Category Archives: Stupid IMs

These are the Stupid IMs. They’re stupid, duh. 1 to 1 messaging.

#7638: Bklynzballer -> MyLeftTesticle

This entry is part 10 of 26 in the series Bklynzballer

This took place on July 8, 2001.

Bklynzballer: hey fag

MyLeftTesticle: Huh?

Bklynzballer: ready to die?

Bklynzballer: huh?

MyLeftTesticle: Why?

Bklynzballer: well?

MyLeftTesticle: Why am I going to die?

Bklynzballer: ure getting jumped

MyLeftTesticle: Why?

Bklynzballer: because u made me mad yesterday

MyLeftTesticle: What did I do?

Bklynzballer: this is ben right?

MyLeftTesticle: Yes.

Bklynzballer: u kno who this is?

MyLeftTesticle: Who?

Bklynzballer: mike from school

MyLeftTesticle: Um, I don’t think I know you.

#7637: Bklynzballer -> davepoobond

This entry is part 9 of 26 in the series Bklynzballer

This took place on July 8, 2001.

Bklynzballer: jason..u bens friend?

davepoobond: he’s a customer

davepoobond: i sell bongs to whoever wants them

Bklynzballer: and a fag

davepoobond: why do you think so?

Bklynzballer: dude….your my best friend

Bklynzballer: seriously…

davepoobond: seriously what?

Bklynzballer: ure my best friend

davepoobond: ok

Bklynzballer: am i ure best friend

davepoobond: i have lots of best friends

davepoobond: i guess you are too

Bklynzballer: one of them

Bklynzballer: comeober

davepoobond: cant

Bklynzballer: dude…im makin buissness wit u

Bklynzballer: i need 2 bongs

davepoobond: i havent got anything to sell. i told you already

#7636: Bklynzballer -> MyLeftTesticle

This entry is part 8 of 26 in the series Bklynzballer

This took place on July 8, 2001.

Bklynzballer: ben im gunna jump u

Bklynzballer: me and jay

MyLeftTesticle: Oh really?

Bklynzballer: ya

Bklynzballer: u got, lucky i didnt have my pliers

MyLeftTesticle: Sure. Well, I’m going to have to get my gang, the Neo West Side, to kick your ass if you do jump me.

Bklynzballer: sure sure

MyLeftTesticle: Don’t believe me?

Bklynzballer: nope

MyLeftTesticle: Just go ahead and jump me then.

Bklynzballer: i’ll get the bloods on you

MyLeftTesticle: Dude, I’m second in rank of the Bloods, you dolt.

Bklynzballer: sure u are ben….sure u are

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah, you’ll be thinking that when we tag your house tonight.

Bklynzballer: go head..

Bklynzballer: thanks for the threat

MyLeftTesticle: No problem. I like to give my victims a heads up before we waste ’em.

Bklynzballer: well…ill just tell the cops “you blood member”

MyLeftTesticle: Tell the cops and my gang will kill you.

Bklynzballer: kill me

Bklynzballer: hehehehehe

MyLeftTesticle: You’re right. I’m not really in a gang.

#7635: Bklynzballer -> davepoobond

This entry is part 7 of 26 in the series Bklynzballer

This happened on July 8, 2001.

Bklynzballer: yo jason

davepoobond: hey. do you know someone named pinkfairy?

Bklynzballer: no

davepoobond: er…the sn

davepoobond: she thought i was somone named Chris

davepoobond: and this guy named Jeff told her my sn

davepoobond: and her name is Ashley

davepoobond: do any of these names ring a bell?

Bklynzballer: why didnt u bring ure pliers

davepoobond: …ahhh

Bklynzballer: huh?

Bklynzballer: ???

davepoobond: cuz i didnt have any

davepoobond: they broke

Bklynzballer: we were suppose to kick bens ass

davepoobond: yeah, well, sorry

#7634: Bklynzballer -> davepoobond

This entry is part 6 of 26 in the series Bklynzballer

Right after the chat, he IMd davepoobond again. This was on July 7, 2001.

