Q: What kind of a cat writes book after book?
A: A cat-o-nine “tales”!
Q: What kind of a cat writes book after book?
A: A cat-o-nine “tales”!
Q: What do you call a gossipy cat or dog?
A: A tail-bearer!
Don’t put the cat before the horse.
It takes one to show one.
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a Manx healthy, wealthy, and wise.
No mews is good mews.
A stitch in time saves nine lives.
He who laps last laps best.
A rolling bone gathers no moss.
Mice guys finish last.
Q: Which heavenly body did the space cat seriously try to avoid?
A: Sirius, the Dog Star!
Q: What did everyone ask the angry butcher when the cat stole something from his store?
A: “What’s the matter — cat got your tongue?”
Q: What do they say about a cat who bites?
A: “Cat-nip!”
Q: What did Maw say when she got married?
A: “Give me Paw.”
Q: What did the cat say when it upset the milk dish?
A: “Nobody’s purr-fect!”
Q: What did the angry cat say?
A: “I’m fur-ious!”
Q: What does a cat say when someone pulls its tail?
A: “Me-ow!“
Q: What is the feline’s favorite baseball position?
A: Cat-cher!
Q: What Hall of Famer is popular among cats?
A: Mickey Mantle, the “soft” paw!
Q: What baseball pitcher is a feline favorite?
A: Tom Seaver, of course!
A brilliant magician was performing on an ocean liner. But every time he did a trick, a talking cat in the audience would scream, “It’s a trick. It’s not magic. You’re a big phony!”
Then one night during a storm, the ship sank while the magician was performing. And who should end up in the same lifeboat together, all alone, but the talking cat and the magician! For three days, they glared at each other, neither one saying a word to the other.
Finally the cat sighed and said, “All right, smart-aleck. You and your darn tricks. What did you do with the ship?”
BIRD: “Why are you leaving — are you a ‘fraidy-cat?”
CAT: “They HOUNDED me out of town!”