Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#10962: davepoobond -> MadManWithAnAxe

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Dave's Phone Number?

davepoobond: why’d you call me

MadManWithAnAxe: I didn’t

davepoobond: how did you even get my number

MadManWithAnAxe: Was it really your number?

davepoobond: yeah…

MadManWithAnAxe: it got an error thing

davepoobond: oh

MadManWithAnAxe: 523 848 0334

MadManWithAnAxe: that’s not it, is it?

davepoobond: it is

davepoobond: actually it isn’t, i was just jerkin your chain. ha ha ha oh boy.

MadManWithAnAxe: heh heh heh, I’ll leave that message out of my conversation with btt

davepoobond: k. you dont have my sn sending to him do you

davepoobond: i’m guessing you did

davepoobond: since stimpyismyname just sent it back to me

MadManWithAnAxe: I copied what you said

#10961: blowthetoad -> stimpyismyname

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Dave's Phone Number?

blowthetoad: eh whats dave’s phone number

blowthetoad: me and madmanwithanaxe would love to know it

stimpyismyname: 523 848 0334

stimpyismyname: …oh shit

blowthetoad: are you serious?

stimpyismyname: no

stimpyismyname: dont dial it

blowthetoad: 848 0334 is a bakery in atlanta

blowthetoad: you’ve betrayed me

stimpyismyname: heh

blowthetoad: >:o

blowthetoad: wait…. you did say he worked in a bakery

blowthetoad: does he live in atlanta now?

stimpyismyname: maaaaybe

blowthetoad: maaaaybe not? 🙁

stimpyismyname: ask for john

blowthetoad: omg it worked

stimpyismyname: cool

stimpyismyname: whatd he say

blowthetoad: “yeah who’s this?”

blowthetoad: and i was like “blowtheto… er… your mom”

blowthetoad: then giggled like a school girl and hung up

stimpyismyname: heh

stimpyismyname: you fool

blowthetoad: fool im not

blowthetoad: you believed me

blowthetoad: 😉

stimpyismyname: ah

stimpyismyname: i meant fool for hanging up… but whatever

blowthetoad: you believed me again

blowthetoad: DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!

stimpyismyname: ok..

blowthetoad: i didnt even dial it

blowthetoad: madman did

stimpyismyname: good for you

stimpyismyname: pussy

blowthetoad: i am what i eat

blowthetoad: OOOOH

blowthetoad: I GOT YOU THURR DOGG!

#10960: Phoenix -> davepoobond

Phoenix: I’m pretty sure I should be shot.

davepoobond: why do you think that

Phoenix: Or at the very least burned alive

Phoenix: I’m becoming addicted to neopets again

davepoobond: or maybe you should dig your own grave

davepoobond: and then be executed

davepoobond: and buried in the grave you dug yourself

Phoenix: Then bury myself.

davepoobond: you’d be dead before that

Phoenix: sure I would.You don’t know me very well.

Phoenix signed off at 8:03 PM

#10958: Shcumoot -> davepoobond

davepoobond was on his sister’s screen name.

Shcumoot: hey whats up its nathan

davepoobond: hey were u just on my sn

Shcumoot: no

davepoobond: u sure


davepoobond: IF YOU WERE

Shcumoot: we cant i dont know your screen name


davepoobond: AND PERSONALLY

davepoobond: persssoonnaalllyyyyy


Shcumoot: fuck me reall cool

davepoobond: AND EAT THEM

Shcumoot: call me at nicks


Shcumoot: what was

Shcumoot: call nick

Shcumoot: dont eat my cherios i love them

Shcumoot: talk

davepoobond: ok fine then

davepoobond: i won’t eat your cheerios

davepoobond: i’ll eat YOU

Shcumoot: ya cause someone was talking all hoirny to us on my screen name

Shcumoot: call nick but you sounded pretty hot i wished it was u

davepoobond: are those 2 men in your profile having sex or just having a good time on a slip n’ slide

Shcumoot: there assbumping

davepoobond: my sister will call you

davepoobond: just watch out cause i’m watching you

Shcumoot: r u really wet thats what your screen name said

davepoobond: you will crumble at the hands of my iron fists

davepoobond: yeah i am, i’m 210 pounds of it

#10957: Daek -> davepoobond

Daek: u fatass!

davepoobond: what

Daek: u fat shit eating sonofawhore!

