Tag Archives: blowthetoad

t r i p wood,
hat toss,

#10547: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad uses a screen name davepoobond hasn’t seen before.

blowthetoad: Hey can I join Squackle.?

davepoobond: stop asking, i know its you

blowthetoad: Who is me?

blowthetoad: blowthetoad? nah

blowthetoad: not me

blowthetoad: i thought you only accepted those who you knew in real life

davepoobond: i never said anything about him

blowthetoad: and Holmes…….

blowthetoad: you dont know him in real life

davepoobond: i never said anything about btt

blowthetoad: btt?

blowthetoad: when i was like 12……

blowthetoad: yeah 12…

blowthetoad: i asked why i was a poop troop

blowthetoad: you said “cuz squackle members are people we know in real life”

davepoobond: i dont need to explain myself to you

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: haha, remember when i talked to your mom?

blowthetoad: she was like “why can’t you have a civil conversation?”

blowthetoad: then thats the last i’ve ever talked to you

davepoobond: oh wow

davepoobond: is that supposed to be funny

blowthetoad: this was your old font

blowthetoad: aaaah the good days

blowthetoad: NOW SHUT UP

blowthetoad: if it was funny i would have said ‘lol’

#10546: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 7 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad: im here to try out for the poop troops

davepoobond: there are no more poop troops

davepoobond: i dont know what you’re talking about

blowthetoad: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

blowthetoad: all this training….

blowthetoad: for what?

davepoobond: well, you didnt die, like you were supposed to

blowthetoad: ooh…

blowthetoad: hold ond

He signs onto a different screen name.

blowthetoad: hi, i would like to join the poop troops

davepoobond: i told you, no more poop troops

blowthetoad: you fucking nazi, dont lie to me

blowthetoad: https://www.squackle.com/IMs/blowthetoad/davepoobond3.shtml

blowthetoad: when did i do that?

blowthetoad: WAIT

blowthetoad: no

blowthetoad: thats not me

He signs back onto his first screen name.

blowthetoad: https://www.squackle.com/IMs/blowthetoad/davepoobond3.shtml

blowthetoad: okay, yeah

blowthetoad: thats me

blowthetoad: when did i do that?

davepoobond: i dont care to remember

davepoobond: but do you think i make that shit up

blowthetoad: it’s a small possibility…..

blowthetoad: hey, atleast update my age

blowthetoad: im now 14, uhthankyou

davepoobond: not to me your not

blowthetoad: well thats slimy bullshit

blowthetoad: whats the diff between jesus and a pic of jesus?

blowthetoad: a pic of jesus takes only one nail to hang

blowthetoad: *insert drum sound here*

davepoobond: boy thats funny

blowthetoad: yeah, it’s swell aint it?

blowthetoad: did your mom learn to breakdance yet?

blowthetoad: breakdancing: invented by a black person trying to steal a hubcap from a moving car

#10520: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad IMs davepoobond with the same screen name he’s been using the last few times.

blowthetoad: hi, i got a new screen name, can i try again?

davepoobond: thats the same one, idiot

blowthetoad: oh… i am sorry

blowthetoad: hold on

blowthetoad: i’ll be back

blowthetoad signed off at 7:57:15 PM.

#10514: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

Later in the day, after #10513.

blowthetoad: can i try again?

davepoobond: no go away

blowthetoad: dammit fuck shit >:o

blowthetoad: is this dave?

blowthetoad: rumor has it his mom took away his mouse ball

davepoobond: no it isnt

blowthetoad: who is it

davepoobond: stop talkin to me i dont care about you

davepoobond: blowthetoad

blowthetoad: no this is stimpy or elmo

davepoobond: no its 9876543210

blowthetoad: ooooooooh

blowthetoad: now it’s all coming in clear

blowthetoad: sorry to disturb you

blowthetoad: what is dave’s AOL email

davepoobond: notachance@aol.com

blowthetoad: awesome

blowthetoad: tee hee heeeeee

blowthetoad: who updates squackle

davepoobond: yourmom@aol.com

blowthetoad: blowthetoad is just a fucking muffin

blowthetoad: i dont like him

davepoobond: that’s sweet

blowthetoad: no, it’s snour

blowthetoad: not sour

blowthetoad: snour

blowthetoad: who is the sexiest person alive?

