes, i’ve had 2 for vulgarity ::growl::))

davepoobond: ((they said 1 more time and i’ll lose AOL))

Daiou: (LOL! It’s comical)

Kethryn: look Kree… the other cockraches are following their friends in..

davepoobond: ((thats been over a year though….))

Daiou: (It’s erased after 6 months.)

Daiou: Cochroaches*

davepoobond: ((hmm….oh well))

Kethryn: ::she takes out her dagger and throws it atVidel::

Videl: (LMAO!)

OnlineHost: Kethryn rolled 2 53-sided dice: 40 31

davepoobond: ((videl isnt even in there))

Daiou: (LOL! Not even in the room….how pitiful.)

Videl: (Duh)

RikkiOh: (Err…..isVidel even in ther.e….No)

RikkiOh: (Stupid!)

Daiou: (I truely hate morons like this.)

Videl: (They obviously don’t know the difference between IC and OOC)

Shadoe: ((WTF??))

Daiou: (Cait…that was shown to us long ago LOL!)

RikkiOh: (XD)

Videl: (LOL)

DPOD: Very good.

RikkiOh: (Is ToAT supposed to be Toast? Buttered Toast!)

davepoobond: ((leave it up to shadoe-mun to find the good places))

DPOD: another mound of manure gone.

Daiou: (YES!)

Kethryn: Videl is Guild Killed and to be banned from all ToAT lands

Videl: (LOL!!)

Shadoe: ((LOL))

Daiou: (LMFAO!!!)

Shadoe: ((LMAO))

RikkiOh: (LOL! Moder MODER MODER! LOL)

Videl: (Oh my god, I NEEDED a laugh…)

Daiou: (Like that matters!)

davepoobond: ((ToAT lands again))

Kethryn: shall I get the last one?

Shadoe: ((ROTFLMAO))

DPOD: be my guest

davepoobond: ((LOLLL))

RikkiOh: (Oh My God! These people dont even know how to RP)

DPOD: you can use the xps.

Daiou: (Does it also mean “Hey man…” ::takes a drag of weed:: “Im toasted..”)

Videl: (LMAO!)

Kethryn: ::she grins:: thank you

davepoobond: mucus

RikkiOh: (Ed:: Buttered ToAT!)

Videl: (It would be believable with the way they RP though)

Daiou: (Hey man…Im fuc*n wasted)

Kethryn: ::she yawned and tossed her dagger over to RikkiOh::

OnlineHost: Kethryn rolled 2 53-sided dice: 22 39

RikkiOh: (heh)

RikkiOh: (Im not even in the room stupid)

Daiou: (LOL! isint event he character’s name)

RikkiOh: (Hes not even in the room)

Daiou: even, the*

DPOD: good job.

davepoobond: ((and its pitiful dice too))

Videl: (LOL I’m laughing soooo hard that my face is turning red.)

Kethryn: RikkiOh is Guild killed and is to be ignored in ToAT lands

Shadoe: ((i know))

Daiou: (Good job, you acted like an idiot, here’s some experiance points!)

davepoobond: ((LOOOOOLL))

RikkiOh: (Dumb….Just dumb)

DPOD: post it.

Shadoe: ((ROTFLMAO))

Videl: (Hey Shawn! Did you know your character was just killed even though he’s not even in here?)

davepoobond: ((ooooh, post it!))

RikkiOh: (Blacklist!!!!)

Videl: (LOL!)

Kethryn: ::nods:: will do

RikkiOh: (Hehe! Thats funny Cait!)

Shadoe: ((post its?where?))

davepoobond: ((i’m credited with that though))

Videl: (LMAO!)

Daiou: (Now…how’s this…::Cracks his fingers:: I post you across my own blacklist, and about

Shadoe: ((i need some post~its))

Daiou: thirty other Rhydin guilds and forums lists….you will never need to worry about

Daiou: going outside of your own little minded world…cause no one will want to be around you LOL!)

Videl: (::grins:: I love it when Damen gets like this.)

