Submitted through the Jingle Bells Song submission form.
This form was submitted: May 26 2008 / 10:38:05
name = SpoonLover
jinglesong = I m in love with a spoon!
Random junk that doesn’t go anywhere else.
Submitted through the Jingle Bells Song submission form.
This form was submitted: May 26 2008 / 10:38:05
name = SpoonLover
jinglesong = I m in love with a spoon!
Submitted through the Anti-Barney the Dinosaur song submission form.
This form was submitted: May 26 2008 / 10:35:10
userid = davepoobond
name = butthole
song = You Suck,
Guess who I’m talking about,
Submitted through the Quicky Joke submission form.
This form was submitted: May 20 2008 / 19:42:55
name = bitch plz
qjoke = What do boys do after having sex?????????????????????they nut every got damn where and they nut in yo got damn mouth
Submitted through the Blonde Joke submission form.
This form was submitted: May 02 2008 / 19:00:00
name = samj
email =
use_email = no
bjoke = Q:two blonds and one bisexual were playing smack the dirty ho.A: All three are the dirty ho
Submitted through the Anti-Barney the Dinosaur Song submission form.
This form was submitted: Apr 19 2008 / 04:18:46
name = barney dieses
email = emmadave
use_email = yes
song = banenry you suck dick you will diey cuse will put a bulit in you likes zoey101 and icarly jack and josh the naked bothers band sponge bod ned dei class of id shcool scvier gide.hto dance on sunset do you wath nick this are all the shows zoey101 is my favotie,
Submitted through the Fan Mail submission form. Maybe ironically?
This form was submitted: Mar 21 2007 / 21:33:57
name = SKREW YOU
Submittred through the Anti-Barney the Dinosaur Song submission form.
This form was submitted: Dec 21 2007 / 04:39:39
name = Evil Duck
email =
use_email = yes
song = I love Chemistry.
I love Barney, you love me,
Lets go swimming in the sea
With a huge snorkel and diving things
And lets go blast the starfish rings.
HAHAHAHAHA beat that,
Submitted through the Jingle Bells Song submission form.
This form was submitted: Dec 11 2007 / 17:17:51
name = alalalalal
email =
use_email = no
jinglesong = fuck u all fuck u all stupid fo writing stupid songs
Submitted through the Jingle Bells Song submission form.
This form was submitted: Dec 09 2007 / 06:55:07
name =
email =
use_email = yes
jinglesong = you guys suck
Submitted through the Anti-Barney the Dinosaur Song submission form.
This form was submitted: Apr 09 2008 / 11:46:54
name = poo
song = FUCK
Submitted through the Anti-Barney the Dinosaur Song submission form.
This form was submitted: May 12 2008 / 16:53:57
name = John smith
song = That Barney’s dead. Let’s hang Barney from a tree! What does this have to do with Barney? So let’s kill the f***ing b**** that is Barney. Barney sucks. He’s bad, he sucks, and he’s a nuisance to adults everywhere. HE’S SO DUMB HE CAN’T BREATHE. Let’s hang Chemistry from a tree. And while we’re at it, let’s damage Barney’s reputation. He’s almost as bad as Chemistry. Let’s hang Barney from a tree. Let’s make Barney go on a killing spree. Barney sucks more, though. Barney had some cannibals.With a punch and a kick and a bite from here to there. Barney’s in a grave, that’s where! So no one can frickin drive in this frickin world Let’s hang them and also Barney and Chemistry. Let’s hang Barney from a tree. Let’s all plot to kill Barney. No more purple dinosaur!
Barney is a asshole
Submitted through the Dictionary submission form.
This form was submitted: Feb 16 2007 / 00:19:31
word = shitmonger
undefined_word = (not defining an undefined word)
word_form = noun
definition = …..dont really no what it means is just funny to say
example = you fucking shitmonger
Submitted through the Anti-Barney Song submission form.
This form was submitted: Feb 12 2007 / 17:24:26
name = nazis barney
email =
use_email = no
song = i shot you, you shot me, we’re all frigging nazis
From: Joel D.
Date: 01/05/07
Subject: Ur website!!!
Hey mate i dont no wat the fuck is with ur jokes but their shit. their not even racist ya dumb shit. ur a messed up mother fucker to be cracking jokes about babies like the ones on your site. and just for the record ur a faggot for even thinking to put that shit up.
These can also double as “your mom is so fat” or “your momma is so fat” etc…
You’re so fat…
…when I tried to swerve out of the way, I ran out of gas.
…your belly button gets home 15 minutes before you do.
…when you jumped into the ocean the whales started singing “We are Family.”
…when you did the Nae Nae you hit the sun then people thought it was the end.
…you could sell shade.
…Goodyear wanted to fly you over the Super Bowl.
…when you fell in love you broke it.
…when you have to haul ass you have to take two trips.
…when you were diagnosed with a flesh-eating disease, the doctor gave you 10 years to live.
…you can’t fit in this joke.
…the only letters of the alphabet you know are KFC.
…when you sit around the house you sit AROUND the house.
…the post office gave you your own zip code.
…when you sit around the house, you sit AROUND the house.
…when you sat on an iPhone it turned into an iPad