blowthetoad: the first one
blowthetoad: wrong window
davepoobond: heh
blowthetoad: i told you, i have 4, and ONE of thoise other thingys
blowthetoad: π wrong window
davepoobond: okkk
blowthetoad: oppp
These are the Stupid IMs. They’re stupid, duh. 1 to 1 messaging.
blowthetoad: the first one
blowthetoad: wrong window
davepoobond: heh
blowthetoad: i told you, i have 4, and ONE of thoise other thingys
blowthetoad: π wrong window
davepoobond: okkk
blowthetoad: oppp
Blind Bubba: ey
Blind Bubba: i got my own comp
Blind Bubba: im using it now biotch
Blind Bubba: BIOTCH
davepoobond: wow. yoo lucky bastard!
Blind Bubba: yea but i gotta crap now
davepoobond: heh
Blind Bubba: hgjy
davepoobond: Heathcliff!
davepoobond: Snoopy!
davepoobond: Air Bud
davepoobond: !
BALTAUR SAMA: Air Bud 2: Golden Retriever!
davepoobond: y’know, dont you think they’d change his name, since he wasn’t playing basketball anymore?
BALTAUR SAMA: Lets boycott Disney!
davepoobond: boo.
Bones Justice: who the hell is this
davepoobond: its me, your old pal
davepoobond: Jimminy Cricket
Bones Justice: what??
davepoobond: isnt this……Pinocchio?
Bones Justice: nope
Bones Justice: wrong person man
davepoobond: oh…….
Bones Justice: lol
Bones Justice: lmao
davepoobond: whats so funny, sir?
Bones Justice: nah u mistaken me for someone else
Bones Justice: lol
davepoobond: sorry, i’m a cricket. you may ask “since when do crickets have AOL?” but, now is the time sir.
Bones Justice: lol r u ok
Bones Justice: u smokin
Bones Justice: something
davepoobond: yeah, i’m sure i’m ok. i’m just trying to look for Pinocchio
davepoobond: i’m his guardian cricket, y’know?
Bones Justice: well good luck finding whoever
Bones Justice: lol
Bones Justice: how u know my s/n
davepoobond: i typed it into my buddy list
davepoobond: and you just happen to be on
Bones Justice: where did u c me at
davepoobond: my buddy list.
Bones Justice: no i mean was i in a chat room or something
Bones Justice: u was in the cafe one time right
davepoobond: um um um um um
davepoobond: sorry, my cricket brain can’t remember
davepoobond: i only have about 4 brain cells y’know?
davepoobond: i know how to do 4 things
davepoobond: jump
davepoobond: jump high
davepoobond: chirp
davepoobond: and…………….
davepoobond: rub my legs together
Bones Justice: lol well good luck finding the person
davepoobond: nice s n lol
Bugsbunny: what
davepoobond: nice s n lol
Bugsbunny: okay
davepoobond: Thank you for your responses. They have been anonymously logged in the AI (Artifical Intelligence) response database. You can send one more response to be recorded. These are questions from promotion of a Christian website. So, be nice in your response. π
Bugsbunny: okay
davepoobond: nice s n lol
Andmic: who are you?
davepoobond: nice s n lol
Andmic: ??????????
davepoobond: Thank you for your responses. They have been anonymously logged in the AI (Artifical Intelligence) response database. You can send one more response to be recorded. These are questions from promotion of a Christian website. So, be nice in your response. π
davepoobond: nice s n lol
BigBubbyPooh: yep
BigBubbyPooh: who may this be?
davepoobond: nice s n lol
BigBubbyPooh: i like your sn too
davepoobond: Thank you for your responses. They have been anonymously logged in the AI (Artifical Intelligence) response database. You can send one more response to be recorded. These are questions from promotion of a Christian website. So, be nice in your response. π
BigBubbyPooh: i worship satan help me jesus!
