Q: What did the judge say to the racket?
A: We will send you to court.
Q: What did the judge say to the racket?
A: We will send you to court.
Q: How do you make an egg roll?
A: Push it
Q: How do you make an orange laugh?
A: Tickle its navel
Q: What is a room no one can enter?
A: A mushroom
Q: What did the grass say to the battlefield?
A: I want to root for you
Q: What did the flower say to the bike?
A: Petal
Q: Why are A’s like flowers?
A: Because B’s come after them.
Q: Why did the little mouse run away from home?
A: Because his father was a rat
Q: Why cant a bank keep a secret?
A: Because there are too many tellers
Q: What did the cake say to the candle?
A: You’re burning my back
Q: What did yes say to no?
A: Maybe
Q: What is the biggest pencil in the world?
A: Pennsylvania
Q: What does a 500 pound parakeet say?
A: “Tweet!!!”
Q: What did the book say to the page?
A: Don’t turn away from me
In guild chat…
davepoobond: Sting from the Police!
davepoobond: he was in Dune
Apparently confused, Dolphziggler whispers me…
Dolphziggler: wtf you talking about mang?
Dolphziggler: im a wwe nerd… and no idea what u talkin bout willis
davepoobond: Sting, the wrestler, he was in The Police
Dolphziggler: as an officer??
davepoobond: yes
Dolphziggler: where did you hear this?
davepoobond: have you heard of Dune
Dolphziggler: @ whatculturve?
davepoobond: just look up Sting from the Police
Dolphziggler: oh the singer ROFL
Dolphziggler: im thinking the wrestler
davepoobond: theyre the same guy
Dolphziggler: rofl your insane
davepoobond: you dont know theyre not!
Dolphziggler: sting the singer is Gordon Sumner… sting the wwe guy is Steve Borden.. and yes i do because ive seen both live rofl
davepoobond: gordon… borden…
davepoobond: same thing
Dolphziggler: rol dont mess with peoples emotions like that
Dolphziggler: its not nice
davepoobond: but sting was in dune