uqodupsqiq – v. to call someone out for holding a red umbrella on the first Tuesday after Labor Day
Tag Archives: Tuesday
Stupid Names for Days
We all hear these funny plays off day’s names, and I always wonder why there is the need to elaborate or give meaning to a normal day of the week for an indefinite period of time. So I decided to compile a list of all the dumb names we give to normal days of the week. If you have others, leave a comment and I’ll add it to the list.
- Sunday Funday
- “Pastime Day”: 3 Suns Ago Sunday
- “Pastime Day”: Sentimental Sunday
- Lazy Sunday
- Sundaze
- Selfie Sunday
- “Pastime Day”: Previous Big Bang Monday
- “Pastime Day”: Memory Monday
- Taco Tuesday
- Super Tuesday
- “Pastime Day”: Too Late Tuesday
- “Pastime Day”: Take Me Back Tuesday
- “Pastime Day”: We’re Kinda Late Wednesday
- “Pastime Day”: Way Back Wednesday
- Hump Day
- “Pastime Day”: Throwback Thursday
- “Pastime Day”: Flashback Friday
- TGIF – Thank God It’s Friday / Thank Goodness It’s Friday
- “Pastime Day”: Old Saturday
- “Pastime Day”: Slide-back Saturday
- “Pastime Day”: Senti Saturday
- Screenshot Saturday
Be Mean Tuesday
Be Mean Tuesday – n. a holiday in which everyone is mean to each other intentionally. It is the 2nd Tuesday of March.
nugnin – n. a restaurant that is closed on a random day of the week, like Tuesdays.
Bad Submission #21009
Submitted through the Other submission form.
name = mystic faerie
email = erikaoneal11@
use_email = no
type = songs
title = death
submission = death, i long 4 u
the date of my death is Tuesday, January 24, 2073
i can prove it.
death,blood, death,blood ,death,blood ,death,blood!!!!!
Joke #20895
Q: Why did the store close at 2:00?
A: Because it was Twosday.
Joke #18686: The Procrastinator’s Calendar
8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
16 | 15 | 14 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 |
23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 |
32 | 30 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 |
39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 |
1. This is a special calendar for handling rush jobs. All rush jobs are needed yesterday. With this calendar, a job or project can be ordered on the 7th and delivered on the 3rd.
2. Many companies set Friday deadlines, so there are three Fridays in every week. This is also beneficial for those persons who are paid on Fridays.
3. There are eight new days added to each month, to allow for month-end panic jobs.
4. There is no 1st of the month, thus avoiding late delivery of the previous month’s last-minute panic jobs.
5. Monday morning hangovers are abolished, along with non-productive Saturdays and Sundays.
6. A new day – Negotiation Day – has been introduced keeping the other days free for uninterrupted panic.
Joke #17772
Q: What other days are appreciated in Foodland?
A: Munchday, Chewsday, and Thirstday!
The Band-Aid Bandit
So, there was this complete spaz that came in last week on Tuesday.
This guy was very, VERY concerned that he might have taken a band-aid accidentally and didn’t pay for it. The conversation went something like this:
Spaz: “Uhhh hi, I was wondering if there is a way to see if I had accidentally taken something. I don’t know if I did or not cause I bought a lot of stuff and I’m not sure if I accidentally took an extra package of band-aids. Would there be anyway to see if I did?”
dave: “Ummm…do you have a receipt? That would be the only for-sure way I can tell you if you paid for something or not.”
At this point, I’m not sure if his concern is that he didn’t pay for it or that he was charged for something he didn’t want.
Spaz: “Uhh, a receipt? Uhh ahhh uhhh no. I don’t have a receipt. But I think I accidentally took an extra package of band-aids and I already opened a package and I used one but I don’t know if I took it and I was wondering if there was a way to check for that.”
dave: “Well, again, the only way I can tell for sure or not is whether or not you have your receipt. I can tell you for sure what you got charged for if you have one.”
Spaz: “OH, uhhh a receipt, I don’t have that.”
So, after a few seconds of him not really saying anything else…
dave: “Umm…well, let me ask my manager for you to see if there’s anything we can figure out.”
At this point I’m dumbfounded that he’s making such a big deal about this. I have nothing else that I can come up with to say to him, so I asked my manager and told him the situation, that he thinks he might have taken something accidentally or whatever. My manager said it would take a lot of leg work to figure out if he took anything, and as long as it was an honest mistake, we would excuse it, so I went back to the Spaz and told him…
dave: “I talked to my manager and he said it was okay, you don’t have to worry about it. Thank you for your honesty, but you don’t have to worry about it.”
