Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#10745: Space Poop -> davepoobond

Space Poop was on a different screen name than he usually was on.  davepoobond didn’t know the one he was on.

Space Poop: im gonna eat you

davepoobond: do you have to

Space Poop: yes its in my contract

Space Poop: i have webbed toes by the way

davepoobond: shocking

Space Poop: sure is

davepoobond: :-\

Space Poop: you win a prize

Space Poop: YOU WIN 3 BLANK CDS!

davepoobond: yessssss

davepoobond: are they colored

Space Poop: no im sorry

Space Poop: to get the colored ones you have to do a good deed such as
kill an ugly person

Space Poop: nooooooooo

davepoobond: what

Space Poop: i dont know

Space Poop: im known for typing random things

davepoobond: unh hunh

Space Poop: WHAT ARE YOU KNOWN FOR?!!!!!!???

Space Poop: you have no buddy icon

davepoobond: sure i do

Space Poop: that saddens me

Space Poop: no u dont

davepoobond: yeah i do

davepoobond: you have to look closer

Space Poop: oh now i see it

Space Poop: the warn icon

Space Poop: very nice one

Space Poop: those are very popular

Space Poop: oh a monkey

Space Poop: how amazing

Space Poop: where did you get it

Space Poop: oh now i see some turtles

Space Poop: with some weapons

Space Poop: some other flashy stuff

Space Poop: say hih bob

Space Poop: “hi bob”

Space Poop: then the guy with the ax

Space Poop: ok i get the point dude

davepoobond: i got a better one now

Space Poop: mine is better

Space Poop: oh thats nice

Space Poop: mine is more mature

Space Poop: look how fast hes poundin’ that little thing

davepoobond: i dont see it

Space Poop: oh well

Space Poop: then i must die

Space Poop: i feel like warning myself

Space Poop: there

Space Poop: im warned to 35

Space Poop: here you try warning me

Space Poop: its fun!

davepoobond: its ok

Space Poop: pleasee

Space Poop: my record is 74

Space Poop: i wont warn you i promise

Space Poop: just warn me

Space Poop: thats the spirit

davepoobond: only 74?

davepoobond: i’ve reached 100

Space Poop: wow

Space Poop: hey sexy

davepoobond: isn’t it great

Space Poop: i got to 100

Space Poop: how long do you think it’ll take to get to 0%

davepoobond: a few hours

Space Poop: hmm i woulda said a couple days

Space Poop: will u mary me?

davepoobond: lets hold off on marriage for a while

Space Poop: but what about our son?

davepoobond: who

Space Poop: little billy

Space Poop: IM me on Space Poop

#10742: MadManWithAnAxe -> Holmes

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: It’s mean to name your kid Fuckface.

Holmes: ha

Holmes: how true

Holmes: and yet…

Holmes: how hilarious

MadManWithAnAxe: hehe

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: All the money in the world can’t buy your dignity back if someone videotapes you trying to give oral pleasure to a lawn gnome.

Holmes: damn there goes all my hopes for my dignity back

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Polar bears do not like complimentary ass massages.

Holmes: have you tried it? don’t knock it until you try it

MadManWithAnAxe: hahaha

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: If you’re going to attempt to stick your head up someone elses anal cavity, it’s probably in your best interest to wear goggles.

Holmes: well that brings new meaning to the term: i can’t see shit

MadManWithAnAxe: HAHA

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: It’s not against the law to put a litter of kittens into your mouth…but it should be.

Holmes: whats wrong with eating more then one pussy at once?

MadManWithAnAxe: HEH

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: A human face doesn’t taste as good as I thought it would.

Holmes: oh well..theres always hope in eating a dogs face

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: I’ll bet everyone without legs has a funny story to tell.

Holmes: hah…uncle benny cut his legs off because we wouldn’t feed him his second dinner!

MadManWithAnAxe: hehehehe, that’s great

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Just because the space-gnomes inside your head tell you to, it’s never a good idea to staple yourself to pogo stick and yell “BEWARE!: I AM POGO-BOY, THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THE UNIVERSE!” People might think you’re crazy.

Holmes: it’s sooo typical of people to judge me just because i am pogo-boy…will the racism ever end?

MadManWithAnAxe: HEH

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: You may think it’s cool to dress up in hot pants and a ten gallon hat and attend random people’s funeruls and sing 80’s style karaoke , but you’re really just making an ass out of yourself.

Holmes: ….NOW you tell me

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: I wouldn’t exactly know from experience, but I’ll bet it’s pretty hard to hide a penguin in your ass.

