Q: What sounds better the more you beat it?
A: My wife, cause she shuts the fuck up.
One liner jokes.
Q: What sounds better the more you beat it?
A: My wife, cause she shuts the fuck up.
Q: What sounds better the more you beat it?
A: A drum.
Q: How is a locksmith like a typewriter?
A: They both have a lot of keys.
Q: What did the guy say when he walked into the bar?
A: “Ouch.”
Q: What has one hundred freckles?
A: A strawberry.
Q: What do you call Robin Hood’s mother?
A: Mother Hood.
Q: Why was the cat such a sourpuss?
A: Because he ate too many lemons.
Q: What is the hottest day of the week?
A: Fri-day.
Q: What is black and white and red?
A: A sunburned zebra.
Q: Why did the clock break?
A: It was his time.
Q: What has four legs and talks?
A: Two people.
Q: What gets wet while it dries?
A: A towel
Q: Why did the dalmation need glasses?
A: He was seeing spots.
Q: What is the difference between a fish and a piano?
A: You can’t tuna fish.
Q: Where did the sick ship go?
A: To see a dock.