Spaz: “Oh, really? I don’t have to worry about it…? But I might have taken something without paying for it, you guys aren’t going to do anything about it? It might have been glue or a pencil or something, I don’t know what I might have taken, are you sure it’s ok?”
So, at this point I’m perplexed as to why he isn’t even sure about what he might have taken anymore.
dave: “Umm, well, like I said. My manager said it was okay, and you don’t have to worry about it. Going forward, just make sure you buy everything you take out of the store, and there won’t be a problem.”
Spaz: “OH, but I didn’t pay for something and I don’t know if I took it or not”
dave: “Like I said, it’s ok. It’s really not possible for us to check something like that, and we’re going to excuse it this time. Just make sure you buy everything you take out of the store in the future.”
Spaz: “Umm..ok.”
So, he finally leaves.
Then. He comes back. And says the same stuff again, to which I explain to him again. Then he leaves. Then he comes back again. Then I tell him the same stuff. Then he leaves. He leaves and comes back consistently over 20 minutes.
He’s wasting my god damned time at this point. So, I get really frustrated and say “I’M NOT DEALING WITH THIS ANYMORE, I’M GOING ON LUNCH.”
So, I go on lunch. I come back only to hear that the guy comes back TWO MORE TIMES, and talks to my co-worker, who said he said the exact same thing I told him again. But the second time, he came back with a notebook and wrote down exactly what my co-worker had said. He didn’t appear for the rest of the day.
I didn’t work in the store on Wednesday, but I came back on Thursday at around 12. I heard that “my friend” had came back from my manager and I was like “what friend?” My manager said the guy that came a couple days ago saying he might have taken a band-aid. I was like “Oh, great.”
Not even five minutes after he told me he was in the store, the guy came back and I was there to talk to him.
Spaz: “Uh, hi. Do you remember what we were talking about last week or a while ago?”
Note that it wasn’t last week, it was Tuesday, the day before yesterday that he had come in.
dave: “Uh. Maybe.”
Spaz: “Well, ok, well, I think I might have taken something I hadn’t paid for, like band-aids or glue or pens or something, and I don’t know if I paid for it, is there a way you can check that?”
This fucking guy.
dave: “Like I said before. It’s ok, don’t worry about it.”
Spaz: “Don’t worry about it? What if it was something expensive?”
Ok, so NOW he’s getting on my nerves AND is acting suspicious as fuck.
dave: “Well, did you take anything expensive?”
Spaz: “No, I don’t know what I took, I think it’s in my notebook and my notebook is messy.”
dave: “Ok, well let’s do this then. Get your notebook in order. Then figure out what you might have taken out of the bookstore.”
Spaz: “Ok, oh but uh my notebook isn’t here. But even if its expensive, you guys aren’t going to do anything?”
dave: “Ok, like I said, don’t worry about it, you can go.”
At this point, I just wanted him to leave, so I kept saying it was okay, and I actually told him to leave. He finally left. But then he came back to look at a folder or something, and then left.
After that, I told my manager what he had said and we both became suspicious of him, so I called our security and told them to keep an eye on that guy.
I basically came to the conclusion that the guy did steal something but he was using this ruse and us saying it’s “okay” as a justification for stealing whatever he had stolen OR stealing whatever he was planning on stealing.
He would just not drop it, and would not leave. He’s been stewing on this for at least 3 days’ worth of time, and its so obvious this guy has some weird mental problem.
Does a deaf person need to worry about wax build up?

Quote #15937
“You’re going to get 15 statements from Mrs. DYKE on Tuesday!”
– Mrs. DYKE
Quote #14918
“Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. The NBA is in the house, on TBS and TNT!!! TBS!”
– from the TV
Joke #13134
A kid came home from school and told his mother, “Mrs. Henderson had triplets on Monday and twins on Tuesday.”
His mother said, “That’s impossible.”
The kid replied, “No, it’s not. One of the triplets got lost.”
Joke #12417
Mother to her teenaged daughter: “Are you going steady now?”
“Yes, I am, Mom. On Tuesday with Mike, Wednesday with Jimmy, Thursday with Frankie…”
If Today Is Tuesday
If today is Tuesday, then tomorrow is Wednesday
Today is Tuesday
Therefore, tomorrow is Wednesday.
If a figure is a triangle, then it is a polygon
This figure is not a polygon.
Therefore, this figure is not a triangle
It is Tuesday and it is April
Therefore, it is Tuesday
It is a square or it is a triangle
It is not a square
Therefore, it is a triangle