davepoobond: ohhh its you my good friend

Daek: no it isn’t jackass

davepoobond: my name’s not jack

davepoobond: wouldn’t it be just “daveass”

davepoobond: hahahaha i crack myself up

davepoobond: but yes when you take it out of context it is funny

Daek: ….

davepoobond: jackass in itself is actually a not very insulting term

davepoobond: y’see, jackass just means donkey

davepoobond: and we all know that donkeys are smart

davepoobond: and if they weren’t enslaved by the human race then they would
be the dominant race on earth

davepoobond: but enough about me, what about you

davepoobond: how have you been doing

Daek: nigga fuck u

Daek: crazy ass crackhead

Daek: thats all i can say

Daek signed off at 5:14 PM

#10953: Izumo Etsuko -> davepoobond

Izumo Etsuko: arf

davepoobond: hi

Izumo Etsuko: whats up?

davepoobond: not much…listening to music

davepoobond: today’s squackle’s birthday ain’t it grand

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: how long?

davepoobond: 4 years

Izumo Etsuko: 😀

Izumo Etsuko: dude……….

davepoobond: yessum?

Izumo Etsuko: I am in fucking heaven

davepoobond: whyyy

Izumo Etsuko: *.*

Izumo Etsuko: because I am listening to Metallica’s first recorded demo

Izumo Etsuko: when Mustaine was still lead guitarist

davepoobond: interesting

davepoobond: i just happen to be listening to metallica at the same time

Izumo Etsuko: DL No Life ‘Til Leather

Izumo Etsuko: 8.8

Izumo Etsuko: its fucking badass

davepoobond: wow…i actually got a spam mail from “”

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: and supposedly they like it in every hole

davepoobond: they love it, actually

Izumo Etsuko: thats sick dude

Izumo Etsuko: post it on squakle

Izumo Etsuko: e.e

Izumo Etsuko: dude

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

Izumo Etsuko: I’m addicted to Legend of Zelda

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: by SOAD

Izumo Etsuko: x/x

Izumo Etsuko: x.x*

davepoobond: soad?

Izumo Etsuko: I’ve been listening to it for hours

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

Izumo Etsuko: System of a Down

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: i used to have that

davepoobond: can you send it to me

Izumo Etsuko: yeah

davepoobond: do you want to do it over IM or email

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: IM easier

davepoobond: k

davepoobond: do you know if this is on an album

Izumo Etsuko: no clue

Izumo Etsuko: I’d guess no though

Izumo Etsuko: or if it is

Izumo Etsuko: its a hidden track

davepoobond: i dont think it is

davepoobond: unless they had an album before their self titled

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: don’t ask me that shit dude

davepoobond: heh ok

Izumo Etsuko: the only band I actually know stuff about is Metallica

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: i also got spam from

davepoobond: isn’t that ironic

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: the gov. that is out to stop spam is sending me spam

Izumo Etsuko: yeah

Izumo Etsuko: thats funny

Izumo Etsuko: bush is a total dumbass

Izumo Etsuko: he’s basicly fucked over the country

davepoobond: i doubt he’s running the web site though

Izumo Etsuko: he’s put us in a situation where no matter what we do, the country’s fucked within the next 100 years

davepoobond: i dont know if it’ll be that long

Izumo Etsuko: yeah…

Izumo Etsuko: I’m trying to find out if I can move to Russia or something after college

davepoobond: go to canada

Izumo Etsuko: someplace where I’d be able to live on hacking

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

Izumo Etsuko: I’d rather fall with the US than move to Canada

davepoobond: canada isn’t that bad of a place

Izumo Etsuko: yes it is

davepoobond: for one thing their media doesn’t have constant coverage of violence

Izumo Etsuko: so?

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: thats stupid

davepoobond: people are nicer there too

Izumo Etsuko: ……

Izumo Etsuko: you my friend

Izumo Etsuko: no NOTHING of Canada

davepoobond: people don’t even lock their doors

Izumo Etsuko: the people(most of them) are dumb, retarded, stupid fucks

Izumo Etsuko: I went there on vacation

Izumo Etsuko: half the people there, when we asked for directions, sent us in the direction opposite of where we wanted to go

Izumo Etsuko: and…

davepoobond: cause they knew you were american

Izumo Etsuko: my dad wanted to bring a rifle for protection, cause we were going up north where bears and shit are everywhere

Izumo Etsuko: and everything he did was perfectly legal

Izumo Etsuko: it was legal for us to take it

davepoobond: ok…so

Izumo Etsuko: Border patrol: I’m sorry, but theres no guns allowed in Canada

davepoobond: heh

Izumo Etsuko: *dad comes back with the laws printed out that let him, and the opinions of like 5 cops we met*

Izumo Etsuko: Border patrol: I’m sorry, theres no guns allowed in Canada

davepoobond: interesting….