Holmes: well, sorry to burst your bubble, but remeber hearing about penny, the famous penguin that ran away from the circus? guess where he is…

MadManWithAnAxe: :-DHAHAHA

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: You’d think having sex with a mattress would be more satisfying than it actually is.

Holmes: water bed’s are oh so sexy!

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: It’s never a good idea to masturbate and ski at the same time.

Holmes: oh yeah…oh yeah i’m coming…i’m coming…i’m com- *splat* poor joe, took a whole box of viagra before he went skiing…and hit a tree…what a way to go…

MadManWithAnAxe: hah

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Just because you have the means to fit a midget into your ass, doesn’t make it right.

Holmes: well…penny needed a friend


MadManWithAnAxe: ;-)that was good

MadManWithAnAxe: you should be famous

Holmes: heh i doubt i could be

Holmes: damn i hate when people IM you when your typing a sentence

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Sex with a microwave isn’t very pleasurable.

Holmes: that’s because your only suppose to do anal

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: To be impaled on a toothbrush…that’s gotta be a crappy way to die.

Holmes: not as crappy as dieing in someone’s ass

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: All the drugs in the world cannot equal the fun of poking a hobo with a sharpened stick.

Holmes: poking a hobo who’s on all the drugs in the world at once with a sharp stick, now that’s FUNNY!

MadManWithAnAxe: hehe

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: Injecting anti-freeze into your scrotum may make people think you’re cool, but what would your parents think?

Holmes: well, i perfer my penis NOT to shrivel up when it’s cold…people will think i’m on the “short” side

MadManWithAnAxe: heeeeeeeey, that’s actually not a bad idea

Holmes: yeah…now if only i could stop my nipples from getting hard…

MadManWithAnAxe: FUN FACT!: If you’re eating a sandwich, and the sandwich starts mumbling at you in Latin, it’s probably best just to put it down and just walk away.

Holmes: but first kill it before it plans to take over the world…and steal it’s tomatos

#10699: udamfuq565 -> MIKI5512

I don’t know where I got this.

udamfuq565: Hello Friend

MIKI5512: who is this ?

udamfuq565: You dun know me

udamfuq565: random sn

MIKI5512: how did you get my SN then ?

udamfuq565: My name is Richard Schneider

udamfuq565: Random sn

udamfuq565: dui

udamfuq565: so what do you do for fun?

MIKI5512: eh

MIKI5512: play sports

udamfuq565: what spoooorts?

MIKI5512: baseball, soccer etc.

udamfuq565: o never heard of soccer

udamfuq565: I play Weshball

MIKI5512: what is Weshball?

udamfuq565: it are dhe funnest game

udamfuq565: you see

udamfuq565: we toss this twenty pound weighted phan ball into the pool

udamfuq565: and we swim are tred at the bottom and try to throw it into the goal

MIKI5512: i see

MIKI5512: where are you from and why are you talking to my by the way

udamfuq565: who’s My?

MIKI5512: me

MIKI5512: sorry

udamfuq565: o

udamfuq565: im from new zealand

udamfuq565: and i is bored because weshseasons over

MIKI5512: oh

udamfuq565: what else do ya do pal?

udamfuq565: what interests ya

MIKI5512: hm

MIKI5512: watch movie

udamfuq565: wat else?

MIKI5512: hang out with my friends etc.

udamfuq565: UH HUH

udamfuq565: How come youve never heard of weschball?

udamfuq565: Friencd?

MIKI5512: i play all kinds of sports from baseball, basketball, soccer, but I have never heard of weschball

udamfuq565: *gasp* you should play it ny friend. Even though it’s extreme. You gradually grow bigger lungs. Even though there are some accidents sumtimes like what happened to spermy joe

MIKI5512: good talking to you my friend, but I am going to go now

MIKI5512: good luck finding something to get rid of your boredom

MIKI5512: bye bye

MIKI5512 signed off at 10:23:21 PM.

#10698: Raven -> Broke

I really don’t know where I got this.

Raven: what?

Raven: nine inch nails?

Broke: yes

Broke: what do you listen to?

Raven: Slayer, Kid Rock, I.C.P. Godsmack creed

Broke: cool

Broke: I listen to Slopknot, Marilyn Hanson, Creed, Disturbed, and Tombgrave

Broke: too many to list

Raven: yup same here i just listed some of my favs

Broke: The only problem is my parents dont like them

Raven: lol how old are you?

