Q: What’s black and sits in the corner?
A: A dead baby goth.
Q: What’s black and sits in the corner?
A: A dead baby goth.
Q: Why did the goth cross the road?
A: It didn’t, it was dead.
Q: How many goths does it take to make cheesecake?
A: None, there are no goths in cheesecake.
Q: How many frat boys does it take to wallpaper a room?
A: That depends on how thinly you slice them.
Q: How many “New Kids on the Block” does it take to paint a wall red?
A: Only one if you throw it hard enough.
Q: How many goths does it take to make a hamburger?
A: Who cares, just think of all the fun we could have putting them through the mincer to find out!
Q: What do goths buy at the liquor store when they don’t have much cash?
A: Crow-Magnums.
Q: What’s another name for a goth girl?
A: A Crow-ho.
Q: What did the vampire say when he looked in the mirror?
A: “So nice not to see you again”
Q: Why is it so hard for goths to get work?
A: Because all they can do is mope the floors are depress the buttons.
Q: What do you store your heavy velvet cape in for the summer?
A: Goth balls.
Q: What do you call a goth lying in the road?
A: A speed bump.
Q: How do you get a goth out of a tree?
A: You cut the rope.
Q: There is Stalin, Hitler, and a goth. You have a gun with two bullets, who do you shoot?
A: The Goth. Twice.
Q: What’s the difference between a goth and a bucket of shit?
A: The bucket.