How many times do you have sex with a frog…

“Under the frog, it says ‘fitness'”
– Mrs. Stickums
“get up, you ffrog!”
– from somewhere around davepoobond’s high school
“what is this? pick on the Frog day?”
– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie (1995)
Q: What is a frog’s favorite game?
A: Hopscotch.
Did you hear about the loony outfielder who thought he was a frog? He caught flies on his tongue.
I feel as unhappy as a fly on a frog’s tongue.
– Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
– Seventy sailors sailed seven swift ships.
– Joe jumps joyfully in June and July.
– Davy Dear ducks Dinah Dear daily.
– Fast Freddie Frog fries fat flying fish.
– Hairy Harry Hartley hurries home.
– Slippery southern snakes slide swiftly down ski slopes.
– Billy Bunny burst his big beautiful blue balloon.
– Fran fans Fred frantically.
– Fast Frank fries frankfurters and french fries.
– How many bagels could a Beagle bake if a Beagle could bake bagels?
– Seven silly skunks sighed sadly.
– Little Linda Lamb licks her lovely lips.
– “Shoot, Sally,” Slim Sam shouted shyly.
– Wee Willy whistles to wise Wilber Whale.
They do everything big in Texas high schools. In biology class they don’t dissect frogs; they dissect dinosaurs!
Then there was the sailor who joined the frogmen because he couldn’t swim.
Q: What happens to illegally parked frogs?
A: They get toad away.
Q: What did the frog say when she called her boyfriend?
A: “Let’s live hoppily ever after!”
Q: What happened to the little frog who sat on the telephone?
A: He grew up to be a bellhop!