Tag Archives: money

Joke #13285

A millionaire who’d been bad all of his life was nearing the end of his time on earth and wanted to wipe the slate clean.  To make amends for his evil ways, he donated a lot of money to a local church and had a meeting with the minister to discuss the possibility of getting into heaven.

Since the man had spent most of his life being evil, the minister couldn’t really assure him he’d get into heaven, but he didn’t want to disappoint the man and lose a big contributor.  Being diplomatic, the minister sized up the millionaire’s chances like this:

“Mr. Smith, when it comes to riding on the heavenly railroad, think of yourself as a standby passenger.”

Joke #13222

A man frantically rushed into a hospital emergency room with two broken arms.  He ran up to the nurse at the desk and shouted, “I need a doctor!”

The nurse calmly nodded and said, “Before we treat you, I have to know one vital fact.”

“I’m not allergic to penicillin,” cried the man.  “My heart is fine and I’m not on any medication.”

“That’s good,” said the nurse, “but that’s not the information I need.”

“What is it then?” shouted the man, grimacing in pain.

The nurse replied, “Do you have medical coverage or will you pay cash?”