DPOD: its much beter when they are all down in the sewers.

RikkiOh: (XD!!!)

davepoobond: ((heh))

Shadoe: ((::writes something down::post…its…))

RikkiOh: (what in idiot!)

Videl: (LOL!)

RikkiOh: (DPOD is such an idiot)

davepoobond: ((wtf is with you guys and sewers))

davepoobond: ((toilets are cool, not sewers))

Daiou: (::Just busts out laughing:: Is that all he can think of?! Sewers? He must live in one or have a secret lair in one near by to use that word so much.)

Shadoe: ((what`s with DPOD anyway?))

RikkiOh: (Just a retard)

Shadoe: ((hey!D~POD,MAN!))

davepoobond: ((he cant hear you, he ignored us all))

Shadoe: ((i got some willows,we gonna get toated!))

Videl: (LOL!)

davepoobond: ((since he did, he wont here this:))

Daiou: (All the better…I say we take over his room and use it as a CRF room.)

Kethryn: ::nods:: I must agree Kree

davepoobond: ((YOU’RE A POOPY HEAD MR. DPOD))

Videl: (LMAO!)

Shadoe: ((::falls off his stool laughing::))

Videl: (I like that idea Damen)

davepoobond: ((heh))

RikkiOh: (yep!)

Daiou: (That’s it….LOL! It’s OURS NOW!)

Videl: (Yeah!!!)

davepoobond: ((yay))

Daiou: (Hell I may make this our temporary HQ.)

Shadoe: ((::cries from laughing so hard::))

Videl: (LOL! Send an email out to all of LotS!)

Shadoe: ((hey,D-POD my man!))

Videl: (People are always talking about wanting to publicly RP ::snickers::)

Shadoe: ((::thinks of black guys buying weed from a guy named D-POD::))

davepoobond: ((heh))

Videl: (Well, this made my night, that’s for sure)

davepoobond: ((yeah, and i’m gonna put this shyte on Squackle))

Shadoe: ((it`s not over yet))

Daiou: (Done)

RikkiOh: (They are just prolly five year olds that dont even know what to do)

Daiou: (This room is now the LotS HQ for the next week.)

Shadoe: ((yeah))

Videl: (Darn, I should have logged this and sent it to everyone.)

DPOD: what was a real shame?..one of then wasn’t too bad

davepoobond: ((i’ve got it all and more))

DPOD: the others were mindless and had to use OOC all the time.

Daiou: (LOL!)

RikkiOh: (o.o)

Shadoe: ((they`re slicing and sliving people that haven`t even entered yet))

RikkiOh: (LOL!!!!)

Daiou: (Like a character knows what OOC is!)

Kethryn: ::nods:: mmm hmm, but they had to be the lackeys of the wrong crowd…pity

Videl: (LMAO!!)

RikkiOh: (they havent even killed anyone)

davepoobond: ((yeah, they did))

RikkiOh: (no…-.-)

DPOD: that’s how they get together..all the sludge collects together.

davepoobond: ((they killed me and shadoe))

Shadoe: ((yeah,man))

Daiou: (They “slived” Dave IC…yet he’s a shapeshifter mound of goo..)


Videl: (They killedVidel even though she wasn’t in the room, now THAT is talent)

RikkiOh: (Dave is still alive…they just moded)


Daiou: (Kind of hard to “slived” someone that can’t be harmed by blades.)

RikkiOh: (And they killed Ricky and he never even entered the fricken place)

davepoobond: ((i must learn that technique, to kill someone not in the room))

Shadoe: ((i`m a vamp))

Kethryn: ::nods:: just glad we’re finally rid of them

RikkiOh: (What a bunch of moders)

Shadoe: (you can`t just kill a vamp))

Daiou: (No, moders aint the word for these kids.)

Kethryn: ::grins:: and I got to make my first guild kill too

RikkiOh: (Just Newbies?)

Videl: (::dies laughing::)

davepoobond: ((lol…thats stupid))

OnlineHost: Shadoe has left the room.