Broke: They think its responsible for my upbringing

Broke: Damn it, just I cause I’m still going to Junior College doesn’t mean music is responsible for it

Raven: my dad was the same way till i made him hear some then he likes a few songs so it became alright

Broke: Not my dad

Broke: That would never work

Broke: He’s part of my congregation and is tottally bat shit insane

Raven: that used to be my dad all right and mighty

Broke: you dont understand

Broke: he’s an auditor

Raven: crap no recalls on a game im playing

Broke: what?

Raven: Ultima Online

Broke: oh that game is tight

Broke: I used to play it

Raven: yup

Raven: im still kinda new at it

Broke: I was a swordsman or something, then some asshole ate all my food, so i quit

Raven: lol

Broke: like I said

Raven: im a grandmaster warrior

Broke: cool

Broke: My friend used to be a Grand Dragon before he cheated and got caught hanging a guy after killing him

Broke: Back to my parents

Raven: ok so whats up with them you said i didnt understand

Broke: My dad is an Audior

Raven: well i can see how that would make things intresting for you

Broke: He freakin wouldn’t let me listen toBlack Sabbath, just cause John Travolta had a run in with Ozzy

Broke: then they tried putting me in an asylum in their headquarters

Raven: john trav in my mind for one thing is a pussy no offence

Broke: dont worry I agree with you, he has too many cats in his mansion

Raven: hes a real dick in real life to

Broke: I finally put a 2 foot restraining order on my dad so he couldnt lock me up anywhere. I still live in the same house with him though

Raven: sounds kinda insane i was locked up for a bit once

Broke: Since his reach isn’t over two feet, i can tease him all i want

Broke: moron tried punching me from that far

Broke: why’d they lock you up?

Raven: im not all there upstairs and i was provoked into a fight and nearly killed a man so instead of jail they choose to put me in the nut house for about 2 years

Broke: Yeah my parents tried to have me arrested after that ritual up stairs in my house. The court dismissed it in return for that restraining order i placed on him

Raven: sounds intresting he has a order on him and you still live with him but he still tries to pull shit off

Broke: yes that stupid asshole. According to the will left to us by Lafayette Ronny Hobbert, I own 1/5 of our house, which is MY room.

Broke: He doesn’t realize that he cant kick me out. What i do in my side of the house is my business. I can drink all the nyquil i want.

Raven: but you said you tease him are you not asking him to kinda try something tho?

Broke: Im just teasing into reaction to what he says to me

Raven: i doubt its nyquil hes thinking your drinking

Broke: I’m not a hippy. I keep on telling him that

Raven: hippy? they died in the 50s


Broke: But since his leader says that hippies are evil, he thinks they sitll exist!!!

Raven: mabey hes more insane then me but thats going to far im out there

Broke: If anyything he should be calling me a goth, not a hippy. even though im not goth, something else.

Raven: what are you then?

Broke: Vamp

Raven: ah cool

Broke: its even easier to get laid than a goth

Broke: vamp chix will put out anything for blood

Raven: lol thats true

Broke: yeah, and then there’sa98739875puiojkln,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Raven: ?

Broke: shoot hold on.

Broke: crap, my fingers give out every once in a while. I just donated some today.

Broke: ok

Broke: I’m back

Raven: ok you alright there now

Broke: Yes, it’s just that my fingers feel week from giving out all the hemogoblin

Broke: ok back to the subject

Raven: we where talking about vamps getting laid more then goths

Broke: My parents tried to get me arrested. I was only trying to get fresh blood!!!

Raven: thats not right you where only trying to get your food

Broke: Yeah!!!

Broke: So what if I had to kill a couple of hamsters, rats, mice, snakes, to get it???! You feelin me?

Raven: a rat not as filling as a human but will hold you over till you can get one

Broke: Naw, i have to be careful with that

Broke: now

Raven: ahh man just get some lonely homeless guy that what i used to do

Broke: My parents were having a party. Some girl feel asleep and drew some blood

Broke: supposedly she was some model, but now i have hepamatitis D

Broke: It sucks cause i have to go through chemotheoropy next fall

Raven: eww that nasty

Broke: but living ain’t hard enough

Raven: try living forever man like 2100 years its not as easy

Broke: I know

Broke: According to my buddy’s girlfriend, her name’s Lillith and she’s over 10,000 years old!!!

Raven: if your dad isnt immortal like some of us you can be glad he will kick the bucket

Broke: yea bra

Raven: shes almost as old as me

Broke: coo coo

Broke: w8 a minute ur profile says ur 21… you trying to talk smack to me!!??