Izumo Etsuko: yeah

Izumo Etsuko: the Canadian border patrol is made up of illiterate high school drop outs that they trust with guns

Izumo Etsuko: the country is a place of morons

Izumo Etsuko: I mean…

Izumo Etsuko: for christ’s sake man, they sell milk in bags

davepoobond: they did that at elementary school

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

davepoobond: they got rid of the cartons

Izumo Etsuko: see

davepoobond: and made us get stupid milk pouches

Izumo Etsuko: they’re even infecting our country

davepoobond: and we had to poke it with our damn straws

davepoobond: and half the time it didn’t go through right so it just popped

Izumo Etsuko: you should have made the teachers try and drink out of one

Izumo Etsuko: dude…

Izumo Etsuko: x.x

Izumo Etsuko: I hate my lack of disposable glove thingies…

Izumo Etsuko: I wanna go trash some computer stores around here

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: ok…Izumo Etsuko: but I don’t feel like digging through a dumpster with my bare hands

Izumo Etsuko: dude

Izumo Etsuko: you should try it

Izumo Etsuko: you’d be suprised what they throw out that still works

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: a buddy of mine found a working cable modem, a laptop battery, and a laptop harddrive

Izumo Etsuko: all still working

davepoobond: heh

Izumo Etsuko: PLUS

Izumo Etsuko: businesses…

davepoobond: i dont know where they throw their shit away though

Izumo Etsuko: oh GOD, they throw out lots of shit

Izumo Etsuko: dumpsters behind the stores

Izumo Etsuko: but businesses are so fucking stupid…

Izumo Etsuko: they throw out shit loads of information, passwords, server/network usernames

Izumo Etsuko: and half of it isn’t even cut up

Izumo Etsuko: let alone shredded

Izumo Etsuko: balh

Izumo Etsuko: brb

Izumo Etsuko is away at 12:21 PM

Izumo Etsuko: back

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: oh yeah

davepoobond: ?

Izumo Etsuko: sorry dude

Izumo Etsuko: e.e

davepoobond: its ok

Izumo Etsuko: Anti-Trust was on TV

davepoobond: right..

davepoobond: one of the stupid movies ever

Izumo Etsuko: yes

Izumo Etsuko: but it has 2 hot chicks

Izumo Etsuko: 😀

davepoobond: that’s the main problem

Izumo Etsuko: …

Izumo Etsuko: BLASPHEMER!!

Izumo Etsuko: BLASPHEMER!!!!!

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: not because of that

davepoobond: its because hot chicks are never hackers

davepoobond: you never find those

davepoobond: its unrealistic

Izumo Etsuko: HEATHEN!

Izumo Etsuko: …

Izumo Etsuko: thats not true

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: I know some hot chicks that hack

davepoobond: ok buddy

davepoobond: you live in your fantasy world

davepoobond: i live in mine

Izumo Etsuko: no

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

Izumo Etsuko: dude

Izumo Etsuko: hot geek chicks are a reality

Izumo Etsuko: open your eyes

davepoobond: my god, now i see the faults in my statements

Izumo Etsuko: what?

davepoobond: never mind

#10951: Soup Nazi -> davepoobond

Soup Nazi: yeah

davepoobond: my mom just yelled at me at how i play games for 5 or 6 hours a day

Soup Nazi: lol

davepoobond: and that my “game playing” should have stopped in 9th grade

Soup Nazi: BWAAHAA

davepoobond: and she says no senior doing well is playing games 5 or 6 hours a day

davepoobond: “they’re taking their life seriously”

Soup Nazi: She doesn’t see to know that 20-30 years old is the demographic for games

Soup Nazi: and I play ALL day

Soup Nazi: so tell her that

Soup Nazi: lol

davepoobond: she also said “do you think you’re gonna still be playing nintendo and your web site during college? if you have more interest in THAT, then you should major in THAT”

davepoobond: she’s making like no sense

davepoobond: and its all bullshit

davepoobond: she gets pissed off for no reason

davepoobond: i’m working on my college essay, and she talks to me about why i’m getting a high C in english