Kethryn: maybe them bringing in their lackey’s isn’t so bad afterall

DPOD: ::grins:

Videl: (I wasn’t anything CLOSE to that when I was a newbie)

Daiou: (Decapitation and burn the head and body seperately…that’s how you “just” kill a vamp)

OnlineHost: Shadoe has entered the room.

davepoobond: ((lets have guild kills, damen…we can prance around RhyDin killing them all))

RikkiOh: (LOL! Kethryn mun/char is stupid, its so funny!!)

DPOD: hey each one is worth points, doesn’t matterto me.

Daiou: (Nah, we don’t want to stoop to their level.)

Videl: (LOL!!!)

davepoobond: ((yeah, i guess not then))

Shadoe: ((if you re enter than are you automatically off ignore?))

RikkiOh: (Dave send me the log!!!))

Videl: (You have the log?!)

davepoobond: ((not over yet, lol))

Videl: (Send it to me when it’s done!!!!!)

RikkiOh: (Hurry up!!!!!)

davepoobond: ((i’ll put it up on squackle, its too big))

Videl: (Oh my god…now I see why Aimi asked me if I ever go into Rhydin rooms and turn on a log and just let the newbies play)

Shadoe: ((hey D-POD!WE GOT SOME DOPE-ASS SH*T!))

Videl: (Send it as attachment?)

Daiou: (Im bringing in a Rhydin expert on this LOL!)

Shadoe: ((ABOUT 50 G`S MAN!))

RikkiOh: (thats why i never let BroliKen go to Rhydin)

RikkiOh: (Because the people suck!!!)

Daiou: (Now now)

Videl: (This…is classic…this really made my night, I’m still laughing)

Shadoe: ((i`m still thinking about D-POD the drug dealer)

RikkiOh: (ya!)

Daiou: (No not yet)

davepoobond: ((all right then))

Daiou: (Let’s see what our Rhydin specialist has to say when he gets here LOL!)

Videl: (Do I know this person Damen? Or no?)

davepoobond: ((hurry up, my mom might come in and take away the comp forever….))

Videl: (Well then I’ll turn on a log to take over where you leave off)

Daiou: (Nope)

Videl: (Log On ^.^)

davepoobond: ((uhh…..i have a lot more than u))

Videl: (I know, but at least I’ll get what you miss)

Daiou: (Perhaps I should drag Zach or Forte in here and just kill them to their own guild?)

Daiou: (Oh wait!)

Daiou: (I have Kym Nark Mar the Dragon God on instead of Forte LOL!)

Videl: (LOL! )

Daiou: (Oh jesus…I cant stop laughing at these idiots)

davepoobond: ((they’re not even talking))

Videl: (You and me both)

Daiou: (Damn, he can’t make it, he’s busy doing something *”IC”*)

Videl: (*gasp* IC?! What’s that?!?!?)

davepoobond: ((oh god wtf is that))

Daiou: (I heard a myth about it once..)

Shadoe: ::takes out his nailgun and aims it at DPOD`s nuts::

davepoobond: ((that concept is too confusing))

Videl: (LOL)

Daiou: (That its where you play your characters, without using any type of relation to yourself.)

Shadoe: ::fires::BAM!!!

davepoobond: ::slives DPOD and Kethryn::

Videl: (Oh my god! Is that possible Damen?! It seems sooo hard!)

Shadoe: ::slices them::

davepoobond: You are now dead in the Lands of Dave. You will now be ignored forever again in the Dave

Daiou: (I know, it seems like the impossible is upon us!)

Videl: (LMAO Dave!!!!)

Daiou: (LOL!!!)


Daiou: (LMFAO!!!)

Shadoe: oh!not on the garden gnome!

davepoobond: ((::second time, but seems to get a better result the 2nd time::))

Daiou: (LOL! They stopped talking totaly)

Videl: (That’s a shame…I’m sure they’ll have more to say once other members start comin’ in here on a daily basis. ::snickers::)

Daiou: (Out numbered, outclassed, hell…totaly outmatched in anything…even by Dave…and that’s astonishing!)