Raven: yea right like the profile will let me go back to watching Jesus get baptized

Broke: My friend’s asmodeus by the way

Raven: intresting

Broke: Since my parents are all ok with sex as long as its natural. Everyone knows that their religion’s all about getting laid. They got pretty mad about that crimson shower i gave her

Raven: that sounds like it would have been fun

Raven: quick one when the last time you had a full meal

Broke: about 2 years ago

Broke: but then i threw it up, it sux

Broke: literally

Raven: i dont mind throwing it up i hate it when the food fights back

Broke: yeah wait hold on a second

Broke: dammit, my parents are pounding on the door

Broke: How ,many times do i have to tell them this is my property. im going to turn up the music. I charge em for trespassing tomorrow

Broke: You ever play final fantasm?

Raven: number 10 but not as of late i dont have ps2

Broke: that sucks. haha, vampire joke

Broke: what about Twisted metal gear solid?

Raven: nope another thing that sucks

Broke: hahaha

Broke: Oh shit

Broke: Oh no!

Raven: ?

Broke: I needla;jfd

Broke: theyre trying to tear melak;j away from the key brd

Broke: i need you to call my local police dprtment

Broke: ajkl theyre going to …hold on

Broke: ok the mace will put him out for a while

Raven: its really not in my nature to care about others but i have no clue where you are so i really cant

Broke: ill give you the local police number

Broke: 818 321 4906

Broke: Hurry he’s coming to

Raven: still i dont really care about other like me its not in my nature to do something like that but i might if i feel like it

Broke: theyre gonna take me to that place across from kaiser sunset

Broke: Tell my mom that I love her!!!

#10697: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: pood

stimpyismyname: whats my name

stimpyismyname: puddin tane

davepoobond: ehhh

davepoobond: can albert come?

stimpyismyname: yeah

davepoobond: is he gonna forget tho

stimpyismyname: ALBERT

stimpyismyname: im supposed to call him tomorrow

davepoobond: k

davepoobond: i’m putting up 2 pics u made

davepoobond: the one with dacky being hunted

davepoobond: and copkilla clown

stimpyismyname: what about my comics

davepoobond: not yet

stimpyismyname: i like that billboard i made

stimpyismyname: mmmm hmmmmm

stimpyismyname: free fallin

stimpyismyname: and im

stimpyismyname: free fallin

davepoobond: doo bee doo ba doo ba doo baaaa

stimpyismyname: un…beh…..LIEVABLE.

davepoobond: yeah

stimpyismyname: is that from catdog

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: that’s tom lykus

stimpyismyname: unbehlihable!

davepoobond: they make fun of him on catdog i suppose

davepoobond: they do it on kevin and bean sometimes

stimpyismyname: 16 hits today

davepoobond: is that high?

stimpyismyname: not really

stimpyismyname: average

davepoobond: the picture of blowthetoad in a red shirt looks nothing like what he does on his site

stimpyismyname: i know

stimpyismyname: serious


stimpyismyname: jesus god

stimpyismyname: why

davepoobond: lol

stimpyismyname: he’s soooooo good with photoshop…

davepoobond: did you see the justin timberlake thing

stimpyismyname: no

davepoobond: look at blowthetoad’s profile

davepoobond: the links in there

stimpyismyname: i don wanna

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: its a collage of justin timberlake pictures

davepoobond: hes such a fag

davepoobond: both of them

stimpyismyname: dam

stimpyismyname: boooring

stimpyismyname: i should finish ltd3

davepoobond: 4

stimpyismyname: how late are you staying up

davepoobond: i dunno

davepoobond: i stay up late, but i’m probably gonna be kicked off soon

stimpyismyname: ill try to finish it tonight

davepoobond: k

stimpyismyname: :-!

davepoobond: we should use the bulletin board things we made for games

stimpyismyname: ?

davepoobond: not the bulletin board

davepoobond: billboard

stimpyismyname: oh

stimpyismyname: did you read what his do?

davepoobond: ?

