Q: What would you get if you crossed a nuclear scientist with a creepy clan?
A: The Atoms Family.
One liner jokes.
Q: What would you get if you crossed a nuclear scientist with a creepy clan?
A: The Atoms Family.
Q: What is a white horse with a long pointed vegetable protruding from its forehead?
A: Unicorn on the cob.
Q: What lives beneath the waters of a Scottish lake and always leaves its room dirty?
A: The Loch Mess Monster.
Q: What’s tall, hairy, lives in the Himalayas and does three hundred situps a day?
A: The Abdominal Snowman.
Q: What’s seven feet tall, wallows in mud, and has a huge snout?
A: Pig Foot.
Q: What do zombies put on their mashed potatoes?
A: Grave-y.
Q: What would you get if you crossed a St. Bernard with a zombie?
A: A dog that buries itself.
Q: What do zombie magicians say when they do a trick?
A: “Abra-cadaver.”
Q: What do you call a zombie who works for the post office?
A: A dead letter carrier.
Q: What would you get if you crossed the walking dead with stinging insects?
A: Zom-bees.
Q: What would you get if you crossed a ghoul with a cow?
A: A ghost beef sandwich.
Q: What’s a ghoul’s favorite ice cream?
A: Cookies and scream.
Q: How did the warlock take his bride on their honeymoon?
A: On his groomstick.
Q: What is the witches’ national anthem?
A: “Deep in the Heart of Hexes.”
Q: What kind of witchcraft does a dentist practice?
A: Plaque magic.