Q: What did the wall say to the corner?
A: I’ll meet you at the roof.
One liner jokes.
Q: What did the wall say to the corner?
A: I’ll meet you at the roof.
Q: How do hens stay fit?
A: They eggs-ercise
Q: If Miss Issippi brought a New Jersey for Miss Ouri, what would Della Wear?
A: I don’t know, but Alaska (I’ll ask her).
Q: Why did the duck cross the road?
A: He didn’t want to be called a chicken.
Q: What did the ocean say to the shore?
A: Nothing, it just waved.
Q: What did the ocean say to the shore?
A: Sea ya later!
Q: What did the baby corn say to mama corn?
A: Where’s Pop corn?
Q: How does a snake say sister?
A: “Sisssster.”
Q: What do you call a tick on the moon?
A: A lunar-tick
Q: How much cocaine has Charlie Sheen snorted?
A: Enough to kill Two and a Half Men
Q: What’s the difference between a Northern fairytale and a Southern fairytale?
A: A Northern fairytale begins “Once upon a time.” A Southern fairytale begins “Y’all ain’t gonna believe this shit.”
Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
A: Breasts don’t have eyes.
Q: Why did OJ Simpson want to move to West Virginia?
A: Everyone has the same DNA.
Q: What’s the difference between Beer Nuts and Deer Nuts?
A: Beer Nuts are $1, and Deer Nuts are always under a buck.
Q: Why does the bride always wear white?
A: Because it’s good for the dishwasher to match the stove and refrigerator.