Jessica: “You want it?”
Mark: “Yeah I do.”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
Jessica: “You want it?”
Mark: “Yeah I do.”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Mrs. Price Check: “A zarzuela is like a mixture between an opera and a regular play…its half-spoken and half-sang.”
doman: “Like a musical.”
Mrs. Price Check: “No no no you don’t understand…its like…a regular play that has songs in it.”
doman: “Like a musical…”
Mrs. Price Check: “No.”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Josh: “when is this class over?”
davepoobond: “neverrrr!”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Guy 1: “you pussy! raise your hand!”
::Guy 1 throws a pen at Guy 2::
Guy 1: “you pussy! raise your hand!”
::Guy 2 picks up pen::
Guy 2: “my pen”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Rachel: “Does someone have a quarter? I wanna get something from the vending machine”
davepoobond: “If it’ll get me a BJ, yeah”
– from davepoobond’s high school. I think I just imagined myself saying it rather than actually saying it.
Person 1: “Those aren’t Vikings!”
Person 2: “It’s Team Rocket!”
– from Pokemon the Movie
Dumb guy (in a dumb voice): “she’s so cute”
::davepoobond burps::
– from davepoobond’s high school
davepoobond: “hey, Roubie Boobie, what’s 1 + 1?”
Return of the Dragon: “….2”
davepoobond: “no, its shut the hell up!”
::Return of the Dragon punches davepoobond::
davepoobond: “ow…”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Guy 1: “What’s going on!?”
Guy 2: “The moons breaking up!”
– from The Time Machine
Sr. Sandia: “hola!, Sr. Queso. Como estas?” (Hello, Mr. Cheese. How are you?)
Sr. Queso: “Estoy muy contento” (I am very happy.)
Sr. Sandia: “Porque?” (Why?)
Sr. Queso: “Yo juge contra Sr. Ganado en un partido de tenis en mi jardin y yo soy el campeon atleta!” (I played against Mr. Win in a tennis match in my garden, and I am the champion athlete!)
Sr. Sandia: “caramba! Tenis en tu jardin?” (Caramba! Tennis in your garden?)
Sr. Queso: “si, si. Mi jardin es muy bueno para tenis” (Yes, yes. My garden is very good for tennis.)
Sr. Sandia: “Que pasa?” (What happened?)
Sr. Queso: “Yo navege mi raqueta en la oreja de Sr. Ganado!” (I navigated my racket into Mr. Win’s ear.)
Sr. Sandia: “En el oreja de Sr. Ganado?” (In Mr. Win’s ear?)
Sr. Queso: “Si, me gustaria hacerlo otra vez” (Yes, I’d love to do it again.)
Sr. Sandia: “usaste champu?” (Did you use shampoo?)
Sr. Queso: “si, bebe champu ahora mismo!” (Yes, baby shampoo, the same thing.)
Sr. Sandia: “uf!”
Sr. Queso: “uf!”
Sr. Sandia: “uf!”
Sr. Queso: “muuu!”
Sr. Sandia: “que barbaridad! Quieros atener una carrera?” (How barbaric! I want to go for a run?)
Sr. Queso: “Si!” (Yes!)
– davepoobond turned this in for an assignment.
Hawdrerw: “|Hola! Neceita catase?”
Custour: “Si, Quiero un moda nueva”
Hawdrerw: “Si, Quiere su pelo corto?”
Custour: “Si, no me gusta pelo largo”
HD: “Yo, Cumprendo”
C.: “Su da prlla, pur favur”
HD: “Pur que?”
C: “Purque neceito irse pronto”
DD: “Pur que?”
C: “Voy a sur cm retraso pum my fneita”
– written on a piece of paper by Chris the Priss.
Juan: “Hi, Mrs. Garcia!”
Mrs. Garcia: “Hi, Juan!”
Juan: “I like your banana.”
Mrs. Garcia: “yes, it is very long, no?”
Juan: “yes”
Mrs. Garcia: “the size of my banana is 12”
Juan: “what is the price?”
Mrs. Garcia: “the jacket is 999 pesos”
Juan: “good”
Mrs. Garcia: “yes”
Juan: “yes, bye”
– by davepoobond and BlindBubba. Written in Spanish for an assignment, and then translated into English by davepoobond.
Jasper: “why are you so horny?”
Theresa: “so, what?”
Jasper: “you heard”
Theresa: “what?”
Jasper: “horn-ay!”
Theresa: “what?”
Jasper: “horny, horny!”
Theresa: “Oh…I’m not!”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Mrs. Price Check: “Benjamin, are you here?”
Ben: “yes…”
Mrs. Price Check: “Then look at me”
– from davepoobond’s high school
Person 1: “you think there is a word exidence?”
Person 2: “actually there is a word called exidence”
– from davepoobond’s high school