Category Archives: Squackle Sports Arena

Rubber Band Darts

Materials: Rubber bands for each person

Number of Players: Alone or with a pal! (1-2)

What you do:

– Locate a convenience store with an assortment of hanging products on the slat walls.

– Shoot a rubber band at the supplies from across the room towards the wall.

– Depending on where the rubber band hits and lands, you get points.  Has to hit an actual supply item to count.

– Can be played for a certain amount of rounds or up to a certain amount of points.  Suggested: 10 rounds or 50 points.


Points are dispersed in two sets — by what the rubber band hits and what it lands on.  You lose points if you under-perform.  This is known as the “Hit + Land score” on a per turn basis.  A designated scorekeeper is preferred, but not required.


4th row = +4 / 3rd row = +3 / 2nd row = +2 / 1st row = +1 / Nothing = 0 / Above or Below all rows = -2

Lands on…

Floor = -2 / On top of a shelf = +1 / Hangs on Something = +2 / Hangs on a slat wall hook = +3


Something Amazing! = +5


Lose Rubberband = -100

Tackle Frisbee

Materials: Frisbee, Ocarina, Texan, Atheist

Number of Players: Five to twelve players, plus one to be the ‘Coach’

Boundaries: A Small Field

What You Do:

Before you play, set up the cheerleaders. Take the Texan and make him play the Ocarnia. Take the Atheist and make him sing Everybody Dance Now.

This game works like football. Have one player, The ‘Coach’, throw the frisbee, and the others have to try and grab the frisbee and take it to The Touchdown. The touchdown is in between the Texan and the Atheist.

After someone scores, have the ‘Coach’ writes down there score on a sheet of paper.  The game ends when someone scores 15 touchdowns, and the winner gets a cookie!

NOTE: Unless you are playing with really Heavy people who will squish you, no safety equipment is allowed.

Point At the Dot – Rules

Materials: pencil

Players: 1

What you do:

1. Take the pencil, and find a point you want to use.  You don’t actually put the pencil on the dot, you put it near your face, and sit/stand far away from the place you’re looking at.
2. Try to keep the tip of the pencil on the dot while “shifting” your eyes, by closing one eye, then opening that and closing the other eye
3. Once you get it, then find another place and do it on that.

Boundaries: none

Bottle Floor – Rules

Materials: bottle, somewhere to sit

# of players: 2 or more

What you do:

1. Everybody sits down
2. Get an empty bottle and throw it at someone, slamming it on the floor before hitting on them
3. If you want, fill the bottle with powdered sugar, so if it explodes, it makes a big “explosion” and get all over everything

Boundaries: the area in which you are sitting, no farther than either player’s arm spans.

Annoy the Teacher – Rules

Materials: something that makes an annoying sound

# of Players: 1, if organized attempt, 2 or more

What You Do:

1. Take the annoying noise making thing, and make noise with it every once in a while while the teacher has his/her back to you or something

2. Hell with it. Throw your chair at the teacher and run for your life

Boundaries: classroom. After throwing chair: none

Extreme Baseball – Rules

Materials: Baseball Bat, Pinecones, protective gear (optional)

# of Players: at least 4, works best with 8

What You Do:

1. One person is the batter, one of the other players pitches the pinecone

2. The batter hits the Pinecone, if they miss, the next person is up.

3. If they hit it scoring goes like this-

Caught by fielder: negative 5

Lands on ground – 0

Outta backyard – 1

limb shot – 3

chest shot – 5

head shot – 10

crotch shot – 20

KO – 30

death – 50

4. If you hit multiple people, you multiply the scores (e.g., a head and a crotch is 200) .  You play until all players are dead, KOed, or until no one can move.

5. The winner is who can move the best the next day. Points bare zero significance.

Boundaries: backyard or small room

Whack It or Crack It – Rules

Materials: old guy, tree branch

# of Players: 2

What You Do:

1. find an old guy (one in public) and tell him to masturbate.

2. If he refuses hit him with the branch. If he does, and if he tries to stop, whack “it” with the branch.

3. do this until you get bored or he passes out (in which case you hit him with the stick)

Boundaries: none

Redneck Tornado Surfing – Rules

Materials: tornado, long rectangular pieces of metal

# of Players: 1 or more

What You Do:

1. Stand on a piece of metal like a surfboard.

2. Wait until a tornado comes.

3. When a tornado comes, allow yourself to get sucked into it, and make sure you have your piece of metal with you.

4. Ride the piece of metal up and down in the tornado until it drops you somewhere.

5. You can’t win this game but it’s really fun.

Boundaries: The tornado

Shit Whack – Rules

Materials: Stick(s) Plastic bag with somthing nobody wants (one for each player)

# of Players: As many as you want

What You Do:

1. Divide players into 2 equal teams (if any are left they can be extras so if someone gets beat up too badly).

2. Put the thing nobody want’s in a bag(s).

3. Put the Thing nobody wants on the ground.

4. Count to three then start whacking the thing with the stick.

5. You can have one guy from your team go and start humping the other players on the other team.

The team who breaks all their things first wins.

Boundaries: none

Catapault…Stupid Style! – Rules

Materials: 2×4 Wood, Small Paint Can (or anything that shape), anything you want to fly in the air, XXL Mens Shirt.

# of Players: 2 or more

What You Do:

1. Set the 2×4 over the paint can, if you saw the movie ‘Home Alone’, when Kevin sets out the wood over the paint can, and then Harry jumps on one end, and Marve jumps on the other, and then ‘BYE, BYE, Harry”. That’s exactly what you’re going to do, but not like that.

2. You need to set an item on there, like a tomato, orange, apple, spoon, pencil, stick, etc… then one person stomps on the other end that the item is on, and your other friend tries to see where the item is going to land.

3. Your friend is wearing the XXL Mens shirt. He/She needs to catch the item before it hits the ground. A good item to use is a water baloon…(But don’t use water…)

Boundaries: none

Chicken Soup Bowling – Rules

Materials needed: bowling pins, large amounts of bowls of chicken soup

# of players: 1 or more

What you do:

1. the scoring is just like bowling, I don’t know how it is, so I can’t tell you how it is

2. take the chicken soup, and bowl it at the bowling pins

3. everytime you take a bowl at the bowling pins, you have to get a new bowl

4. after knocking down all the pins, put them back up and do it again.

Boundaries: The bowling alley, you must stay behind the bowling line to bowl, if you don’t you are disqualified from that throw

Download the computer game version of Chicken Soup Bowling here:

  Chicken Soup Bowling (202.4 KiB, 2,190 hits)

Chicken Soup Bowling from Squackle Sports Arena. Made by someone we don't know.

Look At The Kleenex – Rules

Materials: Kleenex boxes (1 is enough), tape

# of Players: 1

What You Do:

1. Take the Kleenex out of the Kleenex box, one by one and put tape on it, so that one end of the tape is hanging off the Kleenex

2. Put the Kleenex on the ceiling, walls and oors or whatever.

3. Lie down on whatever and look at the Kleenex

4. Optional: If you have supernatural powers or something like that (matches are fine), you can set fire to all the Kleenex and watch them burn. Its more interesting, but be careful, you may burn some stuff you didn’t want burned, burned. If you actually do this, this is what we have to say about you: “ha.” Oh, and another thing…don’t mention anything about reading it here. Didn’t think a game called “Look at the Kleenex” could be so dangerous, huh?

Boundaries: None