Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#10836: sweetsexyandbad2 -> davepoobond

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Jenna Is A Hard Sell On Online Dating Sites

sweetsexyandbad2: armtownBoy17: Hi. My name is jenna, I am 7 years old, I have black hair, red eyes, no ears and no mouth. I am dead. You must send this message to 15 people within the next 5 minutes or I will appear by your bed tonight and kill you with a knife. If you do something good will happen to you at 12:12 pm. Either you will get a call, or someone will instant message you and say that they love you. This is not a joke

davepoobond: FUCK YOU


davepoobond: up the assssss

davepoobond: and your mom

davepoobond: too

davepoobond: i hope your mom saw that

davepoobond: cause then she’ll know that you’re sending death threats online

davepoobond: to 56 year old manwhores

I warn her to 20%.

#10834: BabiChicky169 -> davepoobond

davepoobond: hey bitch

BabiChicky169: um ok

davepoobond: i heard you were 17/f/az

BabiChicky169: yeah aslp

davepoobond: i dont like slaps

BabiChicky169: ok

davepoobond: mesa 17/m/ca

davepoobond: andsa i likesa talksa like jar jar binksa

BabiChicky169: charmin

BabiChicky169: u got a pic?

BabiChicky169: why is that

davepoobond: yupsa i picksa upsa all the chicksa

BabiChicky169: im ok

BabiChicky169: i think

davepoobond: whatsa thisa?

BabiChicky169: do u habe a pic yes or no

davepoobond: nosa

davepoobond: yousa?

BabiChicky169: no

#10833: WakaWonieon Me -> davepoobond

WakaWonieon Me: Funny Pictures! (it was a link to outwar)

davepoobond: FUCK YOU

WakaWonieon Me: those r pretyt funy


WakaWonieon Me: ok

davepoobond: yeah since when does outwar show pictures

davepoobond: that are funny

WakaWonieon Me: lol

WakaWonieon Me: ur gay

davepoobond: UR GAY

davepoobond: YOU MUDDA FUCKA

davepoobond: I BET THATS A GAY SITE

Previous message was not received by WaKaWoNiEon Me because of error: User WaKaWoNiEon Me is not available.

I warn him to 53%.

#10832: ORTEGA246 -> davepoobond

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Jenna Is A Hard Sell On Online Dating Sites

ORTEGA246: Hi. My name is jenna, I am 7 years old, I have black hair, red eyes, no ears and no mouth. I am dead. You must send this message to 15 people within the next 5 minutes or I will appear by your bed tonight and kill you with a knife. If you do something good will happen to you at 12:12 pm. Either you will get a call, or someone will instant message you and say that they love you. This is not a joke

davepoobond: fuck off

davepoobond: bitcxh

davepoobond: mudda fuck

davepoobond: a

#10830: FastHStreetRacer -> davepoobond

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Jenna Is A Hard Sell On Online Dating Sites

FastHStreetRacer: Hi. My name is jenna, I am 7 years old, I have black hair, red eyes, no ears and no mouth. I am . You must send this message to 15 people within the next 5 minutes or I will appear by your bed tonight and kill you with a knife. If you do something good will happen to you at 12:12 pm. Either you will get a call, or someone will instant message you and say that they you. This is not a jok

davepoobond: you are so gay

davepoobond: if you have no ears and no mouth how are you supposed to kill me

davepoobond: everyone knows you need to be able to hear and be able to do something with your mouth when you kill someone

Previous message was not received by FastHStreetRacer because of error: User FastHStreetRacer is not available.

I warn him to 53%

#10828: sokkerob13 -> davepoobond

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Jenna Is A Hard Sell On Online Dating Sites

sokkerob13: Hi. My name is jenna, I am 7 years old, I have black hair, red eyes, no ears and no mouth. I am dead. You must send this message to 15 people within the next 5 minutes or I will appear by your bed tonight and kill you with a knife. If you do something good will happen to you at 12:12 pm. Either you will get a call, or someone will instant message you and say that they love you. This is not a joke

davepoobond: you are so gay

sokkerob13: hahahha

sokkerob13: isnt it gay??

davepoobond: …

sokkerob13: ld

davepoobond: you’re supposed to say “you are” and then we sloppily kiss

sokkerob13: fag

davepoobond: UR DA FAG

sokkerob13: sloppily kiss?? what the fuck is that??

davepoobond: kiss sloppy like

sokkerob13: good call

davepoobond: yeah well i dont know how else i can say it

davepoobond: i could describe it for you

sokkerob13: its gay dont say it at all

davepoobond: we rub each other’s backs exuberantly

davepoobond: as our tongues flow into one another like opposing forces

Previous message was not received by sokkerob13 because of error: User sokkerob13 is not available.