davepoobond: what his do

stimpyismyname: they go to your site when you click em

stimpyismyname: neato

davepoobond: uhh

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: that’s cool

stimpyismyname: bleh

stimpyismyname: i cant work on it

stimpyismyname: cds messed up

davepoobond: y not

davepoobond: she’s a superfreak-SUPERFREAK

stimpyismyname: shes superfreaky

stimpyismyname: ow! ow ow ow

davepoobond: the kind that you read abouttttt

davepoobond: that girls pretty FREAKYYY


davepoobond: heh

stimpyismyname: if you do it makes a popup

stimpyismyname: booo

davepoobond: yeah all .tk does

stimpyismyname: boooo

stimpyismyname: tainted looove

stimpyismyname: wo whoooa whoa

stimpyismyname: bum bum

stimpyismyname: I…

stimpyismyname: i just died in your arms tonight!!

stimpyismyname: da da da rains down in afffrica

stimpyismyname: and theres always somethin there to remind meeeeeeee

stimpyismyname: daund

stimpyismyname: fbduase

stimpyismyname: hb

stimpyismyname: that stupid cd

stimpyismyname: im a firestarter

davepoobond: ?

stimpyismyname: twisted firestarter

stimpyismyname: mmmm

stimpyismyname: oh oh oh ohoh

stimpyismyname: mmm

stimpyismyname: oh oh h ohoh

stimpyismyname: daaaaave im boooored

davepoobond: go to hell then

stimpyismyname: NO

davepoobond: look at the stuff i put on squackle

stimpyismyname: YOU GO TO HELL

stimpyismyname: ASSHOLE

stimpyismyname: AZZHOLE

stimpyismyname: A22HOLE


stimpyismyname: ?

davepoobond: look at it

stimpyismyname: i did

davepoobond: isnt it funny

stimpyismyname: i guess…

davepoobond: k….gonna go…bye

stimpyismyname: whyyyy

davepoobond: tired

davepoobond: mom wants me to get off

stimpyismyname: yeah whateva

stimpyismyname: dnnunununununuununu dununununununun

davepoobond signed off at 9:29:47 PM.

stimpyismyname: and i was talkin to dave then his mom says “get off the computer” and im like yeah whatever

Previous message was not received by davepoobond because of error (9:30:06 PM): User davepoobond is not available.


Previous message was not received by davepoobond because of error (9:30:26 PM): User davepoobond is not available.


Previous message was not received by davepoobond because of error (9:30:33 PM): User davepoobond is not available.

#10696: Space Poop -> davepoobond

Space Poop: asasasas

Space Poop: tuna

Space Poop: monkey

Space Poop: poop


Space Poop: THANK YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!

Space Poop: die

Space Poop: eh hehahahha

Space Poop: fast sex

Space Poop:

Space Poop: bling bling

Space Poop: bling bling foo

Space Poop: POOP!

Space Poop: no

Space Poop: yes

Space Poop: maybe?

Space Poop: a boom boom chicka chicka boom boom

Space Poop: i g2g watch more TV?!?!?!?!?!

#10695: Space Poop -> davepoobond

Space Poop: im the hulk

Space Poop: what r u doing

davepoobond: ur mom in the backseat of my car

Space Poop: ok

Space Poop: have fun

Space Poop: wait

Space Poop: you got a computer in your car?

davepoobond: uhhhhhhhhh

davepoobond: i’m typing through my mind

Space Poop: coooool

Space Poop: im drawing the fat kid in my class

davepoobond: heh

davepoobond: your mom says hi

Space Poop: my moms at work

davepoobond: yeah, on me

davepoobond: bwah

davepoobond: ahaha

Space Poop: hahahahaha



Space Poop: wait

Space Poop: thats bad

#10694: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

blowthetoad: my url is stil on the site

davepoobond: your url doesn’t GO anywhere

davepoobond: it goes to a blank page

blowthetoad: yeah, it’s blank till it’

blowthetoad: till it’s removed

blowthetoad: so.. can you remove it?

davepoobond: whatever

blowthetoad: i am overjoyed!

blowthetoad: scuse me, gotta go jerk off, bye

blowthetoad signed off at 3:44:35 PM.

#10691: Space Poop -> davepoobond

Space Poop: do u like eminem?

davepoobond: ya

Space Poop: hmmm

Space Poop: tom green?

davepoobond: yeah

Space Poop: you’re on candid camera

davepoobond: no

Space Poop: you are

davepoobond: i am

davepoobond: oh my god

Space Poop: how many gods are there

davepoobond: 15 and 1/2

Space Poop: is the half a midget?

Space Poop: urine

davepoobond: that’s not all that life is about

Space Poop: oh, and what else is there to life?