Soup Nazi: “JIM is a new student at NintendoTech”

davepoobond: cause i got a 63% on one s-a

Soup Nazi: “Majoring in Nentendology

davepoobond: which is 50 percent of english grades

Soup Nazi: and Gaming”

davepoobond: but she doesn’t say anything about my 90+% in tests/quizzes, vocab

Soup Nazi: heh

davepoobond: she ALWAYS focuses on the bad and passes by the good stuff

davepoobond: unless its all good

davepoobond: she always focuses on the bad things

Soup Nazi: heh

davepoobond: and she says she never sees me pouring over books

davepoobond: and how i’m not spending hours upon hours reading college books

davepoobond: that she got

davepoobond: she says she spent more time getting them then i did actually reading them

davepoobond: she also said if she were getting those she’d be pourrringgg herself over those books

Soup Nazi: hehe

davepoobond: and she’s also saying how she never sees me study

Soup Nazi: well tell her to pour over her damn dishes

davepoobond: and thinks that by some chance she’d actually see me studying cause in the last 4 years she’s never seen me actually studying or whatever

davepoobond: its cause my fucking door is closed

davepoobond: and whenever she DOES see me, she forgets that it even happens probably

davepoobond: she walks in at 2 times generally

davepoobond: right when she gets home, and at 9:99

davepoobond: 9:00

davepoobond: i’m usually done with my fucking homework by the time she comes home anyway

Soup Nazi: lol

davepoobond: and then she yells at me for playing “nintendo” all the time

davepoobond: which i actually DONT

Soup Nazi: lol

davepoobond: because all i do is watch fucking cnn

davepoobond: or playing my bass

davepoobond: its total bullshit in this house

davepoobond: i can’t wait till i move out

davepoobond: and don’t even get me started on the damn dishes

davepoobond: my step-dad gets PISSED OFF if he sees even one spoon laying out on the counter for 5 minutes

davepoobond: he’s got a fetish for a clean kitchen

Soup Nazi: lol

Soup Nazi: yeah I know

davepoobond: he gets pissed off because the fucking pantry door is cracked open

Soup Nazi: lol

davepoobond: he gets pissed off because i dont put the bread lock thing on the damn plastic bag of bread

davepoobond: he gets mad at a few grains of rice


davepoobond: and would rather leave it there to yell at me about than clean it up himself

davepoobond: and we don’t use the dishwasher

davepoobond: as soon as we use a dish we have to clean it

davepoobond: have i told you this before?

davepoobond: i think i have

Soup Nazi: yeah

davepoobond: i complain about my family almost as much as i take a dump

Soup Nazi: all of it

Soup Nazi: bwhaaha

davepoobond: i could be so much worse than what i am now. i dont do SHIT. i dont get in trouble, i haven’t gotten a traffic ticket, i haven’t gotten in an accident

davepoobond: i dont do drugs, i dont rape and pillage towns

davepoobond: i dont terrorize sea monkeys

Soup Nazi: PILLAGE!

Soup Nazi: sea monkies SUCK

Soup Nazi: FUCK THEM

davepoobond: they get mad at me for getting a fucking c+ wtf is that

Soup Nazi: BRINE SHRiMP!

davepoobond: i never had any

Soup Nazi: Brine shrimp pimp!

Soup Nazi: I dunno

davepoobond: and its 4 weeks into the damn school year, too

davepoobond: galkwjdsroiweuoiuzxcv

Soup Nazi: well um…

Soup Nazi: sing them the fag song

Soup Nazi: “Fag!” *wink* *click of mouth*

davepoobond: yeah and then they’ll say “disown”

Soup Nazi: bah

Soup Nazi: you can probebly make it

Soup Nazi: playing bass on the streets

Soup Nazi: giving hand jobs for cash

davepoobond: “this is my favorite…pretty fly for a white guy”

End of IMs7

#10950: davepoobond -> MadManWithAnAxe

davepoobond: rawr

MadManWithAnAxe: meow

davepoobond: sometimes when i type, a space magically appears at the end of what i type

MadManWithAnAxe: You should investigate

MadManWithAnAxe: ask around

davepoobond: i’ve got other conspiracies i’m working on. like how i’m going to bullshit so much on my personal essays because i’ve done nothing with my life

davepoobond: and wondering why that actually came about

davepoobond: and the reason is — piracy

davepoobond: since piracy seems to be the root of all problems in the world lately

davepoobond: why can’t i blame it too

davepoobond: har har har har i’m going craaazzzyyy and its because i download mp3 files!

davepoobond: i support communism!

davepoobond: stalin is my hero. if stalin were alive today, he’d support filesharing too


