To turn left from a one-way street into a one-way street, use:
You want to merge onto a freeway. You should drive:
When should you not take your legal right-of-way?
While you are driving, you notice a car ahead…
It is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to drive with…
You sold your vehicle. You should notify ______ within 5 days.
You want to change lanes. To be sure the lane is clear, you should:
#23321: davepoobond -> stimpyismyname
davepoobond: whaaoooooooo!!!
stimpyismyname: ..wha?
davepoobond: whoaaaaaaoooooahha!
stimpyismyname: get your backpack or somethin
davepoobond: no
stimpyismyname: 😎
stimpyismyname: i like beans in a sexual way
ZolaOnAOL: You are not the only one.
stimpyismyname: HAHAHAHA
stimpyismyname: ROFL
stimpyismyname: OMG
stimpyismyname: THAT WAS SOOO FUNNY!!!
davepoobond: =-O
davepoobond: the n-gage looks shitty
#23320: davepoobond -> stimpyismyname
davepoobond: i have 4 classes tomorrow that we watch a movie in
stimpyismyname: woot
stimpyismyname: roxor
davepoobond: isn’t that weeeeeeeeird
stimpyismyname: woot
davepoobond: ahh?
davepoobond: what is it
davepoobond: that’s not a real site..
stimpyismyname: so what
stimpyismyname: whatcha gonna do about it
stimpyismyname: bitch
#23319: davepoobond -> Automatic Man
During High School…
davepoobond: my backpack got jacked
davepoobond: during lunch
Automatic Man: LOL
davepoobond: when i was buying my lunch, i bet some kid thought it was his
davepoobond: but there wasn’t any extra backpacks out there
davepoobond: my cell phone, calculator, binder full of all the papers for the year so far, my english binder, and my english notebook are all gone
Automatic Man: that sux
davepoobond: i’m pretty much screwed on the next sociology test
Automatic Man: ya
davepoobond: and the next time my english teacher collects the notebooks
davepoobond: and my squackle notebook was in there too
davepoobond: its vucking gay
Automatic Man: ya
Automatic Man: ull get it back prlly
davepoobond: i dont know though
davepoobond: there wasn’t an extra backpack anywhere
davepoobond: that doesn’t really make sense does it
Automatic Man: the world doesnt
davepoobond: why would someone come back pick up their backpack and keep mine
davepoobond: unless they wanted to keep my shit
davepoobond: for some stupid reason
Automatic Man: ill give it back to you tomorrow
Automatic Man: 😛
davepoobond: did you seriously take it
davepoobond: i dont think you did
Automatic Man: no, i didn’t. and it sux that it was taken.
davepoobond: i had a lot of pens and markers too
davepoobond: and white out
davepoobond: and lead
Automatic Man: ya
davepoobond: scissors. my favorite scissors
davepoobond: my favorite calculator
Automatic Man: lol
davepoobond: my glasses case
Automatic Man: u had a fav.?>
davepoobond: yeah i have a favorite everything
davepoobond: i prefer the scientific calculator i had to a graphing calculator
Automatic Man: lo
#23318: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond
stimpyismyname: :-):-P;-):-(:-P;-):-)>:o
stimpyismyname: =-O:-P:-(:-P:-(;-):-P;-):-(
stimpyismyname: =-O:-P:-(:-*:-(=-O:-P
stimpyismyname: ;-):-(>:o:-P=-O
davepoobond: wow
stimpyismyname: theres a lot of courses for film at bu
davepoobond: whats bu
stimpyismyname: boston university
davepoobond: yeah i’m sure to get in there
stimpyismyname: dont care
Formal Pirate Clothing – Commercial
Bob American is the Captain (aka manager).
Joey McCurken is the First Mate (aka assistant manager).
Brandon Spaz is a pirate that shops at Formal Pirate Clothing.
Hello, how are you today, Mr. Pirate? Welcome to the Formal Pirate Clothing store!
Jusssst great! Arr!!
Can I help you find something?
I’d like to buy some clothes, but I just don’t know what wear, arr!!
What kind of look are you looking for?
I’m looking for a formal-looking suit, for work.
You’re in luck, we have a special on suits today.
We have many combinations that will suit what you need.
Hey, that’s great, arr!
We have a black suit, that is a black jacket, black pants,
and a blue shirt with a blue tie.
Hmm.. that’s not really what I’m looking for… arr!
We have some black shoes that would look great with the suit you “arrrr!” buying.
Good, I’ll take those, too. How about a pirate hat to go with it, arr?
Well, the only one that would go with your suit is this woman’s gardening hat…75% off!
That’s perfect, arr!
Come up to the counter, and I’ll have my assistant manager process the sale for you.
In the back, the security cameras just show Bob American talking to air. The Customer is a ghost!!!
Do you take Pirate Express? Arr!
Didn’t they go out of business 100 years ago?
Nonsense! I just got it in the mail yesterday!
What is this mail you speak of? Pirates do not have addresses.
Yarr! It be a ghost, Cap’n!! He has a damned locket around his neck!
Oh, this? I got it from my dear departed aunt—
Just then, Bob American runs the Customer through with a saber. Customer keels over with the sword sticking out of his chest as he bleeds across the counter and onto the register.
Oh. He wasn’t a ghost, after all.
Oh. I keep forgetting that the security system still shoots in interlace,
but ever since we got that new progressive flat screen, everyone looks like a ghost on it!
Joey, you just lost us a sale. And I may very well go away for a long time when
the mall property manager gets a load of the water damage to the floor.
The planet Earth moves through curved space.
Ah, yes, how can I forget.
What do you do if you see a robbery where you work?
Select up to four answers. Please select between the 2 options denoted by an “A” or “B” for each number.
Elements of Display
Props, chairs, furniture
Lighting lights
Color different shades
Texture rough, smooth