blowthetoad: Nose

blowthetoad: who ihas the biggest penis?

blowthetoad: Stimpy

blowthetoad: who is the redest yellow-bellied anus?

blowthetoad: Elmo

davepoobond: your not making me laugh

blowthetoad: im not trying to

blowthetoad: im just…

blowthetoad: some canadian chef

davepoobond: stop being a dipshit, and maybe i’ll let you be a loser trooper

davepoobond: since you seem to have such a fetish about being a soldier

blowthetoad: i am a soldier… named preston,so it blows away the purpose

davepoobond: might as well be in the ranks of your own kind

davepoobond: i’ll let you be a loser trooper named blowyourmom

blowthetoad: yay

#10513: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad was on a screen name he wasn’t usually on.

blowthetoad: i want to be a poop troop

davepoobond: who says there’s spaces open

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: kick out an un-active member

davepoobond: but your moms doing just fine

blowthetoad: exactly

blowthetoad: thats why i want your dad

blowthetoad: wait… no

davepoobond: good comeback, not

blowthetoad: dammit

blowthetoad: i would like to join the poop troops

blowthetoad: as “The Great Panda”

davepoobond: who says there’s spaces open

davepoobond: you really think that’s funny

blowthetoad: tell me funny

davepoobond: oh look at me i’m a great panda

blowthetoad: you have six seconds

blowthetoad: i never said i was a great panda

davepoobond: until what

davepoobond: you blow your load

blowthetoad: yes

blowthetoad: how is davepoobond funny?

davepoobond: cause your mom is

blowthetoad: or stimpy or elmo

blowthetoad: that makes me want to rip the eyes out of a baby seal with a rusty mellon scooper

davepoobond: har har

blowthetoad: you dumb canadian

davepoobond: the only way i’ll let you in is if you die and don’t IM me ever again

blowthetoad: ya!

davepoobond: sorry you IMd me again

davepoobond: you’ll never be a poop troop

davepoobond: sorry

davepoobond: you blew it

blowthetoad: damn

blowthetoad: bye

davepoobond: get a new sn and try again

blowthetoad: lol

blowthetoad: bye

#10425: davepoobond -> Holmes

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

davepoobond: yo

Holmes: sup

davepoobond: not much

davepoobond: the_insane_midget is definitely blowthetoad

davepoobond: isn’t that swell

Holmes: ugh

davepoobond: cuz he asked if he could join the “pooper troopers or whatever”

davepoobond: on “tpc”

davepoobond: i’ll give u the IM

davepoobond shows Holmes the following IM:


davepoobond: thats it

davepoobond: he’s such an idiot

davepoobond: he repeatedly keeps trying to join squackle under different names

davepoobond: i’ve got a joke for you

davepoobond: whats the longest word in the dictionary?

Holmes: dunno

davepoobond: smiles. because there’s a mile between the s’s

Holmes: ………

Holmes: you should be shot

davepoobond: =D

Holmes: Reversi

davepoobond: whoohoo

Holmes: i’ve beaten spock 3 times

davepoobond: geez, that computer is hard

davepoobond: not spock….easy

davepoobond: tamagatchi lol

davepoobond: eh do u have this IM

davepoobond: still

davepoobond: with the joke

Holmes: yes

davepoobond: can u send it to me

#10417: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad was on a different sn than what davepoobond knew him on, trying to act like he was somebody else.

blowthetoad: well

blowthetoad: can i join squackle?