MadManWithAnAxe: And F*** censorship too

MadManWithAnAxe: and fuck political correctness, it’s retarded

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: especially political correctness

davepoobond: i hate that bullshit

davepoobond: how they always have some person in a wheel chair

davepoobond: or something insignificant, like a leg brace

#10949: davepoobond -> FroggyStyle

This was a response to FroggyStyle’s article in the school newspaper entitled “Democrats vs. Republicans.”  This was back when I really cared about politics and was a news junkie, so I actually had an opinion on political stuff.

davepoobond: i’ve got a couple of things to say about your article

FroggyStyle: haha ok.

davepoobond: but first i gotta take my sister somewhere

FroggyStyle: k

FroggyStyle signed off at 7:04 PM

FroggyStyle signed on at 7:04 PM

FroggyStyle: im guessing ur a democrat.

Auto response from davepoobond: I am away from my computer right now.

davepoobond: i’m not necessarily a democrat

davepoobond: between the 2 main parties, the democrats seem to be the ones that do the most for the general public

davepoobond: the republicans believe in big business

davepoobond: and the “trickle down” theory

davepoobond: which is utter bullshit

FroggyStyle: yyyyyyyupup

FroggyStyle: haha

davepoobond: corporate companies just take large gov. handouts

davepoobond: and keep it for themselves

davepoobond: republicans seem to make some of the stupidest decisions you can. throughout history, republicans have always screwed with everything

davepoobond: i’m not saying that democrats do too, but not as often

davepoobond: that’s because they’re all politicians, and there’s just going to be that basic % that they’re gonna mess things up

davepoobond: but whether its a higher percentage or not is going to say what party you’re in pretty much

FroggyStyle: thats why i wrote it under opinion section 😉

davepoobond: yeah, you’re entitled to your opinion, but in my opinion, its wrong

FroggyStyle: LOL

FroggyStyle: 😀

FroggyStyle: iite well nice 2 hear the other side of the coin, l8r dude 😀

FroggyStyle: nice talkin

davepoobond: jej pl bu

davepoobond: heh ok bye

#10948: davepoobond -> manceman

davepoobond: YESS i now have that annoying song from Pay It Forward they used a million times

manceman: haha

manceman: i never saw it

davepoobond: you should just to listen to this song

davepoobond: this massively annoying song

davepoobond: its all instrumental

manceman: haha then y did you get it?

davepoobond: cause…

davepoobond: shut up

manceman: haha

#10947: Blind Bubba -> davepoobond

Blind Bubba: .

Blind Bubba: ,

Blind Bubba: .

Blind Bubba: ,

Blind Bubba: .

davepoobond: ,

Blind Bubba: if you wore an ecko sweater and baggy pants and you shaved your head

Blind Bubba: you would look like a wangsta

davepoobond: i’m armo though..

Blind Bubba: a WANGSTA

davepoobond: i’m not white

Blind Bubba: yea but there isnt a term for an armo wannabe

davepoobond: i kinda am but not pure white

davepoobond: yeah, that’s cause armos rule

Blind Bubba: oh

Blind Bubba: haha

#10945: davepoobond -> Zanyjace

davepoobond: want the download link for beverly hills cop

Zanyjace: sure

Zanyjace: the music?


Zanyjace: or the movie?

davepoobond: song

Zanyjace: cooool

davepoobond: y’know who this is right

Zanyjace: yeah

Zanyjace: dave

davepoobond: huzzh

davepoobond: huzzah

davepoobond: i took your name off my buddy list for whatever reason 2 years ago

Zanyjace: haha

davepoobond: then i remembered it outta nowhere

Zanyjace: haha

Zanyjace: nice

davepoobond: yeah its weird

Zanyjace: tis

davepoobond: its like 8 megs, so i’ve been downloading it for like an hour

Zanyjace: whoa

davepoobond: cause its wave

Zanyjace: i don’t know what that means

Zanyjace: haha

Zanyjace: but it’s all good g

davepoobond: .wav is a format….

davepoobond: basically its like a fat guy

davepoobond: and the mp3 is like a skinny guy

Zanyjace: ah

Zanyjace: i get it

Zanyjace: good analogy

davepoobond: the fat guy takes longer to eat

Zanyjace: hahahaha

davepoobond: and the skinny guy takes less…time to eat

davepoobond: i dont know where i get my analogies from

davepoobond: i can get some really messed up ones cooked up if you give me 10 seconds

Zanyjace: but they kick ass!