Space Poop: and why does it take you 2 IMs to get you to talk?

davepoobond: i dont know

Space Poop: put paper clips in your mouth and chew on your pinky

Space Poop: it feels cool

Space Poop: and your gums bleed

davepoobond: gums bleeding isn’t my thing

Space Poop: really? its my fetish

Space Poop: i gotta go play friends guitar

davepoobond: k

Previous message was not received by Space Poop2001 because of error: User Space Poop2001 is not available.

Space Poop: am i annoying?

davepoobond: i can name more annoying people

Space Poop: can u put me on the site?

Space Poop: or am i too ugly…

davepoobond: uhhh

Space Poop: no

davepoobond: whaddya mean put you on the site

davepoobond: mean*

Space Poop: uhh

davepoobond: you*

Space Poop: i unno

Space Poop: thinking

Space Poop: nevermind

davepoobond: l

davepoobond: k

Space Poop: ?

davepoobond: nothin

Space Poop: you know sniffing glue is bad for you, right?

davepoobond: yea

Space Poop: ok

#10690: Im FoXy 528 -> davepoobond

Im FoXy 528: hello

davepoobond: hi

Im FoXy 528: how r u?

davepoobond: alright, you

Im FoXy 528: good

Im FoXy 528: i am babysitting

davepoobond: fun fun

Im FoXy 528: ya i guess

Im FoXy 528: what are udoing tonight?

davepoobond: nothing

Im FoXy 528: where do u live?

davepoobond: california

Im FoXy 528: really?

davepoobond: ya

Im FoXy 528: what time is it there?

davepoobond: 3:33

Im FoXy 528: am?

davepoobond: yeah..

Im FoXy 528: ic

Im FoXy 528: so it saturday morning

davepoobond: its friday night

Im FoXy 528: cool

Im FoXy 528: just get back form partying?

davepoobond: oh yeah

davepoobond: all night baby

Im FoXy 528: oh yeah

Im FoXy 528: did u get drunk

davepoobond: no

Im FoXy 528: did u get lucky?

davepoobond: yep

Im FoXy 528: really?, with who

davepoobond: some chick

Im FoXy 528: lol how old was she

davepoobond: 12

Im FoXy 528: lol

davepoobond: she made the first move

Im FoXy 528: ic, did u pound her good?

davepoobond: that’s all she wanted

Im FoXy 528: thats all i want

davepoobond: so you like it that way huh

Im FoXy 528: oh yeah

Im FoXy 528: too bad u ccant give it to me that way

davepoobond: yeah too bad

Im FoXy 528 is probably the same person as KristenRocks528, on account of the same last 3 numbers.

#10687: davepoobond -> cafin8ed penguin

davepoobond: hey

cafin8ed penguin: fuck… now what…

cafin8ed penguin: who are you?

davepoobond: geez you have to be so mean

davepoobond: that’s not a very nice way to start out a conversation y’know man

cafin8ed penguin: yah i know

davepoobond: cinnamon

davepoobond: and

davepoobond: gay

davepoobond: sex

cafin8ed penguin: what a neat combination, i won’t try it sometime

davepoobond: stupid girl

davepoobond: ffffffffffffffffff

cafin8ed penguin: who?

davepoobond: jo MAMA

davepoobond: you can tell by the way i use my walk, i’m a woman’s man

cafin8ed penguin: *smack*

davepoobond: no time to talk

davepoobond: music loud, i’ve been kicked around

davepoobond: since i was born

davepoobond: its alright

davepoobond: its ok

davepoobond: you may look the other way

davepoobond: we can try to understand

davepoobond: the new york times affect on mannn

davepoobond: whether you’re a mother or whether you’re a brother your stayin alive

davepoobond: stayin alive

davepoobond: blahrdy blahrdy blah

davepoobond: stayin alive

davepoobond: stayin alive

davepoobond: AH AH AH AH AH


davepoobond: come on with me now,


davepoobond: yer not singing

cafin8ed penguin: i don’t wanna sing

cafin8ed penguin: at least not this song

cafin8ed penguin: beegee’s right?

davepoobond: i’m singing the ozzy osbourne version

davepoobond: now before you shit your pants and try to get it off gayzaa

davepoobond: umm

davepoobond: ok shit your pants

davepoobond: you feel that shiver down your spine?

cafin8ed penguin: nope

davepoobond: that’s me

cafin8ed penguin: i don’t have a spine

cafin8ed penguin: im a floating head

davepoobond: how can that be!

davepoobond: where’s your shoulders!

cafin8ed penguin: i type using telekenesis

cafin8ed penguin: i don’t need shoulders

davepoobond: que?