Q: What’s a frog’s favorite sport?
A: Fly fishing.
One liner jokes.
Q: What’s a frog’s favorite sport?
A: Fly fishing.
Q: How do you make a California shake?
A: Hold the glass still and shake the street.
Q: What do crocodiles drink before a big race?
A: Ali-Gatorade
Q: What do championship golfers and playgrounds have in common?
A: A good swing.
Q: What do doughnuts and good golfers have in common?
A: A hole in one.
Q: What did the golfing caterpillar grow up to be?
A: A putter-fly.
Q: How do nine golfers press their shirts?
A: With nine irons.
Q: What can you do on a bicycle that you can’t do on a unicycle?
A: Ring the bell.
Q: What did the swimming pool say to the springboard?
A: “You’re diving me crazy!”
Q: Can kids learn to fly jet planes?
A: Of course, but they have to use training wheels.
Q: What country did the python represent at the Olympics?
A: The United Snakes of America.
Q: What would you get if you crossed an athlete with a pumpkin?
A: Jock-o’-lantern.
Q: What felines have the most strikes against them?
A: Bowling alley cats.
Q: What would you get if you crossed a ghost with a soccer ball?
A: Field ghouls.
Q: What kind of clothes do parachutists wear?
A: Jump suits.