BigBubbyPooh: help me
BigBubbyPooh: i need help jesus
BigBubbyPooh: help me
BigBubbyPooh: satan is torturing my life
BigBubbyPooh: not!
davepoobond: i said one you bastard
BigBubbyPooh: satan lives forever
BigBubbyPooh: ahahahhahahhahahahahaahhahahahahah
BigBubbyPooh: your the bastard
BigBubbyPooh: jesus is a bastard
BigBubbyPooh: i am jewish
davepoobond: your MOMS JEWISH
davepoobond: ha!
BigBubbyPooh: yea i am too
davepoobond: exactly.
BigBubbyPooh: duh!
davepoobond: ooooOOOOH dissssssssss
BigBubbyPooh: you wanna fight you big nosed booger pickin pitch??
davepoobond: no
BigBubbyPooh: huh?
BigBubbyPooh: huh?
davepoobond: i’m just a christian fellow
BigBubbyPooh: thats what i thought
BigBubbyPooh: shooooe
davepoobond: ‘en oo en aye, would you be?
davepoobond: traveler aye?
BigBubbyPooh: yes
davepoobond: we aint got much travelers ’round here
BigBubbyPooh: were are you?
davepoobond: you should stay away from Bane, he’s a twisted man….and his kind
BigBubbyPooh: up jesuses ass?
BigBubbyPooh: who is bane?
davepoobond: lookin for your dildo? i’m sorry, but there isnt any guild like that any more, i closed it up 2 years ago this very mornin’ for some fine wine
davepoobond: nice to see the back of him! nice to see the back of him
BigBubbyPooh: i love didos
BigBubbyPooh: i collect them
BigBubbyPooh: i like the used ones best!
BigBubbyPooh: mmmm mmmm mmmmmm
davepoobond: get a job
davepoobond: ya prick!
BigBubbyPooh: i have a job
davepoobond: what is it
BigBubbyPooh: i teach horse back riding
BigBubbyPooh: at the ymca
BigBubbyPooh: you?
davepoobond: this is my job.
davepoobond: i’m a robot
davepoobond: the AI
BigBubbyPooh: talk to
BigBubbyPooh: smarter child
BigBubbyPooh: he is a robot
davepoobond: he’s my brother.
BigBubbyPooh: maybee you guys can have cyber sex
davepoobond: oh, we do lad…we do.
BigBubbyPooh: yea?
BigBubbyPooh: me and my brothers fuck all the time they dp me
BigBubbyPooh: it feelllss
BigBubbyPooh: good
BigBubbyPooh: gooder than satan whiping my ass
(i get warned anonymously to 33%)
davepoobond: are you warning me?
BigBubbyPooh: no
davepoobond: sure ya arent…
BigBubbyPooh: how do u warn people?
davepoobond: shut up
BigBubbyPooh: i just got aim today
BigBubbyPooh: im not shure how to use it
davepoobond: ya ya go on
I warn him to 35%.
davepoobond: ya like that?
davepoobond: huh huh huh?
BigBubbyPooh: i dont think that god would think thats very nice
davepoobond: me – 33, you – 35
davepoobond: HA
davepoobond: nice sn lol
andh: lol
davepoobond: nice sn lol
davepoobond: hello?
davepoobond: moo
BALTAUR SAMA: NO! The cow of death!
davepoobond: yes! it is I
davepoobond: ::chases after you::
BALTAUR SAMA: HAHAHA! Cows cannot match my speed!
davepoobond: ::jumps over the moon::
davepoobond: yes i can! i’m the cow of death
BALTAUR SAMA: ::Cannot see the moon::
davepoobond: ::lands on you:: ahahah
davepoobond: guess who
Lil Angel Gurl: uH..
Lil Angel Gurl: yOoH?
davepoobond: yes.
davepoobond: you got it.
Lil Angel Gurl: oK
GangSexJessica: FREE XXX ACTION!!
