Tag Archives: davepoobond

WoW Chat #23077

Chilo: I like playing with myself, if you know what I mean ;P

Frantor: They were probably 25

Zanbon: inappropriate

Chilo: I’m talking about multiboxing!

Zanbon: yeah i know

Zanbon: well

Chilo: god z, what did you think I was talking about…

Zanbon: i know that NOW

davepoobond: i think we need more clarifications

davepoobond: how do you put your dick in multiple boxes?

WoW Chat #23076: Gylana -> davepoobond

People were asking about what mounts the Worgen racial mounts were, and I linked them. IN TRADE, everyone was saying where to get them, which was in Darnassus. Then this guy messages me…

Gylana: were do u get that

davepoobond: 10g

Gylana: from where

davepoobond: 10g

Gylana: pay u?w

davepoobond: yes

Gylana: 5 then 5 after u tell me

davepoobond: ok mail me 5 right now

Gylana: meet met at bank

davepoobond: im in a bg!

davepoobond: i cant!

WoW Chat #23072: davepoobond -> Destructiva

In World of Warcraft, Destructiva needed on a piece of green while everyone else greeded — he basically cheated to win the item.

davepoobond: grats on the cloth upgrade

Destructiva: What? DId you want those?

davepoobond: no, you needed them, just saying grats since you did

Destructiva: Well perhaps that was because everything popped up at once. Wasn’t intentional.

Destructiva: So if you want them, I’d gladly give them to you to make you quit your bitching.

davepoobond: it was a joke

davepoobond: learn how to take things less seriously

davepoobond: maybe you’ll avoid high blood pressure later in life

Destructiva: Dude, I was joking too. Maybe you should be less carebear

davepoobond: maybe you should be less

davepoobond: predictable

Destructiva: Whatever… you’re just mad, and jealous of my new cloth gloves.

Destructiva: And cool guild name by the way.

davepoobond: thanks 😛 been around for a long time on the server. since vanilla

Destructiva: Oh, I was joking….

davepoobond: jokes are supposed to be funny

Destructiva: Really? Yours wasn’t.

Destructiva: I thougt you liked it that way.

davepoobond: at least there was a punch line

Destructiva: I must have missed that part.

davepoobond: this goes back to the high blood pressure thing

Destructiva: You’re quite the hypocrite, no?

davepoobond: you should eat less salt

Destructiva: So kind of you to be concerned for my health. But you shouldn’t presume things.

davepoobond: well just make sure you dont use that cloth piece cuz ur gunna lose ur 5% agility lol

Destructiva: I’m gonna mail it to you.

davepoobond: i already wear mail

Destructiva: Don’t you have anything better to do?

davepoobond: i dont do requests.

Destructiva: Well I’m growing quite bored with you. Goodbye.

davepoobond: i want to grow old with you

Destructiva is ignoring you.

#23071: Amuka -> davepoobond

Amuka: I was told I can get a refund here and I’m not leaving until I get it.

davepoobond: what are you trying to get a refund for, my heart?

Amuka: spleen

davepoobond: no, sir, the spleen is non-refundable

davepoobond: it says right on it

Amuka: I bought it last week and the cashier said I can return it here

davepoobond: the cashier was wrong, and so are you

Amuka: pfft. well, I want to talk to a manager

davepoobond: i am the manager

Amuka: you guys didn’t tell me this is non refundable. how is this fair?

davepoobond: lifes not fair

davepoobond: thats when they told you

Amuka: you know what? forget it. I’m done with this store. you guys are so unprofessional!

Amuka: I am a faculty member and should not be treated this way!

davepoobond: i dont even know why you’re calling a cardboard box behind a bar a store

Amuka: you shut up!

davepoobond: fine with me, i dont get paid to talk to you

Amuka: I’m never coming back. NEVER

davepoobond: good, that would do me a favor

#23070: alediayaojou -> davepoobond

alediayaojou: hi cutie pie

davepoobond: hi

alediayaojou: heeey ~! how are you today …

davepoobond: hi

alediayaojou: well im home ..not much to do .. are you busy? ? 🙂

davepoobond: im jackin off

davepoobond: to pictures of you

alediayaojou: oohh well wanted to see if you wanted to chat in private right now ?? if your alone of course 😉 … i am 😉

davepoobond: that i found before you IMd me

davepoobond: i stalk you

davepoobond: did you know that

alediayaojou: ok well 😉 ..just go here babe , just click on the accept the invite GREEN button … hurry my cam is on already …

davepoobond: did you know

davepoobond: that i knew who you are already

davepoobond: and that i have a video camera that you dont know about

davepoobond: from across the street

davepoobond: on your house

alediayaojou: can you see ME??? … 😉 very sexy huh …lol well this site is soo cool .. we can chat with other girls in a big chat room … its like a big orgy lol plus its free with my friend pass PLEASE DONT GIVE IT OUT!lol

