Q: How do sharks improve their TV reception?
A: With a satellite fish.
Q: How do sharks improve their TV reception?
A: With a satellite fish.
He’s so brainwashed by TV his parents bought him a VCR with On-Screen Deprogramming.
Q: What do you call a TV junkie whose house gets hit by a tornado?
A: A mashed couch potato.
Q: What show features cabbage-head lawyers on the West Coast?
A: “L.A. Slaw.”
Q: What do you call a talk show hosted by a vegetable?
A: Okra Winfrey.
Kids in my school are really lazy. They’re so lazy their idea of exercise is watching TV without a remote.
I Love Juicy
Mag-yum yum P.I.
Entertain-mint Tonight
Starchy and Hutch
M*A*S*H Potatoes
That’s Inedible!
Pork and Mindy
The Fats of Life
7 A.M.: Good Moan-ing America! on A-Boo-C
8 A.M.: Ghoul-igans Island
9 A.M.: Father Knows Beast
10 A.M.: Name That Tomb
11 A.M.: Squeal of Fortune
12 P.M.: Noose at Noon
1 P.M.: The Newly-dead Game
2 P.M.: The Broody Bunch
3 P.M.: Bury Manilow Spe-chill
6 P.M.: Entertainment Tomb-night
7 P.M.: Groaning Pains
8 P.M.: Dead of the Class
9 P.M.: Boonanza
10 P.M.: St. Else-scare
12 A.M.: Late Night with David Lettermoan
Q: Which pet is seen most often on TV?
A: Rabbit (ears)!
Q: Who’s your favorite TV star?
A: Dinah Saur!
Q: What is Dogland’s favorite TV show?
A: The (Merv) Griffon Show!
::responding to Dr. OldNBald saying, “Algebra is fun”::
“yeah, I’d much rather do math problems than watch TV”
– davepoobond