donosiuqeo – v. to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory
Tag Archives: sleep
isadaioeu – v. to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors in Pennsylvania
eietsidupi – v. to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on
Joke #24736
Q: What do you call a nun sleepwalking?
A: A roamin’ Catholic.
ettrramufnideaasbi – v. to sleep in a bed with a sledgehammer that does not have any sheets, so you are sleeping right on the mattress itself.
If you get sleepy while driving, you should:

Quote #22687
“I love reading, i’m a big book worm. lol i used to get in trouble when i was little becasue i would be up at night reading instead of sleeping.”
– from a girl’s dating profile
furiosoqu – v. to fall asleep while being shaved by a barber
nahpo – v. to sleep on the floor of a governmental building full of delegates
Quote #22094
First Date:
“this is random but i wouldn’t even mind going to a graveyard and fall asleep on a grave.”
– from a girl’s dating profile
Joke #18496
Just a few weeks after taking a job as a security guard, my husband announced that he had been fired. He explained that he’d fallen asleep at this desk and someone broke into the building.
“But you’re such a light sleeper,” I said. “I’m surprised the sound of the guy breaking in didn’t wake you up.”
“I didn’t get fired for falling asleep,” he confessed, “I was fired for wearing my earplugs.”
Joke #18224
Q: Why did the baby vampire sleep in its parents’ bed?
A: It kept having bat dreams.
Joke #18191
Q: What does the Road Runner do when it can’t sleep?
A: It counts beep.