#10331: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad: hey

blowthetoad: i would like to join

blowthetoad: the poop troops

blowthetoad: well?

davepoobond: this isnt davepoobond. this is blowthetoad. i hacked into his account and am now using it.

blowthetoad: =-o

blowthetoad: you are an elite person

blowthetoad: but…

blowthetoad: i have a confession

blowthetoad: i am blowthetoad

blowthetoad: :-/

blowthetoad: where is dave

blowthetoad: is this elmo or stimpy

davepoobond: this is blowthetoad.

blowthetoad: yeah, ok

blowthetoad: because i’m blowthetoad

blowthetoad: whats your email then

blowthetoad: what state are you in

davepoobond: i’m retarded, i dont know where i live

blowthetoad: haha

blowthetoad: seriously, where is dave

davepoobond: this is Holmes

blowthetoad: yeah sure

blowthetoad: prove it

blowthetoad: where do you work

davepoobond: in ur moms ass

blowthetoad: we work at the same place

#10417: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad was on a different sn than what davepoobond knew him on, trying to act like he was somebody else.

blowthetoad: well

blowthetoad: can i join squackle?

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: i dont know who this is, but this is blowthetoad

davepoobond: ur asking the wrong idiot

blowthetoad: eh?

blowthetoad: no, i want to join squackle

blowthetoad: a pooper trooper or whatever

davepoobond: spaces are full

davepoobond: try back next millenia

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: who is this?

davepoobond: blowthetoad

blowthetoad: then why are you on dave’s name?

davepoobond: cuz i hacked it

blowthetoad: =0o

davepoobond: now go away

blowthetoad: :'(

blowthetoad: where can i contact dave

davepoobond: u cant

davepoobond: i tied him up and gagged him

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: darnit

#10425: davepoobond -> Holmes

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

davepoobond: yo

Holmes: sup

davepoobond: not much

davepoobond: the_insane_midget is definitely blowthetoad

davepoobond: isn’t that swell

Holmes: ugh

davepoobond: cuz he asked if he could join the “pooper troopers or whatever”

davepoobond: on “tpc”

davepoobond: i’ll give u the IM

davepoobond shows Holmes the following IM:


davepoobond: thats it

davepoobond: he’s such an idiot

davepoobond: he repeatedly keeps trying to join squackle under different names

davepoobond: i’ve got a joke for you

davepoobond: whats the longest word in the dictionary?

Holmes: dunno

davepoobond: smiles. because there’s a mile between the s’s

Holmes: ………

Holmes: you should be shot

davepoobond: =D

Holmes: Reversi

davepoobond: whoohoo

Holmes: i’ve beaten spock 3 times

davepoobond: geez, that computer is hard

davepoobond: not spock….easy

davepoobond: tamagatchi lol

davepoobond: eh do u have this IM

davepoobond: still

davepoobond: with the joke

Holmes: yes

davepoobond: can u send it to me

#10513: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad was on a screen name he wasn’t usually on.

blowthetoad: i want to be a poop troop

davepoobond: who says there’s spaces open

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: kick out an un-active member

davepoobond: but your moms doing just fine

blowthetoad: exactly

blowthetoad: thats why i want your dad

blowthetoad: wait… no

davepoobond: good comeback, not

blowthetoad: dammit

blowthetoad: i would like to join the poop troops

blowthetoad: as “The Great Panda”

davepoobond: who says there’s spaces open

davepoobond: you really think that’s funny

blowthetoad: tell me funny

davepoobond: oh look at me i’m a great panda

blowthetoad: you have six seconds

blowthetoad: i never said i was a great panda

davepoobond: until what

davepoobond: you blow your load

blowthetoad: yes

blowthetoad: how is davepoobond funny?

davepoobond: cause your mom is

blowthetoad: or stimpy or elmo

blowthetoad: that makes me want to rip the eyes out of a baby seal with a rusty mellon scooper

davepoobond: har har

blowthetoad: you dumb canadian

davepoobond: the only way i’ll let you in is if you die and don’t IM me ever again

blowthetoad: ya!

davepoobond: sorry you IMd me again

davepoobond: you’ll never be a poop troop

davepoobond: sorry

davepoobond: you blew it

blowthetoad: damn

blowthetoad: bye

davepoobond: get a new sn and try again

blowthetoad: lol

blowthetoad: bye

#10514: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

Later in the day, after #10513.

blowthetoad: can i try again?

davepoobond: no go away

blowthetoad: dammit fuck shit >:o

blowthetoad: is this dave?

