davepoobond: “hey, Roubie Boobie, what’s 1 + 1?”
Return of the Dragon: “….2”
davepoobond: “no, its shut the hell up!”
::Return of the Dragon punches davepoobond::
davepoobond: “ow…”
– from davepoobond’s high school
davepoobond: “hey, Roubie Boobie, what’s 1 + 1?”
Return of the Dragon: “….2”
davepoobond: “no, its shut the hell up!”
::Return of the Dragon punches davepoobond::
davepoobond: “ow…”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Sr. Sandia: “hola!, Sr. Queso. Como estas?” (Hello, Mr. Cheese. How are you?)
Sr. Queso: “Estoy muy contento” (I am very happy.)
Sr. Sandia: “Porque?” (Why?)
Sr. Queso: “Yo juge contra Sr. Ganado en un partido de tenis en mi jardin y yo soy el campeon atleta!” (I played against Mr. Win in a tennis match in my garden, and I am the champion athlete!)
Sr. Sandia: “caramba! Tenis en tu jardin?” (Caramba! Tennis in your garden?)
Sr. Queso: “si, si. Mi jardin es muy bueno para tenis” (Yes, yes. My garden is very good for tennis.)
Sr. Sandia: “Que pasa?” (What happened?)
Sr. Queso: “Yo navege mi raqueta en la oreja de Sr. Ganado!” (I navigated my racket into Mr. Win’s ear.)
Sr. Sandia: “En el oreja de Sr. Ganado?” (In Mr. Win’s ear?)
Sr. Queso: “Si, me gustaria hacerlo otra vez” (Yes, I’d love to do it again.)
Sr. Sandia: “usaste champu?” (Did you use shampoo?)
Sr. Queso: “si, bebe champu ahora mismo!” (Yes, baby shampoo, the same thing.)
Sr. Sandia: “uf!”
Sr. Queso: “uf!”
Sr. Sandia: “uf!”
Sr. Queso: “muuu!”
Sr. Sandia: “que barbaridad! Quieros atener una carrera?” (How barbaric! I want to go for a run?)
Sr. Queso: “Si!” (Yes!)
– davepoobond turned this in for an assignment.
Juan: “Hi, Mrs. Garcia!”
Mrs. Garcia: “Hi, Juan!”
Juan: “I like your banana.”
Mrs. Garcia: “yes, it is very long, no?”
Juan: “yes”
Mrs. Garcia: “the size of my banana is 12”
Juan: “what is the price?”
Mrs. Garcia: “the jacket is 999 pesos”
Juan: “good”
Mrs. Garcia: “yes”
Juan: “yes, bye”
– by davepoobond and BlindBubba. Written in Spanish for an assignment, and then translated into English by davepoobond.
Jasper: “why are you so horny?”
Theresa: “so, what?”
Jasper: “you heard”
Theresa: “what?”
Jasper: “horn-ay!”
Theresa: “what?”
Jasper: “horny, horny!”
Theresa: “Oh…I’m not!”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Mrs. Price Check: “Benjamin, are you here?”
Ben: “yes…”
Mrs. Price Check: “Then look at me”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Person 1: “you think there is a word exidence?”
Person 2: “actually there is a word called exidence”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Jasper: “I was close right?”
::Mr. P-yooson pretends to look around::
Mr. P-yooson: “don’t see any horseshoes”
– from davepoobond’s high school
davepoobond: “ollah, Sra. Poopoo Cabeza!”
Sr. Poopoo Head: “No soy una Sra.! Tu eres tonto!”
davepoobond: “asi, asi! Tus estudiantes son tontos, no mi! puto!”
Sr. Poopoo Head: “puto! Puto! Tu eres el puto, puto!”
davepoobond: “whee!”
– written on a piece of paper for a school assignment, but wasn’t turned in.
BlindBubba: “Did someone just cut-it?”
davepoobond: “I think so. I can smell it already.”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Mrs. Stickums: “What does a taco have?”
davepoobond: “meat, taco…shell, cheese…lettuce”
Mrs. Stickums: “so, what is that?”
davepoobond: “a… taco”
Mrs. Stickums: “no, its a combination food”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Shannon: “I took a shower, went to bed wet, and woke up at 7:15!”
Jeff: “ohh…so did I …”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Shannon: “My mom drew a pumpkin on my lunch”
Jeff: “Aww, your mom is so creative…”
– from davepoobond’s high school
“This music I think affects my because theres this up beat Bass line in Front of the Song. But deeper there’s This slow almost down Feeling to The guitar riff and the singer voice is slow and some what depressing”
– found at davepoobond’s high school
“The computer helps advertisers create such images as cars turning into tigers and moviemakers to show images like the blood of a Klingon floating across the movie screen. Using the computer as a canvas, artists are changing the way we see the world.”
– from davepoobond’s 7th Grade Math Book
“The computer is quickly becoming the paintbrush of the movie and advertising industries. Animators and commercial artists use software graphics programs to shape three-dimensional objects that look very realistic.”
– from davepoobond’s 7th Grade Math Book