Category Archives: The Squackle Quiz
Lots of polls and “tests” you can take!
Do you prefer land, water, or air?
If you have, what have you stolen before?
If you stand on a dune with your eyes about 16 m above sea level, how far can you pee?
Balanced equation?
How fast is your mom?
Would you rather go out with a sweetheart or a bad-ass?
Suppose you cut a sandwich in half from corner to corner.
United States involvement in Vietnam officially ended in 1973…
Why was the Thieu government unwilling to sign a peace treaty…
The Cashier Quiz
The Cashier Quiz is the quiz that contains all the Cashiering questions created. Test your know-how of how to be a cashier by answering these questions. Any new questions created will be added here.
Am I Confident?
Are you confident? Answer the next 5 questions, and tally up your results at the end to see your fate.
If you scored 12-15, fuck you. No one likes a liar.
A score between 8-11 means you’re probably normal, but who are you really fooling?
If you score between 5-7, you’re low on the confidence scale. Don’t worry, it’ll only get worse from here on out. I could tell you all this sanctimonious bullshit about how it could get better, but really, you’re probably depressed and the only thing that will make you better are drugs. And lots of them.
If you scored less than 5, you’re probably already doing drugs.
Am I an Introvert or an Extrovert?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Answer the next 10 questions, and tally up your results at the end to see your fate.
Total up how many of each Introvert and Extrovert answers you’ve selected.
If you’ve chosen more answers that are marked as Introvert, then you’re a loner. Get some friends. Or play volleyball.
If you selected more answers that are marked as Extrovert, then you’re an asshole. You might want to keep yourself a little contained, you try-hard.
If you chose more of the third answer in this quiz, then you are either extremely lame or really really crazy.