Videl: (LOL!)

davepoobond: ((thats not nice ::sniffle::))

davepoobond: ((i came a long way))

Videl: (Aww…)

Daiou: (Dave, that’s a compliment!)

Daiou: (It means you are WAY better than they are!)

davepoobond: ((i had pretty much 1 to 3 word actions all the time..it was hard to do 6 words an action))

Shadoe: ::takes down his pants and rubs his ass in DPOD`s face::SAY MY NAME!

Videl: (I mean…when I first started out, even I wasn’t THAT bad…I mean…they must have never heard of a little thing called “common sense”)

Shadoe: ((ROTFLMAO))

Daiou: (Assman?)

Videl: (LOL!)

davepoobond: ((so, i started using Adjectives))

Daiou: (Common sense? What’s that?)

Videl: (LOL!!)

davepoobond: ((DPOD> doy….uh…..hmm……..i’m on drugs….oooooooo))

Shadoe: ((ASSMAN!::batman theme::))

Daiou: (DPOD: “Hey man…I’m fuc*in wasted…)

Videl: (LOL)

Shadoe: ((danananananananana,ASS,MAN!!!!!))

Daiou: (LOL!)

davepoobond: ((kethryn> ::inhales deeply:: yep….got another box of OJ?))

Videl: (LMAO)

OnlineHost: Bass number has entered the room.

Bass number:: whats up

davepoobond: hi

davepoobond: watch out, they’ll kill you

Videl: (::sits back and watches::)

Shadoe: ::rubs his ass inthey ignored us ooc

davepoobond: ::points to DPOD and kethryn::

Shadoe: they`ll slive and slice you

Bass number:: what are youll recruiting in here


Daiou: Us? No, we took over the room.

davepoobond: ITS BAD

Bass number:: how old r youll

davepoobond: 15

davepoobond: y

Bass number:: just wondering

davepoobond: u?

DPOD: ignore the olders Bass..they are dead in these lands.

Shadoe: ASSMAN!duh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh

DPOD: others*

Daiou: Old enough to say I can’t have sex with small kids, or I’ll go to jail.

Shadoe: ASSMAN!duh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh

davepoobond: lol, again with “these lands”

Bass number:: im 16

Videl: Dude, if you DON’T know the difference between OOC and IC, then THIS is the guild for you!

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: definatly

Daiou: Hey, chill….I doubt he’s a rper right now.

Shadoe: ASSMAN,ASSMAN,assman,

Bass number:: what the hell is that

Videl: LMAO

Videl: ::dies laughing::

davepoobond: its all right bass, dont worry

Daiou: CHILL!!!

Shadoe: shanananananananana,ASSMAN!!!!!!!

davepoobond: just know to not join this place

davepoobond: ToAT or whatever

RikkiOh: Toast!

RikkiOh: XD

RikkiOh: ^.^

Bass number:: well what r youll doing n here

Daiou: Bass….I take it your aren’t a roleplayer are you?

Shadoe: let`s make some toat,i`m hungry!

Videl: Being entertained, you could say.

Daiou: Sounds like you’re trying to say Toast with a lisp…


Videl: LOL!

Bass number:: lets go talk shit ………all of us ……in another room

davepoobond: no! you’re a spy

Videl: Lol

Daiou: Nope, we took over their room…so we’re staying here.

davepoobond: you probably want us to get out of here

Videl: Yeah, they want us to leave, therefore, we’re staying.

Shadoe: it`s toaty warm in here

Videl: XD

Daiou: LOL! lisp again!

davepoobond: lol

Daiou: You should get that checked.

RikkiOh: Buttered TOAT!!

davepoobond: i want a toater

Videl: LOL

Shadoe: i`m gonna toat you with my dope-ass shit!

Daiou: Im going to use my Toater on you and make you into creamy toat that will water the mouths of all toat eaters out there!

