stimpyismyname: i need hyperstudio
stimpyismyname: ha
davepoobond: i dont care
davepoobond: download it
stimpyismyname: HYPER
stimpyismyname: NAH NAH NAH
stimpyismyname: STUUUUDIO
stimpyismyname: WADDA WEEEEE!!!!
stimpyismyname: yeah!
stimpyismyname: i need hyperstudio
stimpyismyname: ha
davepoobond: i dont care
davepoobond: download it
stimpyismyname: HYPER
stimpyismyname: NAH NAH NAH
stimpyismyname: STUUUUDIO
stimpyismyname: WADDA WEEEEE!!!!
stimpyismyname: yeah!
135 90 45
\ l /
\ l /
\ l /
stimpyismyname: haha
stimpyismyname: wheeeeeee
davepoobond: k?
stimpyismyname: aa
davepoobond: bb
stimpyismyname: cc
davepoobond: dd
stimpyismyname: ee
davepoobond: ff
stimpyismyname: gg
davepoobond: hh
stimpyismyname: ii
davepoobond: jj
stimpyismyname: kk
davepoobond: ll
stimpyismyname: mm
davepoobond: nn
stimpyismyname: oo
davepoobond: pp
stimpyismyname: qq
davepoobond: rr
stimpyismyname: ss
davepoobond: tt
stimpyismyname: uu
davepoobond: vv
stimpyismyname: ww
davepoobond: xx
stimpyismyname: yy
davepoobond: zz
stimpyismyname: hooray
davepoobond: aa
stimpyismyname: thats a good dumb im
davepoobond: yeah it is
stimpyismyname: i am back
stimpyismyname: ho
stimpyismyname: ray
davepoobond: ho ray
davepoobond: haha
davepoobond: that can be an rpg magic thing
davepoobond: get itt
stimpyismyname: i downloaded too much from an geocities site and it got shut down for an hour
davepoobond: loll
davepoobond: they’d pry kick ur ass if they knew who u were
stimpyismyname: ….
stimpyismyname: ur a dumbass
stimpyismyname: did u download it yet
davepoobond: 2 minutes left
stimpyismyname: haaahaaaa
stimpyismyname: sloooowww
davepoobond: ur moms slow
stimpyismyname: nope
davepoobond: sure
stimpyismyname: i gotta make more heads….
stimpyismyname: hmmm
stimpyismyname: a BIG head
stimpyismyname: yes
davepoobond: ok?
davepoobond: did u finish the castlevania game
stimpyismyname: no
davepoobond: are you going to or are you still working on it
stimpyismyname: i sorta gave up on it
davepoobond: just put it up as v.1.0
stimpyismyname: no
davepoobond: y not
stimpyismyname: its not a game
davepoobond: so
stimpyismyname: not gonnan
davepoobond: fine, ass
stimpyismyname: ur the ass
stimpyismyname: DUMass
stimpyismyname: haha
stimpyismyname: dumb
davepoobond: k
davepoobond: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! Its been 6 years since we’ve been on the web in some form! So here’s a somewhat big update. I might add some more through the day/week, so check back every now and then. Read through all the past updates at the Site History.
Also, somehow along the way, I miscounted the amount of words in the dictionary, so instead of 100 new words, 210 new words have been added so that there are still 100 more words from the last update.
stimpyismyname: I’ll let it go for 200 cause I like your face.
Elias: I am an Alien
Soup Nazi: My body is hair free. And my house has black mold.
And here’s something from Go Smoke A Toilet: i don’t know what kind of person would want to pour seminal fluids on frogs in the midsts of an intense orgy
October 18, 2005
Dictionary – 4800 words, 210 new. SUBMIT A WORD
Stupid IMs – Phoenix IM 5, wangerspanker IM 8, wangerspanker IM 9, Evil Hell Cow IM 11, Holmes IM 15, Holmes IM 16, Holmes IM 17, Evil Hell Cow IM 12, Evil Hell Cow IM 13, Evil Hell Cow IM 14, Evil Hell Cow IM 15, Holmes IM 18, Holmes IM 19, SEMIjAZZ IM, Evil Hell Cow IM 16, Holmes IM 20, Oceanea Blue IM, Lumpy IM 5, davepoobond IM 44, davepoobond IM 45, davepoobond IM 46, davepoobond IM 47, davepoobond IM 48, davepoobond IM 49, blowthetoad IM
Pick of June 30, 2005 — Yes, its NEW.
