Q: Why wouldn’t they let the stinkbug into the movie?
A: He had only one scent and it wasn’t enough.
The whole Joke archive. Tons of jokes!
Q: Why wouldn’t they let the stinkbug into the movie?
A: He had only one scent and it wasn’t enough.
Q: What do you call a happy cherry?
A: A merry cherry.
Q: Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York harbor?
A: Because she can’t sit down.
Q: What do you watch on TV in the morning?
A: A breakfast serial (cereal).
Q: How many pigs does it take to make a hamburger?
A: None – they are made out of cows.
Q: If your dog kisses you, what do you call it?
A: A pooch smooch.
Q: What is tan and has a truck?
A: A mouse going on vacation.
Q: What sounds better the more you beat it?
A: My wife, cause she shuts the fuck up.
Q: What sounds better the more you beat it?
A: A drum.
Q: How is a locksmith like a typewriter?
A: They both have a lot of keys.
Q: What did the guy say when he walked into the bar?
A: “Ouch.”
Q: What has one hundred freckles?
A: A strawberry.
Q: What do you call Robin Hood’s mother?
A: Mother Hood.
Q: Why was the cat such a sourpuss?
A: Because he ate too many lemons.
Q: What is the hottest day of the week?
A: Fri-day.