Bklynzballer: you sell drugs?

davepoobond: no. just make bongs

Bklynzballer: well…get me a delivery of 12 bongs to my house

davepoobond: i dont have that much man

Bklynzballer: dude…tracy wants to get high

Bklynzballer: give me 2

davepoobond: i dont have any right now, i just sold my last one to someone

davepoobond: i havent got anything to make it with either

davepoobond: i wont get anything until the weekend

Bklynzballer: anyways….::sighs:: so..keep your bb-gun next to your pillow

Bklynzballer: i just got a metal handgun bb-gun.

davepoobond: thats awesome man

Bklynzballer: with 2 metal bb-s

Bklynzballer: im going to kill you………………………………………

davepoobond: where’d you get it?

davepoobond: why would you do that to a bong maker?

Bklynzballer: my dad found one in the woods while hunting for wild children

Bklynzballer: ……::cough:::

Bklynzballer: say…maybe tommorrow wen he goes to find wild dinner he’ll find you one πŸ˜€

davepoobond: cool

#7631: Bklynzballer -> davepoobond

This entry is part 3 of 26 in the series Bklynzballer

Note: Holmes told Bklynzballer davepoobond’s sn, and said his name was Jason. This took place on July 7, 2001.

Bklynzballer: yo jason…

Bklynzballer: its me mike

davepoobond: hey mike. how’s it goin

Bklynzballer: good you?

davepoobond: same same

Bklynzballer: see u in skool tommorrow

davepoobond: ok…thats good

davepoobond: but if i’m not there, i’m dead

davepoobond: so, i leave you all my personal possesions

Bklynzballer: man…remeber wen i cracked up holmes

Bklynzballer: lol…cool

davepoobond: you know, my secret stash

Bklynzballer: ill run the buissness

davepoobond: yeah, thanks man. i knew i can count on you

Bklynzballer: sure….sure…..

Bklynzballer: lol…ill take care of our buissness

Bklynzballer: got ure bbgun?

davepoobond: yeah, but i ran out of ammo

davepoobond: i have to buy some more

Bklynzballer: i got metal pebbles

davepoobond: thats good, what for though?

davepoobond: you just have metal pebbles lying around the house?

Bklynzballer: bb gun………

Bklynzballer: yea…

davepoobond: oh

Bklynzballer: im gunna run the bond buissness soon

davepoobond: bond for bondage

Bklynzballer: thats right…

#7630: Bklynzballer -> Holmes

This entry is part 2 of 26 in the series Bklynzballer

This took place on July 7, 2001

Bklynzballer: yo mike….wutup?

Holmes: nothin much what up with you?

Bklynzballer: nuttin….me and tracy went to the bathroom

Holmes: wow bounce wit me dawg!

Bklynzballer: lol….we worked with rubber…hehehehe

Bklynzballer: u speak to her?

Holmes: nah sick today


Holmes: yeah no shit

Bklynzballer: ashley wants to date you

Holmes: eww tell that bicth to bounce

Bklynzballer: lol

Bklynzballer: i told her you would come over today …with …..RUBBER

Holmes: what’d that biatch say

Bklynzballer: she said for real in a real geaky tone ..i said no shit

Holmes: shes a man-whore

Bklynzballer: my little friend cALLED you yesterday

Bklynzballer: did you hear a little kid saying is holmes there lol?

Holmes: yup

Bklynzballer: thatz zack…neighbor

Bklynzballer: wut you say?

Holmes: nothin

Bklynzballer: oo


Bklynzballer: he said your answer machine was gay…..

Holmes: sorry for caps

Bklynzballer: lol

Holmes: yeah it’s gay

Holmes: i deleted the message

Holmes: i’ll get your playboys tommorow

Holmes: almost forogt about em

Bklynzballer: i got chyna

Holmes: wtf is chyna

Bklynzballer: wwf superstar chyna

Holmes: o her

Bklynzballer: yup….she looks like ashley

Bklynzballer: lol….man im gettin my money back

Bklynzballer: unless you want it

Holmes: nah

Bklynzballer: k

Bklynzballer: me and tracy are going to hit it off

Holmes: dawg that is so cooool…you gettin that ass on ur dick

Holmes: ?

