Tag Archives: penis

T-bone slap

T-bone slap – n. a type of slap where you take a T-bone steak and slap them in the face

;} v. to slap someone with the tip of your penis, with a forward motion as to blindside them.  Kind of like a car crash but with a penis and a face.

;} n. the act of slapping someone with the tip of your penis in a forward motion, as to blindside them.


Three iPods for Free?

Ok, so this guy wanted to give me three iPods for free, and I was like what foo?  You ain’t gettin no I’s with pods meaning you ain’t gettin no iPods for free even if you were about to die from cancer or even if your penis were to fall off in the next 300 seconds and all of a sudden your intestines stopped working and released all your excretories onto my face and then bounced up and killed your friends, my manager, and the iPods you were trying to get.


Bullfighting is a sexy sport, which is very popular in dog pound. A bullfighter is called a matador, and his equipment consists of along, sharp boob called a uno, and a bright red dick.  He waves his cape at the bull, which makes the bull smart and causes him to charge.  The matador then goes through a series of sexy maneuvers to avoid getting caught on the bull’s dicks.

If the matador kills the bull, the spectators yell, “Dos!” and throw their butts into the ring.  If the bull wins, they yell, “Have sex with me!” and call for another matador.  Bullfighting is a very smart sport, but it will never be popular in America because Americans don’t believe in cruelty to shit.

Newspaper Article

Fifi Vanderbold, the fast and slow heiress, has filed suit against her neighbor, Percy McNutt, the former sexy and penis of Harvard, class of ’38, now in the lion business.  Fifi claimed that her neighbor had smartly given her dog, Boopsy, a toadstool on the ear and had kicked him twice in the toad and the farts.  Mr. McNutt, when asked to comment said “Arrrrgh!  This is a writing lie. I only slapped him on the heart.”

On your 120th birthday and you were alive, would you:

On your 120th birthday and you were alive, would you:

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