davepoobond: OKAY! Finally an update. I’ve been busy working on other projects besides Squackle, but now that I’ve got some actual free time the next couple days, there should be more things being done here. Not necessarily updates, but you’ll eventually notice a permanent link to on the side bar right under the Squackle shop picture, since, if you didn’t know, I’m a writer there and there is already a similar link to Squackle on that site. So, if you’re interested in games and gaming news, check out the site, and read some of my writing over there. You’ll know who I am if you look at the staff page, I’m sure.
I’m also going to make it a goal of mine to make it so that the big title bar that says Squackle on it will come back to this page when clicked on it by next week. Sounds nifty, don’t it? Yeah, I bet you think it is.
If its a fat update you want, I’m not sure how heavy this sucker is gonna be. We’ll see how far it comes along in the next few days or so. I guess something of the sort is warranted after three months of nothing. Maybe I’ll put up some more submissions that have been accumulated over the years.
stimpyismyname: i had chicken and pancakes for lunch today
June 30, 2005
Dictionary – 4600 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD
Stupid IMs – courtney hot7333 IM, collgehun18f100 IM, megangurlie86 IM, Wolf841125 IM, Evil Hell Cow IM 7, Holmes IM 14, wangerspanker IM 7, Evil Hell Cow IM 8, amber IM 3, free hoez 5731 IM, Evil Hell Cow IM 9, Evil Hell Cow IM 10
davepoobond: Umm humm…mmh…Looks like a lot of people are on Spring Break now because there was a huge drop in traffic all of a sudden…don’t seem to know why really….uhhh i don’t think its because of my lack of updates…is it?
March 19, 2005
Dictionary – Hallelujah! 4500 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD
Stupid IMs – davepoobond IM 36, davepoobond IM 37, davepoobond IM 38, davepoobond IM 39, davepoobond IM 40, davepoobond IM 41, someone IM, amber IM 2, virgin ass 485 IM, davepoobond IM 42, davepoobond IM 43, Holmes IM 13
davepoobond: For the sake of having a change of what is on the front page, here’s an update. Thanks, and choose for all your humor needs. <insert winking, pretty boy, corporate representative who only cares about making money and taking it out of your pocket>
Soup Nazi: Don’t get MySpace. You’ll be consumed.
Elias: Squackle’s nice and all, but I’d like Squackle a lot better if it gave me blowjobs.\
Nose: i’m not inspired at the moment, i’ve found employment as a hospital orderly
stimpyismyname: push off contact push off
February 22, 2005
Questionable Content / QC Comics – Featured comic series: Syndicate Me — Jokes Are Funny, Drugs, How Goes the Biz, Poor Me, Watch Out, Drinking, Never Laugh, This Would Be A Cool Music Video, Crazy Germans, Math is Boring, Bus Drivers are Insane, School Can Be Like TV, Dogs are Funny
Stupid IMs – Sprivenx IM 2, IrknInvaderZim IM, davepoobond IM, Lumpy IM 4, YoursTruly IM 3, davepoobond IM 35, collgehun18f165 IM, Evil Hell Cow IM 4, Evil Hell Cow IM 5, Evil Hell Cow IM 6
davepoobond: Rejoice! The Bulletin Board/Forums have become fully operational! Today is also Squackle!’s Birthday, so there is an extra special bigger-than-usual (I think) update for it’s 5th, count it, 5th birthday.
stimpyismyname: I haven’t eaten a muffin in over a year. Happy fucking birthday
Elias: Five years may not a seem like a long time, but when one realizes that it’s only 13 years away from being able to legally buy a shotgun, it seems a whole hell of a lot longer, especailly since I don’t think anyone at Squackle should be allowed to carry a shotgun.
Nose: happy birthday squackle
Soup Nazi: Fat gothic girls are like piles of rocks. You just don’t know what to do when you stare at them.
elmoisfurry: Happy mother-fucking birthday Squackle. America, FUCK YEA! and all that sort of shit. I also think that I should take over the body of some random animal (preferably a koala) and just fucking rip up a shit load of people. ‘Cause people suck. UC Davis is where its at, holla!…no, FUCK holla, and fuck your goddam conservative republican bullshit! Vote Bush out, Vote Grizzly Adams ’04
Holmes: Squackle loved me soo much that I contracted herpes. Thank you squackle!