Shadoe: ((::his sides hurt from laughing so hard,he wipes his tars away for morew to come::))

Videl: LMAO

Shadoe: i like cinnamon toat

Daiou: I thought it was cimmanon since we’re talking with lisps..

Videl: thimmanon

Daiou: LMAO!!!

Shadoe: ((i g2g guys,send me a log))

Daiou: They haven’t talked for a good twenty minutes

Videl: Okies, baiyo!

RikkiOh: Thats because they are crying

RikkiOh: because they suck!

Daiou: To their mommies

Shadoe: ::Walks out pulling his bag off dope-ass weed with him::

OnlineHost: Shadoe has left the room.

OnlineHost: Daiou has left the room.

OnlineHost: Daiou has entered the room.


Videl: LOL!!!

RikkiOh: o.o

RikkiOh: Damen whatcha been smokin? o.O

Daiou: Shawn, you can have the guy…me and Cait will take the….other one…though I think we

davepoobond: byes

OnlineHost: davepoobond has left the room.

RikkiOh: O.o..<^>

Daiou: will have to do some surgery first to estabilsh it’s gender

Videl: LOL!!!!!!

RikkiOh: Shes a duck!

RikkiOh: O.o


Videl: LMAO!!!!

RikkiOh: LOL!!!!!!!!!

OnlineHost: Tamberlin has entered the room.

RikkiOh: LOL!

RikkiOh: Funny they are still quiet!

Daiou: Nope, he aint one of em…he’s an RoAer though..

Videl: And they haven’t tried to kill the newcomer yet, that’s a record!

RikkiOh: Hey Tamberlin mun, your character is gonna get killed while in yer pocket

Daiou: I may hate RoA…but I won’t damn anyone to them…not even Berto or Maggie….Tamberlin mun

RikkiOh: DPOD and Kethryn are gonna kill him with 2d rolls!

Daiou: dont even try to rp in here….the moderistic idiots that run the place are way to stupid to understand anything IC or OOC

Videl: Or the difference between it for that matter…

Daiou: That to

Tamberlin: I take it your referring to me? Heh, I’ve heard about them

Daiou: I’m sorry.

RikkiOh: o.o…..

RikkiOh: Come on i want to read the log!

Videl: Oh!

Daiou: I’m sorry you’ve heard of this pathetic wasteland of roleplayers.

Videl: Hang on let me d/l it and get it sent!

Videl: LOL!!!

Tamberlin: Too bad, they’re not talking anymore? Might have been funny to see.

Daiou: Oh God, it was hilarious

Videl: Funny, is an understatement.

Daiou: They killed my character, Rikkioh’s, andVidel’s and several others without them being IC

Tamberlin: Been awhile since I’ve seen a moder…which is pretty surprising.

Daiou: Now THAT is talent worth exploring!

Tamberlin: Indeed, I must learn how they perform such an amazing trick.

Daiou: It’s easy…they suck.

Daiou: All we have to do is “slive” someone and we can do it to!

Tamberlin: Ahhh, so there in lies the secret!

Videl: LMAO

OnlineHost: Ranger has entered the room.

Daiou: BRAD!!! LOL!!!

Ranger: That’s me. Heh.

Videl: You missed it!

Daiou: DOn’t go IC! They will “slive” you till you die from the one hit!

Videl: Damen do you wanna send the log out, or shall I? To all of LotS I mean.

Ranger: What happened?

Daiou: I will, heh, I want the honors

DPOD: ::looks to Tamberlin:: you should have been here before.there was a whole room full of moder

Videl: Okies!

Daiou: SEE LOL!

RikkiOh: LOL!!

Videl: LMAO!

Daiou: He just proved it!

Videl: Thank God I didn’t turn off the log yet!

Tamberlin: Who’s the other one?

Daiou: His accomplice in stupidity

RikkiOh: Kethryn

Tamberlin: Um…DPOD? It would be wise for you not to open your mouth again.

Videl: LMAO!

