National Pee-In-A-Pool Day – n. a holiday that occurs on July 7th.
Tag Archives: swimming pool
Joke #18290
MOM: “How about a dip with your crackers?”
TOM: “No, thanks, I don’t want to get crumbs in the pool.”
Joke #18153
Q: How do lifeguards get to school?
A: On a pool bus.
Joke #18064
Q: What’s gray, dives in the swimming pool and goes “Ow!”?
A: An elephant with chlorine in his eyes.
Joke #17931
Q: What did the swimming pool say to the springboard?
A: “You’re diving me crazy!”
Which do ya got?

Joke #11048
Q: Why is it rude to go to the bathroom in a public pool?
A: The public doesn’t swim in your toilet, so you shouldn’t go in their pool.
Joke #9007
Q: How does a dinosaur come out of a pool?
A: Wet!
Joke #5553
Q: What do you call a bunch of White people in a Swimming Pool
A: Rice Bubbles
Joke #5552
Q: What do you call a bunch of Indians in a Swimming Pool
A: Cocoa Pops
Joke #5545
Q: What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs in a swimming pool?
A: Bob
Joke #5311
Q: How do you drown a blonde?
A: Put a scratch n sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool.
yuvarewapa – v. to bitchslap a member of Abba while swimming in pee
tonnjo – v. to throw a TV in a swimming pool
poolab – n. a pool where they experiment on poo