blowthetoad: rumor has it his mom took away his mouse ball

davepoobond: no it isnt

blowthetoad: who is it

davepoobond: stop talkin to me i dont care about you

davepoobond: blowthetoad

blowthetoad: no this is stimpy or elmo

davepoobond: no its 9876543210

blowthetoad: ooooooooh

blowthetoad: now it’s all coming in clear

blowthetoad: sorry to disturb you

blowthetoad: what is dave’s AOL email

davepoobond: notachance@aol.com

blowthetoad: awesome

blowthetoad: tee hee heeeeee

blowthetoad: who updates squackle

davepoobond: yourmom@aol.com

blowthetoad: blowthetoad is just a fucking muffin

blowthetoad: i dont like him

davepoobond: that’s sweet

blowthetoad: no, it’s snour

blowthetoad: not sour

blowthetoad: snour

blowthetoad: who is the sexiest person alive?

blowthetoad: Nose

blowthetoad: who ihas the biggest penis?

blowthetoad: Stimpy

blowthetoad: who is the redest yellow-bellied anus?

blowthetoad: Elmo

davepoobond: your not making me laugh

blowthetoad: im not trying to

blowthetoad: im just…

blowthetoad: some canadian chef

davepoobond: stop being a dipshit, and maybe i’ll let you be a loser trooper

davepoobond: since you seem to have such a fetish about being a soldier

blowthetoad: i am a soldier… named preston,so it blows away the purpose

davepoobond: might as well be in the ranks of your own kind

davepoobond: i’ll let you be a loser trooper named blowyourmom

blowthetoad: yay

#10520: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad IMs davepoobond with the same screen name he’s been using the last few times.

blowthetoad: hi, i got a new screen name, can i try again?

davepoobond: thats the same one, idiot

blowthetoad: oh… i am sorry

blowthetoad: hold on

blowthetoad: i’ll be back

blowthetoad signed off at 7:57:15 PM.

#10546: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 7 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad: im here to try out for the poop troops

davepoobond: there are no more poop troops

davepoobond: i dont know what you’re talking about

blowthetoad: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

blowthetoad: all this training….

blowthetoad: for what?

davepoobond: well, you didnt die, like you were supposed to

blowthetoad: ooh…

blowthetoad: hold ond

He signs onto a different screen name.

blowthetoad: hi, i would like to join the poop troops

davepoobond: i told you, no more poop troops

blowthetoad: you fucking nazi, dont lie to me

blowthetoad: https://www.squackle.com/IMs/blowthetoad/davepoobond3.shtml

blowthetoad: when did i do that?

blowthetoad: WAIT

blowthetoad: no

blowthetoad: thats not me

He signs back onto his first screen name.

blowthetoad: https://www.squackle.com/IMs/blowthetoad/davepoobond3.shtml

blowthetoad: okay, yeah

blowthetoad: thats me

blowthetoad: when did i do that?

davepoobond: i dont care to remember

davepoobond: but do you think i make that shit up

blowthetoad: it’s a small possibility…..

blowthetoad: hey, atleast update my age

blowthetoad: im now 14, uhthankyou

davepoobond: not to me your not

blowthetoad: well thats slimy bullshit

blowthetoad: whats the diff between jesus and a pic of jesus?

blowthetoad: a pic of jesus takes only one nail to hang

blowthetoad: *insert drum sound here*

davepoobond: boy thats funny

blowthetoad: yeah, it’s swell aint it?

blowthetoad: did your mom learn to breakdance yet?

blowthetoad: breakdancing: invented by a black person trying to steal a hubcap from a moving car

#10547: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad uses a screen name davepoobond hasn’t seen before.

blowthetoad: Hey can I join Squackle.?

davepoobond: stop asking, i know its you

blowthetoad: Who is me?

blowthetoad: blowthetoad? nah

blowthetoad: not me

blowthetoad: i thought you only accepted those who you knew in real life

davepoobond: i never said anything about him

blowthetoad: and Holmes…….

blowthetoad: you dont know him in real life

davepoobond: i never said anything about btt

blowthetoad: btt?

blowthetoad: when i was like 12……

blowthetoad: yeah 12…

blowthetoad: i asked why i was a poop troop

blowthetoad: you said “cuz squackle members are people we know in real life”

davepoobond: i dont need to explain myself to you

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: haha, remember when i talked to your mom?

blowthetoad: she was like “why can’t you have a civil conversation?”

blowthetoad: then thats the last i’ve ever talked to you

davepoobond: oh wow

davepoobond: is that supposed to be funny

blowthetoad: this was your old font

blowthetoad: aaaah the good days

blowthetoad: NOW SHUT UP

blowthetoad: if it was funny i would have said ‘lol’