Zanyjace: hahaha

Zanyjace: cool

davepoobond: yeah i think that’s my shtick

davepoobond: the analogy guy

Zanyjace: not bad shtick though

davepoobond: “your mom is like an anteater, but she eats her own ass”

Zanyjace: hahaha

davepoobond: yessss i finished downloading it

davepoobond: the most 80s song is mineee

Zanyjace: hurray

davepoobond: did you know there aren’t any recently slaughtered cows on sale at ebay

Zanyjace: that sucks

davepoobond: yeah

Zanyjace: brb

davepoobond: i wonder what the shipping and handling on that baby would be

Zanyjace: a billion dollars

davepoobond: i seem to remember not talking to you since i was still using napster

davepoobond: that’s a long time

davepoobond: or maybe that was when i was annoying dorian

Zanyjace: haha, yeah i havn’t tlked to u in a while

davepoobond: so do you have aol 9

davepoobond: its optimizeddd

Zanyjace: nope

davepoobond: its actually pretty good

davepoobond: “best aol ever” – me

Zanyjace: coo

Zanyjace: hahaha

davepoobond: and about 1 million other aol commercials

Zanyjace: word

davepoobond: i haven’t really seen any commercials for 9.0 though

davepoobond: i guess they got tired of the “the best just got better” thing

davepoobond: “the best just got better AGAIN”

Zanyjace: again

davepoobond: and again and again…

Zanyjace: again

davepoobond: wow its 10…

davepoobond: and i’m on the computer…

davepoobond: i feel adventurous

Zanyjace: what does that mean

davepoobond: i dont know…i’m not usually on past 9:30

Zanyjace: ah

davepoobond: cause my mom bitches at me to get off

Zanyjace: i see

davepoobond: myeh. i’m waiting for my stupid sister to come back home

davepoobond: so i’m really bored.

Zanyjace: where is she

davepoobond: i dont usually talk this much. just with you. this must be really annoying huh

davepoobond: she’s doing some stupid girl shit with her stupid friend

Zanyjace: naw g

Zanyjace: how old is she

davepoobond: 14

Zanyjace: ah

davepoobond: and 6 days

Zanyjace: muahahaha

davepoobond: her stupid friend’s boyfriend asked my stupid sister’s stupid friend to homecoming

davepoobond: so they’re gonna go throw something on his lawn

davepoobond: i hope its a rotting corpse or something

Zanyjace: oh

Zanyjace: hahaha

Zanyjace: me too

davepoobond: to say that she accepts him to go to homecoming

Zanyjace: right

davepoobond: cause the guy did something or whatever to her friend

davepoobond: and she was supposed to be back at 9:30

davepoobond: wtf is this

Zanyjace: maybe she fell over

davepoobond: speak o the devil

davepoobond: she came home

Zanyjace: hurray!

davepoobond: i downloaded this weird song called money money money

davepoobond: its only 30 seconds of it though

Zanyjace: who does it

davepoobond: i dont know

davepoobond: some band from the 70s i guess

davepoobond: i heard it before

davepoobond: the intro is cool

Zanyjace: its not oink floyd’s ‘money” is it?

davepoobond: i dont know

davepoobond: the theme song for somethin

Zanyjace: does it have the noise of cahs registers in the beginning

davepoobond: the theme song for hawaii 5-0 too

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: i’m gettin the hawaii 5-0 song now

Zanyjace: ah

davepoobond: i think that was a tv show

davepoobond: about police

Zanyjace: cool

Zanyjace: twas

Zanyjace: in hawaii

davepoobond: money money money moneaaaayyy

davepoobond: what a horrible song

Zanyjace: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaeeeeeenom

davepoobond: but nothings worse than “that smell”

Zanyjace: hahaha

Zanyjace: ooo that smell

Zanyjace: can’t u smell that smell

davepoobond: its like he wrote it after he farted

davepoobond: while on the couch

Zanyjace: i think so

davepoobond: watching football

davepoobond: this is an awesome song!

davepoobond: hawaii 5-00000

Zanyjace: 5-ooooo

davepoobond: its like beach music meets my ass

Zanyjace: whoa

davepoobond: anyway, my friend, i’m gonna crash

davepoobond: bye

Zanyjace: nighty night

Zanyjace: bye

davepoobond: no one uses “crash” anymore

Zanyjace: i will try more

davepoobond: good

Zanyjace: ok

davepoobond: we’ll bring it back

Zanyjace: it’s done