RikkiOh: LOL!


DPOD: why?

Daiou: KILL HIM!!!

Tamberlin: Just trying to save you some embaressment.

RikkiOh: Because you’re an idiot!

Videl: LOL!!!

Daiou: Jut out right kill him!!!

DPOD: are you a lost loser too?

Daiou: Do it before he gets the chance!

Videl: Public display of stupidity, my favorite show.


Daiou: Brad to! Use two word actions!

Tamberlin: Kill them? Well ok

RikkiOh: No hes a smart boy you dope

Daiou: It should be a crime…

Tamberlin: ::punch…kick…::

Videl: You mean like ::killz u::

OnlineHost: Tamberlin rolled 1 1-sided die: 1

Daiou: Aim it at DPOD

OnlineHost: LyWrynn has entered the room.

Tamberlin: I DID IT!

RikkiOh: ::Kill DPO::

Daiou: and use your RoA dice

Videl: LOL

DPOD: ::shakes head:: slashes Tamberlin for Guild Kill::

OnlineHost: DPOD rolled 4 92-sided dice: 15 69 89 90

Daiou: LMAO!!!!

RikkiOh: LOL!!

Videl: ::just dies laughing::


Ranger: I was about to say..

DPOD: He is now dead in all TOAT lands and to be ignored.

Daiou: NO way Hes funny!

Tamberlin: Oh, I have to do this just one moment…

Ranger: RoA Flunkie..

Daiou: Hey now

DPOD: ::sweeps he away with the others::

RikkiOh: Brad yo…hes cool

RikkiOh: dont worry

Daiou: We’re all on the same team here

Ranger: Oh, okay.

Ranger: I didn’t know. Heh.

LyWrynn: ::a cloaked figure steps in::

Daiou: RoA he may be…but he’s on our side for the time being

Tamberlin: ::Arms crossed over his chest, a smirk spreading across his visage as icy blues regarded the man and his…attack:: Nice…may I try? ::placing a hand on the man’s chest, he almost absentmindedly discharges a ki blast::

RikkiOh: And oh yea…-Shawn

RikkiOh: (::goes into the bubbles for now::)

Videl: (::follows, since she KNOWS the difference between IC and OOC unlike some people::)

Daiou: (::Goes IC for the hell of it, since he did declare this LotS’ HQ for a week.::)

Daiou: ::Goes cheap as they do for entrances…::

Daiou: -In

Daiou: (No…I can’t stoop to that level….I’m sorry…IVE COMMITED A GRAVE SIN!!!)

Ranger: ::Does a cheaper one.::

Ranger: ::Ish in.::

Ranger: [ We must repent, Damen! ]

Daiou: (YES! Repent!!!)

OnlineHost: Bass number has left the room.

Videl: (LOL!!)

OnlineHost: Tamberlin rolled 4 93-sided dice: 26 53 35 65

Tamberlin: ((Phew, and I’m spent))

Ranger: [ To the Holy Online Host give us forgiveness! ]

Daiou: ::Through the void of both evil and good, he laid…upon the woven fabric of reality his eyes remained closed, until they burst forth openly and gave birth to sight, his form vanished from the void, only to appear in the establishment that was now designated as the

Videl: (Damen, are you sure they understand those types of words?)

DPOD: hi Wyrnn, just step around the MAnure.

Daiou: HQ for the time being. His eyes stared upon the place with disgust.:: I can’t believe he would do this to us…

LyWrynn: ::: buys the house a round of ignore ale and passes it around

Daiou: (Do I look like I care, Cait?)

Videl: (No, just makin’ sure.)

Videl: (Do you ever? ::grins::)

Daiou: (Um…no?)

LyWrynn: ::she smiles as the sounds of silence fills the room::

DPOD: ::smiles:: Kethy this is Wyrnn,,,Wyrnn Kethy.

LyWrynn: Hello Kree Im back for a short while

Daiou: (AAAHH!! It’s one of them to!!! KILL IT KILL IT!!!)

