What six troubles did a “mighty magician” bring to the earth?

“the teacher remonstrated that the bully can’t get away without getting in trouble”
– davepoobond
“Mrs. Dolt, who is the worst teacher in the world, gives us homework in P.E.”
– from somewhere around davepoobond’s high school
– Mrs. DYKE
“When i as a ‘teacher’ looks at what I’ve been teaching my students, I’m a little nervous”
– Mrs. DYKE
“I’d rather be a teacher instead of working for the food service”
– Ms. E
Note: she IS a teacher… she was talking like she wasn’t one.
“I just love MBC’s holiday extras – They are perfect for my kid’s teachers and stocking stuffers for my teenage daughter.”
– from the Internet
“the teacher that used this last didn’t rewind. oh well, charge her a dollar”
– Ms. Boms
“call up your 6th grade math teacher and ask her how to do it because you weren’t listening in class!”
– Mr. P-yooson
Dr. OldNBald IS a teacher.
Dr. OldNBald is a horrible teacher. When he teaches us new stuff he always uses variables and never does examples for us with real numbers. That’s why we did so bad in his class, and when we asked him to do examples with numbers, he refuses. You might as well sleep in the class, and you’d get the same amount of useful information. And he makes his tests hard on purpose, and most fail. The only ones that didn’t were ones with tutors.
Q: Why couldn’t Mozart find his teacher?
A: Because Mozart’s teacher was Hayden.
Q: When is homework not homework?
A: When it is turned into the teacher.
BOXING INSTRUCTOR (to a student who had his first lesson): “How did you like it, Benny? Do you have any questions?”
BOXER BENNY: “Yep! Do you have a correspondence course?”
TEACHER: “What were General Custer’s last words?”
STUDENT: “Gee! What happened? They seemed so friendly at the dance.”
DENTAL INSTRUCTOR: “Gentlemen, how much should you charge a patient for a toothache?”
DENTAL STUDENT: “Don’t be ridiculous, Professor. Who’d want to buy a toothache?”