Bklynzballer: yup…dam rite

Bklynzballer: comeova man

Holmes: dayammmmmmmmn bounce wit me

Bklynzballer: tracys ova

Holmes: she just came

Bklynzballer: yea…….shes gunna blow me…yo i swear

Bklynzballer: no one home

Holmes: holy shit

Holmes: and you want my ass there?

Bklynzballer: your gunna film it

Holmes: lol my video cameras busted, remeber that shit? lol i never seen you flip so much

Bklynzballer: i kno

Holmes: you owe me a new one, wanna-be-johnny-knoxville

Bklynzballer: whos ure best friend in school?

Holmes: Ben, that kid that sits in your math class, you guys haven’t chilled together though, you should

Bklynzballer: mine is tracys ass…which im feeling now….

Holmes: damn! put it on your dick and bounce wit it

Bklynzballer: ben acts queer

Bklynzballer: no fence to u….i just dont like him

Holmes: o well

Holmes: not the end of the world

Bklynzballer: i kno

Holmes: whats tracy doin now

Bklynzballer: werrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fucking

Bklynzballer: dude ……i owe u so many things

Bklynzballer: im not a virgin im not a virgin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holmes: no shit, like that noteboook you busted up by smashing it on your head

Holmes: great goin, genius

Bklynzballer: jeez…i cant remeber all this shit wut else

Holmes: man the noteboook must have knocked your brain out!

Bklynzballer: son…this sex buissness hurts..

Holmes: take it like a man

Bklynzballer: wut else did i fuck up

Holmes: your head

Bklynzballer: lol…u ever have sex?

Holmes: DUH! of course

Bklynzballer: wit who

Holmes: your mom lol

Holmes: just playin with you dude

Bklynzballer: grrrrrrrrrrrr…………

Bklynzballer: lol

Holmes: a girl named stephany back in 9th grade

Bklynzballer: dude…..9th grade?

Bklynzballer: shit

Holmes: yea

Holmes: bounce wit me

Bklynzballer: wut else did i break of yours?

Holmes: my eminem cd

Holmes: you almost broke my fan

Bklynzballer: o yea….eminem sucks anyways….good thing i broke it

Holmes: biatch that ain’t the point! it was my cd

Bklynzballer: lol hehehe

Bklynzballer: crap how i can brake things…owell…

Bklynzballer: didnt i almost brake your cd player?

Holmes: ALMOST!

Holmes: HA

Holmes: you did!

Holmes: broke the fast forward button

Bklynzballer: wow….next on my hitlist is ……ps2

Holmes: you bust my ps2 and i’ll bust a cap

Bklynzballer: hehehehe

Bklynzballer: son…i can bust you up

Bklynzballer: dam….dude…zacks here

Holmes: who the hell is zack

Bklynzballer: hey mike..zack here

Bklynzballer: the kid you wer talking to yesterday

Holmes: oh

Bklynzballer: how many lines you have?

Holmes: lines?

Bklynzballer: phone lines

Holmes: 2

Bklynzballer: zacks gunna call you now….lol hehehe

Bklynzballer: k?

Bklynzballer: i have to go bye

#7629: Bklynzballer -> Holmes

This entry is part 1 of 26 in the series Bklynzballer

Note: Holmes doesnt know how Bklynzballer got his sn. This took place on July 6, 2001.

This guy Bklynzballer was really a screwed up fella. We had a lot of stuff from him that was just IMs and chat rooms stuff. Starting from this post, you’ll go through each day as the things happened. We don’t know how, but he got Holmes’s sn first..this is everything we have about him. We don’t know if he thought we were actual people he knew or if he was bullshitting us the whole time…

Bklynzballer: want a pic of my char?

Holmes: why

Bklynzballer: this is mike from school

Holmes: seriously

Holmes: ?

Bklynzballer: yea

Holmes: howd you get the sn

Bklynzballer: i just found you in my buddyslist

Bklynzballer: so…you going to school tommorrow

Holmes: oh

Holmes: yeah

Holmes: so i’ll see you 5th period?