LyWrynn: Kethy well met

Videl: (LMAO!)

Kethryn: ::she gave a friendly smile to LyWrynn and nodded:: tis a pleasure

Ranger: [ We still outnumber them. Heh. ]

Daiou: ::His eyes stared upon the three that congested reality with their existance, and with that

RikkiOh: (Im not gonna let Ricky in here…he will bust the heads off of people)

Daiou: he raised his hand into the air and screamed outwards and released a plight of energy into

LyWrynn: ::she take a seat at Krees table::Im suprised to still see you out this late Krre

Daiou: the area that tears the building asunder, destroying it utterly, only to give way to the wrecking crew that comes in and rebuilds it as the CRF/LotS Headquaters.::

DPOD: ::nods:: a bit longer tonight

Kethryn: well I should go ::she stood up and nodded to them both:: be well you two.. it was nice meeting you Wrynn

DPOD: see you tomorrow we have to get some skrimishes in.

LyWrynn: ::smiles:: safe journeys my lady Kethy

Daiou: (Oh and by the way…I am serious about this place being the new HQ.)

Kethryn: ::nods:: you can count on it Kree

DPOD: ::grins::

Videl: (I know ^.^)

Videl: (This will be great)

Kethryn: ::smiles:: thank you Wrynn … ::she walked towards the door and stepped out::

OnlineHost: Kethryn has left the room.

Daiou: (Us being on ignore…they have no clue as to what awaits them.)

Videl: (::smirks:: Which makes it all the better!)

Videl: (Every time I come in here, I’m going to log it. It should make for some wonderful comedy.)

DPOD: grins:: should have been here sooner , we set a record for guild kills.

Daiou: (Just something to brighten everyone’s lives.)

RikkiOh: (hold on…going on BroliKen SN)

Videl: (Okies!)

LyWrynn: ::sigh:: You know I always disliked the whole killing issue

OnlineHost: RikkiOh has left the room.

DPOD: yea but vermin doesn’t count.

Videl: (Wow, I guess that works out with that character then, since there was no actual killing eh?)

Daiou: (Ya know…by our standards…they’re dead.)

Videl: (Yup.)

LyWrynn: ::holds up a bottle of ignore::Perhaps but one drop of this and the problems disapeer

DPOD: ::grins::


Daiou: (Especially when they ignore being killed by Veg…that’s just a sin right there..)

Videl: (LMAO!)

DPOD: hey, while you are here we can get some quick skrimishes in!

Daiou: OH!

Videl: (O.o)

LyWrynn: ok ok Im rusty though

Daiou: ::grabs Veg back out since he doesn’t care for using him in the confines of stupidity::

Videl: (LOL)

Daiou: We get to see how stupid they really are!!!

DPOD: i know but at l;east you’ll have some for the records.

LyWrynn: :::shimmers into a non script grey wolf and heads for the door::

Videl: They can’t prove themselves to be even more stupid than they already have.

Daiou: Ten bucks…I place ten bucks, none of the dice that they have are earned from the D20 start

DPOD: comon…

Daiou: Anyone care to place a wager against that?

OnlineHost: DPOD has left the room.

Videl: Nah..

Tamberlin: ((Awww…I thought we were going to have a show here))

Tamberlin: ((And me without my popcorn))

LyWrynn: ;;the wolf turns back and seems to say ::,”what are you waiting for?”

OnlineHost: LyWrynn has left the room.

Daiou: ::Snaps his fingers and Porno pops up on the big screen.::

Videl: LOL Deb just signed on too.

Daiou: GOOD!

Ranger: Heh.

Daiou: But there are none left

Videl: Aww damn, they went into a private room.

Videl: No more fun for us.

Daiou: We can’t have fun with them

Tamberlin: ((::yawns:: Well it’s getting late where I am, so I’m calling it a night. Cya everyone))

OnlineHost: Tamberlin has left the room.

OnlineHost: Brolly has entered the room.

Videl: LotS wins again!!!!