Tag Archives: udamfuq565

#10699: udamfuq565 -> MIKI5512

I don’t know where I got this.

udamfuq565: Hello Friend

MIKI5512: who is this ?

udamfuq565: You dun know me

udamfuq565: random sn

MIKI5512: how did you get my SN then ?

udamfuq565: My name is Richard Schneider

udamfuq565: Random sn

udamfuq565: dui

udamfuq565: so what do you do for fun?

MIKI5512: eh

MIKI5512: play sports

udamfuq565: what spoooorts?

MIKI5512: baseball, soccer etc.

udamfuq565: o never heard of soccer

udamfuq565: I play Weshball

MIKI5512: what is Weshball?

udamfuq565: it are dhe funnest game

udamfuq565: you see

udamfuq565: we toss this twenty pound weighted phan ball into the pool

udamfuq565: and we swim are tred at the bottom and try to throw it into the goal

MIKI5512: i see

MIKI5512: where are you from and why are you talking to my by the way

udamfuq565: who’s My?

MIKI5512: me

MIKI5512: sorry

udamfuq565: o

udamfuq565: im from new zealand

udamfuq565: and i is bored because weshseasons over

MIKI5512: oh

udamfuq565: what else do ya do pal?

udamfuq565: what interests ya

MIKI5512: hm

MIKI5512: watch movie

udamfuq565: wat else?

MIKI5512: hang out with my friends etc.

udamfuq565: UH HUH

udamfuq565: How come youve never heard of weschball?

udamfuq565: Friencd?

MIKI5512: i play all kinds of sports from baseball, basketball, soccer, but I have never heard of weschball

udamfuq565: *gasp* you should play it ny friend. Even though it’s extreme. You gradually grow bigger lungs. Even though there are some accidents sumtimes like what happened to spermy joe

MIKI5512: good talking to you my friend, but I am going to go now

MIKI5512: good luck finding something to get rid of your boredom

MIKI5512: bye bye

MIKI5512 signed off at 10:23:21 PM.