ceso – n. a goldfish riding on a bus that is lying still
Tag Archives: goldfish
Joke #18642
Diane buys a hundred goldfish. There are so many of them that she decides to keep them in her bathtub.
One day she invites her friend over to see all her beautiful goldfish. Lauren is impressed, and remarks, “They surely are beautiful, but what do you do when you want to take a bath?”
Diane replies, “Simple. I just blindfold them.”
Quote #17611
“I call my dog ‘Oscar,’ my cat ‘Emmy,’ my hamster ‘Grammy,’ and my goldfish ‘Clio’ because they’re each a prize!”
– From this stupid pet joke book.
Joke #17544
Q: What highly valued pet can you find at a dime store?
A: A goldfish!
Dogs and cats are our most popular…

A-cur-demy Award-winning Mew-vie Stars
Kat-herine Hepburn
Jane Hounda
Collie Stevens
Mickey Meowse
Fang Sinatra
Bitey Davis
Angora Dickinson
Alfred Hitch-cocker Spaniel
Goldiefish Hawn
Rabbit Redford
Mary Tyler Moo-er
Johnny Curson
Joke #11410
Sister: Why haven’t you changed the water in the goldfish bowl?
Brother: They haven’t finished what’s in there yet!
Joke #9300: Funeral for a Friend
Little Tim was in the garden filling a hole when his neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was up to, he politely asked, “What are you up to there, Tim?”
“My goldfish died,” replied Tim tearfully, without looking up, “and I’ve just buried him.”
The neighbor said, “That’s an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn’t it Tim?”
Tim patted down the last heap of earth, and then replied, “That’s because he’s still inside your stupid cat.”
kufkar – v. to boil a goldfish in its bowl