davepoobond: but why would i need to go there, i have my own feed

alediayaojou: k papi rico i cant hear you or see wut your wrighting till you sign in soo ill be waiting just fill out the info for your account and the cc is just for age verification ok… here it is just in case you didnt get it 🙂

davepoobond: are you retarded

alediayaojou: ok babe im ready, were are you?? you sign up ???im wet and waiting lol literly lol

davepoobond: why are you wet

davepoobond: did you run through the sprinklers again

alediayaojou: mhhm nice and wet lol

alediayaojou: K bye , ill be waiting …xoxo

davepoobond: wait

davepoobond: where are you going

davepoobond: never mind, i can see where you’re going

davepoobond: mwahahahah

davepoobond: hahahahahah

alediayaojou: k

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: you know it

davepoobond: hi

Dream #23037: The Chip Dream

I wrote this in 2002.

I remember in a dream I had, that I was stuck somewhere listening to some guy who was talking about chips, and something about “maximum dipping power.”

He was explaining the measurements and junk about the chips and there was this other person saying “come on come on let’s go” to me, but I didn’t because I was interested.

Next I knew I was driving a car in a parking lot looking for a parking space.

Then I woke up.

Dream #23036: The Baseball Dream

I wrote this in 2002.

I had a dream that I was the best pitcher on a baseball team, but I knew I wasn’t any good.

So this big championship game or something was there, but I didn’t get dressed, because when I put on my shoes, they caught on fire, then I put the fire out by blowing on it, but it relit, so I put it under the sink and it went out.

But it relit again and I just let it burn.

So the scene changed to the baseball game, and when I wasn’t there, they had a 2 foot tall 10 year old pitch for them instead.

They were losing pretty badly, when the assistant coach finally found me at home, and he said “we’re losing, you have to get dressed and play!” But I said, “no, I don’t want to get dressed!”

Then I woke up.

Dream #23034: The Moon Blew Up

I wrote this in 2002.

I had a dream that I was out in the desert or something. The sand was red and there weren’t any trees, but big rocks every so often. There were a lot of people there, and there were a lot of houses. I wasn’t too far from my house. I looked up at the moon (which was very close). It was really hot, and the moon turned around pretty fast, and it looked the same except it had its own “red eye storm” like Jupiter. It’s kind of hard to describe. Anyway I pointed it out to my mom, and she said “that’s normal, they throw all our trash up there, you know?”

I thought “hmm, all that plastic up there is burning making it hot down here…” It seemed like it was raining fire from the moon. All of a sudden, it blew up. Everyone started screaming and went back inside their homes. After the moon rocks fell, I went over to my friends house, and there was my Grandma. She said his family wasn’t there because my friend was at the hospital. She pointed out the window shutters on the window, and said something about how cheap they were because a rock fell through. Then she disappeared.

Then it rained rocks again.  Afterwards, I was crying and I turned on the TV. To get my mind off everything, I turned on the TV and watched cartoons, while there was another TV with the news on. It had a bunch of people talking about the moon blowing up, and how it was more horrible than September 11. The rocks fell again all of a sudden for the last time. I went outside to see what happened, and there were a lot of people on hospital beds, screaming because trash and rock shot into their body.

I woke up then. What a weird dream. I could barely describe it all. You should’ve dreamed it yourself…to truly understand.

3 Pennies

stimpyismyname had 3 pennies.

He told me that if I guessed which they’d all land on, I could keep the pennies.

If it didn’t land on what I guessed, I had to give him 3 pennies.

I guessed that they would all be tails, and when he tossed them on the ground, they were all tails, but he said I said all heads.

The bastard ended up taking the pennies.

CrazE-mail #23031

Back in the year 2000, I was hosting Squackle at Angelfire, which was/is a free web host.  I got this e-mail and decided to have fun with them.

>>>From: “Angelfire Staff” <staff@angelfire.com>
>>>Subject: Password check
>>>Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 20:21:08 -0700

To ensure that your site, http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/squackle , is maintained properly, we periodically request that the webmaster of each site verify his or her password with Angelfire.  Please send your username, along with your password, to zoopx9@hotmail.com, my personal address, so that I can make sure everything is in order.  We hope you continue to use Angelfire to host your webpages in the future.


Angelfire staff

>>>To: zoopx9@hotmail.com
>>>Subject: Re: Password check
>>>Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 08:13:59 PDT

hi!  how are you!  my password is:  jungjung  and my directory is biz/poopers

thank for making me safer on angelfire!

>>>From: “Tim Groves” <zoopx9@hotmail.com>
>>>Subject: Re: Password check
>>>Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 12:04:02 PDT

Hello again.  I received your e-mail containing the directory and password for your site at Angelfire.  However, the information was inaccurate.  Please verify that what you sent was correct and resend it.  We appreciate your cooperation, and thank you for using Angelfire.

Angelfire Staff