#10826: Mandybaby5869 -> davepoobond

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Jenna Is A Hard Sell On Online Dating Sites

Mandybaby5869: Hi. My name is jenna, I am 7 years old, I have black hair,
red eyes, no ears and no mouth. I am dead. You must send this message to 15 people within the next 5 minutes or I will appear by your bed tonight and kill you with a knife. If you do something good will happen to you at 12:12 pm. Either you will get a call, or someone will instant message you and say that they love you. This is not a joke

davepoobond: you are so gay

Mandybaby5869: i know

Mandybaby5869: u have a problem with it?

davepoobond: you’re supposed to say “you are” and then we sloppily kiss

#10794: davepoobond -> Mr skatermandude

davepoobond: hey maria

Mr skatermandude: ?

davepoobond: maria

Mr skatermandude: ummmm

Mr skatermandude: im not maria

davepoobond: gaspppp

davepoobond: hold on i’m still gasping.

Mr skatermandude: ………

Mr skatermandude: who the hell r u and what do u want

davepoobond: do you still take it up the butt

davepoobond: this is Dave Nelson

Mr skatermandude: excuse me

Mr skatermandude: but i dont kno u

davepoobond: sure you do, you have my name in your profile

davepoobond: y’see i just found out about this new searching feature on aim

davepoobond: and i searched for everyone that had my name in their profile

davepoobond: and you popped up

Mr skatermandude: sry

Mr skatermandude: the dave nelson i kno is a professional skateboarder

davepoobond: yeah, i know, i skateboard

davepoobond: i’m a pro

Mr skatermandude: who do u ride for

Mr skatermandude: ?

davepoobond: hold on

davepoobond: my agent says no one until the lawsuit is taken care of

Mr skatermandude: right………..

Mr skatermandude: go away

davepoobond: you think you can boss me around?

davepoobond: i have a vault full of coins that i swim in!

davepoobond: that’s what i do in my down time

davepoobond: :-$

davepoobond: :-\

davepoobond: 🙂

davepoobond: =-O

davepoobond: 🙁

davepoobond: :-*

Mr skatermandude: =-OBYE

davepoobond: :-!

Mr skatermandude signed off at 7:16:29 PM.

Previous message was not received by Mr skatermandude because of error: User Mr skatermandude is not available.

#10793: Space Poop -> davepoobond

Space Poop: i love you mom

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: this is patrick right

Space Poop: dont u love me?

Space Poop: no

Space Poop: my name is dmi

davepoobond: unh hunh..

Space Poop: DIMMY

Space Poop: no really

davepoobond: aren’t you supposed to be on spacepoop2002

Space Poop: no

Space Poop: thats patricks SN

Space Poop: mine is spacepopp2001

Space Poop: blah

Space Poop: u kno what i mean

davepoobond: ……….

Space Poop: ………

Space Poop: did u see O

Space Poop: good

Space Poop: dont

Space Poop: it gives u AIDS!

Space Poop: oh so many aids it gives you

Space Poop: well i gotta poo

Space Poop: brb

Space Poop: waddya mean im too retarded to be a camera man?

Space Poop: HELLO

Space Poop: hit it

Space Poop: i like big butts and i cannot lie

Space Poop: A

Space Poop: a

Space Poop: hah!

Space Poop: i typed two letters in teh same second

Space Poop: i have defeted you

davepoobond: no you didnt

Space Poop: yes i did

Space Poop: what r u doing

davepoobond: Space Poop: A

Space Poop: a

davepoobond: 22, then 23

Space Poop: hold on

Space Poop: f

Space Poop:


Space Poop: f

Space Poop: CRAP

Space Poop: g

Space Poop: g

Space Poop: there

davepoobond: nope

davepoobond: Space Poop: g

Space Poop: g

Space Poop:


Space Poop: hah

Space Poop: there

davepoobond: thats cheating

Space Poop: no

Space Poop: i typed 2 letters in one second

Space Poop: d

Space Poop: d

Space Poop: there

davepoobond: Space Poop: d

Space Poop: d

davepoobond: 2 seconds

Space Poop: your rigging it

davepoobond: no i’m not

Space Poop: on my computer it shows its in the same second

Space Poop: ;

Space Poop: ;

davepoobond: that’s cause it doesn’t send it as fast

davepoobond: good job

davepoobond: it did it finally

Space Poop: hoorah

davepoobond: Space Poop: ;

Space Poop: ;

davepoobond: Space Poop (5:15:16 PM): hoorah

Space Poop: poop in a bucket

davepoobond: how’d you send me something from the future

Space Poop: uhhh

Space Poop: im the candy man

Space Poop: maybe i AM the future

Space Poop: ever think about that?

davepoobond: future of gay

Space Poop: no

Space Poop: the future of you

davepoobond: r mom

Space Poop: no

Space Poop: your mom

davepoobond: no, your mom

Space Poop: no, your mom

Space Poop: did u ever milk a cow

Space Poop: i feel like milking a hippo

Space Poop: g2g

Space Poop signed off at 4:19:42 PM.