Holmes: ?

Bklynzballer: yea

Bklynzballer: so who do you like

Bklynzballer: like girls in school

Holmes: i like tracy

Holmes: shes got an ass like a mule

Bklynzballer: ewwww

Bklynzballer: sick f***

Bklynzballer: i like ashley

Bklynzballer: she has tits like a dog….

Holmes: EW that bitch has a beard of pimples

Bklynzballer: lol…just kidding

Holmes: i was about to say

Bklynzballer: i dont know why but tracy asked me out

Holmes: really? what’d you say?

Bklynzballer: i said k

Bklynzballer: were going out friday

Holmes: damn try to save some for me

Bklynzballer: im going to get the ass on my dick

Holmes: during spanish she passed a note saying “tengo un regallo para tu”, i dunno what that means…

Holmes: you go boy-eeee!

Bklynzballer: hehehe

Holmes: makes me wish i hadn’t slept in spanish class

Bklynzballer: it means she has something for you

Holmes: oh

Holmes: well good to know

Bklynzballer: man…well im going grab that ass all night

Bklynzballer: bounce wit me

Holmes: ouch shes going to be hurtin

Bklynzballer: i knoe

Bklynzballer: shes coming over friday too!

Bklynzballer: she said she wants to see my room

Holmes: wow! i’ll bet you’ll show her something more won’t you…like your closet

Bklynzballer: she wants me bad

Bklynzballer: tell tracy tommorrow if she is ready for our date

Holmes: man i wish i hadn’t said she was a bitch by accident infront of her friends

Holmes: alright

Bklynzballer: tell…im hard

Bklynzballer: yo…im bringing a condum to school

Holmes: show it to me duroing lunch

Bklynzballer: kk

Bklynzballer: im going to tell her for me and her to go to the bathroom

Holmes: do you want your playboys on friday too?

Holmes: ok will do

Bklynzballer: yup

Holmes: i got 3 extra just for you

Bklynzballer: giv me a pic of her so i can jerk off

Holmes: wow jeeze some things shouldn’t be told to friends

Bklynzballer: lol

Bklynzballer: send me pic of her now!

Bklynzballer: ol.

Bklynzballer: i wanna get my freak on

Holmes: damn you know my scanners busted

Bklynzballer: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!grrrrrrrr

Holmes: yeah i know, i’m about to bust it open

Bklynzballer: fuck….come to my house

Holmes: nah i’m playin playstation 2 and lookin at some porno

Bklynzballer: dam…

Holmes: nothing like a vibrating controler on your lap

Bklynzballer: i just got a new game for ps2

Bklynzballer: winter sport x-games

Holmes: lol i thought you didn’t have ps2

Bklynzballer: i just got it

Bklynzballer: duh

Holmes: oh

Holmes: lucky bastard

Holmes: i had to wait for 3 months

Holmes: since i reserved it

Bklynzballer: yo holmes….whats tracys #

Bklynzballer: dam…she wants to go out but no # grrrr

Holmes: damn that bitch hates me why would i have her number

Holmes: ask her tommorow

Bklynzballer: shes my next g/f dick

Holmes: tel her i said hi

Holmes: sorry but she can be a bitch

Bklynzballer: yes i will do

Bklynzballer: im gonna get her like a animal

Holmes: good

Bklynzballer: what grade are we again?

Bklynzballer: lol

Holmes: lol you were always an idiot, 11th DUmbass

Bklynzballer: i slept everytime in school.

Bklynzballer: o ya

Bklynzballer: hehehe

Holmes: no shit you stayed back once in 5th grade

Bklynzballer: dont remind please…

Bklynzballer: lol

Bklynzballer: i got myself a car

Holmes: quit bullshiting

Bklynzballer: nah…but im getting one

Bklynzballer: im thinking about buying a mercedes benz

Holmes: suuuure what is it? a BMW?