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: i dont know who this is, but this is blowthetoad

davepoobond: ur asking the wrong idiot

blowthetoad: eh?

blowthetoad: no, i want to join squackle

blowthetoad: a pooper trooper or whatever

davepoobond: spaces are full

davepoobond: try back next millenia

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: who is this?

davepoobond: blowthetoad

blowthetoad: then why are you on dave’s name?

davepoobond: cuz i hacked it

blowthetoad: =0o

davepoobond: now go away

blowthetoad: :'(

blowthetoad: where can i contact dave

davepoobond: u cant

davepoobond: i tied him up and gagged him

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: darnit

#10331: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad: hey

blowthetoad: i would like to join

blowthetoad: the poop troops

blowthetoad: well?

davepoobond: this isnt davepoobond. this is blowthetoad. i hacked into his account and am now using it.

blowthetoad: =-o

blowthetoad: you are an elite person

blowthetoad: but…

blowthetoad: i have a confession

blowthetoad: i am blowthetoad

blowthetoad: :-/

blowthetoad: where is dave

blowthetoad: is this elmo or stimpy

davepoobond: this is blowthetoad.

blowthetoad: yeah, ok

blowthetoad: because i’m blowthetoad

blowthetoad: whats your email then

blowthetoad: what state are you in

davepoobond: i’m retarded, i dont know where i live

blowthetoad: haha

blowthetoad: seriously, where is dave

davepoobond: this is Holmes

blowthetoad: yeah sure

blowthetoad: prove it

blowthetoad: where do you work

davepoobond: in ur moms ass

blowthetoad: we work at the same place

The Guard

Okay, so this one day I was riding my bike home from (private) school, when this security guard in front of the mall rides after me all fast. He was pretty young, but older than me. That was for sure. Yeah. no… yeah.

I didnt do anything wrong, so I kept it cool and rode my bike at an average speed. I was at the corner of Market St. and Gray Ave. The security guard rides his bike up behind me and was all like “okay, you take this side, and I’ll take this side.” and I was all like “what the fuck are you talking about?” and he just repeated himself.

I told him that i didnt do anything, and that he should go back to the mall but he was all like “I’m done there.” I’m all confused and I’m like “Okay, good for you buddy.”

I go home and put on my robe and slippers, almost forgetting about the strange day. I told my mom to fetch me my pipe, and then at 4:30, I always have to clean Bob’s… err… my step dad’s car and shoot some hoops with that douchebag.

Going back into the house, accompanied by a slap to the ass by Bob; I see my mom talking at the front door.

My mom’s a fat ass so I couldnt see who the hell she was talking to. I look under her legs, and I stare up and see the same security guard talking to her that I saw in front of the mall earlier that day. He had another security guard with him this time, and then the security gaurd patted me on the head and said “hey I saw you today” and I was all thinking “…what the fuck?” and then the other security guard handed me a book and said “here you go you little rascal!”

I looked at the cover and it said “The Book Of Mormon.” What… The… Fuck…

Bad Submission #8639

This is an e-mail.

From : “{ -Brandon- }” <dna055@hotmail.com>

To : davebond_cashmm@hotmail.com

Subject : squackle submission

Date : Tue, 26 Mar 2002 18:32:16 -0800

hello david john bond, it is i, the great ‘blowthetoad’ my new screen name for AIM is ‘RngMstr1428’ did u get a new screen name other than davepoobond or something? to let you know, i hav e matured, but still have a poopy sence of humor in my head. i have new words pics, and other stuff, and i am not 12 you little skooter!!!!!! (thats one of them) i am 14 now! or i will be in 2 weeks. oh shiiit. :: farts :: email me back or IM me on AIM . i will see you around..good bye

-Sex Muffin- (thats my new ‘squackle-name’)

P.S. i made the subject ‘squackle submission’ so you wouldnt think it was spam)

A Note From Tim

:: Tim passes note to blowthetoad::


Tim: I LIVE IN YOUR DESK!!!…. i’ll give more info later…


:: blowthetoad passes note back ::


blowthetoad: Well… for the love of bologna! If you live in my desk,

Jerica isn’t German!–(GERMAN PRIDE!)


:: Tim passes note back to blowthetoad ::




:: blowthetoad passes not back ::


blowthetoad: well well well…. have the tables have turned… I <u>WILL</u>

hump a monkey’s nose…DEEP! and if your lucky, yo mama will be next!


:: Tim passes not back to blowthetoad ::


Tim: well… I should bitch slap you to, boy!!


:: blowthetoad passes note back ::


blowthetoad: has your mom ever been ‘bucked’ by <u>TIM</u> <b>BUCK</B> too?


:: Tim passes note back to blowthetoad ::


Tim: eat shit