Q: How are rotting bodies like nature artists?
A: They eventually draw flies.
One liner jokes.
Q: How are rotting bodies like nature artists?
A: They eventually draw flies.
Q: What’s the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when he hits a windshield?
A: His tail.
Q: Why don’t leeches go after young children?
A: Because they will drink no blood before it’s time.
Q: Why do gnats fly into your mouth at night?
A: Because it’s too dark to find your nostrils.
Q: What happened to the firefly before he hit the windshield?
A: His life flashed before his eyes.
Q: Why wouldn’t the cadaver see his friends after he started to decompose?
A: He felt like he was losing face.
Q: After the cadaver dressed up for the funeral, what did his friends say?
A: “Death becomes you.”
Q: What are the two sexiest animals on the farm?
A: Brown chicken, brown cow.
Q: What do you call a TV show about two very different sisters with skin problems?
A: “Oppo-zits.”
Q: Why do little kids love to eat paste for lunch?
A: It’s as tasty as the clay they had for snack time.
Q: Why were the tapeworms so quickly wiped out by the medicine?
A: They just didn’t measure up.
Q: Why do kids love eating clay?
A: It’s good roughage and has less calories than mystery meat.
Q: What do you call a tapeworm that sticks to kids no matter what they do?
A: A scotch tape.
Q: Why are kids with rotten teeth more popular now?
A: Because with really rotten teeth, you don’t notice the body odor.
Q: Why is it dangerous to sneeze on the plate of the guy next to you?
A: He’s still looking for somewhere to hide his chewing gum.