Holmes: HA

Holmes: lets see if your broke ass could afford that

Bklynzballer: yo…dont diss how broke i am

Bklynzballer: im richer than you dick

Holmes: well you got tracy

Bklynzballer: i know….hehe

Holmes: crap i gtg

Bklynzballer: yo holmes giv me your #

Holmes: 232-6797

Bklynzballer: l8er

Bklynzballer: area code

Holmes: l8ter

Holmes: dumb ass! how do you not know our area code?

Bklynzballer: lol..i cant remeber

Holmes: you should have stayed back in 9th grade

Holmes: 860

Holmes: jeeze

Bklynzballer: lol im gunna call you kno3

Holmes: i will bitch slap you tommorow

Bklynzballer: is your mom home?

Holmes: k call me in 30 minutes

Holmes: nah

Holmes: working

Bklynzballer: im gunna be like yo is holmes there

Holmes: aiight

Bklynzballer: where state do i liv in?

Bklynzballer: lol hehehehe

Holmes: seriously dude, do you have amnesia?

Bklynzballer: im so dumb

Bklynzballer: nah im just playing

Holmes: about to say

Holmes: well see ya later

Bklynzballer: what state you live in?

Holmes: ugh dude conn.

Holmes: BYE

Bklynzballer: lol

#6490: BrigitR205 -> davepoobond / KeelanN96 -> davepoobond

BrigitR205: My Boyfriend just left me for my sister… i’m lonely and at home with a webcam, wanna join me click here to come and see πŸ˜‰

davepoobond: there musta been a reason why, i aint goin


I guess the person took what I said in consideration, and IMd me again on another sn:


KeelanN96: Hi! I’m a real college girl and…I’m lonely at home with my webcam, wanna join me Click here to enter! to come and see πŸ˜‰

davepoobond: hey good job, you made it better

#6489: davepoobond -> Coldxs666

davepoobond: polly wants a cracker

davepoobond: maybe she would like more food

Coldxs666: ?

Coldxs666: sorry i went outside

davepoobond: k

Coldxs666: so did polly get its cracker

davepoobond: no, i’m sorry.

Coldxs666: bastered

davepoobond: yeah thats what i said

davepoobond: i mean when a baster squirts you you get bastered

Coldxs666: lol

#6486: davepoobond -> Phoenix

davepoobond: i’m gonna be leavin now

davepoobond: bye

Phoenix: NOOOO!

davepoobond: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttt


davepoobond: even more so the reason why i should!!!!

Phoenix: … YOUR RIGHT!

Phoenix: I LIKE caps lock!


davepoobond: lot better than doing SHIFT KEY

davepoobond: so bye

#6485: Phoenix -> davepoobond

Phoenix: Whee! Mail from richmond virginia!

davepoobond: heh ok

Phoenix: I don’t KNOW anyone from richmond

davepoobond: must be junk MAIL

Phoenix: they want to give me a credit card….

Phoenix: hmm… I’m bored I guess I wil

Phoenix: will*

davepoobond: lol

Phoenix: hmm… which one to get

davepoobond: get mastercard

davepoobond: its everywhere you own

Phoenix: nah, I’m sticking with visa

davepoobond: k

Phoenix: it makes pretty cards

davepoobond: ya true dat

davepoobond: i went into my sisters room, she didnt see me and she was reading something. so i screamed “boo!” and she got scared

Phoenix: … lol

davepoobond: “gawd david leave me ALONE”

Phoenix: …david?

davepoobond: yeah..

davepoobond: thats what my family calls me

davepoobond: no one else calls me david

Phoenix: I’m gonna call you Mike

davepoobond: ok

#6484: davepoobond -> SexyLakerGurly

davepoobond: hi

davepoobond: you like wcw?

SexyLakerGurly: yea i like all kinds of wrestling

davepoobond: muuuuuuuuuuuud wrestlin?

davepoobond: hello?

SexyLakerGurly: yea

davepoobond: u do?

davepoobond: wowo

davepoobond: hello

davepoobond: ?

SexyLakerGurly: sorry my computer froze

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: its ok

davepoobond: it happens

davepoobond: but dont let it happen again