Tag Archives: school

Mr. P-yooson

Mr. P-yooson is a math teacher where davepoobond went to high school.

Mr. P-yooson is a big basketball fan of the Lakers, and never wears deodorant.  You can always smell him as he grinds his teeth and walks past you.  He may not acknowledge your existence as he walks past you, but its hard to not acknowledge his when he triggers more than just your sense of sight.

Mr. P-yooson’s nickname to some is “The Human Knife” and could very well pass off as a Bill Gates look-a-like.

Joke #13263

Billy Smith went back to his old neighborhood for a visit.  He saw his old buddy, Tommy Jones, coming out of school.  “How are you Tommy?” Billy asked.

“Not well at all,” Tommy answered.  “I just had pneumonia, rheumatism, tonsillitis, and appendicitis.”

Billy was shocked.  “That sounds like it could be fatal.”

Tommy nodded.  “Yeah, if I failed that spelling test, my father will kill me.”