Gang Sex, College Cheerleaders, Spicy Hot Teens, WWF Nude Women, Girl Ranch, Baywatch’s Carmen and Pamela, Latina Heat, Ebony
davepoobond: moo.
sparklypinkfairy: hey
davepoobond: hi
sparklypinkfairy: sorry i cant read anything you’re writing
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: why not?
sparklypinkfairy: my ims not working
sparklypinkfairy: ttyl k
davepoobond: then how’d you answer my question?
sparklypinkfairy: all i see is a blank im box
davepoobond: sureee ya do
davepoobond: heh.
sparklypinkfairy: lets see
sparklypinkfairy: still not working
sparklypinkfairy: lemme try to restart
davepoobond: heh ok
Marha: Who are you?
Marha: King Kong?
davepoobond: dave
Marha: okay
Marha: I don’t know you.
Marha: So
Marha: Goodbye.
Marha: π
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: you do now
davepoobond: you know my name so you know me
Marha: That’s like…a phrase I’d hear in a horror movie.
Marha: *rasp* “YOU DO, NOW.”
davepoobond: heh
Marha: Do you go to TCHS?
davepoobond: no
Marha: I thought so.
Marha: San Marino?
davepoobond: no
Marha: Where?
Marha: No school at all?
davepoobond: a city
Marha: Hobo Institute of Higher Learning?
davepoobond: yes…..
davepoobond: thats where i go
davepoobond: its a nice place
davepoobond: it has a peeing section in the pool
Marha: whoa
Marha: that’s a little too classy for me
davepoobond: hell yeh. only top top toppers get to go there
Marha: I’m not sure I can handle the pressure.
davepoobond: guess what
davepoobond: they feed us chlorine infested food
davepoobond: they switched it around.
davepoobond: they were supposed to pee on the food, and put chlorine in the water
Marha: ohhhh
davepoobond: but after 3 years, they didnt think it would matter anymore
Marha: yeah
Marha: they’ll do that to you
Marha: so? my best friend is Moldy McCheese.
Marha: I bet you don’t get coo friends like that.
davepoobond: the person that made my pencil is famous
davepoobond: his name is “Sharpy Sharpy McSharp Sharp”
Marha: oh
Marha: well
hi my name is sarah, and i’m in college. My friend Megan and I are looking for a new special friend on the internet. to find out more about us, visit our website by clicking here NUDE pictures included =)
davepoobond: where can i sign up to be one of these guys that go around and IM people like me?
GreenLantern: hi
GreenLantern: sorry i got booted
davepoobond: ok
GreenLantern: so are u a Green Lantern?
davepoobond: sure,
GreenLantern: i dont see your ring
davepoobond: oops. i forgot it
davepoobond: let me put it on
GreenLantern: oh man………
GreenLantern: pleaz never take it off
GreenLantern: do u kno how to use your ring?
davepoobond: yep.
davepoobond: ::puts it on:: boo boo! ::shoots lasers out of it::
GreenLantern: would u like to join my friends Green Lantern rpg?
GreenLantern: ::shields::
yeah thats nice
davepoobond: sure
GreenLantern: ok
GreenLantern: whats you name?
GreenLantern: your*
davepoobond: Dave
GreenLantern: ok
GreenLantern: ok do u kno what to do when i do this?
GreenLantern: ::makes a pak of dogs::
GreenLantern: ::they all attack him::
davepoobond: ::makes a pack of mountain lions::
davepoobond: ::they all attack them::
GreenLantern: ::they dissolve::
GreenLantern: good
davepoobond: yay
GreenLantern: ::creates a giant tiger::
GreenLantern: ::it attacks::
davepoobond: ::creats a nerd in glasses::
GreenLantern: ::creates a game show host::
GreenLantern: thats incorrect
davepoobond: AHH!!!!
davepoobond: ::kills the game show host with a giant fist that comes out of the ring::
GreenLantern: ill be watching u
GreenLantern: ::flies away::
davepoobond: why?
GreenLantern: ::a big boxing glove hammers him into the ground::
GreenLantern: ::laughs::
davepoobond: oh nooooooo
davepoobond: ::farts and blows up::