Q: Why did the prisoner want the measles?
A: So he could break out.
One liner jokes.
Q: Why did the prisoner want the measles?
A: So he could break out.
Q: Why did the store close at 2:00?
A: Because it was Twosday.
Q: What do you call it when a frog takes a shower?
A: Spring cleaning!
Q: Who said “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
A: Someone who’s never been hit by a dictionary.
Q: What is a polygon?
A: A dead parrot.
Q: What did the baby light bulb say to its mother?
A: I wuv you watts and watts.
Q: Do seals wear shoes?
A: No, they wear flippers!
Q: What is always behind the time?
A: The back of the clock.
Q: What is the best way to raise a child?
A: In an elevator.
Q: What kind of teeth can you buy with a dollar?
A: Buck teeth.
Q: Where can you go to weigh a pie?
A: Somewhere over the rainbow way up high (weigh a pie)
Q: What do you call a person who runs on the road everyday?
A: A road runner
Q: Why did the pretzels dance?
A: Just to do the twist.
Q: Why did the rabbit cross the road?
A: Because the chicken retired and moved to Florida.
Q: What can you say to a dentist while he’s drilling a tooth?
A: If you strike oil, we’ll split the money.