thipaunppuamcmbkcfesfmmdmolr – n. a purple colored bear wearing white khaki shorts that just shat himself
Tag Archives: shorts
Joke #21186
I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day, but I couldn’t find any.
Joke #21183
A guy walks into the psychiatrist wearing only Glad Wrap shorts.
The shrink says, “Well, I can clearly see you’re nuts.”
Last people in the car with?

Quote #17007
“$20 in shorts”
– davepoobond
Quote #16714
“Nice trousers there, lady”
– Mrs. Stickums
Quote #14053
“are you wearing your own shorts?”
– Mrs. Dolt
Joke #12644
SON: “When you were in school, Dad, did you participate in any sports?”
FATHER: “Track was my best sport. I’ll never forget the day I ran the hundred-yard dash in only seven seconds. And if I ever catch the guy who put those bees in my shorts, I’ll kill him!”
pro wrestler
pro wrestler – n. a method actor in trunks
Joke #11931
MURDERER: “What are my chances of going to heaven?”
MINISTER: “Let me put it this way. if I were you, I’d wear Bermuda shorts to my funeral.”
Joke #7866
Q: What kind of shorts do clouds wear?
A: Thunderwear.
slome – n. shorts made into a shirt.
Ex. She’s wearing a slome.
sleme – n. pants made into a shirt.
Ex. She’s wearing a sleme.
slame – n. a shirt made into shorts.
Ex. She’s wearing a slame.
cheese cutters
cheese cutters – n. really tight stubby shorts that someone like Warwick Capper would wear.
Ex. Those cheese cutters are so tight on me that I’m losing circulation to my groin.