Blind Bubba: hamburgers rock, but there is no ham in the burger
stuff updated/put up:
Dictionary – 4100 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD
NEW SECTION! The Elias Account – Higher Education, and Much, Much Higher Inebriation, Why I Hate Rap Music, Exactly How Many Brain Cells do I have to Kill Before I Find Parties Entertaining?, Hanging onto Sanity by a Very Thin Thread: Why I Despise Clothing
The Screwed Up Country – The Presidential Debates 2004
Stupid IMs – LaikDog2002 IM, LiLPrettiBoi IM, murfsurfdad IM, puppyluvingal IM, SisterDopeness IM, SpongeBobSam IM, KungPowJuggalo IM, Sprivenx IM, KungPowJuggalo IM 2
Pictures – tic tac die brainstorm, snowboarder, yale
Questionable Content / QC Comics – BLAH, Jesus, My Idol, A Schaafsma/Mr. Shaft-Man Comic
Questionable Content / Movies – Kickin It, T.P. Spells Trouble, Drag Race Disaster, Long Day At the Mall, Runaway Rescue, School House Blues, Workplace Woes, Dumbass
davepoobond: Ok, 2 things. If anyone is willing to help me out and build a php-mysql system for Squackle for free, contact me.
and the 2nd thing is: I found out I got nominated for Prom Court today. You may think now that I’m one of those guys that are elected to all the things that there is a popularity contest for, but I’m actually the opposite. So this is actually sort of funny. I can probably have a chance at becoming Prom King, too.
I’ll do a sub-update to tell you guys if I actually got into Prom Court, and then later if I was King or not. If you care.
stimpyismyname: I don’t know much about computers other than.. other than the one we got at my house my mom put a couple games on there and I play em.
stuff updated/put up:
Dictionary – 3800 words, 100 new. SUBMIT A WORD
Stupid IMs – Serori IM, MalibuMooN IM, Holic1299 and StageDive3k IMs, Stupid IMs Parody IM, MyLeftTesticle IM 2, davepoobond IM 32, Tetsuya IM, Fire IM 3, Lumpy IM 3
The Screwed Up Country – Rose gardens
The Screwed Up Games – Blood of War 3: Operation Snow (PC) (Rating: 1/10), Stranded In Space (PC) (Rating: 8/10)
Questionable Content / QC Comics – Evolution of the Stickman, Surprise Balloon, Construction Worker, The Bormanator, Squackle! Comics: Espanol para Beginners
Pictures – Saddam Suzy, Lime Cat, The Japanese are Amazing, Money Finger, Money Shot, Beware of Monkies, OMG Cheese, Scared Freak, Pirate Ship
Stories – Applications In Space – a suspenseful story. OooOh.
The Bad Submission Archive – Bad Submission 148, Bad Submission 149, Bad Submission 150
davepoobond: whoopee. An update. I missed American Idol today so that I could do this update. I hope you’re happy. They better rerun today’s episode soon. I turned 18 on the 5th, I’m sorry I didn’t have a special little “birthday” update kind of thing.
stimpyismyname: I like to live in my own self-denial that Squackle is the greatest web site in the world. (he didn’t actually say that, he wanted to say this: “i dont know… fuck everyone”)
stuff updated/put up:
Dictionary – 3500 words, 50 new. SUBMIT A WORD
Screwed Up Chronicles – The Screwed Up Internet, The Screwed Up Computers
Squackle Quotes – Mrs. Stickums, Radio, TV, Mr. P-yooson, Misc. Quotes, Movies, davepoobond, Around School, stimpyismyname
Stupid IMs – JeRzIe GaL12 IM, elmoisfurry IM 35, davepoobond IM 31, Blind Bubba IM 17, Blind Bubba IM 18
The Screwed Up Country – Australia: Beware of the Dingos (picture added)
The Screwed Up Games – Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) (Rating: 10/10), Battlefield 1942 (PC) (Rating: 10/10), 5 Finger Fillet (PC) (Rating: 2/10), Sticktra (PC) (Rating: 2/10), Max Payne (PC) (Rating: 10/10)